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本文(届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项词汇与记忆重点词汇第一轮梳理PQ开头的单词讲解与测试有答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项词汇与记忆重点词汇第一轮梳理PQ开头的单词讲解与测试有答案P、Q开头的单词讲解与测试词汇测试与运用一、Test25 Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below. Column A Column B 1. 对有耐心2. 爱国歌曲3. 为铺平道路4. 还清债务5. 与讲和6. 生活在安宁之中7. 维持和平8. 在顶峰9. 某人特有的10. 百分之五的人口是11. 用铅笔写12. 一段时间13. 允许某人做某事14未经允许15. 允许做某事Abe patient

2、withBpatriotic songsCa period of timeDwithout permissionEpave the way forFpermit sb. to do sth.Gwrite in pencilH Ipay off the debts5 percent of the population are /is.Jon the peakKmake peace withLbe peculiar to sb.Mlive in peaceNpermit doing sth.0maintain peaceColumn AColumn B16. 固定地址17. 机器零件18. 坚持做

3、某事19. 坚持某事20. 说服某人做某事21. 私事22. 分辨出23. 堆起来24. 可怜某人25. 代替26. 陷入27. 做某事没有意义28. 中肯29. 指出30. 不劳无获atake the place ofba machine partcplunge intodpermanent addresse fto the point persist in doing sth.gThere is no point in doing sth.h ihave pity on persist in doing sth. pile upk1point outpersuade sb. to do s

4、th.mNo pains, no gains.npersonal affairsOpick outSection B. Put the following words into Chinese.1. overall_ 11. passion_2. ox_ 12. patriotic_3. oxygen_ 13. pavement_4. panic_ 14. peak_ 5. pants_ 15. peal_ 6. parade_ 16. peculiar_7. parallel_ 17. petrol_ 8. parcel_ 18. philosophy_9. parrot_ 19. phot

5、ographic_10. partner_ 20. plantation_Section C. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms.pain, pain, parent, participate, participate, patient, pay, peace, percent, perform, permanent, permission, persevere, persist, person1. I became _aware of hi

6、s physical disability2. Great _have ( has ) been taken to ensure the safety of the passengers.3. Children who lack _care tend to be rude to others when they grow up.4. All the _in the debate had an opportunity to speak.5. Union (工会) leaders called for the active _of all members in the day of the str

7、ike.6. After three hours of waiting for the train, our _was finally exhausted.7. Personal abuse (责骂) was the _he got for his efforts.8. In no case will China first use nuclear weapons; our aim is the _use of atomic energy.9. An increasing _of the population own their own houses.10. He goes through t

8、he whole _of checking of the oil and water every time he drives the car.11. Nothing threatens the _of the system.12. You cannot enter the military base without a _13. After months of disappointment, his _was finally rewarded14. The weather report cannot explain the _of the heat wave.15. She made a _

9、donation to the fund.Section D. Put the following sentences into English. 8. 电影散场以后,人群从电影院涌到了街上。(outflow)9. 他把自己的成就归功于朋友们的支持。(owe)10. 由于缺氧,他昏厥在封闭的小屋里。(lack)11. 他每天浏览大量的科技资料为了与最新的发展保持步调一致。(pace)12. 在不辞辛苦的将房间粉刷以后,他筋疲力尽了。(pain)13. 他指的是与和平街平行的那条大道。(parallel)14. 那位科学家只参加了部分研究但是他起的作用很重要。(participate)15. 不

10、要挑食,你需要多种维生素。(particular)16. 只有用巨大的热情去对待工作,你才能取得成就。(Only;passion)17. 正是船长坚持不懈的精神挽救了航船和船上所有的人。(It;perseverance)*Keys: Section A.1-5 ABEHK 6-10 MOJLI 11-15 GCFDN16-20 d b f i I 21-25 n o j h a 26-30 c g e k mSection C.1. painfully 2. pains 3. parental 4. participants 5. participation6. patience 7. pay

11、ment 8. peaceful 9. percentage 10. performance11. permanence 12. permit 13. perseverance 14. persistence 15. personalSection D.1. After the film was over, the crowd overflowed into the street.2. He owed his own achievements to the support of his friends.3. He fainted in the closed small room for lac

12、k of oxygen.4. He goes through a large number of scientific materials to keep pace with the latest developments.5. After taking pains to paint the room, he was exhausted.6. What he pointed to was the street which ran parallel to He Ping Street.7. That scientist participated in only part of the resea

13、rch, but he played a very important part in it.8. Dont be particular about food; you need a variety of vitamins.9. Only by working with great passion can you make achievement.10. It was the perseverance of the captain that saved the ship and all the people on board.二、Test26 Section A. Match Column A

14、 with Column B and write down the right order below.Column A Column B 1. 南/北极2. 开放政策3. 流行音乐4. 有人口5. 有多少人口?6. 人口多/少7. 的很大一部分8. 在适当的位置9. 尽可能地10. 把贴在上11. 辞去的职务12. 受的欢迎13. 的邮资是多少?14把延期到15. 把倾注于Athe south/ north poleBresign the post ofCthe open-door policyD,do sth. as. as possibleEpour. intoFthe pop musi

15、 a suitable positionH.a large portion of1have a population popular withL.What is the population of . ?M.What is the postage of. ?N.the population is large/ smallO.postpone. untilColumn AColumn B16. 固定地址17. 机器零件18. 坚持做某事19. 坚持某事20. 说服某人做某事21. 私事22. 分辨出23. 堆起来24. 可怜某人25. 代替26. 陷入

16、27. 做某事没有意义28. 中肯29. 指出30. 不劳无获aprefer to do sth.blive in povertycat presentda power stationeprefer . to .fcome into powergbe well-preservedhpowerless to do ., but to do sth.imake preparations forthe presskpractise doing sth.I!the presence of sb.mprefer doing to doingnbe present0sing high praise for

17、Section B. Put the following words into Chinese.1. petrol_ 11. postcode_2. philosophy_ 12. productive_3. photographic_ 13. proceed_4. pigeon_ 14. principle_5. pill_ 15. principal_6. pine_ 16. previous_7. pink_ 17. prevention_8. plantation_ 18. presently_9. plug_ 19. pregnant_10. portable_ 20. predic

18、t_ Section C. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms.physical, pity, positive, persuade, poem, plenty, pity, physiology, phenomenon, poison, polite, politics, physical, plastic, possess1. All their _was of on uses he would not come.2. Rain and w

19、ind are the _of nature.3. He is under the care of a_.4. A _is a scientist who studies the movement of the objects.5. Digestion is a _process.6. He was really a _king who made his people suffered.7. It was a _attempt at the translation.8. _had found wide application in our daily life.9. The dinner wa

20、s well cooked and considerably_.10. In our country, there are many great _of the people.11. Alcoholic drinks are _drinks to children.12. His _in manners made a deep impression on us.13. We wont believe the boasting of the _who always cheats us.14. He was always popular with the others in his club, b

21、ecause he held _opinions towards everything.15. He was in _of a large quantity of property.Section D. Put the following sentences into English. A 这种现象从来没有在我们港口存在过。(Never;phenomenon)B 他学会日语的方法是别人不能模仿的。(pick;follow)C 在很多方面塑料可以代替木材。(take)D 听到了这一噩耗,全国陷入了深深地悲痛之中。(plunge)E 没有必要把那么多的书堆放在书桌上。(point)F 警察把枪对这

22、企图逃跑的囚犯。(point)G 这个城市百分之八十的人口对生活有着积极的态度。(population)H 拥有财富的人不一定拥有幸福。(possess)I 他们在政治上成功的可能性取决于他们对穷人的态度。(possibility)J 汤姆对同学们对他耍花招感到十分愤怒。(annoy;play)*Keys: Section A. 1-5 ACFIL 6-10 NHGDJ 11-15 BKMOE16-20 bdfhk 21-25 omaei 26-30 IncgjSection C.1. persuasion 2. phenomena 3. physician 4. physicist 5. p

23、hysiological6. pitiless 7. pitiful 8. Plastics 9. plentiful 10. poets11. poisonous 12. politeness 13. politician 14. positive 15. possessionSection C.1. Never has such phenomenon existed in our port.2. The way he picked up Japanese cannot be followed by others.3. Plastics can take the place of wood

24、in many ways.4. At the terrible news, the whole country plunged into deep sorrow.5. There is no point in piling so many books on the desk.6. The police point their guns at the prisoner who is trying to escape.7. Eighty percent of the population in this town take a positive attitude towards their liv

25、es.8. Those who possess property dont necessarily possess happiness.9. The possibility of their success In politics was decided by their attitude towards the poor. 10. Tom was annoyed with his classmates for their playing tricks on him.三、Test 27: Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.Column A Column B 1. 在压力下2. 假装做某事3. 阻止某人干某事4. 不惜任何代价5. 极其宝贵的6. 怀孕7. 印刷厂8. 诺贝尔物理奖9. 办的程序10

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