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届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit3Inventors and inventions单元学案19页word解析版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit3Inventors and inventions单元学案19页word解析版2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit3Inventors and inventions单元学案一单元基础训练一、单元单词短语回顾amphibious mfibin adj. 两栖(类)的George Stephenson 乔治斯蒂芬森(英国发明家,蒸汽机的发明人)patent peitnt n. 专利证书;专利权call up 给打电话courtyard k:tj:dn.院子;庭院;天井now and then 偶尔;有时walnut w:lnt n. 胡桃;胡桃木distinguis

2、h distigwi vi. & vt. 显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别merciful m:sifl adj. 宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的product prdkt n. 产品powder paud n. 粉末;火药set about 开始;着手perfume p:fju:m n. 香水;香味stainless steinls adj.无锈的;不锈的;没有污点的jelly deli n. 果冻;果冻状物cube kju:b n. 立方体;立方cubic kju:bik adj. 立方的abrupt brpt adj. 突然的;意外的abruptly brptliadv.突然地;唐突地conveni

3、ent knvi:nint adj.便利的;方便的;就近的caution k:n n. 小心;谨慎expectation ekspekteinn.预料;期待;期望passive psiv adj.被动的;消极的; 被动语态的merry meri adj. 愉快的;高兴的merrily adv. 高兴地;愉快地seize si:z vt. 抓住;捉住;夺recognition rekgnin n. 认出;认可;承认criterion kraitirin n.(评判的)标准;尺度claim kleim n. & vt. 要求;声称;主张valid vlid adj. 有效的;确凿的file fai

4、l n. 文件;档案;文件夹 vt. 提交;将归档ripe raip adj. 熟的;成熟的string stri n. 线;绳子;一串glue glu: n. 胶;胶水 vt.粘贴;粘合rod rd n. 杆;棒freezing fri:zi adj.冰冻的;严寒的greengrocer gri:nh:n n. 果蔬商 (pl)蔬菜水果店identification aidentifikein n. 鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明directory direktri n.电话簿;商行名录dial dail vt. 拨(电话)rainfall reinf:l n. 降雨courtroom k:tr

5、u:m n.法庭;审判室innocent insnt adj. 清白的;无罪的;天真的lantern lntn n. 灯笼;提灯bear b vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担jam dm n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱Alexander Graham 亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔microphone maikrfun n.麦克风;话筒forehead frid n. 额头beaten track 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例occasionallykeinli adv.偶然地;不时地dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入dynamic dainmik adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的;发展变化的set out

6、(to do) 开始(做)multiple mltipl adj. 多种的;多样的;多类型的 n.倍数Morse 莫尔斯电码dot dt n. 点;小圆点 vt. 以小圆点标出;分散tap tp vt. 轻打;轻拍;轻敲 n.轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头wire wai n. 金属丝;电线straw str: n.稻草;麦秆;饮料吸管reproduce ri:prdju:s vt.复制; 再现的形象或声音current krntn.(水或气)流;电流 adj. 现在的;当前的helicopter helikpt n. 直升飞机triangle traigl n. 三角形;三角形物体tetrah

7、edron tetrhi:drn n.四面体stable steibl adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的invaluable invljubladj.无价的;极宝贵的associate suieit vt. 联想;联系 n.同伴;伙伴practical prktikl adj. 实际的;实践的;实用的James Dyson 詹姆斯戴森(英国发明家)refrigerator rifridreit n. 冰箱court k:t n. 法庭;法院;朝廷extension ikstenn n. 电话分机; 扩大;延伸hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障get

8、 through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过ring back 回复电话ring off 挂断电话version v:n n. 版本;译本competence kmpitns n.能力;胜利;本领competent kmpitnt n.能胜任的;有能力的;称职的jeep di:p n. 吉普车personnel p:snel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员二、单元重要句式回顾:根据括号内要求翻译句子1应当教育孩子分辨好坏。(distinguish . from .)Children_should_be_taught_to_distinguish_right_from_wr

9、ong._2似乎你是第一个到这儿的。(seem as if)It_seems_as_if_you_are_the_first_one_here.3她一到家就开始准备午饭。(set about)As_soon_as_she_got_home,_she_set_about_preparing_lunch.4你明天开工方便吗?(convenient)Will_it_be_convenient_for_you_to_start_work_tomorrow?5吉姆习惯于早上早起。(be used to)Jim_is_used_to_getting_up_early_in_the_morning.6他们正

10、在进行癌症起因的研究。(research into/on)They_are_carrying_out_a_research_into/on_the_causes_of_cancer.7如果你不专心学习的话,你绝不可能通过考试。(never放句首)Never_can_you_pass_the_exam_if_you_dont_devote_yourself_to_your_study.8直到他完成了作业,他才上床睡觉。(not . until的强调句)It_was_not_until_he_finished_his_homework_that_he_went_to_bed.9大多数家庭在那场战争

11、中经历了很多(苦难)。(go through)Most_families_went_through_a_lot_in_the_war.10当被提供帮助时,我们应该说“谢谢你”。(过去分词作状语)When_offered_help,_we_should_say_“thank_you”单元综合知识运用一 完形填空提速训练Resealable (可密封的) plastic bags sometimes called by a brand name, such as Ziploc are those little clear plastic bags you use to keep your sand

12、wiches and chips fresh. They usually have some sort of sealing mechanism, like a plastic zipper, which allows you to seal the bag to keep _1_ out.Keeping air away from _2_ allows them to stay fresh longer. Bacteria and other organisms in the air will _3_ food items over time if allowed to come into

13、_4_ with them. Sealed plastic bags keep these organisms _5_ getting to your food.Resealable plastic bags can be used for more than just _6_ sandwiches, chips and snacks to school for lunch. Theyre also used to keep leftovers _7_ in the refrigerator. Many people also use them to _8_ food in the freez

14、er for use in the future.The _9_ of the resealable plastic bag started out in 1951 at a company named Flexigrip, Inc. Flexigrip _10_ a plastic zipper from patents which was bought from _11_ Borge Madsen. These zippers were _12_ used as parts of binders and briefcases.Over time, _13_, plastic zipper

15、bags were developed. Eventually, in 1968, Dow Chemical Company _14_ to market its Ziploc brand of resealable plastic bags to grocery stores. They turned out to be very _15_.Today, these types of bags are _16_ in many different sizes and styles, from snack and sandwich bags to craft and freezer bags.

16、 You can also buy bags with expandable bottoms that _17_ on their own. Some bags even allow you to _18_ food in the microwave!However, now many people try to use _19_ plastic because of its effect on the environment. So manufacturers of resealable plastic bags have taken _20_ to become more environm

17、entally friendly.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了可密封塑料袋的用途及发展史。同时指出,为了减少污染,这种塑料袋的生产厂家也采取措施以使他们的产品更加环保。1A.air BwaterCdust Dfog解析:选A由第二段开头的“Keeping air away”可知,此处指把空气阻挡在外面。2A.plants BcontainersCbags Dfoods解析:选D根据下文中的“Bacteria and other organisms in the air will _3_ food items over time”可知,此处指让空气和食物隔离,以便食物保鲜的时间长些,故选foods。

18、3A.bring in Btake outCbreak down Ddeal with解析:选C空气中细菌和其他微生物会分解食物导致食物变质。break down意为“分解”。4A.relation BcontactCconnection Dcontract解析:选B如果细菌和其他微生物与食物接触,食物将会很快变质。contact意为“接触”;relation意为“关系”;connection意为“连接”;contract意为“合同”。5A.from BagainstCthrough Dbeyond解析:选Akeep . from .为固定搭配,意为“阻止”。6A.following Bpre

19、sentingCsupplying Dtransporting解析:选D下文中的“to school for lunch”说明,此处指携带食物到学校。7A.wet BfreshCthin Dhard解析:选B根据句中的“in the refrigerator”及生活常识可知,它们也被用来保持剩余的食物新鲜。 BcookCshare Dproduce解析:选A本段主要介绍可密封塑料袋能用来保存食物,因此这里指储存食物。9A.result BhumourChistory Dsuccess解析:选C根据下文中的“started out in 1951 at a company nam

20、ed Flexigrip, Inc”可知,此处提到这种可密封塑料袋的历史。10A.discovered BdevelopedCspread Dapproved解析:选B此处表示买了专利以后,研发了塑料拉链。11A.writer BteacherCdoctor Dinventor解析:选D句中patents说明,博尔格马森是一位发明家。12A.eventually BfrequentlyCoriginally Dnaturally解析:选C根据下文中的“Over time, _13_, plastic zipper bags were developed.”可知,此处谈的是塑料拉链袋的最初情况,

21、故选originally。eventually意为“终于”。13A.however BbesidesCtherefore Dotherwise解析:选A最初,塑料拉链袋的用途很少,后来它得到了发展。此处表示转折。14A.agreed BbeganCpromised Dpreferred解析:选B最后,陶氏化学公司开始将塑料拉链袋投入市场。15A.necessary BfamousCfunny Dpopular解析:选D文章介绍了这种塑料袋的发展。它也很受欢迎。16A.precious BexpensiveCavailable Dfashionable解析:选C根据“in many differ

22、ent sizes and styles, from snack and sandwich bags to craft and freezer bags”可知,这些袋子有很多不同的尺寸和样式,在很多地方可以使用。17A.move BstandCfloat Dremain解析:选B根据句中的“bags with expandable bottoms”可知,袋子底部可伸展,因此它能竖起来。18A.heat BtasteCfind Dpurchase解析:选A根据“in the microwave”可知,把食物放入微波炉中,为的是给食物加热。19A.more BsmallerClarger Dles

23、s解析:选D根据“because of its effect on the environment”可知,人们现在尽量少使用塑料袋。20A.chances BstepsCphotos Dorders解析:选B他们已经采取措施以使他们的产品更加环保。take steps意为“采取措施”。二、阅读理解提速练AWe are all fascinated by mysteries. To some extent we love to expect strange phenomena occurring before us. Here are some amazing unsolved mysterie

24、s.The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a giant granite monument (花岗岩纪念碑). Carved in eight different languages on the four giant stones are 10 Guides.The origin of this strange monument is covered in mystery because no one knows the true identity of t

25、he man, or men, who constructed it. All we know is that in June 1979, a man identifying himself as RC.Christian announced that he would build something to convey a message to mankind, but to date, no one knows who RC.Christian really was.Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area of t

26、he Atlantic Ocean. Many planes, ships, and boats are said to have disappeared in this triangle without a trace, which led to the belief that “supernatural” forces exist in this area of the sea.Could there truly be an unnatural force at work in this geographical triangle or are these disappearances m

27、erely coincidence? Either way, numerous people remain unwilling to step over the boundary line into the Devils Triangle.Loch Ness MonsterThe Loch Ness Monster is a legendary animal that supposedly lives in the depths of Loch Ness, a long narrow lake located in rural Scotland.Stories concerning the m

28、onster date back to the 6th century AD. Over the years thousands have reported seeing a long neck appearing from the water with a small head of an unknown creature. Pictures have even been taken of this “creature”, but most scientists refuse to believe any creature of this kind lives in the Loch Nes

29、s. So far, the evidence is inadequate, and the controversy continues.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了世界上三大未解之谜,包括佐治亚州的巨石阵、百慕大三角和尼斯湖水怪。1Why is the Georgia Guidestones mysterious?AIt is on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County.BThere are eight different languages on the stones.CThe person who built it remains unknown.DR. C. Christian could convey a message to mankind.解析:选C细节理解题。根据The Georgia Guidestones部分第二段内容可知,巨石阵很神秘是因为没有人知道是谁建造了它。故选C。2Why are people unwilling to enter the Bermuda Triangle?AIt is too remote from land.BThe chance of surviving is sli

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