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1、高级英语课后答案第一册U7Paraphrase:1. She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life and that she can always have anything she wants, and life is extremely generous to her.2. Because I am very fat, I feel hot even in freezing weather.3. The popular TV talk show star, Johnny Carson, who is famous for

2、 his witty and glib tongue, has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me.4. When I talked to him, Im always ready to leave as quickly as possible, and turn my head away from them in order to avoid them as much as possible because of nervousness.5. She would always look at somebody directly and st

3、eadily, not feeling embarrassed or ashamed.6. She imposed on us lots of falsity and so-called knowledge that was totally useless and irrelevant to us.7. She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking nor rich.8. Meanwhile Dees boyfriend is trying to shake hands with Maggie in a fancy and elab

4、orate way.9. In fact, I could have traced it back before the Civil War through the family branches.10. He just stood here with a grin on his face and looked at me as if inspecting something old and out-of-date.11. Now and then he and Dee communicated through eye contact in a secretive way.12. I dont

5、 need the quilts to remind me of Grandma Dee. She lives in my memory all time.Translation1.一场大火把贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。A big fire burned more than 300 homes in the slum to the ground.2.只要你为人正直,不怕失去什么,那你对任何人都不会畏惧。As long as you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you can look anyone in the eye.3.这件

6、衬衣与裙子的颜色和式样都不相配。This blouse doesnt match the color or the style of the skirt.4.咱们一边喝咖啡一边谈这件事吧。Lets talk about the matter over a cup of coffee.5.他无法想象为什么人们反对他的看法。He couldnt imagine why people were against his views.6.这位官员在下汽车时碰到两个恐怖分子。Stepping out of the car, the official was confronted by two terror

7、ists.7.只要坚持这些原则,我们就会成功。As long as we stick to these principles, we will surely succeed.8.这个消息使她大为震惊,但她很快就镇定下来。She was extremely shocked at the news, but she soon recomposed herself.9.这个典故的来源很难查找到。Its difficult to trace the source of the reference.1. 我就在这院子里等候她的到来。我和麦姬昨天下午已将院子打扫得干干净净,地面上还留着清晰的扫帚扫出的波浪

8、形痕迹。(我将在这个被我和麦姬打扫的干干净留着波浪纹的院子里等着她的到来)2. 当院子的泥土地面被打扫得像屋里的地板一样干净,四周边缘的细沙面上布满不规则的细纹时,任何人都可以进来坐一下,一边抬头仰望院中的榆树,一边等着享受从来吹不进屋内的微风。3. 自从那次大火烧跨房屋之事发生后,她一直是这个样子,下巴贴近胸口,眼盯着地面,走路拖着脚。4. 有时候我似乎还能听见燃烧的火焰发出的呼呼的响声,可以感觉到麦姬用手紧紧抓住我,看到她的头发冒烟,她的衣服烧成黑灰一片片脱落的情景。5. 房子没有真正的窗户,只是侧面墙上挖了几个洞,有点像船上的舷窗,但又不是圆的,也不是方形的。窗格子向外开,用生牛皮悬吊起

9、来。6. 她每拍一张照片总要认认真真地选好镜头把屋子拍进去。(她没有哪一张照是没有确定房子是不是在镜头里的。_我老觉得这句那么拗口)7. 不用将眼睛凑近去细看也可以看出搅乳棒把柄上由于长年累月握着搅动而留下的凹陷的握痕。8. 还有一小块褪了色的兰布片,大小只相当于一个小火柴盒,那是从依兹拉曾祖父在南北战争时穿的军服上拆下来的。U12Paraphrase1.but as I looked out over the bow,I could see there was no chance for catching any fish.2.about the ice core sample marked

10、 by annual layers,which can show the different degrees of pollution from year to year.3.The development of industry meant the use of large amounts of coal and later petroleum as fuels to generate power.When coal and oil are burned they emit carbon dioxide into the air which keeps more heat near the

11、earth.When the level of carbon dioxide emissions in the air becomes high,heat will find it difficult to get through it to go into higher altitudes.Thus the temperature of the earth gets warmer.4.Thinking about how a series of events might happen as a consequence of the thinning of the polar cap is n

12、ot just a kind of practice in speculation:It has practical significance.5.Bit by bit trees in the rainforest are burnt and forest land is turned into pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered so that the beef can be used in fast-food like hamburgers.6.Therefore,the destruction of th

13、e rainforest and the habitat of the birds means thousands of birds will become extinct before we can have a chance to watch them and hear them sing.7.And why do other symbols,though sometimes no less surprising,only cause a kind of loss and inactivity and we concentrate our attention not on the ways

14、 to deal with them but,instead,on some other distractions which are easy and less painful to handle.8.The global climate balance determines the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperature, ocean currents and sea level. Once this state of balance is upset,winds,rainfall and ocean currents will be

15、come abnormal;surface temperature and sea level will rise.9.Up till now,we seem to be unaware of the fact that the earths natural systems are vulnerable and can easily be damaged.10.They are signs and indications showing that there exists a much greater and more serious problem than we have ever enc


17、的原因。Ifwewanttowipeoutwars,wemustfirsteliminatethecausesofwars.6.他没有足够的理由拒绝我们的建议。Hedidnthaveareasongoodenoughtodeclineouroffer.7.这个程序很简单,也易于操作。This program is very simple and easy to operate.8. 他的答案过于简单化,不能有效地解决这个复杂的问题。He gave a simplistic answer which was unable to solve this complicated problem eff

18、ectively.(这一课我非常建议自己看着翻吧。课文意译得太多。我甚至觉得应该不会考。)1. 极目四顾,原先那种湛蓝色海涛轻拍船舷的景象已不复存在,取而代之的是茫茫的一片干燥灼热的沙漠。2. 潜艇破冰上来,载上新的乘客后又潜了下去。我也就开始同那些正设法以高的精确度测量极地冰帽厚度的科学家们进行交谈。许多人认北极冰层由于地球气候的转暖而正在变薄。3. 现在我想实地考一下北极极点。我们登上潜艇约八个小时后,潜艇冲破冰层浮上面。于是,我便置身于一片神奇瑰丽的冰雪世界中。雪原上寒风劲扫,银光闪耀,其边缘则是一道由连绵起伏的小冰丘或由冰席相撞、相互挤压而形成小型山脉的冰层“压脊”勾勒出的地平线。4.

19、 凑巧的是,破坏生态环境的一些最典型的、最令人担忧的事例刚好都发生在南北极正中间的地方巴西境内的赤道带上那儿滚滚浓烟时常弥漫着辽阔但现又面临着破坏的亚马孙热带雨林的上空。5. 这种“夜光云团”偶尔出现于夜幕开始笼罩大地的时候,它呈半透明的白色,在高空中闪烁发光,看起来颇不像自然之物。6. 我们的这种行为更进一步地增加了地球变暖的危险,因为甲烷是一种形成速度极快韵温室效应气体,它在大气中的总含量仅次于二氧化碳和水蒸气,使高空大气层的化学成分都发生了变化。7. “局部性冲突”,“地区性战斗”,及“战略性对抗”。8. 自第二次世界大战以来,大气层中二氧化碳和其他一些吸热物质分子的含量已增加了近百分之

20、二十五,这便对地球自身具有的调节太阳热量在大气层中存留量的能力构成了世界性的威胁。9. 尽管任何一项新发现对人类与地球之间的关系所造成的影响都无法同核武器对人类与战争的关系所造成的影响相比,但这些科学发现结合在一起,却是千真万确地使人类所积累的开发利用地球资源以求生存的能力发生了根本性的变化在这样的条件下,如果人类不加节制地随意开发利用地球资源,其后果就会同随意发动核战争一样不堪设想。(这要是会考。我就不要分了。)10. 地球气候的转暖、臭氧层的破坏、物种的消亡、森林的毁坏这些现象有一个共同的原因:人类文明与地球生态平衡的关系的变化。U13Paraphrase1.Iwasoncesocompl









29、lusionofallothers.7)问题堆积如山,我们必须尽快地解决。Ourproblemsarepilingup.Wemustsolvethemasquicklyaswecan.8)哨兵每四个小时换一次岗。Thesentriesarerelievedeveryfourhours.10)他的话里带有一点讽刺的味道。Therewasatouchofironyinhisremark.11)我的童年的回忆渐渐远去并变得模糊了。My memoriesofchildhoodaregraduallyreceding.1. 我可以观察她而不让她发觉,这使我觉得开心,因为我可以像看电影一样地欣赏她优雅的动

30、作,不论是举杯送到唇边,还是扭头与邻座交谈,抑或是用她那纤细的手指从烟盒中夹取香烟的动作。2. 当我不揣冒昧地将这话对她讲时,她对我这种笨拙的恭维报以开心的大笑,还说我最好不再写什么政坛人物的述评文章而改行专写时装评论算了。3. 这无疑是自己受某种本能的驱使,要贪婪地用一些过去无暇享受的赏心乐事来填补自己生命中的最后几周,释放那些在过去虽受到压抑但一直潜伏在自己心中的欲望。4. 我不知道也不想知道自己身处何方。茫茫大海无路标。5. 倘是在白天,我们凭栏远眺大海,只见海面上时而翻卷起白色的浪花,时而平静得宛若一幅微微飘动起伏着的蓝色缎面,完全见不到翻起的浪花,只有我们的轮船驶过之处才泛起一道道如大理石般的波纹。6. 我最喜爱的是岸边的那些悬崖峭壁及其背后的那高耸云端、神秘莫测的峰峦叠嶂,那山峰只有最英勇无畏的人才能够攀登上去。7. 我也这样地让自己的想象力尽情地探索劳拉性格深处的秘密。她的性情表面上严肃冷峻,但她内心里却蕴育着丰富温柔的情感,宛如娇嫩的花朵

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