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1、最新牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit5全单元教学设计共8课时1Unit5 Art world教学设计课 题9A Unit5 Welcome to the unit主备人执教者课 型New 课 时1授课时间教学目标1.To learn the vocabulary about different arts 2. To talk about their favorite art forms and explain the reasons教学要点教学重点To learn the key words and phrases教学难点To explain their love for arts教学法指导Ta

2、sk based method教具准备CAI集体智慧个性设计教学后记一、自主定向翻译下面词组 1.令人愉快的东西 2.热爱艺术 3.更令人愉快的 4.停止做 5.停下来做某事 6.艺术形式二、合作交流Step 1 Lead in Teacher shows some pictures on the walls and let Ss guess who draw them and then show more paintings on the screen.Step 2 presentation Listen and answer the following questions 1. Why d

3、oes Eddie stop there?2. What do you think Eddie really loves? Check the answers and read after the tape in different forms in order to make Ss practice oral English.Step3 Find out something new, something important or something you cant understand 1.Tell us how to use find?2. How much do you know ab

4、out 不定代词?3 How to use pleasant, pleased, pleasure.4. Do you know how to express“音乐家”,“有才华的”? 5. How to use “amazing” and “amazed”? music (n) 音乐 (不可数) a piece of music musical (adj) 音乐的 musical talent musician (n) 音乐家 talent (n) 才华 talented (adj) 有才华的 He has a _ of music. He is a _ actor. amazing (ad

5、j )令人吃惊的(修饰物) amazed (adj) 感到吃惊的 (修饰人) He is _ at the _ film.Step 4 Presentation Let Ss enjoy the pictures on Page65 and finish the exercises Play a guessing game about different kinds of music What art form do you like best? Why? What kind of art form do you like best?Listen and fill in the forms W

6、hat kind of music does Daniel like best?Daniels favourite art form kind of music singer reasonStep5 Work in pairs:A: What art form do you like?B: I like .A: Really? What kind of . do you like best?B: I prefer .A: Whos your favourite .?B: I like . best.A: Why do you like .?B: Because .三、当堂评估用括号内所给单词的

7、适当形式填空1.Wish you a _please)trip.2. If you have a _ (music) ability,you should use it.3. I ve found something _ (much) pleasant than art. 4. I find it interesting_(learn) English. 选择5. We didnt learn _ in this lesson. A. something difficult B. difficult something C. anything difficult D. difficult an

8、ything6.Its kind of you to help me finish the task. - _. A.It doesnt matter B.Never mind C.Dont mention it. D. My pleasureAsk students to try to finish the exercises before class. Talk with your partners and give the answers to the questions.板书设计Unit5 Art world1.令人愉快的东西 something pleasant 2.热爱艺术 lov

9、e art 3.更令人愉快的 4.停止做 5.停下来做某事 stop to do sth 6.艺术形式 art form课 题Reading 1主备人执教者课 型New 课 时2授课时间教学目标1.To learn about Tan Duns experiences and representative works2.To get to know about biographical literary styles教学要点教学重点 To learn the new words and sentence structures.教学难点 To get the main idea of the w

10、hole passage and master the key structures教学法指导Task based method教具准备CAI集体智慧个性设计教学后记一、自主定向翻译词组_ 1.乐器 2.普通用品 3.认识 结识 4.一种新型音乐 5.表现出对.的兴趣 6.水流的速度二、合作交流Step 1 GreetingStep 2 play a guessing game a world-famous composer/musicianbe known for make sound by controlling the speed of water flow make music wit

11、h common objects instead of musical instruments use traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, in a western style It is Tan Dun.Step 3 practiceMatch the words with their meanings(the B1 on P68) Check the answers togetherStep 4 while reading Skim Go through the article quick

12、ly and answer the questions.1. Who is the article about?2. What is he?3. What is he famous for?As a composer, what is Tan Dun best known for?Finish the exercise B2Let the students skim the Paragraph 13 and answer the questions.Tell if the following sentences are true or false. If it is false, please

13、 correct it.( ) 1. Tan Dun wrote music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. ( ) 2. Tan Dun is a world-famous actor. ( ) 1. When he was young, Tan Dun was not interested in music. ( ) 2. Tan Dun once made music with tones and paper.( ) 3. Tan Dun received both Eastern and Western musical education.( )

14、 3. Tan Dun went on to study in the USA in 1985.Para 2Tans special interest in music at a young age Read Paragraph 2 and find out how specialTans music isTans interest in musicHe thinks the best music comes from natureHave a good influence on Tan Duns later musicPara 3Tans education and his Oscar mu

15、sicRead Paragraph 3 and find out Tans educationexperience.Educationstudied at Central Conservatory of Music in Beijingwent on to study in the USAPara 4: Read and answer1. What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music?2. What kind of musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water?3. How does Tan

16、 make music in Water?Read Para.5-6 and find out Tans role and achievements.Step 5 Post reading An interview Suppose you are Tan Dun and youre invited to our class, other students will ask questions about your life and your work. What have you learnt from the article?Work hard to achieve our dreams.B

17、e interested in sth. and get good education.The art world is without boundaries.Step 6 Practice Exercise Complete the conversation below.Daniel: Tan Dun is one of the greatest (1)_ in the world. Could you tell me more about him?Sandy: Sure. He wrote the (2)_ music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

18、Daniel: I know he loves the sound of (3)_. Have they influenced his works?Sandy: Yes. He uses them a lot in his music, and in one of his works, Water, he doesnt use any musical (4)_.Daniel: Really? How does he make music,Ask students to finish the exercises before class.Listen and answer the questio

19、ns.板书设计Reading 11.乐器 musical instruments 2.普通用品 common objects 3.认识 结识 4.一种新型音乐 5.表现出对.的兴趣 6.水流的速度 the speed of water flow课 题Reading 2主备人执教者课 型New 课 时3授课时间教学目标 1.To understand how to talk about arts and to express love for arts2.To recognize and understand vocabulary about arts教学要点教学重点Key words and

20、phrases教学难点Key phrases and sentences教学法指导Task based method教具准备CAI集体智慧个性设计教学后记一自主定向Try to retell something about Tan Dun and his musicYear of birth: Place of birth: Interests:Job: Education:Best known for:His music:二、合作交流Language points1. music without boundaries without的用法 without和with都是介词,后面跟名词,动名词

21、或者代词。例如: 萨蒙没吃早饭就去上学了 没有闪电就没有生命。2. Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.1.each time的意思是每次或者每当,在这作为连接词,引导时间状语从句。例如:Each time I wash the car, it rains. 每次我一洗车,天总是下雨。Each time he comes to this city,he visits me.每次他来这座城市都要来看我。2. present

22、在句中作为动词,意思是颁发授予。常用短语有present sb. with sth.颁发某物给某人。它的名词形式是presentation。Messiwas presented withthe Golden Ballin 2012.梅西2012年被授予了金球奖。present也有名词词性,意思是礼物。例如:Simon is generous enough to buy us two presents. 萨蒙够大方地给我们每人买了2件礼物。present还有现在的意思。常见短语有:现在 at present ,过去和现在 past and present 等Practice: have a tr

23、y校长授予了吉姆最佳学生奖,那是他得到的最好的礼物。The principle _ Jim_ the Best Students Award. That was the best _ he had got.3. When he was young, Tan showed an interest in music.短语show an interest in 的意思是对表现出兴趣。例如:姚明从小就对篮球表现出极大的兴趣。Yao Ming showed a great interest in basketball at a very young age.interest的词性是名词,意思是兴趣。它也

24、有动词词性,意思是使感兴趣。例如:Can I interest you in a new car?我给你介绍一下新车,你感兴趣吗?interest的形容词分别是interesting和interested。Have a try:汤姆从小就对那些有趣的动物表现出了极大的兴趣。Tom_ in those _ animals.4. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.1. as在这儿是介词,意思是作为。

25、常见短语有treat sb. as 把某人当作来对待,例如:Our teachers treat us as their children.我们的老师把我们像自己的孩子一样对待。 as也可以作为连词,表示因为、由于的意思。例如: As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lotin his music. 因为谭盾喜欢大自然的声音,他在他的音乐中大量使用了它们。2. be known for的意思是因而闻名。可与be famous for互换使用。例如:南京因为它悠久的历史而闻名。 Nanjing is known/ famous for

26、 its long history.5.Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.1. instead在这儿的意思是代替,反而。常放于句首或句尾。例如: Heis too busy, let me go instead.他太忙了,让我去吧。 instead的常用短语是instead of,意思是代替,后面接名词、代词或动名词。例如: I will clean the window instead of him.我将代替他擦窗户。2. controlcontrol意思是控

27、制。常用短语有out of control失去控制,remote control 遥控器。3. the speed of 意思是的速度。常在短语前加at。例如: The train is coming at the speed of 140 kilometres per hour. 火车正在以每小时140公里的速度驶来。 三、当堂评估用所给单词的适当形式填空。v 1. Susanleft home without_(say) any word.v 2. Thepoor boy should go to school instead of_(work) to support family.v 3

28、.Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most_(tradition)festivals in China.v 4. My job is_ (introduce) each star at the show.v 5. Sandyis_in the_ (interest) news.Ask students to try to finish the exercises before class.TAsk the students to think over the questions and answer them.从练习效果看,学生对文中出现的重要句子掌握还不

29、错。板书设计Reading 21. music without boundaries without的用法 without和with都是介词,后面跟名词,动名词或者代词。例如: 萨蒙没吃早饭就去上学了 没有闪电就没有生命。2. Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.课 题GrammarA主备人执教者课 型New 课 时4授课时间教学目标1.To learn to use because, since and as to give reasons2.To learn the new words: because, since, as, highly, breath and last教学要点教学重点 Giving reasons with because, since and as教学难点 To tell the differences between them教学法指导Task based method教具准备CAI集体智慧个性设计教学后记一、自主定向Highly adv. 高度地;高地Br

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