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老友记 笔记209The One With Phoebes Dad.docx

1、老友记 笔记209The One With Phoebes DadThe One With Phoebes Dad209菲比的爸爸 丑陋裸男装点圣诞树。 莫妮卡和瑞秋为了省钱,做了些饼干代替圣诞节小费,支付给报童、邮差和管理员等等。 结果送来的报纸撕裂了,邮包也砸坏了。 她们的暖气关不掉了,电工也不修理,她们疑心他也在为没收到钱而生气。 虽然室内温度很高,瑞秋和莫妮卡照样举行了盛大的圣诞派对。 罗斯想和瑞秋重修旧好。他建议她也列一张他的缺点表。 当她真的开了单子,罗斯又对她的抱怨感到迷惑不解。 菲比发现她对生父的了解(甚至连照片)都全是谎言。 她祖母说其实她生父住得不远,于是菲比带上钱德和乔伊

2、去探望父亲。 到门口了她却说,我还没准备好! 钱德和乔伊只得在圣诞前夜才忙着节日采购。 2.09 The One With Phoebes DadUgly Naked Guy decorates his tree. Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc. Then they receive mangled(adj.损毁的) papers and smash

3、ed packages; when their heater wont turn off and the super doesnt fix it, they fear hes also upset about not getting cash. Despite the heat, Rachel and Monica have a big Christmas party. Ross tries to make amends with Rachel. He tells her to make a list about him, so she does; he obsesses about her

4、complaints. Phoebe discovers that everything she thought she knew about her biological father(n.亲生父亲) (including his picture) is a lie. Her grandmother knows where he lives, and its not far. Phoebe (accompanied by Chandler and Joey) goes to visit him, but eventually decides shes not ready. Chandler

5、and Joey have to do their Christmas shopping late on Christmas eve.Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Monica, Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe are there. Phoebe is looking out the window.Phoebe: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ugly Naked Guy is decorating his tree. Oh my God, you should see the size of his Christmas Balls

6、.Joey: Hey.Chandler: Hey.Rachel: Hey.Joey: Hey, how much did you guys tip the super this year?tip vt.给小费/super n.supervisor管理员Chandler: Yeah, we were gonna give fifty, but if you guys gave more, we dont wanna look bad.Monica: Oh, actually this year we just made him homemade cookies.homemade adj.自制的C

7、handler: And twenty-five it is.Joey: You gave him cookies?Monica: Money is so impersonal. Cookies says someone really cares. . . Alright, were broke, but cookies do say that.impersonal adj.没有人情味的 冷淡的/broke adj.没有钱的Phoebe: I can see that. A plate of brownies once told me a limerick.brownie n.果仁巧克力小方块

8、蛋糕/limerick n.五行打油诗Chandler: Phoebs, let me ask you something, were these funny brownies?Phoebe: Not especially. But you know, I think they had pot in them.pot brownie is a kind of popular food for youths who are eating when there is something big to celebrate, by sharing this marijuana(n.大麻)-laced(

9、adj.掺入的) brownies, you hit the highRoss: So you guys, who else did you tip with cookies?Rachel: The mailman, the super.mailman n.邮差Monica: Oh, and the newspaper delivery guy.(Joey opens the door and picks up the remnants of the newspaper)remnant n.残余 剩余Joey: Oh my God.Rachel: What?Joey: I dont think

10、 youre gonna like this.(Joey shows them the torn-up newspaper)torn-up adj.撕碎了的Rachel: Ooh, gosh,these are cookies smashed in the sports section.smash v.打碎 打破/the sports section n.体育新闻栏Monica: Oh look, and he did my crossword puzzle.crossword puzzle n.猜字谜Ross: Yeah, but not very well, unless 14-acros

11、s, Gershwin musical actually is bite me bite me bite me bite me.musical n.音乐剧/bite meA slightly more polite way to say Fuck off you prick/George Gershwin (September 26, 1898 July 11, 1937) was an American composer and pianist. He wrote most of his vocal and theatrical works in collaboration with his

12、 elder brother, lyricist Ira Gershwin. George Gershwin composed songs for both Broadway and the classical concert hall. He also wrote popular songs with success.Opening TitlesScene: Central Perk. Monica, Chandler, and Joey are seated at couches. Rachel is working behind the seated at v.坐在

13、Joey: I cant believe its Christmas already. I mean, one day youre eatin turkey, the next thing, your lords are leapin and you geese are layin.lord n.地主 /leap v.跳 跳越/goose n.鹅/lay v.生蛋Chandler: Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year.Ross: Hey guys.All: Hey.Ross: Hey Rach. I got you a lit

14、tle present. Ill open it. Its a Slinky! Remember. Walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, everyone knows its. just a big spring. Alright, you still mad at me because of the whole.slink vi.悄悄地溜走/in pairs adv.成双地/spring n.弹簧/Slinky is a helix(n.螺旋结构)-shaped toy that can travel down stairs end-over-end a

15、s it stretches and re-forms itself with the aid of gravity and its own momentum.Rachel: Horrible and degrading list of reasons not to be with me?degrading adj.有辱人格的Ross: How about from now on,we just call it the unfortunate incident? Hey Gunther, you got stairs in your place?from now on adv.从现在起Gunter: Yeah.Ross: Here, go nuts.Hey guys.All: HeyChandler: Whats in the bag?Ross: Just some presents.Joey: Come on,show us what you bought.You know you want to.Ross: Ok. Ok, this is a picture frame from Ben to my

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