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专题15 完型填空讲备战中考英语二轮复习讲练测原卷版.docx

1、专题15 完型填空讲备战中考英语二轮复习讲练测原卷版备战2017年中考二轮讲练测专题15:完型填空(讲案)一讲考点考点梳理 完形填空是中考英语里面最重点考查情景理解和运用的部分,大部分同学都能够答对一部分然而很难拿到高分甚至全分。为你总结了针对完形填空的做题技巧,各位同学要用心体会,早日练就学霸之剑哦!针对完形填空,有各种多层次、全方位的理解技法,但其中以总体把握法、词语搭配法、语法判定法、语境联想法、举例对比法最为重要。1.快速通读全文,掌握短文大意。快速掌握文中的时间、地点、人物及事件。认真阅读短文开头的第一、二句,及每段的第一句,结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。准确地预测和推断短文的





6、顺畅;(2)所填单词是否是最佳单词;(3)所填单词搭配是否有误。二讲题型题型解析【例题一】 Once again, I was at a new school. was a girl in my class named Paris. That was where the similarities ended. I was tall and she was small. I was one of the in the class while she was the youngest. My hair was thick, short and ugly while hers was long an

7、d beautiful. I couldnt stand her, considering her my . But she wanted to be friends. One day, she invited me over and I said yes I was too to say no. Actually, no one had invited me over to before. But this girl, who wore the latest fashions, wanted to see me. When we got to the she shared with her

8、sister, she took out a big case of Barbies which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. But we sat on the floor of a walk-in cupboard as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. Thats when we that we both wanted to be writers when we were older. We both had wild . We had a great time

9、 that afternoon. Our jaws (下巴) ached from smiling so much. She me her outfits, which had mostly come from a designer clothing store. The woman who owned it sometimes used her a model for her newspaper ads and gave her clothes in exchange. Paris charmed the whole neighborhood. The owners lent her fas

10、hion magazines down the block, the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her free pieces. Soon I was included in her world. We slept over at each others houses and spent every free moment together. Paris, my first real friend since childhood, helped me get through my tough teena

11、ge and taught me an amazing thing about making friends: Your “worst enemy” can turn out to be your best friend.1A. So B. NeitherC. Either D. Or2A. oldest B. strongestC. tallestD. smartest 3A. leader B. angle C. hero D. enemy4A. surprised B. satisfied C. stressedD. worried5A. study B. play C. chat D.

12、 sing6A. kitchen B. balcony C. bedroomD. garden7A. talking B. thinking C. shouting D. laughing8A. broke out B. worked outC. took outD. found out 9A. instructionB. imagination C. information D. interest10A. sentB. showedC. provided D. passed11A. for B. with C. as D. by12A. supermarketB. museum C. boo

13、kshop D. community13A. sell B. have C. borrowD. make14A. magic B. naturalC. simpleD. funny15A. weeks B. monthsC. seasonsD. years 【例题二】When we are unfamiliar with something, we may feel nervous and scared. The help of others is a good to help us pull through. I write for a big newspaper, and I wanted

14、 to a story about parachute jumping(跳伞). To make it a realistic as well as exciting , I decided that I had to make a jump myself _ . Unluckily, Im not good at any , let alone(更不用说) parachute jumping. My friend Mr. Smith was willing to give me a . He took me to a ground school. The first days include

15、d several hours of instruction but not my first drop from an airplane. For this, I had to wait until the following morning . The next morning, I was taken to the airfield. , a heavy parachute was put on my back. Then I was asked to make my way to a small plane which had just stopped slowly on the ru

16、nway. Once on board, the plane was soon . I began to feel nervous. As we reached one thousand meters, Harry, my teacher, hooked(钩)a line from my parachute to a steel(钢的) ring inside the plane. The line was to pull my parachute after I jumped. “Get , Henry,” Harry said. I moved carefully to the door.

17、 I wanted to , “No, no, no!” But no word came. “Jump!” Harry called . “Jump!” Away from the plane, and down, down I fell, arms stretched(伸直). It worked. All at once I was very happy. Then I felt a quick . My big parachute had opened! It was the best I ever had. I looked down. There were rivers, tree

18、s, fields and houses. I heard the soft sound of the air. This was fun.16A. way B. chance C. idea D. value17A. tell B. write C. read D. copy18A. film B. poem C. story D. program19A. secretly B. instead C. finally D. first20A. sport B. driving C. lesson D. drawing21A. try B. hand C. gift D. suggestion

19、22A. jumping B. journey C. training D. entertainment23A. Besides B. Once C. There D. However24A. slowing B. climbing C. landing D. filling25A. light B. broken C. fixed D. open26A. ready B. up C. on D. away27A. cry B. rest C. laugh D. lie28A. softly B. loudly C. nervously D. excitedly29A. comfort B.

20、wind C. pull D . push30A. failure B. experience C. competition D. danger三讲方法辨析特例答题方法:1)择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案.2)排除法:如答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填.排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案.进行核查同时注意以下三点:1上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致.2从语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑.3段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否

21、连贯.实例点拨请根据下面短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, _1_ students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn_2_? It is not_3_to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one o

22、f their _4_. Many people learn English because it is_5_in their work. Some young people learn English_6_their higher studies because some of their books are_7_English. Other people learn English because they want to _8_newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to _9_ in the

23、USA, England or Australia. English is very_10_in our life (生活).1. A. all B. the other C. both D. other2. A. English B. Chinese C. maths D. Japanese3. A. hard B. easy C. good D. nice4. A. books B. classes C . schools D. subjects (科目)5. A. good B. useful (有用的) C. fine D. pleased6. A. for B. of C. to D

24、. from7. A. in B. with C. at D. of 8. A. look B. see C. look at D. read9. A. go B. work C. like D. come10. A. help B. helping C. helps D. helpful 答题分三步:第一步: 通览全文通过通览全文,便知本文讲述许多人学习英语。学习英语的人年龄不同,目的各异。第二步: 逐项填空本着先易后难的原则,先根据上下文和自己的语感,推测部分空格的可能答案。然后,再结合选项逐一敲定。1. 选B。some.other(s).意思是一些另一些(泛指); some.the ot

25、her(s).意思是一些另一些(特指)。由语境可知,在学英语的学生中,除一部分是孩子外,剩余的是青年人(特指)。2. 选A。根据上下文可知是English。3. 选B。由文章内容来看,人们学习英语的原因多种多样,因此回答为什么那么多人学习英语这个问题并不容易。4. 选D。由常识可知,English是学生学习的科目(subject)之一。5. 选B。根据前后文意可知许多人学习英语,那是因为English在他们的工作中很有用(useful)。6. 选A。本题属于介词用法辨析。介词for在此可表示目的、原因。7. 选A。in English是习惯搭配。8. 选D。读报英语习惯说readnewspap

26、ers。9. 选B。根据语境及句子结构,有些人学习英语或想出国(go to a country)或想在这些国家工作(work in a country)。10. 选D。末句点题,英语在我们生活中是很有帮助的(helpful)。第三步: 复读检验将所有答案代入空格后,重新将短文复读一遍,如果语句通顺,语意清楚,便结束本题,转做其它试题。最后须提醒大家一点,做好完形填空题并非一日之功。我们应从平日学习中做起,多积累,勤学苦练,方可成功!Have a greater success in the future!四练实题随堂小练1Tuesday, 1st September I had mixed f

27、eelings today, nervous, worried, happy, excited. My went down when Miss Chen, our head teacher, said that Matthew and Beth, two from England, would spend three months with us! I was that I had to speak English so much! But at the end of the school day, I was happier than I thought: the morning with

28、them today was more enjoyable than I expected. Today is the most unforgettable first day I have had! Malthew is fantastic! His English is clearer and easier to listen to than I thought. Another English student, Beth, is the most helpful girl Ivc ever met. There were lots of things to do the first da

29、y. Beth offered to help Miss Chen all the notices. Of course, some of the credit (功劳) should also go to me I translated some of the notices for her. Miss Chen praised us! We finished all the preparations 10 minutes earlier than expected, then Beth and I talked for a while. Matthew sang several Engli

30、sh songs and did some stand-up comedy (单人喜剧表演) at the party. We all him. When the bell rang to the first school day, none of us wanted to leave. When I went back home, I felt happy. I have probably spoken more today than the whole of last year. It was a happy day! I hope our friendship can continue,

31、 even after they have gone back to England!31A. nose B. leg C. heartD. arm32A. boys B. girls C. teachers D. students33A, worried B. pleased C. angry D. sad34A. in . B. by C. at D. on35A. put up B. take up C. set up D. call up36A. when B. because C. unless D. until 37A. protected B. prevented C. praised D. promised38A. begin B. end C. last D. enter39A. words B. Chinese C. stories D. English40A. really B. seldom C. never D. nearly2. Christmas GiftsOn last Christmas Day, ou

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