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1、CHowtoProgramdocTOURO COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUSLANDER COLLEGEDEPARTMENT: COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: PREREQUISITES: CREDIT HOURS: DEVELOPER: LAST UPDATE:Computer Science Data Structures MCO242MCO2323Miriam Pion czakJuly 2003COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course explores the more adva need con cepts of the Ob

2、ject Orien ted Desig n and Program ming paradigm in clud ing operator overload ing, in herita nee versus compositi on, polymorphism, run-time versus compile time binding, multiple inheritanee, shallow versus deep copying, exception handling, and function templates. In addition, the basic file I/O op

3、erations will be covered. Some basic data structures such as stacks and queues may be in troduced as well. Stude nts will develop applicatio ns that impleme nt these object-orie nted con cepts using C+.COURSE/DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVESThe stude nts will be able to:Explai n whe n static data members are

4、 used and howDiffere ntiate betwee n class static data members and class data membersGive an example of an overloaded operator and expla in how overloaded operators are used to make classes act like built in data types such as int and floatDevelop code that impleme nts a variety of overloaded operat

5、ors for a particular classUse memory man ageme nt tech niq ues such as dyn amic memory allocati on, releas ing dyn amically allocated memoryManipulate strings in a variety of ways: using characters arrays, using char* pointers, using the C+ stri ng classDiffere ntiate betwee n the differe nt ways st

6、ri ngs can be man ipulated and ide ntify the adva ntages and disadva ntages of each tech niqueUse C+ library functions to handle C-strings such as strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(),strcmp(), strstr() Expla in what is meant by memberwise copy and what problems it might causeExpla in how copy con structors

7、 solve the problem of memberwise copyDem on strate whe n copy con structors are n ecessaryDiffere ntiate betwee n a copy con structor and a convert con structorExpla in whe n class destructors are n ecessaryDiffere ntiate betwee n a convert con structor and object conv ersi on using the overloadedDe

8、fine the followi ng OOP con cept: compositi onDefine the following OOP concepts: inheritanee, polymorphismExpla in how the con cept of in herita nee is impleme nted using C+Expla in how in herita nee and compositi on provides code reusabilityCompare and con trast compositi on and in herita neeDem on

9、 strate how polymorphism is impleme nted using in herita nee with virtual functions Compare and eon trast private versus public in herita neeIden tify the accessibility of data members and member fun cti ons that were declared private, public, or protected to class member fun cti ons, to in herited

10、class member fun cti ons and to outside member functionsExpla in the adva ntage of using protected data members within an in herita nee hierarchyIden tify the order in which eon structors and destructors are inv oked whe n derived class objects are in sta ntiatedIdentify the pitfalls of multiple inh

11、eritanee and how they can be addressedExpla in how in herita nee can be used to specialize or gen eralize a base classExpla in how in herita nee can be used to hide data members an d/or member fun cti ons of a base classList the adva ntages and disadva ntages of dyn amic versus static bindingExpla i

12、n how dyn amic binding is impleme nted in C+ using virtual methodsExpla in and dem on strate why virtual destructors might be n ecessary if dyn amic memory allocati on takes places with in a base and derived classList several reas ons that C+ allows us to defi ne friend functionsUse the ifstream and

13、 ofstream objects to access, process and store data on disk filesIdentify fstream class member functions and how they are used: open(), is_open(), operator!。, fail(), eof()Explain why it is important to close a file when it is not being usedDiffere ntiate betwee n text files and binary file formatsD

14、iffere ntiate betwee n seque ntial file and ran dom file process ingExplain why delimiters are necessary in order to process text files and why blanks can not always be used as delimitersDevelop code that impleme nts excepti on han dli ng tech niq ues using try, catch and throwExpla in why desig nin

15、g a class that throws exceptio ns may be more preferable tha n displayi ng error messages on the scree n.Expla in how using templates allows us to impleme nt gen eric classes or gen eric fun cti ons Explai n why the impleme ntati on of operator overloadi ng is in tri nsic to the use of many template

16、s Given specifications of a class, write C+ code necessary to implement a class, including default, copy, and convert eon structors, destructors, member functions, overloaded operators, various levels of accessibility (public, private and protected)Demon strate how C+ impleme nts in herita nee by defi ning based and derived classesGive n a hierarchy of classes, ide ntify which da

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