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一点一练全国通用高考英语专题复习 语法填空练习.docx

1、一点一练全国通用高考英语专题复习 语法填空练习Section 15语法填空两年高考真题演练A(2015新课标全国)Yangshuo,ChinaIt was raining lightly when I _1_ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didnt care.A few hours _2_,Id been at home in Hong Kong,with _3_ (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.Id skipped nearb

2、y Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River _4_ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese _5_ (painting)Instead,Id headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,its only an hour away _6_ car and offers all the scenery of the bet

3、terknown city.Yangshuo _7_ (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers _8_ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong

4、,says it _9_ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people _10_ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.B(2015新课标全国)The adobe dwellings(土坯房)_1_(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even _2_ most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what

5、makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their _3_(able) to “air condition”a house without _4_(use)electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat _5_(slow)during cool nights,thus warming the house.When a new day breaks,the walls have given up th

6、eir heat and are now cold enough _6_ (cool) the house during the hot day:_7_ the same time,they warm up again for the night.This cycle _8_ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.As_9_(natu

7、re) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly_10_thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.C(2015广东高考)Mr.Johnson lived in the woods with his wife and children.He owned _1_ farm, which looked almost abandoned._2_ (lucky), he also had a cow which produced milk ever

8、y day.He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby _3_ other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what _4_ (leave)The cow was their only means of support, in fact.One day, the cow was eating grass _5_ it began to rain heavily.While making great efforts to run away, she _6

9、_ (fall) over the hill and died.Then the Johnsons had to make a living _7_ the cow.In order to support his family, Mr.Johnson began to plant herbs and vegetables.Since the plants took a while to grow, he started cutting down trees _8_ (sell) the wood.Thinking about his childrens clothes, he started

10、growing cotton too.When harvest came around, he was already selling herbs, vegetables and cotton in the market _9_ people from the towns met regularly.Now it occurred to _10_ that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.D(2014新课标全国)Are you facing a situation that

11、looks impossible to fix?In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland,Ohio.It _1_ (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.The river was so polluted that it _2_(actual) caught fire and burned.Now,years later,this river is one of _3_ most outstanding examples of

12、 environmental cleanup.But the river wasnt changed in a few days _4_ even a few months.It took years of work _5_ (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water.Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is _6_(clean) than ever.Maybe you are facing an impossible situation.M

13、aybe you have a habit _7_ is driving your family crazy.Possibly you drink too much or dont know how to control your credit card use.When you face such an impossible situation,dont you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?While there are _8_ (amaze) stories of instant transformation,f

14、or most of us the _9_(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river.Just be _10_(patience)E(2014新课标全国)One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about _1_ (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,_2_ some of them looked v

15、ery anxious and _3_(disappoint)When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next _4_ the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike _5_ (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but h

16、e refused _6_(stop) until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept _7_(ride)He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“_8_ anyone lose a su

17、itcase at the last stop?”A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh dear!It s _9_ (I )”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done,and the crowd of strangers _10_(sudden) became friendly to one another.F(2014辽宁高考)Jonny:Hey!Im ju

18、st practicing Tai Chi(太极)Would you like to join me?Peter:I know nothing about it.Is it difficult?Jonny:It seems easy,but you need a lot of practice.You just follow me like this.Peter:OK.Dont laugh _1_ me.I may look funny.Jonny:Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches,natur

19、ally and _2_(soft)Try to keep your body straight.Move slowly,then be sure to keep your balance and dont let your body shake.Peter:I cannot control my body well.My legs become _3_ (pain)Jonny:Keep _4_ (hold) your position for a while.It helps develop your strength and flexibility.Raise your leg and l

20、et _5_ stay in the air for seconds.Peter:I feel my legs shaking.I cannot do this any longer.Jonny:Be patient!Tai Chi _6_ (call)“shadow boxing”in English.It asks you to act like water:to be flexible as well _7_ strong.In real competition,a Tai Chi master borrows the strength of the competitor and use

21、s this energy to fight back.The _8_ (hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.He controls you!Peter:Unbelievable!Oh.,_9_ you dont mind,Ill stop and take a deep _10_一年模拟试题精练A(2015南昌调研)Some inventions happen in strange ways. The potato chip is one of them.Moons Lake House was _1_ res

22、taurant in New York in the 1850s. George Crum was the cook there. Many rich people often came to the restaurant _2_(enjoy) his cooking.The one thing that really upset Crum was _3_ a customer complained about the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over. He would often return it overcooke

23、d. He was happy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant _4_(angry)On August 24,1853, a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen,_5_ they werent crunchy(脆的 ) enough.Crum reacted in his _6_(usually) way. He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil. They were so crunchy a

24、nd Crum was sure that the man would refuse _7_(eat) them. Instead, the man loved them. He even asked for more.Now, do you know _8_ invented the potato chip? Its George Crum! He _9_(late) set up his own restaurant. He named it Crums House. He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables. They ma

25、de his restaurant a very popular place.Today, potato chips are one of Americans _10_(favor) foods!B(2015河北五校联盟质监)Mike:Id like to buy a computer. Could you please give me _1_ advice?Rose:Yes, with _2_(please). Ive got some information about computers. Computers with a P4 work much _3_(fast) than othe

26、r ones.Mike:How about computers with a P3?Rose:Oh, very good,_4_ they dont work as fast as P4 computers, yet they are much cheaper. Generally _5_(speak), they can meet peoples _6_ (need) very well.Mike:I think I _7_ buy the fastest one I can get. My old computer was out of work lately. It _8_(work)

27、slowly. Ive got tired of that working speed.Rose:I dont think _9_ is necessary for you to buy the fastest one. It would be a waste of money. A P3 computer is _10_ (probable) good enough for you.Mike:Thank you for your advice. Can you help me choose one?C(2015大庆质检二)Years ago, when I was a poor artist

28、 trying to sell my paintings in local galleries, I _1_(live) in the heart of a city. The rent for my apartment was really cheap _2_ it was in the middle of one of the busiest neighborhoods in town.People who visited me used to ask me _3_ I could sleep.“Doesnt the sound of the traffic bother you? How

29、 can you get used to _4_ much noise?” You see, there were also rows and rows of shops and bars playing loud music day and night and my apartment was above a really loud and noisy _5_But I found it all fascinating. If I were ever short _6_ cash and couldnt afford to do anything much, which in those d

30、ays was usually the case, I could always go outside and take _7_ look around. You see, there were always a great number of tourists visiting the shops, so I could always find someone _8_ (interest) to talk with. And Joe, the owner of the bar below me, could always give me a little money to survive o

31、n in exchange for _9_(do) a few odd jobs for him. At the time, I suppose, I thought I was poor. Sometimes, we dont realize how _10_(fortune) we are, do we?D(2015邢台摸底)(Near the school gate, a woman driver was stopped by a traffic officer.)Officer:Madam, do you know how fast you were going just now?Dr

32、iver:(Looking at the record.) Uh, well, no! I didnt think I was going that fast.Officer:This is a 25 mph zone, Madam. You see that school over there? You _1_(go) 35 mph.Driver:_2_ today is Sunday, sir. There is no school today.Officer:Madam, there _3_(be)signs that say what the speed limit is. Besides, children often come to school on

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