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1、外研高中英语必修51课时练习及解析外研高中英语必修五 Module 1 课时练习.品句填词1All these vans are made to a s_design.答案: standard2Hes the managers son but that doesnt qualify him to c_my work.答案: criticise3My first a_at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.答案: attempt4The_(结合)of the 50 states forms the United States of America.答案: comb

2、ination5Soldiers often have_( 与众不同的)insignias on their lapels.答案: distinctive.选词填空1_your help,we were successful.答案: Thanks to2Senior ministers spoke_the bill.答案:in favour of3Exercise can_to your state of health.答案:make a difference4When we stayed in the city of Qingdao,I_the downtown.答案:got around5

3、To my surprise,I found I_a lot_with this stranger.答案:had;in common6Paul_his brother in appearance.答案:is similar to.单项填空1By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_appeared a rare rainbow soon.Aof which Bon whichCfrom which Dabove which解析:根据句意:彩虹应出现在珠穆朗玛峰上面的

4、天空,故用介词above,而of表示所属关系;on表示“在表面上”;from表示“从”,故选D。答案:D2(2012年南京高三模考)If something is “dogeatdog”,it is a situation_people have to take care of themselves and look after their own interests.Aon which Bin whichCby which Dfor which解析:本句考查定语从句。“_people have to.their own interests”是定语从句,situation是先行词,在从句中作状

5、语。答案:B3In the dark street,there wasnt single person_she could turn for help.Athat BwhoCfrom whom Dto whom解析:turn to sb.for help“转向某人寻求帮助”,又因先行词person指人故选to whom。答案:D4It is useful to be able to predict the extent_which a price change will affect supply and demand.Afrom BwithCto Dfor解析:to which源于to.ex

6、tent的短语搭配。答案:C5(2012年浙江卷,2)The development of industry has been _ gradual process throughout _human existence,from stone tools to modern technology. A不填;the Bthe;aCa;不填 Da;a解析:考查冠词。第一空表示“一个渐进的过程”,用冠词a表示一的概念;第二空“existence”为不可数名词,不用冠词a修饰,在这里也没有特指意味,故也不用定冠词the。故正确答案为C。答案:C6Judging from her_,she must be

7、 from Shandong Province,but I dont know which city.Atone BlookCaccent Dvoice解析:考查名词辨析。accent“口音”;tone“音调,语气”;look“样子,外表”;voice“嗓音”。句意:听她的口音,她准是山东人,但我不知道是哪个城市的。答案:C7Thats all I want to say about this matter.Does anyone have anything else to_?Aadd Bhope Cdemand Dcomplete解析:考查动词辨析。add“增加,补充”;hope“希望”;d

8、emand“要求”;complete“完成”。根据语境“关于这件事我要说的就这些”及句中的“anything else”可知此处表示“有谁还有补充的吗?”答案:A8I can feel the air_the sound of childrens laughter far from the classroom.Afilling with Bis filled withCfilled with Dfill with解析:filled with在此处作the air的宾语补足语,与the air构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即fill the air with the sound of.答案:C9At t

9、hat time people continued to get_in horsedrawn vehicles.Aaround BawayCdown Don解析:句意为:当时人们仍乘坐马车旅行。get around“走动,旅行”,符合句意。get away“离开,逃离”;get down“写下,记下”;get on“上车,进展”。答案:A10A_of factors led to her decision to resign.Acollection BtotalCchoice Dcombination解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:综合各种因素之后她决定辞职。combination意为“组合,结合

10、”,符合句意。a collection of“一批”;a total of“总计”;a choice of“的选择”。答案:D11You cant imagine what great difficulty they had _the old couple to move out of the old house.Apersuaded Bwith persuadingBto persuade Dpersuading解析:本句中difficulty是先行词 ,they had.是省略了关系代词的定语从句,从句中出现了have difficulty(in)doing sth.结构。答案:D12Th

11、ere were 47 votes_of the proposal while 13 against it.Ain favor Bin needCin demand Din want解析:in favor of“支持;赞成”;in need “需要”;in demand“需要”;in want“需要”。句意为:有47票支持这项提议,而另外有13票反对它。答案:A13_their timely help,we overcame the difficulties at last.AThanks to BThanks forCAs a result DBecause解析:thanks to是一个介词

12、短语 ,意为“多亏,由于”;C项和D项都缺少介词of。答案:A14Its said that an American starts a speech with a joke,_a Japanese seldom.Aas BwhenCthough Dwhile解析:考查并列句。while此处为并列连词,表示对比含义。答案:D15Following Shenzhou,two more mission space craft_to join with Tian gong1 before the end of 2012.Awill send BsendingCto send Dwill be sent

13、解析:句意:在神八飞船之后,将还有两次太空飞船与天宫一号的对接任务,将在2012年末之前完成。答案:D.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Once a farmer had some puppies to sell.He painted a(n) _16_ advertising th pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard._17_ he was driving the last nail into the post,he felt a s

14、udden pull on his trousers.He _18_ down into the eyes of a little boy.“Mister,” he said,“I want to buy one of your puppies.”“Well,” said the farmer,as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his _19_,“these puppies come from fine parents and _20_ a good deal of money.”The boy _21_ his head for a moment.

15、Then reaching deep into his pocket,he pulled out a handful of _22_ and held it up to the farmer.“Ive got thirtynine cents.Is that enough to take a look?”“Sure,” said the farmer.And with that he _23_ a whistle,“Here,Dolly!” he called._24_ from the doghouse and down the road ran Dolly _25_ by four lit

16、tle balls of fur.As the dogs made their _26_ to the fence,the little boy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse._27_ another little ball appeared,this one noticeably smaller.The little pup began walking unsteadily toward the others,doing its best to _28_.“I want that one,” the little boy

17、said,_29_ at the runt(矮个子)The farmer knelt down at the boys side and said,“Son,you _30_ want that puppy.He will never be able to _31_ and play with you as other dogs would.”With that the little boy _32_ back from the fence,reached down,and began rolling up one leg of his _33_.In doing so he showed a

18、 steel brace(支柱) running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a _34_ made shoe.Looking back up at the farmer,he said,“You see,sir,I dont run too well myself,and he will need someone who understands.”The _35_ is full of people who need someone who understands.16A.sight BpaperCinformation Ds

19、ign解析:由下文可知,农夫要出售小狗,所以画了一个招牌(sign)做广告,其他选项都不符合语境。答案:D17A.Then BBeforeCAs DAfter解析:此处as表示“当的时候”。答案:C18A.put BlookedCknelt Dstared解析:一个小孩拉着农夫的裤腿儿,农夫自然要低头看(look down)。答案:B19A.nose BneckChead Dface解析:由常识判断,脖子(neck)后面会出汗,而鼻子(nose)、头(head)或脸(face)的背面不可能出汗。答案:B20A.spend BspareCmake Dcost解析:农夫说这些小狗要花费(cost)

20、很多钱。答案:D21A.raised BliftedCfell Ddropped解析:小男孩低下头(dropped his head)想了一会儿,然后伸进口袋摸了摸,拿出一把零钱(change)递给农夫。答案:D22A.notes BchangeCsugar Dgoods解析:参见上题解析。答案:B23A.let out Bcarried outCput out Dleft out解析:农夫吹了(let out)一声口哨,let out发出(叫声等);carry out执行;put out扑灭;leave out遗漏,省去。答案:A24A.Up BOverCOut DIn解析:根据语境可知,母

21、狗Dolly是从狗屋里出来的(out),注意此处out引导的是倒装结构。答案:C25A.came BfollowedCwent Dcaught解析:后面跟着四只毛茸茸的小狗。此处用过去分词followed作定语,表示“被跟着”。答案:B26A.step BwayCwalk Ddrive解析:固定词组make ones way表示“行进,前往”。答案:B27A.Quickly BSlowlyCOddly DSadly解析:此时又有一只小狗慢慢地走出来。由后面的walking unsteadily可知应选B。quickly快速地;oddly古怪地;sadly悲伤地,都与语境不符。答案:B28A.g

22、et up Bstand upCcatch up Dmove up解析:这只小狗试图尽全力去赶上(catch up)其他小狗。答案:C29A.moving BpointingCcalling Dturning解析:从常识看,小男孩应该是指着(pointing)那只小狗说“我要那只”。答案:B30A.mustnt BdontCcant Dneednt解析:农夫告诉小男孩:“孩子,你是不会要那只狗的”。mustnt禁止;cant不能;neednt不必,都不符合语境。答案 BsitCwalk Dstand解析:农夫告诉小男孩“这只小狗永远也不会跑(run)”。答案:A32A.ste

23、pped BtalkedCclimbed Dfell解析:小男孩听到这些话后,从篱笆处退后一步(stepped back),弯腰拉起自己的一只裤腿儿(trousers)给农夫看。答案:A33A.clothes BdressesCsweaters Dtrousers解析:参见上题解析。答案:D34A.simply BspeciallyCcarefully Dnewly解析:由上文看,小男孩的这只鞋子应该是特制的(specially made)。答案 BcountryCcity Dworld解析:最后作者感慨:这个世界上有许多人需要人们的理解。答案:D.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从

24、每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。By creating a distinctive username and reusing it on multiple websites,you may be giving online marketers and scammers a simple way to track you.Four researchers from The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) studied over 10 million

25、usernamescollected from public Google profiles,eBay accounts,and several other sources.They found that about half of the usernames used on one site could be linked to another online profile,potentially allowing marketers and scammers to build a more complex picture of the users.“These results show t

26、hat some users can be profiled just from their usernames,” says Claude Castelluccia,research director of the security and privacy research group at INRIA,and one of the authors of a paper on the work.“More specifically,a profiler could use usernames to identify all the profiles that belong to the sa

27、me user,and then use all the information contained in these sites to profile the victim.”Those who have more unique usernames are more likely to be attacked.The INRIA researchers have created a tool that can check how unique a username is,and thus how easily an attacker could use it to build a profi

28、le of a person.Researchers are exploring ways that the traces of data that people leave on different websites could be combined and used to track them.A 2010 paper showed that the online groups to which people belonged could be used to infer their real identity in 42 percent of cases.Building profiles of consumers using online in

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