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1、高中阅读理解教案北京四中2009-2010高一期中测试D篇“Mind your own business.” were told. “Dont talk about others behind their backs.” The problem with this advice is that, not only is it unrealistic, its also counterproductive (起反作用的). Common sense holds that gossip (流言蜚语) hurts peoples feelings and damages relationships.

2、 But recent research shows the oppositethat strong communities and relationships between people would be impossible without gossip. Gossip is a way for people to let you know the limits of social behavior. “If you move into a community and your neighbor tells you how the former homeowner never dealt

3、 with his rubbish properly, his gossip is letting you in on something, “says Dr. Ralph Rosnow of Temple University. “Gossip says: these are the boundaries and you are crossing them. Youre not abiding by the rules and youd better get back in line. “Seen this way, gossip is a way to communicate critic

4、ism (批评) without conflict (冲突), giving you a chance to change your behavior without losing face. On the other hand, what about ill-willed gossip, the kind that puts other people down? Gossip is hearing something we like about someone we dont and, in nearly every country in the world, gossip magazine

5、s have huge numbers of readers. According to researchers, however, this kind of gossip also has a good side because it helps us put our own problems in perspective (正确地). “If we read bad news about well-known people, or get the frightful details of our neighbors bad situation over a cup of coffee, o

6、ur own problems begin to pale in comparison (对比), “says Dr. Jack Levin of Northeastern University. However, that doesnt mean that gossip is necessarily a good thing, either. Researchers found that people who gossip a lot tend to feel like theyre under a lot of stress. This might be because while the

7、yre busy talking about other people, theyre also busy thinking what other people are saying about them.83. What is the purpose of the text? A. To encourage us to spread gossip about others. B. To prevent us from spreading gossip about others。 C. To make a comparison between good gossip and bad gossi

8、p. D. To recognize certain positive functions of gossip. 84. According to the passage, people in general think that_. A. its a bad habit to gossip B. nobody pays attention to gossip C. not all the gossip you hear is worth believing D. its necessary to have a nice gossip with a friend or neighbor85.

9、The underlined phrase “abiding by” in Paragraph 3 most probably means”_”. A. makingB. breakingC. obeyingD. changing86. It could be learned from the passage that_. A. people under much stress enjoy gossiping about others B. in a way gossip helps us deal with our own problemsC. in fact most people ten

10、d to believe gossip D. the more there is gossip, the stronger relationships become between peopleStep183.关键词purpose。考查文章主旨大意,需通读全文寻找答案。84.关键词in general think ,定位到原文para2。第一句“common sense”后面即本题答案。85.由题干直接定位到para3,划线词所在的前后句“Gossip says”和”youd better get back in line“,细读可得出答案。86.题干关键词“could be learned”

11、可知这是一道结合全文进行考察的推断题。Step2Para1-2 引出本文话题gossip,及通常情况下人们对gossip持否定态度,认为gossip会伤害到别人的感受,接着进一步指出近期的发现跟人们通常的观点是相反的。Para3-4 接第二段写gossip的好处,通过第三段的第一句可知,通过gossip可知哪些是不被社会行为所接受的,进而可以对自己的行为进行对比和检讨。第四段写那些我们通常认为的“ill-willed gossip”会带来的有益之处,即通过对比明星存在的问题,可以发现自己的问题微不足道。Para5 讲虽然gossip有一些有益的地方,但那些特别喜欢在背后“gossip”的人往往


13、本题属于细节题。题干“in general”定位到原文第二段开头“common sense”,后面说八卦会“hurts peoples feelings ”并“ damages relationships”,可知,大众普遍的观点认为,八卦是会给他人和人际关系带来不好的影响的。A选项说“八卦是一个不好的习惯”符合原文意思,可以直接选出。85.猜词题。定位到原文划线词所在的句子及上下文。Gossip says: these are the boundaries and you are crossing them.这句话的意思说,八卦的意思是,这些是界线并且你是不可以越过的。划线词所在的句子是对此句

14、的进一步解释,即语意复现。Rule对应上一句的”boundaries“。”crossing“对应的是“not abiding by”。再由后半句的”get back in line可知划线部分的意思“没有在规则内”。四个选项加上not后的意思分别为没有制造、没有打破、没有遵守和没有改变。“没有遵守规则”符合“不在规则内”的意思,所以选C。86.推断题。由第83的分析可知,本文作者站在一个比较客观的角度来对“八卦”进行评述,指出八卦有其有益之处,但并不是必要的。据此可知B选项是正确的。A说处于压力之下的人会更享受八卦。据最后一段,太八卦的人会有很多压力。可知因果颠倒。因而是错误的。D说八卦越多人

15、际关系越好,由文章最后一段说八卦不是必须的,可知这一推断是错误的。C选项说人们倾向于相信八卦,这在文章没有提及。Step41.boundary n.界线2.Gossip n.流言蜚语 v.闲聊;传播流言蜚语3.Behavior n.行为举止 Behave v.表现;运转4.Former adj.从前的,以前的 Previous adj.从前的 5.Conflict v.冲突 与.起冲突 n.冲突 Confliction n.冲突6.Unrealistic adj.不真实的7.Community n.社区8.Pale adj.苍白的江苏启东2011-2012第二次月考C篇 After we fi

16、nished thirteen miles of hiking, we were tired and our muscles ached as we made our way back to New England. The car ride to the airport followed by a two-hour flight left our legs more worse condition than they were when we first came off the mountain we just climbed. When we heard that two seats i

17、n first class on our next flight were available for a bit higher price, we jumped at the opportunity. Our spirits lifted immediately. After all, flying first class was a new experience for us, and we would end our adventure in comfort and style. As we boarded the plane, we noticed that the stewardes

18、s(空姐) was working non-stop to ensure the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat without receiving an order. How much she must love her job! She smiled kindly at each one while attending to their needs. As the stewardess walked by our seats near the end of the flight, I l

19、ooked at her and said, “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped, bent down, looked at me and said, “Excuse me.” I repeated my words and she smiled in a rather funny way, almost as if I had asked her a question that she did not know how to answer. After a few moments she returned to

20、 our seats. “I can tell you work with the public,” she said. “Why do you think so?” I asked. She answered very quietly, “Because you are the only passenger here to say something nice to me tonight and I really appreciate your kindness.” The sense of belonging to the elite(精英) group of people in firs

21、t class disappeared as we heard her words. Our first class seats offered us more than a comfortable ride. We were reminded that without kindness, we would be flying in no class.68. Where did the writer ever go hiking?A.In a forest B.In a mountain C.Along a river D.Near an airport69. Why did they cho

22、ose to take a first class flight?A.Because they were extremely tired B.Because they wanted to go back as soon as possibleC.Because the tickets were cheaperD.Because they wanted to enjoy the first class service.70.After boarding the plane, the writer felt_. A.proud B.uncomfortable C.nervous D.disappo

23、inted 71.When the stewardess first heard what the writer said, she_.A.didnt understand the writer B.knew what work the writer didC.didnt believe her ears D.had a big smile on her faceStep1Q68 题干关键词“where”、“go hiking”,定位到原文第一段第一句“thirteen miles of hiking”,答案从第一段找。Q69 题干关键词“why”、“take first class”,定位到

24、原文第二段第一句“two seats in first class”,答案从第二段找。详细分析见step3。Q70 题干关键词“felt”,问的是作者的感受。选项为四个形容词。Q71 题干关键词“when”、“first”、“heard the writer”,定位到原文第四段第三行“I repeated”,题干问的是“first”,所以往前找答案。详细分析见step3。Step2本文是一篇记叙文,以时间顺序讲述了作者和朋友在一次徒步旅行之后坐头等舱返程的经历。在飞行过程中作者向空姐表达感谢,却意外让空姐觉得惊讶。通过这次经历,作者收获了这样一个感悟我们应当对像空姐这样提供优质服务的工作人员表

25、达感激之情。Para1-2交代事情的背景作者和朋友在13英里的徒步爬山之后,极度疲乏。此时获得两张头等舱的机票,进而获得体验头等舱的机会。Para3-5讲述主体事情作者看到空姐尽心尽力服务乘客,对其表达感激之情,却意外让空姐觉得惊讶。随后,空姐向作者解释惊讶的原因,并感谢作者。Para6表达作者感触应当对空姐怀着感激之情,而不应当是觉得理所应当。Step3Q68细节题,问作者去哪里徒步旅行。根据定位,回到原文第一段第一句“13英里的徒步旅行之后我们很累,全身肌肉酸痛”。第一段最后“when we.the mountain we just climbed”,由此可知作者和朋友之前去爬山了。所以选

26、B。Q69细节题,问作者和朋友为何选择坐头等舱。根据定位,回到原文第二段第一句“得知我们只要付稍微高一点的价钱就可以有两张头等舱的票时,我们都很振奋”。由第一段交代的“作者和朋友当时很累”的故事背景,和第二段最后一句“and fort and style”,可知选择头等舱的是因为他们很累,所以希望可以有一个很放松且不被打扰的地方休息一下。而头等舱正好可以满足他们的愿望。所以答案选A。注意:本题易选D项他们想享受头等舱的服务。本题的选择须联系第一段交代的故事背景爬过山,很累。因而他们选择头等舱的最直接的原因在于此。享受头等舱的服务只是其中的一个次要原因。Q70情感态度类的推断题,问作者坐上头等舱

27、时候的感觉。文章中没有直接讲到作者登机后的感受,但在第二段有这样几处可以揣摩出作者当时的情感“jumped at the opportunity”及“spirits lifted immediately”,从这两处可知作者对于坐头等舱是感到非常兴奋和激动的。再看四个选项,B、C、D三个选项意思分别为不舒服的、紧张的、失望的,此三个均为负性词。跟前面的“激动”、“兴奋”不符合。所以排除,得出答案A,自豪的。Q71推断题,问空姐在第一次听到作者的话时候的感受。据step1可知本题的题眼在第四段作者说“Thank you.”后,空姐答“excuse me”,表明空姐在听到作者说感谢自己的时候,一时间

28、没有反应过来。所以才有了后文作者的“repeated”。再由后文的“she smiled.funny way”及第五段空姐说的话“you are the only passenger.”可知空姐在第一次听到作者的感谢时,并不是她没有理解作者话的意思,而是因为之前从没有乘客对她表达过感谢,所以第一次听到后感觉有些惊讶。C选项说“她不敢相信自己的耳朵”表达的正是惊讶的意思,故而是正确选项。Step41.muscle n.肌肉2.available adj.有效的;可得的;可利用的3.opportunity n.机会4.immediately adv.立即地 conj.一.就5.end in 以.告

29、终6.appreciate v.感激;欣赏 appreciation n.感激;欣赏7.belong to 属于8.elite n.精英9.Class n.班级;阶级 v.分类;把.分等级北京四中11-12学年期末测试C篇Encouraging Children to Think Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this important skill in children.

30、 If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as of great importance: a new type of tape. Drew worked for the Minnesota Mining Company. At work he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think

31、 more about the idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew improved the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former company learned from its mistake. Now it encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas. Creativity is not something

32、 one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a character of high intelligence. Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce new ideas that are good for something. Unfortunately, schools have not tried to encourage creativity. With strong attention

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