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1、跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TTP),也被称作 经济北约 ,是目前重要的国际多边经济谈判组织,那么tpp协议内容是什么?tpp功能是什么意思?一起来看看关于跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)的解析及跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)的正文原文中英文对照。 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP) 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement),也被称作 经济北约 ,是目前重要的国际多边经济谈判组织,前身是跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agr

2、eement,P4)。是由亚太经济合作组织成员国中的新西兰、新加坡、智利和文莱四国发起,从2002年开始酝酿的一组多边关系的自由贸易协定,原名亚太自由贸易区,旨在促进亚太地区的贸易自由化。 TPP成员国之间会带来产品、服务价格下降,物流速度增加,各国可以取长补短,消费者是最直接的受益者之一。但是贸易开放一直都是一把双刃剑,有领域受益,就有领域 受伤 。成员国的国家利益或某些产业的利益可能会因此受到他国的冲击,这一问题在关税方面尤其突出。 TPP谈判始于2010年3月,谈判由两大类内容构成:一是知识产权保护规则等12个谈判参与国一起决定的领域;二是如某类商品进口关税减免等双边磋商领域。 2015

3、年10月5日,跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(TPP)终于取得实质性突破,美国、日本和其他10个泛太平洋国家就TPP达成一致。12个参与国加起来所占全球经济的比重达到了40%。TPP将对近18000种类别的商品降低或减免关税。1 2016年2月4日,美国、日本、澳大利亚、文莱、加拿大、智利、马来西亚、墨西哥、新西兰、秘鲁、新加坡和越南12个国家在奥克兰正式签署了跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)协议。 TPP协定需要各国立法部门(国会、议会)批准通过,整个TPP生效还需要很长时间。 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)正文英文 根据新西兰政府网站公布信息,跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)英文文本通过法律验证

4、,并于2016年1月26日公布如下(下载链接见文末): Preamble PDF, 74 KB 1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions PDF, 124 KB The Chapter includes the following Annex: Annex 1-A: Party-Specific Definitions 2. National Treatment and Market Access for Goods PDF, 327 KB The Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 2-

5、A: National Treatment and Import and Export Restrictions Annex 2-B: Remanufactured Goods Annex 2-C: Export Duties, Taxes or Other Charges Annex 2-D: Tariff Elimination Party-specific Annexes to the Chapter: 2-D: Australia General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 86 KB 2-D: Australia Tariff Elimination

6、Schedule PDF, 3.3 MB 2-D: Brunei General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 87 KB 2-D: Brunei Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 7.1 MB 2-D: Canada General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 163 KB 2-D: Canada Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 4.8 MB 2-D: Canada Appendix A Tariff Rate Quotas PDF, 335 KB 2-D: Can

7、ada Appendix D Appendix between Japan and Canada on Motor Vehicle Trade PDF, 191 KB 2-D: Chile General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 171 KB 2-D: Chile Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 4.8 MB 2-D: Japan General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 261 KB 2-D: Japan Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 3.3 MB 2-

8、D: Japan Appendix A Tariff Rate Quotas PDF, 733 KB 2-D: Japan Appendix B-1 Agricultural Safeguard Measures PDF, 115 KB 2-D: Japan Appendix B-2 Forest Good Safeguard Measure PDF, 44 KB 2-D: Japan Appendix C Tariff Differentials PDF, 284 KB 2-D: Japan Appendix D-1 Appendix between Japan and the US on

9、Motor Vehicle Trade PDF, 358 KB 2-D: Japan Appendix D-2 Appendix between Japan and Canada on Motor Vehicle Trade PDF, 191 KB 2-D: Malaysia General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 159 KB 2-D. Malaysia Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 7.4 MB 2-D: Malaysia Appendix A Tariff Rate Quotas PDF, 263 KB 2-D: M

10、exico General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 176 KB 2-D. Mexico Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 9.5 MB 2-D. Mexico Appendix A-1 Tariff Rate Quotas and Appendix A-2 Country-Specific Allocation for Sugar of Mexico PDF, 87 KB 2-D: Mexico Appendix C Tariff Differentials PDF, 173 KB 2-D: New Zealand Gene

11、ral Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 160 KB 2-D. New Zealand Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 4.7 MB 2-D: Peru General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 158 KB 2-D: Peru Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 6 MB 2-D: Singapore General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 147 KB 2-D: Singapore Tariff Elimination Sched

12、ule PDF, 3.4 MB 2-D: United States General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 56 KB 2-D: United States Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 19 MB 2-D: United States Appendix A Tariff Rate Quotas PDF, 285 KB 2-D: United States Appendix B Agricultural Safeguard Measures PDF, 78 KB 2-D: United States Appendix C

13、 Tariff Differentials PDF, 349 KB 2-D: United States Appendix D Appendix between the US and Japan on Motor Vehicle Trade PDF, 357 KB 2-D: United States Appendix E United States-Viet Nam Earned Import Allowance Program PDF, 295 KB 2-D: Viet Nam General Notes to Tariff Schedule PDF, 197 KB 2-D. Viet N

14、am Tariff Elimination Schedule PDF, 12 MB 2-D: Viet Nam Appendix A Tariff Rate Quotas PDF, 64 KB 3. Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures PDF, 172 KB This Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 3-A: Other Arrangements Annex 3-B: Minimum Data Requirements Annex 3-C: Exceptions to Article 3.11

15、(De Minimis) Annex to the Chapter: Annex 3-D: Product Specific Rules of Origin PDF, 546 KB Appendix 1 to Annex: 3-D: Provisions related to the Product-Specific Rules of Origin for certain vehicles and parts of vehicles PDF, 95 KB 4. Textile and Apparel Goods PDF, 133 KB Annexes to the Chapter: Annex

16、 4-A: Textiles and Apparel Product-Specific Rules of Origin PDF, 87 KB Appendix 1 to Annex 4-A: Short Supply List of Products PDF, 317 KB 5. Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation PDF, 273 KB 6. Trade Remedies PDF, 341 KB The Chapter includes the following Annex: Annex 6-A: Practices Relating

17、 to Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings 7. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures PDF, 152 KB 8. Technical Barriers to Trade PDF, 198 KB The Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 8-A: Wine and Distilled Spirits Annex 8-B: Information and Communications Technology Products Annex 8-C:

18、 Pharmaceuticals Annex 8-D: Cosmetics Annex 8-E: Medical Devices Annex 8-F: Proprietary Formulas for Pre-packaged Foods and Food Additives Annex 8-G: Organic Products 9. Investment PDF, 244 KB This Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 9-A: Customary International Law Annex 9-B: Expropriatio

19、n Annex 9-C: Expropriation Relating to Land Annex 9-D: Service of Documents on a Party Under Section B (Investor State Dispute Settlement) Annex 9-E: Transfers Annex 9-F: DL-600 Annex 9-G: Public Debt Annex 9-H Annex 9-I: Non-Conforming Measures Ratchet Mechanism Annex 9-J: Submission of a Claim to

20、Arbitration Annex 9-K: Submission of Certain Claims for Three Years After Entry into Force Annex 9-L: Investment Agreements See country-specific Annexes to the Agreement (跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)附件英文) 10. Cross-Border Trade in Services PDF, 89 KB The Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 10-A: Profes

21、sional Services Annex 10-B: Express Delivery Services Annex 10-C: Non-Conforming Measures Ratchet Mechanism See country-specific Annexes to the Agreement (跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)附件英文) 11. Financial Services PDF, 228 KB This Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 11-A: Cross-Border Trade Annex 11-B: S

22、pecific Commitments Annex 11-C: Non-Conforming Measures Ratchet Mechanism Annex 11-D: Authorities Responsible For Financial Services Annex 11-E See country-specific Annexes to the Agreement (跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)附件英文) 12. Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 97 KB Party-specific Annexes to the Chapte

23、r: Annex 12-A. Temporary Entry for Business Persons 12-A. Australia Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 176 KB 12-A. Brunei Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 234 KB 12-A. Canada Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 230 KB 12-A. Chile Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 172 K

24、B 12-A. Japan Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 185 KB 12-A. Malaysia Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 193 KB 12-A. Mexico Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 257 KB 12-A. New Zealand Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 176 KB 12-A. Peru Temporary Entry for Business Pers

25、ons PDF, 191 KB 12-A. Singapore Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 141 KB 12-A. Viet Nam Temporary Entry for Business Persons PDF, 184 KB 13. Telecommunications PDF, 113 KB This Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 13-A: Rural Telephone Suppliers United States Annex 13-B: Rural Telep

26、hone Suppliers - Peru 14. Electronic Commerce PDF, 122 KB 15. Government Procurement PDF, 113 KB Party-specific Annexes to the Chapter: Annex 15-A. Government Procurement 15-A. Australia Government Procurement PDF, 199 KB 15-A. Brunei Government Procurement PDF, 64 KB 15-A. Canada Government Procure

27、ment PDF, 374 KB 15-A. Chile Government Procurement PDF, 130 KB 15-A. Japan Government Procurement PDF, 250 KB 15-A. Malaysia Government Procurement PDF, 118 KB 15-A. Mexico Government Procurement PDF, 418 KB 15-A. New Zealand Government Procurement PDF, 158 KB 15-A. Peru Government Procurement PDF,

28、 122 KB 15-A. Singapore Government Procurement PDF, 197 KB 15-A. United States Government Procurement PDF, 194 KB 15-A. Viet Nam Government Procurement PDF, 505 KB 16. Competition Policy PDF, 50 KB This Chapter includes the following Annex: Annex 16-A: Application of Article 16.2, Article 16.3 and A

29、rticle 16.4 to Brunei Darussalam 17. State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies PDF, 574 KB This Chapter includes the following Annexes: Annex 17-A: Threshold Calculation Annex 17-B: Process for Developing Information Concerning State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies Annex 17-C: Fu

30、rther Negotiations Annex 17-D: Application to Sub-Central State-Owned Enterprises Annex 17-E: Singapore Annex 17-F: Malaysia Annex IV: Non-Conforming Activities See country-specific Annexes to the Agreement (跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)附件英文) 18. Intellectual Property PDF, 720 KB This Chapter includes the followi

31、ng Annexes: Annex 18-A: Annex to Article 18.7.2 (International Agreements) Annex 18-B: Annex to Article 18.50 (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data) and Article 18.52 (Biologics) Annex 18-C: Annex to Article 18.50 (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data) and Article 18.52 (Biologics) Annex 18-D: Annex to Article 18.46 (Patent Term Adjustments for Patent Office Delays), Article 18.48 (Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable Curtailment), Article 18.50 (

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