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1、中级口译历年翻译真题97年3月英译中The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this citys skyline. Today the cold war is over. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced and the free flow of goods and ideas is bringing to life the concept of a global village. But just as all na

2、tions can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no bordersterrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. To meet these challenges most effec

3、tively, China and the United States must act in concert. Some argue that with the Cold Wars end, the strategic importance of the US-China relationship has diminished. I believe they have it exactly backwards. As a new century begins, the importance of strengthening the ties between the United States

4、 and China will grow even greater.【参考译文】 世界的面貌正在发生引人注目的变化,其变化之快几乎就象这座城市德空中轮廓。今天,冷战已经结束。全球核冲突的危险性已大大减小,商品和思想的自由交流正在激发地球村的概念。但是,正如世界各国会受益于这个新世界的美好前景,没有一个国家能够免遭其祸害。缔造和平与繁荣,抵御不分国界的诸多威胁-恐怖主义、贩毒、疾病和环境破坏,这些与我们大家都有着利害关系。为了最有效地迎接这些挑战,中国和美国必须协力行动。有些人说,随着冷战的结束,美中关系的战略意义已经减弱了。我认为这些人刚好说反了。随着新世纪的开始,加强美国和中国的联系,其重要

5、性将变得更大。中译英手术室的门开了,我和爸爸急忙走进去。啊, 妈妈那双炯炯有神的大眼睛紧闭着,平进红红的脸现在苍白了。望着病中的妈妈,我想起了1981年夏天奶奶生病的情景。那年是上海少有的炎热天气。奶奶住院了,妈妈一天要去医院好几次,晚上还要去看护奶奶。妈妈多少天没有好好吃饭,好明显的瘦了。妈妈是音乐教师,好不仅用歌声教育学生什么是爱,也用实际行动告诉我孝敬父母是我们中华民族的美德。现在妈妈生病了,我一定要好好照顾她,做一个孝敬妈妈的好女儿。【参考译文】 The operating room opened, and Dad and I hurried in. Oh, Moms big, bri

6、ght eyes were closed tight, and her normally red face looked pale.Looking at sick Mom, I recalled the summer of 1981 when Granny was ill.That summer was unusually hot in Shanghai. Granny was hospitalized. Mom went to the hospital several times a day, and in the evening she was also there looking aft

7、er Granny. Having had no good meal several days running, Mom was obviously thinning.Mom is a music teacher. She not only teacher her students what love is all about with her songs but tells me by what she does that showing filial respect to parents is a virtue of our Chinese nation. Now that Mom is

8、sick, I must take good care of her and be a fine daughter who is filial towards Mom.99年9月英译中Dolphins, like whales, must surface to breathe air through a blowhole on top of their heads. Dolphins are social animals and love company. Many of them, in fact, even enjoy being around humans. It is not unco

9、mmon to hear of dolphins giving rides through the water to humans.In addition to being playful, dolphins are helpful to men. For example, as 400 B. C. the Greek poet Arion was saved from drowning by a dolphin. From then until now, dolphins have been helping swimmers who are in trouble. Swimmers, how

10、ever, are not the only humans they help. In some parts of the world, they can be counted on to help men catch fish.Moreover, dolphins are very intelligent. A dolphins brain resembles a human brain, but it is larger. Consequently, some people claim that dolphins are really smarter than men. Of course

11、, there is no way of proving this point. Brain size is not an absolute measure of intelligence. Furthermore, measuring dolphins intelligence in other ways is not possible since men cannot fully communicate with them. Apparently, however, dolphins communicate with each other. At any rate, they make w

12、histling, clicking and buzzing sounds which seem to be at least a form of language. So far, however, men have not been able to figure out the communication code the dolphins use.【参考译文】 海豚与鲸鱼一样,需要不时浮出水面以其头顶上的鼻孔进行呼吸。海豚是群居动物,爱结伴。事实上,不少海豚还以与人相处为乐,它们在水中供人乘骑之事也是常有所闻的。除了可爱逗趣之外,海豚对于人类是极有帮助的。例如,早在公元前400年希腊诗人


14、上海的优势在于科技实力,因此高技术产口的出口应成为上海外贸出口增长的“排头兵”。著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:“高科技战场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后的战场。”走发展高科技贸易之路,是历史的必然,也是末来的需要。【参考译文】 Every spring hundreds of thousands of domestic and foreign businessmen swarm into Shanghai to attend the annual East China Export Commodity Trade Fair. Here, all kinds of goods from Sh

15、anghai compete with the goods from other places in China. The advantage of Shanghai lies in its advanced scientific and technological strength, therefore the export of high-tech products should take the lead in increasing Shanghais foreign trade and export.Professor Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist

16、, once said, “The high-tech battlefield is the main and the last battlefield for China to overtake the developed countries.” It is not only indispensable in history, but also necessary in the future to develop by way of promoting high-tech trade.98年3月英译中One way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is to recruit outside the company. It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a s

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