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中职英语基础模块Would you mind saying somethingaboutyour教案.docx

1、中职英语基础模块Would you mind saying somethingaboutyour教案xxx市xx职业学校导学案首页课程 班级 任课教师 年 月 日 第 周课题或教材章节名称Unit 6 Would you mind saying something about your work experience?总课时教学目标知识、能力目标1.能正确使用与求职相关的单词、短语、句子,能描述自己的性格特征(hardworking, outgoing.),长处及工作经历等。2. 听-能够识别求职面试时面试者给的相关信息,并能做出相应的回答。 说-能够询问面试的结果或回答相关询问(When c

2、an I know the result?) 读-能识别英语招聘广告的信息,能阅读英语求职信并提取相关信息。 写-能根据所学,写出个人的英文简历及求职信。3. 能使用Which, that, who引导的定语从句来说明人和事物。 能使用When, where引导的定语从句来说明时间和地点。德育目标1. 了解并体验求职面试时的场景,做好求职面试的相关准备。2. 热好学习,提高自身能力。教学重点1.能正确使用与求职相关的单词、短语、句子,能描述自己的性格特征,长处及工作经历等,对自身进行了解。2.能根据所学,写出个人的英文简历及求职信。4. 能使用Which, that, who,whom引导的定

3、语从句来说明人和事物。 能使用When, where引导的定语从句来说明时间和地点。教学难点1.英语简历及求职信的写作。2.定语从句教具教法授课内容及课时分配Words & Expressions, lead-in. Job interview 2课时Reading and writing 3课时Who, whom, that, which, whose, as引导的定语从句用法 4课时When, where,why引导的定语从句用法 1课时专项练习 1课时作业布置另附课后小结:教务科、师傅检查记录 签名: 日期:xxx市xx职业学校导学案内页教学过程学生活动和补充内容Unit 6 Would

4、 you mind saying something about your work experience?第一、二课时 包括new words, Lead-in, speaking三部分,具体内容为:掌握职业名称和职业技能相关的词汇与短语,听懂并掌握面试的简单对话,能准确地表述工作经历、教育背景、职位要求和个人能力。教学步骤Step One New words 学习并识记与本单元相关的词汇与短语,如: application appreciate interview major instruction opportunity overtime position resume contact

5、offer additional available challenging cooperative exprienced full-time part-time hard-working outgoing personalpersonality application form apply for be qualified for make itYou can make it. financial accounting communicate with work as deal withget along with be avavilable Step Two Vocabulary prac

6、tice (P94)Activity 17. Ask Ss to read Activity17 and try to match the words on the left and expressions on the right to make some phrases.(设计意图:让学生通过完成本练习,复习本单元短语,并记住它们的用法。)2. Activity 19. Go through the expressions in the form with the students and make sure they understand themAsk students to read

7、 the sentence and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given expressions (设计意图:引导学生关注复习所给的有用词汇,并运用这些词汇完成句子。) Step Three Lead-inAsk Ss to look at the topic picture and read the title of this unit and guess what will be learned in this unit. Elicit the topic of this unit to the Ss.(设计意

8、图:通过本单元的主题图和题目引入本单元的话题,让学生了解本单元所涉及的内容。)Activity 18(P94). Ask and answer. 1) do you like challenging jobs? 2) What kind of personality do you have? 3) what king of job do you want to apply for? 4) what job are you qualified for? 5) Have you ever waitten a resume? 6) Have you got any work experience?

9、7) What strong points do you have? (通过提问的方式,大致让老师及学生自己了解现在学生的职业理想及他们自身的优缺点,并加以引导。)Step Four Speaking Activity 6. Ask Ss to read Activity 6. Remind Ss to pay attention to the useful and important words about interview. Then underline these sentences about job interview to complete Activity 6. Check t

10、he answer with the class, let students to job interview.Would you please tell me something about yourself? Could you tell me something about your last job? How do you think you can fit in ? How is your English? What is your strength/ strong points? I once worked in.I graduated from I began to work a

11、s inIm good at /I do well in I communicate with I used to.(设计意图:进一步了解面试中的英语对话内容,培养学生听细节的技巧,并学会相关的面试中的英文表达)Step Five SummaryMake a short summary of what weve learned in this period.Key vocabulary: schedule appointments and meetings interview major financial accounting communicate with work as compete

12、nce used to correspond with look for requirement positionSentence Patterns about interview:Would you please tell me something about yourself?My name is I graduated from My major is Can you tell me about your last job?I began to work as inHow do you think you can fit in our supermarket/ company?Im ve

13、ry good at Were looking for awho canHow is your spoken English/written English /?I know English competence is a key requirement of this position.(设计意图: 总结回顾本堂课所学内容,加深印象。)Step Six HomeworkTry to remember the vocabulary and important sentences in the dialogueOffer students some information, and ask th

14、em to make up another similar dialogue to practice the important sentences about interview.(设计意图: 课后进一步练习巩固本堂课所学内容。)第三、四课时 阅读一篇求职信,读懂文章内容并根据短文内容完成短文后练习题,学会求职相关的常用句型和表达方式,能写简单的英文求职信以及个人简历。教学步骤Step One Lead-in与学生共同探讨当今社会的我们面临着的一个巨大压力找工作找工作难 高不成,低不就;专业不对口;自身能力不足(blind spot)等 怎么找到自己喜欢的工作,你需要考虑的因素(设计意图:让

15、学生讨论找工作考虑的因素,引出本课时的话题,为后面的阅读做准备。)Step Two Reading Activity 9. Ask student to go through the passage and circle the factors referred to in the Activity 8 in pairs. Then check the answers with the class. (collect 5 pairs answers, if there are some different answers, let students discuss and find out t

16、he correct answers.)Work experience: Im working as a part-time tour guide in a travel agency.Good study results: During the past three years, Ive worked hard and done well in all the major courses. In fact, Im the top student in my class.Teamwork: Ive gained a wealth of experience in carrying out gu

17、ide duties and cooperating with others.Communication skills: I can introduce sightseeing spots in English and communicate with English speakers freely.(设计意图:让学生通过快速阅读,了解短文大意,并按要求找出所需信息。 若有不正确答案,通过讨论辨明文章内容,找出正确信息。)Activity 10 Ask students to read the passage again and try to finish the Resume. Then c

18、heck the answers with the class. (ask a few pairs to show their answers and ask other pairs to tell whether their answer are right or not)(设计意图:再次阅读,让学生对短文内容进步了解,还应了解个人简历要包含哪些信息及注意事项。)Ask students to read the passage carefully and try to find out the important, useful expressions and sentences in gr

19、oups of four. They have to write down their expressions and sentences and try to explain them to the others. Several minutes later, ask several groups to show their results. In the end, read the expressions and sentences aloud.Im writing to apply for the position of Im going to graduate fromI do wel

20、l in Ive obtainedIve gained a wealth of experience in and cooperating with others.Im active in I feel the job you are offering is the one I am hunting for.Ill appreciate the opportunity to meet with you for personal interview.(设计意图:本环节旨在让学生学会合作学习, 并更好地了解学生的需要。 注意: 教师做好指导和控制工作。不花太多时间, 必要时给予学生适当的帮助,以达

21、到较好理解短文的目的。)Step three WritingActivity 13.Ask Ss to read the wanted ad from Activity 13 and discuss.Ask Ss try to fill the application form and oorrect them.Teacher show the application forms. 英文求职信的内容和格式(附samples)写求职信的目的是争取面试机会,换句话说,也就是要使对方相信你是一个值得考虑的人选。最有效的方法莫如强调你为何可于将来成为他可用之材。以下建议供你参考:(Your telep

22、hone number) (Your address)The Advertiser(His Address)(Date) Dear Sir,Re: APPLICATION FOR (THE POST)-.( Beginning of the letter).(Introducing yourself).(About your personal ability).(About the enclosure and other).(Ending)Yours faithfully,_Wang Dazhong1在信中你必须要以一两句话来表达你为何会对你所应征的工作感兴趣。2告诉收信人你是从何处获悉对方有


24、时间限制得太紧。7措词项直接,不要转弯抹角。要给对方一个印象你所感兴趣的是他的公司和他所提供的工作性质,而非你自己的个人兴趣。你也须表示礼貌,但不要太过份,更不要表示谦卑。8不要为你的技能、经验过份夸张而使人产生自吹自擂的感觉,也不要过份谦躬、必须有碗讲碗、有碟讲碟。也不要自称品学兼优、勤奋好学、工作态度认真等等,这些应该是担保人说的话,不是你自己说的话。9. 到最后检查你的求职信,反复阅读,看清楚没有问题才寄出你这封信。Sample Letters of ApplicationDear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish to apply for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc)I am twentyfive years old and a graduate of _ college. My experience in

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