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1、口译和听力课本上册口译与听力课本上册Unit one Tourism1. Sailing on Queen Elizabeth I The finest way to Europe is not necessarily the best way. Sailing on Queen Elizabeth I is a vacation in itself, you do not arrive in arrival, more tired than when you left. You arrive as you should: refreshed, with new friends and new

2、 experience.去欧洲旅行,最快的旅程未必就是最佳的选择。比如,乘坐伊丽莎白I号漂洋过海,虽然耗费时间,但度假休闲却自此开始。当您到达目的地时,您会像刚出发一样,丝毫不觉得旅途劳累;当您到过 目的时,您应该是精神焕发, 有了新友,还大长见识。There are more things to see and to do aboard Queen Elizabeth I than there are in most European towns. Shes 65,000 tons, 13 stories high, and longer than three football fields

3、. Queen Elizabeth I in one of the great sights of Europe.乘坐伊丽莎白I号您看到远比你到欧洲大多数城镇看到的要多。伊丽莎白I号的排水量为65000吨,高达13层,比3个足球场还要大,她本身就是欧洲胜景之一。An airplane provides a seat, Queen Elizabeth I provides a stateroom nicer than most hotels in Europe. Room for room ,she has the largest stateroom, wardrobes, dressing r

4、ooms, and bathrooms of any ships a float.飞机仅为乘客提供一个座位,而她却为您提供一个舱房,比欧洲大多数酒店提供的还要好,她有一个舱房,衣柜,化妆室,浴室较任何轮船提供的都要大。Queen Elizabeth I has a staff of over 900. This means at least one crew member for every two passengers. When you ring for your steward or stewardess, the call is answered with dispatch. Like

5、 a good English butler or a maid, they are there when you want them and not there when you dont want them.伊丽莎白I号有900多名员工,也就意味着每个服务员可以为两名乘客服务。当你按铃叫唤他们时,他们会随叫随到,就像训练有素有的英国仆人。Queen Elizabeth I carries so many passengers, you are bound to meet a host of people you like, or love.( Is there time to fall i

6、n love on an airplane?) And if you should happen to meet some you dont like, a game of hide-and-seek aboard Queen Elizabeth I can last until Southhampton.伊丽莎白I号载客如云,在这里你可能会遇到你许多有兴趣的人,或是爱人。乘飞机有时间谈情说爱吗?如果你不想见你见的人,你可以和和他们在轮船上玩捉迷藏的游戏一直到到Southhampton.Airplane have a baggage limit of 44 pounds. Queen Eliz

7、abeth I has b baggage limit of 275 pounds, you may buy a car in Europe and bring it home in our garage. It will hold 80 cars. Our hold holds countless antiques.飞机上行李限重为44英镑,而伊丽莎白I号可以载275英镑,你可以在欧洲购一辆小汽车,停放在车库,与你一同回家。她可以容纳80辆小汽车。轮船上还有专门放置价值连城的古玩的地方。$46 a day includes your stateroom, food and entertain

8、ment. Or you can spend $ 198 a day,the price depends upon the size and location of your stateroom and the time of year you sail. $46 per day in total is $321. This is $5 more than one-way economy air fare.每天46美元,包括吃住乐;或是花上每天最高198美元,其价格根据你定的舱房大小及位置、还有你出游的时间。以每天46美元,总行航程共321美元,该费用仅比单程经济舱机票贵五美元。2. Sydn

9、eyThe city of Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia. Sydney was founded in 1788 as a British prison colony with about 1,500 prisoners and their guards; Today it is home to more than 3.6 million people. It is a busy industrial center and tourist resort. 悉尼是澳大利亚最古老最大的城市,建立于1788年。当时他只是英语犯人

10、的聚居地,在那里大概有1500名犯人和看守。今天这里已经有360万人口的城市了,悉尼是是繁忙的商业和旅游中心。3. VeniceThe old seaport of Venice is one of the worlds most beautiful cities Like several other Italian towns,it has many magnificent buildings from the past. Venice was built on a group of small islands in a lagoon, which remains flooded throu

11、ghout the year. The main streets are canals , and the traditional boat called a gondola is still a common form of transport. 威尼斯海港是世界上最美丽的城市之一,你意大利其它的城市一样,威尼斯有在过去留下来的漂亮建筑。威尼斯建立在几个终年湖水充盈的咸水湖的小岛上,主要的街道是运河,主要的交通工具是一种狭长的平底船。4. New York At the mouth of the Hudson River on the east of the United States is

12、 New York City, the countrys biggest city. It is also one of the oldest .纽约是美国最大的城市,位于美丽东部的哈德逊河河口。New York was founded in 1642 and is now an urban area with 8 million people. 纽约建立于1642年,目前拥有800万城市人口。The city is the financial heart of the nation and house the offices of many large companies and dozen

13、s of theatres, museums, and parks.是国家的经融中心,有许多大公司的办事处,还有几十家戏院、博物馆和公园。 Skyscrapers more than 300 meters tall dominate the city center, Manhattan.在市中心曼哈顿有300多米的摩天大楼林立。5. CambridgeCambridge must be one of the best-known towns in the world, and can be found on most tourists list of places to visit. 剑桥是世

14、界上最著名的小镇之一,在很多游客旅游目的的目录上都能找到。The principle reason for its fame is its University, which started during the 13thcenturyand grew steadily, until today there are more than twenty colleges.吸引游客的最主要的原因是它的大学,在13世纪开始建立并逐步发展起来的,到目前已有20多个学院。The oldest college is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284, and the

15、 most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. The most famous is probably Kings College, because of its magnificent chapel. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is also very well known.最古老的学院的是Peterhouse学院,建立于1284年;在最近建立起来的是Robinson colleage,建立于1977年。最著名的学院可能是国王学院,它已唱诗班而出名。Every year i

16、n summer, thousands of folk music fans arrive in Cambridge for one of the biggest festivals of folk music in England. The festival is held in the grounds of an old house, where there is plenty of room for people to put their tents if they want to stay overnight.每年夏天,成千上万的民族音乐迷聚集到剑桥大学来参加英格兰最大的民间英语节。这

17、个节日就在这家学院的一间老房子的地面上举行,在那里为那些想过夜的人们提供了大量可搭帐篷的空间。6. Historic Oxford Oxford is a city renowned throughout the world as a center of learning. 牛津作为世界的学术中心而闻名。Rich in history and steeped in tradition it has a timelessness which the bustle of the modern city cannot destroy. 历史丰富,悠久的城市积淀不会随着现代城市的变化而流逝。With

18、its wide streets, mellowed college buildings and lovely quadrangles, Oxford provides a fest of architectural beauty.有着宽敞的马路,成熟的大学建筑,可爱的四角大楼,牛津大学成就了世界的建筑之梦。During the 12th century students and scholars were attracted to Oxford where they tried to recreate the style of learning they had experienced in

19、 Europe. 在12世纪期间,牛津吸引了很多 学生和学者,他们试图把在欧洲的学习经历在牛津加以重新创造。The University was established in 1214 when it received a charter from the Pope and by the end of 13th century four colleges had been founded. 牛津大学建立于1214年,当收到教皇的一张图表时,在13世纪又建立了4个学院。Oxford University continued to expand and develop throughout the

20、 medieval and the Renaissance periods, meeting the needs of new generation.牛津大学在中世纪和文艺复兴时代又继续扩建,满足了新生代的需要。Oxford is not only a learned and historic city, it is also one of the great beauty.牛津不仅是学术和历史城市,而且还充满了美感。 Here almost every of architecture is represented with outstanding examples of the works

21、of such masters as Sir Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor. 这里几乎有每个杰出建筑师的代表作,比如Christopher Wren 和Nicholas Hawksmoor.Generations of writers have praised Oxfords delights, and indeed it is the present of trees, colorful college gardens and busy period rivers which helps to make Oxford what it is.一

22、代又一代的作家在传颂牛津,比如茂密的林木,美丽的大学花园,忙碌的小河都帮助人们来认识什么是真正的牛津。7、最近,海洋生态旅游在地处沿海的广东省迅速发展起来。Recently, the marine ecological tour has been developed rapidly in the coastal cities, Guangdong province. 预计这将成为新世纪初经济的新增长点。It estimates that it will be the new economy growth point in the new century.数据表明,拥有2000万人口的珠江三角洲

23、将会成为这方面最大、最稳定的旅游市场。The statics shows that the Pearl River Delta with 20million people will become the largest and stable market.例如,位于万山群岛中部的东澳岛旅游综合开发区,虽然仅占地4.62平方公里,但在1998提的头9个月已接待了5万游客, 仅旅游业就创收2000万元。For example, Dongao Tourist Comprehensive Development Zone ,which is located in the Wanshan Archipe

24、lago, is only 4.62 square kilometers, it receives 50 000 tourists at the first nine months of 1998,the amount of tourism industry is up to 20 million. 迅速发展的海洋生态旅游业改变了当地渔民的生活,他们把这种新的工业看做可以摆脱贫困的办法。The rapid development of marine ecological tour changed the local fishers lives ,they regarded the new in

25、dustry as the way to say good bye to the poverty.8、越来越多的中国人开始享受一种时尚的运动型生活方式。人们开始开时间到以前不常去的健身中心或体育场去做健美操。More and more Chinese people than ever before are enjoying the fashionable sports lifestyle and they are spending their free time doing fitting exercise in-no-familiar gym and sports center around

26、 world.9、根据中国的实际情况,中国政府制定了控制数量、提高质量的人口政策。According to the Chinese real situation, Chinese government formulated the policy of controlling quantities of population and increasing quality .10、A very important world problem-in fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world p

27、roblems which face us at the present time-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.一个很重要的世界问题实际上,我更倾向于说目前最大的世界问题是不断增长的人口与有限的土地和土地资源之间的问题。It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. 不是它目前有多少人口在,而是它的增长率。It work

28、s out to be about 1.6 percent in each years net increase. 据统计每年净增长率为1.6%。In terms of numbers this means something like ninety million additional people every year.用数据就意味着每年增长9亿人。 Canada has a population of twenty-seven million-rather less than four months climb in the world population. 加拿大只有2700万人口,

29、还不到世界人口四个月的人口增长率。Take Australia, there are 17 million people in Australia. 拿澳大利亚来说,拥有人口170万人口。So ,it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population which lives in that large country. 因此,只要用不到三个月的时间就可以增加一个澳大利亚的人口。Let us take our own crowded country-England and Wales: fifty-six m

30、illion people -just about seven months supply.就拿人口比较多的国家-英国和威尔斯来说,560万人口,用不到七个月的时间就可以复制出来。 By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 240,000 extra people.到明天这个时间每天地球上就会多增加24万。 I am not talking about birth rate, this is net increase. To give you some idea about birt

31、h rare, look at the second hand of your watch. Every second about five babies are born somewhere in teh world. Another baby, another baby, another baby. You cannot speak quickly to keep pace with the birth rate.我不想谈论出出生率,我是说净增长。给你一个出生率的概念,看着你手表的秒表,在世界上每秒就有五个婴儿出生,一个婴儿,一个婴儿,又一个婴儿,你数的速度还跟不上出生的速度。 This

32、enormous increase of population will create immense problems. 巨大 的人口增长率将带来巨大的问题。By AD 2000, unless something unexpected happens, there will be as many 6,100,000,000poeple on the surface of this earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime.到2000年,如果不发生意外的话,在地球上将有61亿人品,这人问题在

33、你的有生之年就可以看到。 Why is this enormous increase in population taking place? 为什么会有如此大的人口增长发生?It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is coming to be called Death Control. 这要规功于人们对死亡知识的传播 和实践。You have heard of Birth Control? Death Control is something different. 你听说过控制出生率?但控制死亡率与此不同。Medical ex

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