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1、英语四六级和考研2011年第二次英语四六级考试已经临近,为了帮助考级的同学顺利通过此次考试,万学海文特为大家准备了一些考试技巧和作文模版,希望大家在复习的过程中能充分利用这些宝贵资料,顺利通过考试。每个即将参加考试的同学都知道,四六级考试中最重要的是阅读和听力,这两部分占了接近百分之七十的分数,所以要想成功通过四六级考试,我们一定要做到阅读、听力得高分。 听力部分听力方法:1、 有的地方听听力要求同学们自己带耳机,所以考试之前一定要先找好频道,待耳机调试好之后,就不要乱动了,放在一边,等开始放听力时直接拿来用。2、 一般做完作文和快速阅读,老师要开始收第一次的试卷。你的任务是:带上耳机不要乱调

2、台,开始看听力!先把题目看一遍。 按照现在的考试顺序,听力一般是放在第三部分,也就是在首期第一次试卷之后,同学们,这个时候对于我们来说时间太珍贵了,在老师收试卷的时候,抓紧时间阅读听力,集中精力以最快的速度,将听力的内容阅读一遍。也许有的同学感觉时间不够用,不要着急!把题目的主干部分看看,重点的部分可以画画圈圈,四个选项先不要看了。3、 在听力过程中,一定要注意力集中,不可听不懂就不想听了,要有耐心!听力技巧:1. 时间与数字题时间题的四个选项都是表达时刻的数字,或是星期、年、月等词数字题选项可能是纯粹的数字或是带有货币符号的数字 正确答案不时直接听到的数字,往往意思相近或相同、或是换一种表达

3、,或是要求进行四则运算 数字关系用more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after 之类的形容词、副词或介词短语表示,多为时间题例1A: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?B: Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6:30am. But on weekends it starts half an hour later.Q: when did the second bus leave on Satur

4、day?a)7:30 b)8:00 c)8:30 d)9:00 例2 A: Sorry, Mr. Smith is not in. May I have him return your call? B: Yes, thank you Im at 6330872sorry its 6338720. Q: whats the mans telephone number?a)6330872 b)6380372 c)6338720 d)63387262. 地点与方向题 2.1 在地点题中,有的地点能直接提到,有的需要根据内容判断(一般问对话发生地),还有的两者兼有。选项由 介词+地点名词构成问对话发生

5、地 in/on+地点问方向 to/from/out of +地点 2.2 首先根据卷面线索判断试题类型。对第一类题重点听跟地点有关的常用词或词组,例如听到reserve, check in, check out之类的话对话可能发生在旅店;听到size, color, pay, discount 对话可能发生在商店。 对于考方向的试题,必须注意对话的细节,不要单凭从对话中获得的孤立信息来确定答案。在听录音时可以画一些草图帮助理解。2.3 有些地点需要通过逻辑判断来理解猜出正确答案。A: I have just got back from the holiday you arranged for

6、me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroom was dirty.B: Sorry about that but its not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.Q: Where is the conversation most probably takin

7、g place?a) at the airport b)in a travel c)in a hotel d)at homeb) 3. 观点、态度与反应题此类题考查对话双方对某事或某人的观点和看法。有时可以直接听到,但是大部分需要从说话人的语调、语气以及所使用的词汇、短语等方面来进行推理和判断。选项特征为:1) 一般为完整的句子2) 某一选项可能含有think, should, agree(disagree), shareopinion, like(dislike), will等词3) 提问方式有:What did the woman/man say about?Whats the woman

8、s/mans attitude towards/opinion about?What does the woman/man mean/imply (by saying)?What did the woman/man think of?What does the man think the woman should do?应对策略:1) 凡在选项中出现agree(disagree), shareopinion, like(dislike)等词就是判断第二个人是否同意第一个人的观点,所以在听录音时注意听第二个人的话,也就是言外之意。平时多积累一些表示赞同和反对的习语。You can say it

9、again.I cant agree with you any more.I cant agree more. / I cant agree you more.I doubt.Id rather2) 选项中出现should, ought to 等词语,答案很肯能出现在第一个人的话里,也要随即应变。如果选项中出现he should/the man should重点听女生;反之亦然。3) 选项中出现mean, think, will 的题,通常有两种情况,其一是说话人用了虚拟语气来表达愿望;其二是找一个借口(用but来引导)来拒绝对方的邀请、建议等。例如:1. A: Isnt that a new

10、 brand of typewrite you are working at?B: Oh, Bill isnt the first time youve asked me about it.Q: what does the woman imply?a) The man is a forgetful person b) The typewriter is not new c) The man can have the typewriter later d) The man misunderstood her2. A: Some people know a lot more than they t

11、ell.B: Unfortunately the reverse is also true.Q: What does the man mean?a) Some people pretend to know what they really dontb) What the woman said is truec) What the woman said is wrongd) He knows more than the woman does4. 身份与职业题型 此类题型包括人物的职业、身份以及与他人的关系。此类对话经常提供一个情节,反应所涉及的人物的关系和身份。此类题型有固定格式,要么是四个不同

12、的职业,要么是四对不同身份的人。听录音时善于捕捉关键词,常见提问形式有:1. Who (what) is the man/woman?2. What is the mans/womans profession/occupation?3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?5. 原因与结果题型此类题型较难根据卷面线索判断题型,因此不宜费时推断正确答案。选项特征:1) 四个选项通常都是完整的陈述句2) 至少有一个选项暗示出该事实可能导致某种结果,通常有好几个选项的事实能导致同一结果3) 选项中可能出现cant, n

13、ot be able to, tooto, have to等词或词组。例子:A: Suppose the company offered you a pay rise of 50%, would you be so determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?B: Yes Ive set my mind on it; Id like to find a job with scope to show my ability.Q: why has the man decided to leave the company?a) He is not

14、equal to the jobb) He is not well paid for his workc) He doesnt think the job is challenging enoughd) He can not keep mind on his work6. 事件情景题型此种题型的形式一般为:对话双方围绕某件事、某个主题进行讨论,在谈话中涉及情景、背景或描述环境,然后针对谈话内容提问。What are the two speakers discussing?What does the man/woman say about?What can you learn from the

15、conversation?此类考查可分为事件细节题、综合理解题、推理题对于考查细节题,只需听清楚整个谈话的内容以及个别的词语其他两种题型,需要将内容和细节连贯起来进行整体的综合理解和逻辑推理例子:1. A: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?B: yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.Q: what happened to Mike?a) His car was hit by a

16、nother carb) He was hurt while playing volleyballc) He fell down the stairsd) While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.2.A: I have to think about your offer I cant say “yes” or “no” at the moment.B: you can take your time. It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.Q: which of

17、 the following is true?a) the man thinks the woman is wasting her timeb) the man thinks the woman should make full use of her timec) the man is eager to know the womans answerd) the man can wait and there is no need for her to hurry阅读部分阅读部分,建议大家先看一下问题题干,找到专有名词、人名地名、时间等等,然后通读文章要看一下首段及各段的首句,尤其要注意上下文之间

18、的转折句。第三步回原定位,最后一步就是要核对选项,找出正确答案。阅读中常考的地方:1、列举处常考 列举处指的是 First, ., Second,., Third,., 等并列关系词出现的部分。要求考生从列举出的内容中 , 选出符合题干要求的答案项。列举方式有时不用数字排序 , 而是采取句式排比的方式进行。2、 举例与打比方的地方常考 为了使自己的观点更具有说服力,更加明确 ,作者常以具体的例子来佐证。这些例子或比喻常会成为考点,因此考生应对那些引出这些例子或比喻的标志词加以注意。这类词很多,常见的有as, such, for example, for instance, a case, in

19、 point 等。3、 (指示)代词出现处常考 这类考题 ,常用来考查考生是否真正理解上下文之间的句子关系和意义。4、 引用人物论断处常考 作者为正确表达自己观点或使论点更有依据 , 常会引用某些权威人士的论断或采纳其重要发现等。命题者常在此处做文章。5、 特殊标点符号后的内容常考 由于特殊标点符号后的内容常是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明, 因此命题者常对标点符号后的内容进行提问。具体说,特殊标点符号包括:破折号(表解释),括号(表解释),冒号(表解释),引号(表引用)。阅读选择技巧:若针对举例子、引用名人言论、特殊符号 ( 如冒号、引号、破折号 ) 后内容出题 , 可只读例子、名人言论、符号

20、前后句内容 , 然后与选项对号入座。 例题CET4 1999 年1月第2篇 President Coolidges statement “The business of America is business, still point to an important truth today -that business institution have more prestige(威望)in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Q: The statement The b

21、usiness of America is business probably means_. Athe business institution in America are concerned with commerce Bbusiness problems are of great importance to the American government Cbusiness is of primary concern to Americans DAmerica is a great power in world business 选项中照抄或似乎照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义词替换的

22、选项一般是答案。 例题:CET4 1997年6月第3篇 Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday when traffic was light on the citys highways. In addition, changes made to the constructions codes in Los Angeles during the last 2O years have strengthened the ci

23、tys buildings and highways, making them more resistant to earthquake. Q: One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low is that_. Anew computers had been installed in the buildings Bit occurred in the residential rather than on the highways Clarge numbers of Los

24、 Angeles residents had gone for a holiday Dimprovements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways 选项中表达意义较具体,或肤浅地表达了字面意思的,一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。 例题:CET4 2000年1月第1篇 Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2)How bad

25、 the consequences are if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid(小行星) big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Q: What do scientists say about the collision of an asteroid with Earth? AIt is very unlikely but the danger exists. BSuch a collision might occur

26、 every 25 years. CCollisions d smaller asteroids with Earth occur more often than expected. DIts still ear1y to say whether such a collision might occur.选项内容与其他三项有较大差别的 , 可能为答案。 例题:CET4 1996年6月第3篇 Most our patients(注:指上文中提到的terminally ill patients) welcomed another human being with whom they could t

27、alk openly, honestly, and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their tremendous need to be informed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition and to be told when the end was near. Q: The need of a dying patient for company shows_. Ahis desire for communication with other

28、people Bhis fear of approaching death Chis pessimistic attitude towards his condition Dhis reluctance to part with his family答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案。这些语气词有 :must, always, never, the most,al1,merely,only,have to, any, no, completely, none, hardly 等。而选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有:could, may, often, should

29、, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily等。细节题干扰项特点:(1)与原句内容相反;(2)与原文内容一半相同一半不同;(3)与原句内容相似但过于绝对化;(4)原文中根本没提到。 作文部分写作时,要从切题、结构和语言三方面检查自己的文章是否达到大纲的要求。篇幅应以题目要求的数量为准,不要太少,更不要太多。书写要工整,立意要新颖,论理要充分,过渡要流畅。 注意时态、人称、定冠词这些简单的语法一定要用正确。此外,对于名人名言或是谚语

30、俗语等要慎用,不要在记不清或不懂原文意思的情况下乱用。四六级作文中的议论文主要有四个类型分别是:原因分析型、问题解决型、对比选择型以及观点论证型。但建议大家在准备模版时最好用问题解决型这一类,基本上是没有问题的。现将这四种类型文章的段落分布情况,每段要点及常用模板介绍:一. 原因分析型文章基本可以分为三个部分即:描述现象引出问题-分析现象产生的原因-总结其优点及弊端第一段1.With the development of society, the problem of现象 has aroused nation wide attention among public. 现象表现第二段2.To t

31、he best of my knowledge, several reasons can be identified to account for this 现象3.In the first place原因14.In the second 原因25.Last but not the least 原因3第三段6.As far as I am concerned 优点7.For all the advantages mentioned above, 现象 is by no means without its limitation.8.缺点二. 问题解决型 文章基本可以分为三个部分即:提出解决问题的必要性-分析现象产生的原因-提出解决办法第一段1. Recently, there has been a growing concern among the public over the issu

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