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1、江西省赣州市高三下一模英语试题赣州市2022年高三年级摸底考试2022年3月英语试卷(本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)注意事项:1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间

2、来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. 19. 15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是C。1.What is the relationship between the woman and Tom?A. Sister and brother. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and employee.2.What does the woman hope to do?A. Put off the meeting. B. Cancel the meeting. C. Hold the meet

3、ing earlier.3.Where did the woman go first?A. The post office. B. Her friends home way. C. The supermarket.4.What does the woman mean?A. She did well in her term paper.B. She will finish her term paper soon.C. She has trouble finishing her term paper.5.What time does the meeting begin?A. At 6:00. B.

4、 At 6:10. C. At 6:20.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why dont the speakers choose Big Daves?A. It is too cold. B. It is a little small. C. It is closed.7.Where will the party be held

5、?A. In New Green. B. In Honey House. C. In Oceanside.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Why will Jack go to Birmingham?A. To watch a football game. B. To attend a birthday party. C. To travel on business.9.When will the speakers have dinner together?A. On May 17. B. On May 21. C. On May 22.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What ar

6、e the speakers talking about?A. Clothes for travel. B. A daily schedule. C. A holiday plan.11.Where will the man go on Wednesday?A. To the factory. B. To the seaside. C. To the mountains.12.What will the man wear on Friday?A. A jacket. B. A blue shirt. C. A sweater.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What will John

7、 get?A. A football. B. A bike. C. A toy car.14.Who is learning Chinese probably?A. Jack. B. Jane. C. John.15.When will the woman buy the gifts?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.16.What is purpose of taking the kids to the MacDonalds?A. To keep a secret about the gifts.B. To buy some delicio

8、us food.C. To spend a nice Christmas there.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Who is the speaker?A. A worker of the club. B. A newspaper reporter. C. The receptionist of the club.18.What kind of exercise could be included in the plan?A. Rock Climbing. B. Going walking. C. Going diving.19.What entertainment does t

9、he center offer?A. Relaxing in the garden. B. Watching TV. C. Holding parties.20.How can the members have newspapers sent to their rooms?A. By informing the library of demands.B. By paying a little more booking fee.C. By contacting the people at reception.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读

10、下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASince 1991, a ceremony presenting an award called Ig Nobel Prize would be held in September before the authentic Nobel Prize ceremony every year. It honors unusual scientific research. The standard is “make people laugh and then think”. Its not hard to understand the

11、first half of the standard when seeing the award-winning research. Medicine Prize One study firstly looked at the pain of hearing chewing sounds seriously but not as complaints from picky people. This symptom was diagnosed as misophonia(恐音症). This study also paid attention to people who cant stand t

12、he sounds of keyboard typing and heavy breathing. Ornitholog Prize One study was considerate enough to care about whether woodpeckers(啄木鸟) would have headache after they bang their heads against trees. Apart from the research, the prize ceremony also has many aspects worth laughing. Event The tradit

13、ion of throwing paper airplanes to the stage. Staff Sweepers responsible for cleaning the paper airplanes. Human spotlights responsible for lighting up speakers with a flashlight and their shining bodies. Miss Sweetie Poo, an eight-year-old girl responsible for stopping long speeches by saying “Plea

14、se stop. Im bored”. But there are important research processes and findings behind the unusual topics. Apart from diagnosing misophonia, the research team also studied the treatment of it. The study on the woodpeckers heads was helpful to the prevention of head injury. One study found that playing a

15、n Australian instrument called didgeridoo could treat snoring (打鼾). So Ig Nobel Prize is not an ignoble version of the Nobel Prize. The prize is very meaningful as it shows people science can be funny and down-to-earth. 21.What is sweepers duty on the ceremony?A. Lighting up speakers. B. Cleaning th

16、e paper airplanes.C. Preventing long speeches. D. Hosting the ceremony.22.What does the underlined word “down-to-earth” in the last Paragraph probably mean?A. Traditional. B. Challenging. C. Universal. D. Practical.23.What do we know about the Ig Nobel Prize?A. It focuses on unusual topics. B. It ha

17、s a history of fifty years.C. It is held annually in spring. D. It offers grand prizes to winners.B“Ill be back later, Lily. I know you can manage the store on your own.” Lilys father said reassuringly as he walked towards the front door. Lily saw his eyes beaming with pride. She was thankful that h

18、er father continued to shower her with love after all the trouble she had caused him. Lily loved climbing trees. She could not remember the countless times she ended up with a broken arm. She was scolded occasionally by her teachers for being late for school. Once, just to make herself feel good, sh

19、e challenged a few boys in her class to a race, which landed her in trouble with the discipline master for coming up with the idea and not thinking of their safety in the school. Lily was well-known among the neighbours. Surprisingly, it was not for her troubles. There were instances in which she ga

20、ve items in their store for free to the needy in the neighbourhood. As she did not think it was necessary to inform her father, she did the kind act quietly. However, she forgot one thing the cameras in the store. No sooner had her father left than Lily saw an elderly lady coming into the store, loo

21、king tired. Slowly the woman went to a corner and took a small packet of rice. She took some cash from her purse and spoke softly. “This is all I have. Is it enough?” Lily smiled. She was short of two dollars. Lily did not want to disappoint her and thought of something. Then she said, “I think it i

22、s enough since we are having a discount today on this packet of rice.” The woman gazed at Lily, relieved. One hour later, Lilys father came back and looked at Lily, expressionless. Oh no, Lily thought. Did he know what I just did? Lily wondered what her father would say to her for giving a discount

23、without his approval. Unexpectedly, he gave her a hug and said, “Thats my girl! I know youll make me proud one day.” His words really meant a lot to her. She was determined to mend her ways and make her parents proud. 24.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about Lily?A. Her hobbies. B. Her mistakes

24、. C. Her beliefs. D. Her achievements.25.Which of the following best describes Lily?A. Well-behaved. B. Strong-willed. C. Warm-hearted. D. Well-educated.26.How did Lilys father know about her kind act?A. From the store sales. B. From a neighbour.C. From his customers. D. Through the cameras.27.What

25、can we infer about Lily?A. She would improve the way she behaved.B. She couldnt get well along with her classmates.C. She wasnt adapted to her school life completely.D. She was known for her rudeness in the neighborhood.CResearchers say a new study shows two-way communication is possible with people

26、 who are asleep and dreaming. In separate experiments, scientists in the US, France, Germany and the Netherlands asked people simple questions while they slept. Sleepers would respond by moving their eyes or twitching (抽动) their faces in a certain way to indicate their answers. “Since the 1980s, wev

27、e known that dreamers can communicate out of dreams by using these signals,” says Karen Konkoly, a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University who is the first author on the study published in Current Biology. “But we were wondering, can we also communicate in by asking people questions that they could

28、 actually hear in their dreams so that we could kind of have a more meaningful conversation?” For example, a typical question would be to ask what is 8 minus 6. A 19-year-old American man was able to respond by moving his eyes left-right, left-right two times to signal “2”. Researchers asked the que

29、stion again, and he moved his eyes the same way two times again. Out of the 158 trials among 36 participants, about 18% of the time, they were able to give correct answers. In another 18%, it wasnt clear whether participants were responding or not. They were wrong 3% of the time. Most often, 61% of

30、the participants didnt respond at all. The researchers write that their findings present new opportunities for gaining real-time information about dreaming. Konkoly says theres the possibility of one day doing a sort of “dream therapy (疗法)” for talking down people experiencing nightmares. And if mor

31、e reliable communication methods can be worked out, it could help people with creative activities and ideas. With the help of an awake person, Konkoly says it could be possible to “combine those logical advantages of wake with the creative advantages of dreams and maybe have some more applications.” 28.How did the sleepers give answers in the study?A. By making gestures. B. By making eye movements.C. By making faces. D. By using sign languages.29.What can we learn from the new study?A

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