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1、每周一测试题君之每日一题君. 阅读理解A In the fall of 1959, Freed suffered a bad reputation for rumors of bribery (贿赂行为), and his troubles were too strong to be resisted. When WABC asked Freed to sign a statement swearing that he had never taken bribes, he refused and was fired. Although he later signed such a statem

2、ent for WNEW-TV, he lost his television show as well. Finding himself unwelcome in New York, Freed fled to the West Coast, where he managed to land a daytime disc jockey (流行音乐播音员) job at KDAY in Los Angeles in 1960. Legal problems continued to bother him, though, and he was charged with taking bribe

3、s of more than $30,000 from a number of record companies. Publicly, Freed denied that he had ever accepted direct bribes, although he acknowledged that he had accepted gifts from record companies, but only for playing records that he was certain would become hits anyway. After a short time at KDAY,

4、he left when the station management refused to let him promote his live rock n roll shows. He returned to New York, but not as a broadcaster. At the height of the great enthusiasm for the twist dance, he hosted a Manhattan twist revue (时事讽刺剧), but when this enthusiasm cooled, he found a disc jockey

5、job at WQAM in Miami in 1962. During this difficult period, Freed began drinking heavily and lost his job in Miami after only two months. In December of 1962 he was found guilty in New York of two charges of commercial bribery and was given a six-month sentence and fined $300. This effectively ended

6、 his career. Freed spent the last years of his life in Palm Springs, California. Although he had redefined what it meant to be a disc jockey and named the music that had become an anthem (圣歌) for the worlds youth, he was a disgraced (耻辱的) and broken man, no longer able to work in the business he lov

7、ed. On January 20, 1965, he died in a hospital in Palm Springs.1. Why was Freed fired by WABC? A. Because he took bribes. B. Because he swore he didnt take bribes. C. Because he refused to admit taking bribes. D. Because he refused to make a statement as WABC required.2. According to Freed, he accep

8、ted the gifts from record companies only when _. A. the gifts were not valuable B. the gifts had no connection with playing records C. the records he was asked to play were very famous D. the records he was asked to play would surely become popular3. What can we learn from the passage? A. Freed didn

9、t take bribes at all. B. Freed showed no talent for music. C. Freed had made contributions in his career. D. KDAY fired Freed because of his addiction to alcohol.B A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made manthe man who has risen to the top

10、through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and wins greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point o

11、ut that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some kind. This attitude toward manual (体力的)labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even expensively furnished and in which there is every eviden

12、ce of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore, the dinner will not consist just of something qu

13、ickly and easily mixed from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. Instead, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional man may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even

14、 help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a group of workers on the highway in order to pay for his education.4. From Paragraph 1, we know that in Am

15、erica _. A. people feel painful to mention their fathers as laborers B. people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made man C. people can always rise to the top through their own efforts D. college professors win great respect from common workers5. According to the passage, the hostess cooks din

16、ner herself mainly because _. A. she can hardly afford servants B. servants in America are hard to get C. she takes pride in what she can do herself D. it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food6. The expression “wait on table” in the second paragraph means “_”. A. wait to place the table B. keep

17、 accounts for a bar C. work in a furniture shop D. serve customers in a restaurant7. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage? A. A Respectable Self-made Family. B. The Development of Manual Labor. C. Characteristics of American Culture. D. American Attitude Toward Manual La

18、bor. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I was surprised when I received a short message from my father wishing me a happy birthday. I had 1to hear from my mother, my grandmother and my other relatives 2never from my father. Lying in bed,3of my father flooded back. When I was a little b

19、oy, I regarded my father as a (n)4able to do anything.5, things slowly began to 6. The more I learned, the more I doubted what he said. The gap between us grew and, at last, I didnt 7want to communicate with him. My father, in my mind, had no 8in talking with me. Dinner was the only time we were tog

20、ether. He had no time to watch TV with me. He would tell me to ask my mother 9I needed something. He even refused to answer my 10when I phoned from school. I 11the changes. I thought that perhaps my father no longer 12me any more. Over time, however, I began to wonder whether my 13was right. One day

21、, my mother told me that each time I called, father was 14listening beside her. Suddenly, I hated myself for my 15behavior toward him. I planned thousands of times to 16my father. In the end, however, I was always too embarrassed about what I had done. But that Saturday, I was so 17by his short mess

22、age. I realized then that my fathers love for me had never disappeared. I decided to send a 18: “Thank you, my dear father.” Two days later, when I returned home, my mother told me that my father had been so 19when he received my reply. She said he had 20from morning till night. At that moment, I fe

23、lt truly happy.1. A. expected B. intended C. planned D. wanted2. A. and B. so C. but D. or3. A. opinions B. memories C. thoughts D. responses4. A. angel B. teacher C. hero D. friend5. A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides6. A. improve B. change C. develop D. appear7. A. still B. ever C. ye

24、t D. even8. A. interest B. trouble C. chance D. courage9. A. although B. if C. even if D. after10. A. letters B. e-mails C. questions D. calls11. A. got fond of B. got sick of C. got familiar with D. got accustomed to12. A. helped B. supported C. loved D. missed13. A. behavior B. words C. manner D.

25、action14. A. often B. always C. seldom D. never15. A. casual B. violent C. cold D. cruel16. A. apologize to B. write to C. talk with D. consult with17. A. bored B. confused C. touched D. pleased18. A. message B. card C. gift D. reply19. A. upset B. happy C. sad D. nervous20. A. waited B. signed C. h

26、esitated D. smiled. 七选五型阅读理解 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to Respectfully Disagree Its easier to agree than disagree.1Unfortunately, many of us either shy away completely from disagreements or lose it when things dont go our way. These tips can help keep disagreements constructive.

27、Use “I to communicate how you feel, what you think and what you want or need.2For example, telling your parents “You always remind me about my housework when you know I have much homework” has a very different tone from “Im feeling pressured because I have a lot of homework tonight. Can I do those c

28、hores tomorrow?” Listen to the others opinion.3That makes it more likely that he or she will do the same for you. When the other person is talking, try to stop yourself from thinking about why you disagree or what youll say next. 4This is the important thing you can do to keep a conversation on trac

29、k. Of course, its a huge challenge to stay calm when you feel angry about something, especially if their person youre talking to gets heated. 5If youve ever been on the receiving end of someones put-downs (贬损的话), you know how valuable using respectful language and behavior can be. So instead of sayi

30、ng what you might be thinking (Thats a stupid idea!), try saying “I dont agree, and here is why.” Respect goes beyond difficult conversations, of course. Being helpful and considerate towards family members, teachers or coaches in our everyday actions helps us establish a foundation for those times

31、when we might disagree.A. Stay calm.B. Look into the others eyes.C. Using you statements can sound aggressive.D. Avoid putting down the other persons ideas and beliefs.E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we dont agree. 短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11

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