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1、第四章如何遣词修改稿第四章如何遣词大学英语四六级作文的评分原则和标准主要涉及内容和语言两个方面。本章主要从遣词的角度来阐述如何做到语言准确、通顺和得体。41 语言的准确411 一般和具体词汇 作为音素文字的英语,其字形和表意之间缺乏联系,因此英语单词往往可以任意表达较为复杂的概念。加之英语民族在心理文化上重“个体”,折射到语言运用上便形成了英语词义较汉语更为具体。以一般动词 walk为例,英语中不乏具体表示动作方式和结果的词汇:stagger(蹒跚)、plod(重步行走)、pace(踱步)、loiter(游荡)、stride(大步走)、strut(昂首阔步)等。此外,具体词汇比一般词汇更富表现

2、力,可以使语言更为准确、形象和生动。试比较下列两组形容词: a good man: kind, honest, just, generous, sympathetic, warm-hearted, selfless, brave, honorable good food: tasty, delicious, nourishing, rich, wholesome, fresh, appetizing, abundant 显然后面的具体词汇要比前面的一般词汇更能为文章增色。而在四六级作文中,考生受汉语表达法习惯的影响,很少用具体的单纯词来表示复杂的概念,而过多使用一般词汇往往又会暴露语言驾驭能力

3、的欠缺。试对比:a) Usually I will read the newspaper very quickly and try to find some interesting stories. (一般动词+副词)b) Usually I will flip through the newspaper and try to find some interesting stories.(具体动词)a) It is not easy to look after a spoiled child like a mother. (一般动词+like)b) It is not easy to baby

4、sit a spoiled child.(具体动词) a) I try to hide my inner fear with a mask of showing confidence. (一般动词+with)b) I try to mask my inner fear by a show of confidence.(具体动词)因此,平时多积累一些具体词汇有助于写出地道的英语作文。巩固练习一:使用具体词汇改写以下句子1 The competition puts much pressure on people.2 The government gives equal opportunities

5、to all.3 The society still makes women unable to enjoy equal rights.4 It goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the job market which is full of competition.5 Whats more, remember to adjust your mood to a relaxed state, and deal with your work and play very well

6、.6 The next day when I used the dictionary I found the notes under several word entries are bad.7 On hearing it, I became annoyed and I told him what I wanted then was the money the shop should give back.8 Im sure you will soon find a good candidate for the position in that a few people are more sui

7、table for it than I. 9 By reading books we can get all kinds of knowledge.10 Not all the books can do good to us. Key: 1. The competition imposes much pressure on people.2. The government ensures equal opportunities to all.3. Women are still denied equal rights in the society, 4. It goes without say

8、ing that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the tighter job market 5. Whats more, remember to adjust your mood to a relaxed state, and balance your work and play.6. The next day when I used the dictionary I found the notes under several word entries are illegible.7. On hearing it,

9、I became annoyed and I told him what I wanted then was a refund.8. Im sure you will soon find a well-qualified candidate for the position in that a few people are more suitable for it than I. 9. By reading books we can acquire all kinds of knowledge.10. Not all the books can benefit us. 巩固练习二 使用具体词汇

10、填空或替换段落中的划线部分。1. As shown from the chart, it can be concluded that American students prefer to read popular novels rather than other kinds of books. Among all the books the students read, popular novels 68.2% while unpopular novels 16.8%, technical books 8.3% and poem collections only 5.2%. 2. In 19

11、95, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in 2000. And in 2005, the number further above 12,000.3. Above all, it teaches us that we shouldnt have a strong wish to get quick results; otherwise we will fail. In addition, if we think speed is to

12、o important , we will suffer sooner or late. 4. To help others is a virtue, but when we are asked to help in the following three cases we should say “No”. First, we should say “No” when we are asked to do something wrong. Second, we should say “No” when fulfilling his or her will is a violation of o

13、ur principle.5. We live in an information age. Everyday we are confronted with large amounts of information from a variety of channels such as , and . But the most fast and convenient source may be , by which we cannot only keep pace with society, but also enrich our knowledge. Key: 1. account for,

14、make up2. climbed3. be overanxious for, attach great importance to speed4. illegal or immoral5. TV, newspaper and radio, Internet412 同义辨析 由于英语词义的范畴非常广泛,涉及概念义、外延义、文体义、联想义、主题义、搭配义、情感义等。即便是同义词也只是某种程度上的近似,不可能做到意义上的完全对等。这就需要考生在选词时斟酌词义的微妙差别,辨析同义词在具体语境中的用法。以四六级作文中较常出现的question, problem 和issue 三个“问题”为例,试比较它

15、们在下列句子中的内涵:a. The juvenile delinquency is a problem that does exist in our country, b. Nuclear proliferation is always the top issue the participants have to discuss at this kind o meeting. c. So there arises the question: what should we do to get rid of the wrong attitudes towards the migrant worke

16、rs? 我们不难看出,同为“问题”,三个词义的侧重点却有所不同: problem, 是指“实际存在的问题”或“需要解决的现实问题”;issue 指的是有关国家政策和对外关系的“重大问题”;而question 则指“可获得解释和回答的疑问”。类似的例子举不胜数,要想做到用词准确,关键是“功夫在书外”,需要平时细心积累比较同义词的释义和用法,不要只见树木,不见森林,机械背诵孤立的英文单词。 巩固练习一:用正确的近义词替换划线单词。1. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for defects.2.

17、There was little change in the numbers of spending on economics books.3. Everyone had special interest while reading so we could choose different books to read according to our personal interests.4. They claim that in modern society, people are supposed to have more knowledge than their ancestors to

18、 deal with the colorful world.5. I take CET-6 for a crucial task.6. It is much easier for a university graduate to find a satisfied job with the certificate of CET-6 than with the certificate of CET-4 in the future.7. They have varied reasons for doing so8. Job-hopping or not all depends on whether

19、the job is suitable for one to show ones talent to the greatest degree.9. In the dining hall, students buy much more food than what they can have and have to dump the remains. 10. In the classroom, you can see empty paper left in the dustbins every dayKey:1. shortcomings 2. amount3. select4. maintai

20、n5. vital6. satisfactory7. various8. display9. leftover10. blank 巩固练习二:根据语境填写划线单词的近义词或词组。 1 It is no wonder that popular novels have attracted such a large audience. They are written in plain language so that everyone can read for entertainment or relaxation. Books of technology and collections of p

21、oems are less in that the former is often complicated and the latter abstract. 2. As far as I am concerned, I think it is unwise to read popular novels. On the one hand, I would like to spend much of my free time reading books related to my specialized fieldenvironmental protection. On the other han

22、d, I in reading nonfiction such as history and biography because they tell me how to behave properly. 3. This long-distance education, or on-line education has been widely accepted and recommended. Why does it become ? 4. As for me, the best way is to from the bank. This does not only solve the prob

23、lem of tuition and fee but also improve my study because the bank offers students money according to their GPA.5. In the long run, they will not their parents labor, and even nobody likes to regard labor as glorious. On the other hand, if every student randomly throws and spoils something useful eve

24、ry day, energy crisis will be triggered and the of water supply and other resources will be aggravated. Key:1. appealing2. take great delight3. a rage or popular4. loan5. cherish, shortage 413 限定词的使用 用词准确从另外一个角度讲就是要使论述客观、适度,避免绝对化,这就需要考生掌握一些限定词以调节观点,缓和语气。如:1. may: We may safely draw the conclusion th

25、at doing part-time jobs do college students more good than harm. 2. generally/commonlyIt is generally accepted that using bicycle contributes greatly to peoples physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams3. to some extentI dont agree with the first argument to some extent.4. not necessarilyThose

26、 A students are not necessarily the smartest students.此外诸如typically, usually, sometimes ,for the most part等词也可以起到调节观点的作用。巩固练习一:用括号内的限定词改写下列句子1. Young people seem more prone to job-hopping. (in general)2. The first appearance will determine the applicants fate. (more often than not )3. They say that

27、they have already passed CET-4, so they can get the bachelors degree and graduate from the college. (at least)4. In order to reduce waste on campus, we, college students think about how to spend money from parents to avoid spending money on something useless. (may as well)5. Why do people often feel

28、 frustrated even though they are quite capable of doing something? There are two main reasons. (among others) 6. More and more students want to be dependent from their parent by doing part-time jobs to pay their college education, which really can lessen the burden of the family. (to some extent)7.

29、I would like to spend my free time in reading such books as Science Digests, Computer Newspapers related to my major, computer science. (Personally)8. College students cannot strike a balance between study and their part-time jobs (for the most part)9. People prefer to say “yes” when they should say

30、 “no”. (typically)10. There are two kinds of opinions. (mainly)Key:7. I appreciate this form of education.(personally)8. It is accepted that private cars provide us with much more convenience. (commonly)9. There are two kinds of opinions. (mainly)10. It is difficult for college students to balance w

31、ork and part-time jobs. (for the most part)Key:1. In general, young people seem more prone to job-hopping.2. The first appearance more often than not will determine the applicants fate.3. They say that they have already passed CET-4, so they can at least get the bachelors degree and graduate from th

32、e college.4. In order to reduce waste on campus, we, college students may as well (还是)think about how to spend money from parents to avoid spending money on something useless.5. Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are quite capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. (表客观,指诸多原因中的两点。)6. More and more students want to be depende

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