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高考英语 阅读理解系列训练19.docx

1、高考英语 阅读理解系列训练19高考英语 阅读理解系列训练(19)第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2012北京西城期末改编)Traffic ManagementTraffic lights are key tools for regulating traffic flow.They are not,however,perfect.Drivers complain the traffic jams that would happen at unmanaged crossin

2、gs for a pattern of stopgo movement that can still be annoying,and which burns more fuel than a smooth passage.Creating such a smooth passage means adjusting a vehicles speed so that it always arrives at the lights when they are green.That is theoretically possible,but practically hard.Roadside sign

3、s wired to traffic lights can help get the message across a couple hundred metres from a crossing,but such signs are expensive,and are not widespread.Margaret Martonosi and Emmanouil Koukoumidis at Princeton University,and LiShiuan Peh at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,however,have an ide

4、a that could make the process cheaper and more effective.Instead of a hardwired network of signs,they propose to use mobile phone applications.For a driver to benefit,he must load the teams software,named SignalGuru,into his phone and then put it on a special thing attached to the inside of his cars

5、 windscreen,with the camera lens(镜头)pointing forward.SignalGuru is designed to detect traffic lights and track their status as red,yellow or green.It broadcasts this information to other phones in the area that are fitted with the same software,andif there are enough of themthe phones thus each know

6、 the status of most of the lights around town.Using this information,SignalGuru is able to calculate the trafficlight schedule for the area and suggest the speed at which a driver should travel in order to avoid red lights.Tests in Cambridge,Massachusetts,where five drivers were asked to follow the

7、same route for three hours,and in Singapore,where eight drivers were asked to follow one of two routes for 30 minutes,revealed that SignalGuru was capable of predicting trafficlight activity with an accuracy of 98.2% and 96.3% respectively,in the two cities.This was particularly impressive because i

8、n Cambridge the lights shifted,roughly halfway through the test,from their unbusy schedule to their afternoontraffic schedule,while in Singapore lights are adaptive,using detectors fixed under the road to determine how much traffic is present and thus when a signal should change.In neither case was

9、SignalGuru fooled.Fuel consumption fell,tooby about 20%.SignalGuru thus reduces both annoyance and fuel use,and makes going back and forth to work a slightly less horrible experience.56Roadside signs wired to traffic lights are not the best way to create a smooth passage because _.Athey are expensiv

10、e and easily breakBthey are too costly and not widely usedCthey are complex and confusing to driversDthey are theoretically possible but practically useless57SignalGuru is an application used on _.Aa camera Ba computerCa mobile phone Da GPS system in ones car58With the information it collects and pr

11、ocesses,SignalGuru is able to _.Ahelp drivers avoid traffic accidents Bhelp drivers to adjust their speedCchange the traffic lights in advance Dsend information to all cell phones59The tests in Cambridge and Signapore were impressive because SignalGuru _.Aproved to be unreliable Boperated at a high

12、speedCfunctioned rather stably Dunderstood drivers schedules56B根据文章第二段第三句中的“.but such signs are expensive,and are not widespread.”可知应选B项。57C根据第三段第一句中的“For a driver to benefit,he must load the teams software,named SignalGuru,into his phone.”可知,SignalGuru是一种安装在手机里的应用软件,故选C项。58B根据第三段的最后一句“Using this in

13、formation,SignalGuru is able to calculate the trafficlight schedule for the area and suggest the speed at which a driver should travel in order to avoid red lights.”可知,SignalGuru可以帮助司机调整车速,避免等红灯。59C根据第四段中的“This was particularly impressive because in Cambridge.In neither case was SignalGuru fooled.”可

14、知,在这两个试验中,虽然各有干扰因素,但是SignalGuru运作相当稳定,并未受到“愚弄”,因此选C项。*结束 (2012陕西师大附中月考)Increasingly,Americans are becoming their own doctors,by going online to diagnose their symptoms,order home health tests or medical devices,or even selftreat their illnesses with drugs from Internet pharmacies(药店)Some avoid docto

15、rs because of the high cost of medical care,especially if they lack health insurance.Or they may stay because they find it embarrassing to discuss their weight,alcohol consumption or couch potato habits.Patients may also fear what they might learn about their health,or they distrust physicians becau

16、se of negative experiences in the past.But playing doctor can also be a deadly game.Every day,more than six million Americans turn to the Internet for medical answersmost of them arent nearly skeptical enough of what they find.A 2002 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 72 p

17、ercent of those surveyed believe all or most of what they read on health websites.They shouldnt.Look up “headache”,and the chances of finding reliable and complete information,free from a motivation for commercial gain,are only one in ten,reports an April 2005 Brown Medical School study.Of the 169 w

18、ebsites the researchers rated,only 16 scored as “high quality”Recent studies found faulty facts about all sorts of other disorders,causing one research team to warn that a large amount of incomplete,inaccurate and even dangerous information exists on the Internet.The problem is that most people dont

19、 know the safe way to surf the Web.“They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But thats risky.Because almost anybody can put up a site that looks authoritative(权威的),its hard to know whether what youre reading is reasonable or not,” says Dr.Sarah Bass from the Na

20、tional Cancer Institute.60According to the text,an increasing number of Americans _.Aare suffering from mental disorders Bturn to Internet for helpClike to play deadly games with doctors Dare skeptical about surfing medical websites61According to the study of Brown Medical School,_.Amore than 6 mill

21、ion Americans distrust doctorsBonly 1/10 of medical websites aim to make a profitCabout 1/10 of the websites surveyed are of high qualityD72% of health websites offer incomplete and faulty information62Which of the following is the authors main argument?AIts cheap to selftreat your own illness.BIts

22、embarrassing to discuss your bad habits.CIts reasonable to put up a medical website. DIts dangerous to be your own doctor.63According to Dr.Sarah Bass,what is the problem with the people turning to the Internet for medical help?AThey have no idea what search engines are safe.BThey always click too m

23、any authoritative sites.CThey are eager to apply what they read on the Net.DThey dont know how to get safe information while surfing the Internet.60B由全文第一句“Increasingly,Americans are becoming their own doctors,by going online to diagnose their symptoms.”可知答案为B项。61C由第二段中的“Of the 169 websites the rese

24、archers rated,only 16 scored as high quality”可知,169家保健网站,只有16家安全可靠,即占约1/10。故答案为C项。62D文章首先谈到越来越多的美国人生病不再去看医生,而通过上网买药治病,自己当医生;下文又讲到网上的信息并不安全可靠,许多网站存在不完整、不准确,甚至是危险的信息。故作者认为自己诊治自己的做法是危险的。63D由最后一段内容尤其是第一句可知Dr.Sarah Bass认为多数人并不知道如何在网上得到安全可靠的信息。*结束 (2012山西山大附中月考)Awardwinning author Emma Donoghues latest bo

25、ok,Room,is a unique and amazing story about a boys experience living in a small,windowless room with his mother.The 11squarefoot space between the walls of the room is actually all the boy knows because he was born there and has never left.Room will horrify,surprise,sadden,and finally delight you.At

26、tracted from the start,readers of all sorts wont want to put Room down.First published in the September 2010Publisher:Little Brown321 pagesLiterary master Ian McEwan returns with Solar,a novel about a Nobel Prizewinning physicist.The physicists personal life is in a mess as his fifth marriage

27、breaks up,but this time he actually loves his wife and wants to make things better.Solar is a funny story,completely unusual and as good as anything the writer has ever written.Published in March 2010Publisher:Knopf Doubleday304 pagesOne Day by David Nicholls was an international bestseller before i

28、t was released in the June.Although it is well written and funny at times,dont be fooledthis isnt a romantic comedy.If you decide to read it,be prepared for some heavy moments.Published in the June 2010Publisher:Vintage Contemporaries437 pagesFall of Giants by Ken Follett is the first bo

29、ok in a new trilogy(three books)that will take readers through the major events of the twentieth century by following five families.In Fall of Giants,most of the action centers on World War and the Bolshevik Revolution.Although Fall of Giants is more than 1,000 pages and has many characters,the stor

30、y is remarkably connected.Published in September 2010Publisher:Dutton1008 pages64According to the text,the latest and longest novel is _.ARoom BSolar COne Day DFall of Giants65We can know from the text that _.Athe main character of Room has a wide range of knowledgeBSolar is the only book that Ian M

31、cEwan has ever writtenCall the four books were not published in the same monthDOne Day is a funny romantic comedy that sells very well66What can we infer from the passage?AIan McEwans fifth marriage broke up.BRoom by Emma Donoghue has a happy ending.CThe publisher of One Day is Little Brown.DDutton and Ken Follett are both publishers.64D根据四本书的出版时间和页数可知选D项。65C根据四本书的出版时间可知,一本在3月出版,一本是在6月出版,还有两本在9月出版,故C项正确。66B从第一段的“.finally delight you.”可知,Room这本书有一个愉快的结局。*

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