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the big bang theory S2E23.docx

1、the big bang theory S2E23Oh,boy.咋了?What?在不违反我不得批评你的工作 协议之下 我无法做出评价那干吗说好家伙的?Then what was Oh,boy?已经是极度的克制了Great restraint on my part.我的科学工作又没错Theres nothing wrong with the science here.也许你说的科学和我认为的 是完全两码事Perhaps you mean a different thing than I do when you say,Science.好吧 现在呢?Okay,hows that?实际上一开始你就是

2、对的You actually had it right in the first place.你又被我给忽悠了一把Once again,youve fallen for one of my classic pranks.砰呯浜!(泡泡龙游戏里的声音)Bazinga!这邮件不多见啊Now heres a peculiar e-mail.校长要我明天早上八点 去一趟他的办公室The president of the university wants me to meet him at his office tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.- 为啥? - 没说啊 肯定有急事

3、- Why? - It doesnt say. It must be an emergency.学校里每个人都知道我八点吃早餐 八点二十开始做肠道运动Everyone at the university knows I eat breakfast at 8:00 and move my bowels at 8:20.没错 没有Twitter之前我们是怎么活的?Yes,how did we live before Twitter?我想你明天早上就会知道了I guess youll find out what it is in the morning.那还有14个钟头呢Thats 14 hours

4、 away.在接下来的840分钟里 我就是海森堡的一颗微粒 (德国物理学家 量子力学创始人之一)c我要么只知道自己在哪儿 要么只知道自己有多快I know where I am or I know how fast Im going,but I cant know both.这么件烦人的事儿在我脑海盘旋 我这要怎么活下去?Yet how am I supposed to carry on with this huge annoying thing hovering over my head?是啊 感同身受Yeah,I know the feeling.Leonard Leonard Leona

5、rdLeonard? Leonard? Leonard?Sheldon 现在是凌晨2点Sheldon,its 2:00 in the morning.为啥大伙儿都告知我现在几点?Why is everybody keep telling me what time it is?大伙儿?Everybody?你 校长 他妻子 还有他们闷闷不乐的小女儿You,the president of the university,his wife,their sullen teenage daughter.他们一家子都像着了魔似的 关注时间生怕别人不知道That entire family is fascin

6、ated by what time it is and whether people know it.你大半夜的跑到Seibert校长家去了?You went to President Seiberts house in the middle of the nig?他没回我的邮件 我也没他电话号码He didnt respond to my e-mail,his phone number is unlisted.我还有其他选择么Tell me what my other option was.你可以等到明天早上啊You could have waited until morning.我知道 又

7、是鸡同鸭讲I know,look who Im talking to.还记得我提交给国家科学 基金会的拨款提议吗?Do you remember the grant proposal I submitted to the National Science Foundation用来检测北极缓慢移动的磁单极to detect slow-moving monopoles at the magnetic North Pole?只要不想这事 日子都没发过Hardly a day goes by when I dont think about it.嗷 真棒啊Aw,how nice.国科基金会极地科考队

8、在最后一刻出现一个空位Well,a space opened up at the last minute on the NSF expedition to the Arctic Circle.等等Wait a minute.- 他要把你送去北极? - 是的- He offered to send you to the North Pole? - Yes.事实上 他还相当热心呢In fact,he was quite enthusiastic.他说坦白讲 如果今晚就能 把你送过去 我绝不犹豫He said,Frankly,if I could send you tonight,I would.那

9、好啊 你想去么?Okay,well,do you want to go?当然不想了 我是个理论物理学家Of course not. Im a theoretical physict.我选择这个职业主要是因为 它是室内工作A career I chose in no small part because its indoors,要是我能去北极探测 缓慢移动的磁单极的话but if Im able to detect slow-moving magnetic monopoles there,我会成为确认弦理论的人了I will be the scientis to confirm string t

10、heory.人们会为我著书立传People will write books about me.三年级的小盆友们会用通心粉 作透视画来描绘我的生活Third-graders will create macaroni-art dioramas depicting scenes from my life.没错 也许是我玩命把你打死的生动场面Sure,maybe a tableau of me trying to pummel you to death.- 讽刺? - 也许- Sarcasm? - Maybe.我可真是进退两难啊Im on the horns of a dilemma.你能想象我 S

11、heldon Cooper 在北极的情景么?Can you imagine me,Sheldon Cooper,at the North Pole?小菜啦 我正在想象呢Easy peasy,Im doing it right now.Leonard 我可怕冷了Im not good with cold,Leonard.我们有多少次从电影院里逃出来How often have we had to leave a movie theater就因为我喝冰吸太猛导致头疼了because I got a headache from drinking the Icee too fast?- 我没法去 -

12、那就别去咯- I cant go. - Well,then dont go.这话你也说得出口?How can you say that?终生难遇的科研机会出现在眼前 可我最好的朋友劝我说别去The scientific opportunity of a lifetime presents itself and my best friend says Dont go.- 好吧 那去咯 - 你听听- All right,then go. - Listen to you.我怎么能去呢?How can I possibly go?Sheldon 我要说什么你才肯罢休 放我回去睡觉哇?Sheldon,w

13、hat are the words I can say right now to end this conversation and let me go back to sleep?奇怪 Seibert校长也是这么问我的Odd,President Seibert posed the exact same question.- 怎么解决的? - 没解决啊- How was it resolved? - It wasnt.他妻子把他们家的狗放了出来 导致这个问题最终悬而未决His wife set their dogs on me and rendered the question moot.你想

14、想 如果他答应了 我们就一夏天不用对着Sheldon了Just imagi. If he says yes,well have an entire summer without Sheldon.可以出去玩We could play outside.可以坐在沙发左边儿We could sit on the left side of the couch.我可以在八点二十上厕所I could use the bathroom at 8:20.我们的梦想还真够小的 不是吗?Our dreams are very small,arent they?好消息 我暂时同意了.Good news,gentlem

15、en,I have tentatively accepted.好耶!Yeah!加入极地科考队的邀请the invitation to join the Arctic Expedition.- 我们会想念你的 - 祝你好运- Its not gonna be the same without you. - Godspeed.多谢 不过你们情绪释放的太早了Thank you,but your sentiments may be premature.噢 我有不祥的预感Ooh,I dont like where this is going.我建议.I would like to propose. that the three of you accompany me.让你们仨陪我一起去去北极?To the North Pole?是的Yes.是为了防止你不在时 我们碰你东西?Is this just so we wont touch your

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