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1、中考阅读回答问题一There are many times that you dont know what to do when you get bored. Boredom is an emotional state that can affect a persons attitude. Luckily, there are many fun activities you can do to kill boredom.Exercise Are you paying for a membership at a gym? This is the perfect moment for you to

2、 go to the gym and work out for a little bit. There you can relax your mind and get your body in a good shape. Or you can simply go jogging for an hour or so down on the street. Click here to check out some good exercises to burn calories fast.Clean your house Why not do some cleaning around the hou

3、se? Sometimes you dont have the time to organize your house or take away the things you dont need. You are embarrassed when you have a guest because your shoes and clothes are everywhere. Take this time to pick up the mess in your room.Play games in your iPhone Having an iPhone is like having a bore

4、dom killer. There are many things you can do with your iPhone. You can have such a good time playing these games in your iPhone. You might not consider it beneficial to play games in your phone, but this is a way you can release your stress. Click here and find out which games are good for your iPho

5、ne.Take your dog out for a walk Go out and take some fresh air. Take your dog out to the park or maybe around the block. You can play with your dog and teach it how to do cool stuff. Maybe making your dog to do a cool trick can surprise your friends. If your friends arent able to talk to you, to spe

6、nd time with your dog can be the solution. This may be what you really need to lift up your mood.61. What is boredom? 62. What can you do at a gym? 63. Why are you embarrassed when you have a guest?64. What can you do with the dog?65. What is the passage mainly about? 二Why is Denmark the “kingdom of

7、 fairy tales”? Because it was the home of famous writer Hans Christian Andersen. But there might be other reasons, says a new study. Denmark is the happiest country in the world, according to the 2013 World Happiness Report by the United Nations (UN). The report ranks (排列) 156 countries and regions

8、(地区). All the top five happiest countries are from Europe, and three of them are from Scandinavia.What makes people there happy? The UN considered several reasons.Money is one. We are happy if we have money to cover our necessities. But extra (额外的) money cannot bring us more happiness. People in Nor

9、thern Europe know this. From cars to mobile phones, from clothes to buildings, their designs are quite simple. Luxury (奢华) is not there. Another reason is health. Nordic (北欧的) people have a healthy diet. They love fresh food. “There is not a big fast-food culture and no ready meals. We sit down with

10、 our families to eat our meals,” said Trina Hahnemann, a Danish cook.A harmonious (和谐的) social life also makes us happy, according to the UN report. How about Nordic people? They live in harmony not only with people around, but also with nature. Night life is not popular in Scandinavia. People go ho

11、me after work for some quality (高品质的) time with family members. Many families have a backyard. Father and child spend hours there each week, planting flowers and building swings.Do you want to be happy? Think about the Nordic lifestyle, and happiness is in your own hands.61. Where does Hans Christia

12、n Andersen come from?_62. How many countries of the top five happiest countries are from Scandinavia?_63. Do Nordic people love fresh food or ready meals?_64. What can make people happy according to the passage?_65. What does the writer want to tell us?_三I love traveling so you can imagine my disapp

13、ointment when I knew that my local train station would be closed for five months. Unfortunately I do not have a car but I realized that I could start carpooling.Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. As a result, carpooling can be a cheaper choice th

14、an public transport because everyone in the car shares the cost of petrol (汽油). I recently did carpooling for the first time and it was very easy to find a driver. I used a website which lists drivers descriptions and found someone who was going to the same place as me. The descriptions provided a l

15、ot of information such as the drivers first name, age and gender as well as reviews from previous (以前的) passengers. I decided to travel with a lady who had very good reviews. I paid for my share of the petrol through the website and planned to meet her in the town center.It may seem quite dangerous

16、to travel with strangers but there are some safety actions. Firstly , the driver cannot receive your money until you text him or her a code (密码) at the end of your journey. This means that if you are unsatisfied with your trip, the driver will not be paid. Secondly, it is important to read quite a n

17、umber of the drivers descriptions and reviews when you choose a driver. Lastly, I would suggest traveling with a friend so that you will feel safer and less lonely.I had a very good experience of carpooling. Not only was the trip very cheap, but the driver and the other passengers were really friend

18、ly. They were all French so I had the chance to practice speaking some French. As train and petrol prices are rising, both drivers and passengers can benefit from this cheaper form of travel. More importantly, carpooling provides a fantastic opportunity to meet interesting people on your travels. 61

19、. How did the writer usually travel before starting carpooling?_62. Who pays for the petrol when people do carpooling?_63. When can the driver receive the money from a passenger?_64. To keep safe, what does a passenger need to do when choosing a driver?_65. In the writers opinion, what are the advan

20、tages of carpooling?_四 Do you worry about your health? Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then quit? If you answer yes, you should try a new type of exercise: aquatic exercise. Aquatic exercise is a kind of exercise you do in a swimming pool. For example, you can run, walk, or even do a

21、mind-body practice, such as yoga. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise. In the United States, the number has grown by 25% in recent years. People in other countries are also doing aquatic exercise more frequently. Aquatic exercise has many benefits. First of all, it feels easier than exe

22、rcising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is also better for your knees than running or walking. Aquatic exercise feels easy, but you still burn calories (卡). Water is 1,000 times thicker and heavier than air. In the same amount of time, you can burn more calories in the pool th

23、an in the gym. Thats because it takes more energy to move in the water. But what if you are scared of the water? No problem! There is nothing to worry about. Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesnt require any special skills. For most kinds of aquatic exercise, you dont even need to kn

24、ow how to swim. In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. They stop thinking about the things that make them anxious. The cool and quiet environment makes them exercise more. Aquatic exercise is suitable for everyone. You can do it at any age. It can even help people who have bee

25、n hurt in accidents. With aquatic exercise, they can move in ways they cant on land. For example, some people who cant walk can walk and even run in the water. So are you looking for a fun new way to improve your health? Why not try? Join the millions of people who are burning calories while keeping

26、 cool in the pool.61. Where do people do aquatic exercise?_62. Why do people burn more calories while doing aquatic exercise?_63. Is it difficult to learn aquatic exercise?_64. Who is aquatic exercise suitable for?_65. What is the passage mainly about?_五 Our views towards life change over the time.

27、When I was around five years old, I was in a car accident. At that time, I did not realize the seriousness of it and how lucky I was to still be alive. As I look back to think what happened on that night, I now realize how lucky my family members and I were to not have gotten serious injuries. The d

28、ay of the accident started out great. My brother, Troy, and I had spent the night before at JoAnns house, with Heather, and JoAnns husband Gary. The next day we spent playing inside the house, because it was cold, windy and rainy outside. At night, JoAnn told us we were going out and that where we w

29、ere going was a surprise. The five of us climbed into an old car, and we set off for our surprise. It was still cold, windy, and raining cats and dogs outside when we left. Troy, Heather and I sat in the backseat together happily. The next thing I knew was that everything was chaos (混乱)! The road was so slick (滑的) that the car lost control. Glass was flying everywhere, and it sounded like there was noise all around us. Then it was totally quiet, except for the sound of the rain and wind. Troy, Heather and I were al

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