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专题53 GrammarWriting高一英语人教版必修2.docx

1、专题53 Grammar Writing高一英语人教版必修2Unit 5 MusicGrammar:介词+关系代词引导定语从句当关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,我们通常用介词+关系代词引导定语从句。如果指人, 用介词+whom;如果指物,用介词+which。who和that不能用于此结构。学习时应注意以下几点:一、介词的选用介词关系代词中的介词主要有以下三种确定方法:1. 根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词的搭配选用介词。The fellow to whom I spoke made no answer at first. 和我说话的那个人起先没有回答。(speak to)2. 根据先行词确定

2、介词。In his room, we saw a big table on which there were all kinds of books. 在他的房间里,我们看见一张上面放着各种书的大桌子。(on the table)3. 根据定语从句所表达的意义来确定介词。Air, without which man cant live, is really important. 空气确实太重要了,没有它人类就不能生存。This book has opened a window, through which we can see a wonderful world. 这本书打开了一扇窗,通过这扇窗

3、我们能够看到一个精彩的世界。【名师点津】当先行词是way且于从句中作状语的时候,我们可以使用in which或that引导定语从句。在这种情况下,in which或that也可以省略。I did not like the way (in which/that)she talked to me. 我不喜欢她和我说话的方式。二、介词关系代词的替换1. 当先行词为表示时间、地点的名词或名词短语及名词reason时,介词in,on,at,for等与关系代词which一起引导定语从句时,可用相应的关系副词when, where, why等替换。America is the country in whic

4、h George Washington was born. 乔治华盛顿出生在美国。(可用where替换in which)The reason for which he refused to go to the party was that they had not invited him. 他拒绝赴宴的原因是他们没邀请他。(可用why替换for which)2. the+名词+of +关系代词引导定语从句时,可用of +关系代词+the+名词或whose+名词替换。We study in a classroom, the door of which/of which the door/whos

5、e door faces south. 我们在门朝南的教室里学习。用介词关系代词填空1. There are ten novels on the shelf, _five are in English.2. Who is the girl _ your mother is talking?3. This is the song _ I often listen in the Globe Dance Hall.4. I can see the playground _ he does sports.5. I dont like the way _ they treat their parents

6、.【答案】1. of which 2. to/with/about; whom3. to which 4. on which5. in which . 用适当的介词填空1. Do you like the book _which she paid $10?2. Do you like the book _which she learned a lot?3. Do you like the book _which she often talks?4. The library _which students often study was on fire last night.5. The rea

7、son _which he didnt come was that he was ill.6. Ill never forget the time _ which I lived in the countryside.7. The woman _ whom Spielberg is married is an actress.8. She didnt know the teacher _ whom I turned for advice.9. London is the city _ which the 30th Summer Olympics were held.10. China has

8、a lot of rivers, the second longest _ which is the Yellow River. 完成句子1. Believe it or not, I dont like _he spoke to me.信不信由你,我不喜欢他对我讲话的方式。2. He borrowed a book the other day, _ is a worker.那天他借了一本书,书的作者是一名工人。3. Thank you for your help, _we could not have finished the work on time.感谢你的帮助,没有你的帮助我们不可能按

9、时完成工作。4. Who do you suppose is the man _ our teacher is talking?你知道正在和我们老师谈话的人是谁吗?5. The reason _ I bought the roses is that Mary likes them.我买玫瑰的原因是玛丽喜欢。I. 读下列含有定语从句的句子,试着找出定语从句的先行词和引导词1. This is the reason for which he loves Zhu Jun.先行词:_引导词:_2. He will never forget the day on which he went to Bei

10、jing.先行词:_引导词:_3. Is this company the one in which you worked half a year ago?先行词:_引导词:_4. There is a hole on the wall through which he can see whats happening inside.先行词:_引导词:_5. Do you know the boy with whom our teacher is talking?先行词:_引导词:_. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tap dancing

11、(踢踏舞) is mainly about the rhythms you create and how you create them. The rhythms can be as simple or as difficult as you choose. Some people begin with the easy rhyme. 1 As toddlers(刚学走路的小孩), we learn very quickly how to walk and then to run. But once we learn to get to where we want to go, we typi

12、cally stop teaching our feet. When we walk, we are usually going in a forward direction while stepping right, left, right, left, etc. 2 We often make several sounds while standing on one foot before shifting to the other foot. In other words, the tap dancer must become very aware of where he needs h

13、is body weight to go to in order to help create the step!Although the majority of the action in tap dancing rests at the feet, the truth is that the entire body needs to be involved. Think of a rhythm. You can listen to your favorite song to help you find one if you like. 3 Now that you have your rh

14、ythm in your head, see how many different ways you can think of to tap out that rhythm with your feet. 4 This is just an exercise in different ways to change your weight.When the music moves, you move to the music. Pretend the floor is a big drum and your feet are the drumsticks! 5 So do not be afra

15、id to pick up some tap shoes and join in!There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.A. Or you can simply use the happy birthday song.B. A beautiful song with sweet music has to be chosen.C. Do not worry about looking good.D. A nursery rhyme(童谣) can be a great rhythm to start with.E. Alwa

16、ys care what your appearance is like in the dancing.F. The possibilities are endless and so is the fun.G. But in tap dancing we may move forward, backward, sideways, up and down, or not in any direction at all!. 书面表达假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack感到自己弹吉他的方法不对,在得知你擅长弹吉他后,来信询问一些提高吉他演奏水平的建议。请你用英语给他写一封回信,注意以下几点: (1)词

17、数100左右; (2)给出不少于三条建议。_1. (2016浙江)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of_has been proved.A. whom B. which C. what D. that2. (2016江苏)Many young people, most_were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.A. of which B. of themC. of whom D.

18、 of those3. (2015浙江)Creating an atmosphere _ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.A. as B. whoseC. in which D. at which4. (2015重庆)He wrote many childrens books, nearly half of_were published in the 1990s.A. whom B. which C. them D. that5. (2015安徽)Some experts think reading is the fundame

19、ntal skill upon_ school education depends.A. it B. that C. whose D. which. 用适当的介词填空1. for 2. from3. about 4. in5. for 6. during7. to 8. to9. in 10. ofII. 完成句子1. the way (that/in which) 2. the author of which3. without which 4. with whom5. for whichI. 读下列含有定语从句的句子,试着找出定语从句的先行词和引导词1. the reason; for w

20、hich2. the day; on which3. the one; in which4. a hole; through which5. the boy; with whom. 七选五【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了怎样跳踢踏舞。首先介绍了什么是踢踏舞,然后对在跳踢踏舞的过程中应该注意的问题进行了说明。1. D【解析】根据空处前一句” Some people begin with the easy rhyme 可推断出,此处作者可能提出一个建议,故选D。2. G 解析根据窒处前_句When we walk, we are usually going in a forward dir

21、ection while stepping right,left, right, left etc空处是与前面的对比,即学跳踢踏舞与学步时是不一样的。故选G。3. A 【解析】由空处前一句You can listen to your favorite song to help you find one if you like可知,这里是对选择歌曲的建议,A项中的Or you can与空处前一句中的You can listen to相对应,故选A。4. C 【解析】从该空下一句This is just an exercise in different ways to change your we

22、ight可知选C,不要担心跳舞的样子看起来是否好看,这只是一种不同方式的减肥运动。5. F 【解析】根据最后一段的最后一句So do not be afraid to pick up some tap shoes and join in可知选F,跳踢踏舞有无尽的可能性且乐趣多多,所以不要害怕,挑选一些踢踏舞鞋来加入吧。. 书面表达【参考范文】Dear Jack,You have asked me for my advice on how to improve your guitar playing skill and I will try to give some useful advice.

23、 Here is what you need to do:First, you should get excited as soon as you become aware of your problems in your guitar playing, because you are about to become a better guitar player! I suggest you work on one problem at a time. As a result, those problems will be solved one by one. Besides, I think

24、 you should find a truly experienced guitar teacher and study under his guidance to improve your guitar playing.What is more, stay patient and persevere. Focus on the end result you want to achieve in your guitar playing at all times and youre sure to be successful.Yours,Li Hua1. B【解析】考查定语从句。句意:科学家已

25、经提出了许多关于人类为什么会流泪的理论,其中没有一个得到了证明。该句中的先行词是many theories,关系词在定语从句中作硬的宾语,应该用关系代词which, none of which共同构成从句的主语,故选B项。2. C 【解析】考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词是young people,most表示他们中的大多数,因此应该使用most of whom。因为先行词指人,不能选择of which。3. C 【解析】句意:营造一种氛围,让员工们感觉(自己)是团队的一分子,此乃一大挑战。先行词是atmosphere,空处在定语从句中作地点状语, 在氛围中用介词in,所以选C。4. B 【解析

26、】句意:他写了许多儿童读物,几乎有一半的书是在二十世纪九十年代出版的。逗号之后是一个修饰childrens books 的非限制性定语从句,which指代childrens books。 5. D 【解析】Some experts think是主句,主句之后是省略了连词that的宾语从句;在名词skill之后则是一个由介词upon+关系代词引导的定语从句,定语从句中的主语school education前不需要加限定词,故排除作定语的whose,此处应填入关系代词which。句意:一些专家认为阅读是学校教育所依赖的基本技能。Writing: 如何写征求建议的信件征求建议的信件是信件的一种,写信人就某一方面的问题向对方(老师、上级、长辈、专业人士或机构等)征求意见。在写这类作文时,要注意以下几点:1. 开门见山。直截了当地提出自己的问题、困惑。2. 态度诚恳,言辞礼貌。3. 信件末尾要表示感谢。写作模板Dear., Im.I am writing to ask for some help. I have some difficulty in.Would you like to help me.? I will appreciate it if you can._

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