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中核集团合格供应商评价XQCC B7120XN.docx

1、中核集团合格供应商评价XQCC B7120XNXQCC B7120X-N V5.1中核集团合格供应商评价China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) Qualified Supplier Assessment调 查 表Questionnaire(适用于资料评审)(Applicable to Files Assessment)申请单位: Application Company: 填写日期: 年 月 日Application Date: 兴 原 认 证 中 心 有 限 公 司Xingyuan Certification Center Co.,Ltd.声 明De

2、clarations1、完全理解和接受中核集团合格供应商评价工作公开文件的相关规定和要求。We fully understand and accept the relative regulations and requirements in 2、我方对中核集团合格供应商评价调查表中填写的内容和所提供资料的真实性、完整性和有效性负责。若有虚假,我方负责由此产生的一切后果。Our side are responsible for the authenticity, integrity and validity of contents and information filled in . If a

3、ny falsity, our side will bear all the consequences due to this. 3、我方指定 同志(手机号: ;E-mail: )为本次填报材料的联系人,将对贵方后续的评价活动积极配合并按评审组要求提供所需的评价资料;我方接受因不能按贵方要求提供资料造成的评价不通过结论。Our side appointed (Mr./Ms) as the contact person for this materials filling. ( Cell Phone No. ;E-mail: ). Our side will provide active coo

4、rdination and requested files for this evaluation. Our side accept the unqualified conclusion of the evaluation from your side in condition that we cant provide your requested files.4、我方严格遵守中核集团供应商评价工作的廉政规定,不发生向贵方人员赠送礼品、礼金、回扣或其他有违廉洁的行为;若违反廉政规定将承担由此产生的一切后果。Our side will strictly comply with CNNCs rul

5、es anti-corruption during the vendor evaluation, prevent the actions of giving gifts, cash, rebate to CNNC staff or any other action that is considered to be dishonest. If any behavior against the rules of anti-corruption happens, our side will bear all the consequences due to this. 法定代表人(或授权人)签字:Si

6、gnature from the legal representative: (or authorized representative)日 期: 年 月 日Date: Catalogue填写要求:Instruction:1、为方便您填写本调查表,我们用【红色字体】对部分条款内容进行了解释,填写时红色字体可删除。In order to make easier to finish this questionnaire, red font was used for explanation of some items, which can be deleted when filling.2、应把申请

7、材料分别制作成WORD及PDF格式的电子文件,并同时提交。证件、证书及证明类资料的PDF格式文件应保持原件的色彩。Application materials should be made into WORD and PDF format respectively, and submit at the same time. The PDF format files of certificate and relevant information should remain the original color.3、本调查表属通用性表格,请各供应商根据各自实际情况按需填写,若某项内容不适用,请予以说

8、明。This questionnaire is a general form. Please finish it according to the actual situation for all the suppliers. If any item is unavailable for you, please explain.4、证件、证书及证明类资料若扫描件不清晰,需做文字说明。若为外文证书时,需对证书相关内容做中文注释。For certificate and relevant document, text description will be necessary when the sc

9、anning copy is indistinct. For foreign certificate, please add Chinese annotation for related contents.5、本调查表中所填写的资料若涉及国家秘密的请做技术处理。If the filled information in this questionnaire involves state secret, technical processing should be carried out.【保密声明】兴原认证中心向受评审方承诺:未经贵方同意,不向中核集团成员单位和评价工作以外的人员或单位泄露本调查

10、表的内容。【Declaration of secrecy】Xingyuan Certification Center Co.,Ltd. make a commitment to all the auditees: Without your consent, we will never leak the contents of this questionnaire to the member units of CNNC , and persons or companies that have no business with the evaluation work .一、供应商基本要求Basic

11、 Requirements for Suppliers法定代表人:姓名 、电话 Legal Representative: Name , Tel. 经营负责人:姓名 、职务 、电话 Responsible Person for Business Operation:Name , Duty , Tel. 组织联系人:姓名 、 职务 、电话 手机 、传真 、电子邮箱 公告电话 、公告传真 Contact Person of Organization:Name , Duty , Tel. Cell Phone ,Fax ,E-mail Public Tel. ,Public Fax 供应商网站地址:

12、 The Website Address of Supplier: 企业注册地址(邮编): Registered Address (Zip Code): 企业经营地址(邮编): Operation Address (Zip Code): 多场所: 个,请列明名称和地址及产品/活动:Number of Multiple Sites: Please list name/address/product/activity for all the sites:1、注册文件【附图】Business License【Attached picture】2、税务登记证【附图】Tax Register Licen

13、se【Attached picture】3、企业概况【包括发展历史、场所、产品、过程、组织机构图、人员、主要经营项目概况等】Company Profile【Include development history/site/product/process/organization chart/personnel/primary project description etc.】5.申请评审范围(可另附表)The Application Scope of Review (Attachment is allowable)产品名称/活动Product Name/Activity核安全等级Nuclear

14、 Safety Grade抗震等级Seismic Grade规范等级Specification Grade质保等级Quality Insurance Grade备注Remark二、产品质量要求Product Quality Requirements1、产品执行的有关标准Related Standard Implemented on Products产品/服务名称(种类)Product/Service Name(Type)产品/服务依据标准名称According Standard Name for Product/Service标准号Standard No.注:上表中若含企标,请附企标备案证明文

15、件Remark: If enterprise standard was filled in above form, please attach filing documents.2、与采购方要求的符合性Conformity to Purchaser Requirements【采购方验收合格的证明文件;核安全级产品满足相应安全等级、抗震等级、规范等级、鉴定等级要求的证明文件】【Documentary proof that can certify the product has passed the acceptance and inspection by the purchaser; Docum

16、entary proof that can certify the products for nuclear safety grade satisfy according safety grade/seismic grade/specification class and inspection grade.】产品名称Product Name安全等级Safety Grade抗震等级Seismic Grade规范等级Specification Grade质保等级Quality Insurance Grade备注Remark请附各项证明文件Please attach the according do

17、cumentary proof for all the items above.3、符合标准化要求Conformity to Standardization Requirements【产品标准化要求涉及设计和开发中使用的产品规范、材料规范、过程规范、通用技术标准、元器件的选用标准等技术性标准以及在设计和开发过程形成的文件的标准化要求。例如:标准化大纲、标准化报告等】【Requirements of product standardization refer to technical standards such as the product specification, material sp

18、ecification, process specification, general technical standard and component selective standard, it also refer to the standardization requirement of files formed in the process of designing and developing. For example: standardization program, standardization report etc.】4、产品质量的一致性Conformity to Prod

19、uct Quality【是否实施批次管理,简述批次间产品质量的一致性;批量生产的产品应与型式试验合格的样品保持一致;过程控制采用统计技术等方法;提供批次产品一致性报告等】【Whether the batch management was carried out in your company, sketch the product quality consistency between different batch; Products quality of mass production should be consistent with that have passed the type

20、test; Process controlling adopt the method of statistical techniques and so on; Provide the consistency report for mass production etc.】5、与产品质量相关证据Proof Related to Product Quality5.1第三方产品检测报告/产品出厂检测报告/竣工报告/产品认证(3C)证书等Test report of product from the third party/ Factory test report /completion report

21、 of construction work/product certification (CCC) etc.【申请评审范围中涉及的产品出厂检测报告不少于2份,要具有代表性(能突出展现设备加工能力、产品的技术含量、产品生产批量大、工程复杂程度高等),可提供近3年内的,提供报告封面和结论部分的内容即可。】【Factory test report number of product in application of assessment scope should not less than 2, and it must be representative(highlight the equipme

22、nt manufacturing capacity, product technical content, mass production, highly complexity engineer etc.), reports issued within recent three years are available, only provide cover page and conclusion of the report.】5.2核级产品应提供核级产品鉴定资料Nuclear grade product should provide the according identification d

23、ata.【鉴定合格证书、鉴定报告(实验方法及标准、实验过程记录、计算过程、实验结论等)。】【Qualification certificate, inspection report(experimental method and standard, the record of experimental process, computing process, experimental conclusion).】5.3与产品满足要求有关的评价报告Evaluation reports that show the product meet requirements. 【如:咨询、科技、鉴定、环评、调查

24、、用户等】【These evaluation reports can be from consulting company, technical institution, evaluation company, environmental assessment, investigation company or users etc.】5.4销售企业提供产品质量合格证明文件Merchandising business should provide documentary proof for product quality insurance.6、供应商的业绩Delivery Achievemen

25、ts of Supplier【应提供采购方名称、产品名称及数量、采购方联系人、合同签订时间等内容】【Describe the supplying history that including following information of purchaser: Name/Product name and quantity/Contact person/The date of signing contract etc.】6.1、近三年向中核集团/其他核工业单位或军工单位提供产品的业绩Product supplying achievements to CNNC/ other nuclear in

26、dustry units or military units within the recent three years.6.2、除6.1之外的向其他单位提供产品的业绩Product supplying achievements to other units besides that mentioned in above、提供类似产品的业绩Similar product supplying achievements7、交付和交付后的活动Delivery and post-delivery activities【合同要求交付和售后服务证据等】【Contract delivery

27、and after-sales service proof etc.】8、说明近三年内上级单位质量抽查结果及有无质量事故Illustrate the results of quality selective check from higher level units in the recent three years and in which whether quality accident exists.9、供应商认为其他可以证明产品质量的证据The other proof that can certify the product quality provided by supplier三、

28、质保能力要求Quality Assurance Capacity1、质量管理体系认证情况Certification of Quality Management System【简述质量管理体系认证情况,何时开始依据何种标准建立并实施质量管理体系,取得GB/T19001/GJB9001B/ EJ/T9001标准证书及监督/复评等情况;并附质量管理体系证书(有效证书扫描件)】【Briefly describe the certification of Quality Management System, when your company start to establish and impleme

29、nt Quality Management System; whether have you got the certificate of GB/T19001/GJB9001B/ EJ/T9001 and the situation of supervisor and re-evaluation; Please attach the certificate of QMS.(with effective scanning copy)】2、质保体系的建立情况The Establishment of Quality Assurance System2.1通过质保体系认证并在有效期内提供质量手册及质量

30、管理程序文件清单:文件名称、编制时间、版次。If your company has passed Quality Assurance System certification and you have the valid certificate, please provide Quality Manual and the list of Quality Management Procedure: including filename/ date of compile/version.2.2未认证或认证证书失效简述何时开始依据何种标准建立质量管理体系情况或简述公司在质量管理方面的内部制度及规定并提供相关文件清单If your company did not apply the Quality Assurance System certification or you had the invalid certificate. Briefly describe when and by what standard your company established Quality Management System and internal quality management rules. Provide relevant file list.2.

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