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导学案Unit 6 topic 3导学案.docx

1、导学案Unit 6 topic 3导学案 Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office? Section A第一、二课时1预习目标1.复习小区设施的名称;2.学习问路、指路的常用句型;3.学习建筑物位置关系的表达。二重点词句New words: New phrases: Useful expressions: 3课文探究1.阅读P41 1a(A)朗读图中小区设施的单词,然后写下意思。(B)阅读1a,然后和你的同伴一起讨论翻译1a(做在书上)。(C)你能找出问路的常用句型吗?请写在下面。 (D)你能说说指路的几种可能的方案吗?请写在下面。 2.仔细观察P

2、42 2a,说说建筑物位置关系表达的几种可能的方案: 四写出预习所得和疑难点五随堂练习(一)单项选择( )1.Could you tell me how _ Renai Education Institute?Go along the street and you will see it.A.get to B.getting to get to D.get( )2.The supermarket is _ the park.A.across to B.across in C.across from D.across for( )3. _ and go down Qiuzhi Stre

3、et.A.Turn right B.Turn the rightC.To turn the right D.To turn right( )4.Go straight and you will see the school _ your B.on D.for( )5._, Where is the bus stop?Go along this street and you will see it on your left.A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Hello D./( )6._ is the hospital from here?About 10

4、 minutes walk.A.How long B.How far C.How often D.How many(二)汉译英A.词组:1直走_ 2向右/左转_3过桥_ 4到达_ 5在对面_ 6在拐角处_7在中山路_ 8在之间_9继续走_ 10你不会错过_11在第三个十字路口_B.句子:1沿着这条走到终点,你就会发现它在左边。_2它在右前方一百米处。_(3)书面表达仔细观察P42 3,假设你在图中某一点,要去某一个目的地,请先用笔画出路线,再试着用英语表达,编一个小对话。 Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office? Section B第三、四课时1

5、预习目标1.继续学习问路和指路的句型2.谈论交通标志和交通设施提醒学生应该遵守交通规则,注意安全3.学习用“How far”询问路程(距离)的句型4.了解用until引导的时间状语从句二重点词句New words: New phrases: Useful expressions: 3课文探究1.阅读P43 1a(A)找出文中的新单词画线,并朗读(师父教徒弟)(B)再次阅读1a中的2段对话。分别找出问路和指路的句型 问路_ 指路_(C)翻译1a(做在书上)(D)情景再现:假设Michael想到你家玩,他要如何从学校到你家呢?仿照1a的对话,组内2人一组,仿写对话,完成1cMichael:Hell

6、o, I want to go to your home after school. Could you tell me the way to your home?I:Of course. _2. 看图完成P44 2. 说说这些交通设施的作用。并把相对应的中文意思写在图片的下方。你还能举出一些街上常见的交通设施吗?_3. 看图完成P44 3:翻译1-10的短语,并把相对应的序号写在交通标志下方的横线上。4. 想一想:假设你是一名司机,遇到这些交通标志要如何做?5. 总结一下Section A和section B中所学的问路和指路的句型_四写出预习所得和疑难点五随堂练习一用所给单词的适当形式填空

7、1. If you get up late, youll _ (粗过) the early bus.2. -How far is it from Beijing to your hometown(家乡)? - Its about 600_(千米).3. Ill stay at home_(直到)the rain stops.4. Nothing can _(改变)Mr. Wangs idea.5. Everyone _ (应当) take care of the public phones.6. That sign means_(危险). Dont go there.二单项选择1.( ) -H

8、ow can I get there ? -You should take bus No. 281 and then change to the No. 305 bus_Hongda Bridge. B. acrosss C. at2. ( ) -Is the public phone far_the crosswalk? - No, it isnt. A. of B. from C. to3. ( ) Look at _! They are red, we must stop. A.traffic light B.the traffic lights C. the traffic

9、light4. ( ) You shouldnt read his letter_. A. in the public B. to the public C. to public5. ( ) -How far is the park from here? - Its about 200 meters_. A. far B. away C. Long6. ( ) -Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo? - Its very far. You need to _bus No. 4 B. on C.take7. ( ) -Excu

10、se me, where is the Peoples Hospital? - Turn left and walk _, and youll see it_ your right. A. in; on B. on; in C.on; on 3根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 你能告诉我去公园怎么走吗? Could you _ _ _ _ the park?2. 你需要乘坐公共汽车去那家超市 You _ _ _ _ _ to the supermarket.3. 那家书店离我家不远 The bookstore _ _ _ _my home.4. 这附近有公用电话吗? _ _ _ _ _ near h

11、ere?5. 我们学校离我家有2000米远。 Our school is _ _ _ _ my home.Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office? Section C第五课时1预习目标1.学习部分交通规则的英语表达法;2.学习情态动词的用法;3.学习祈使句的结构和用法。二重点词句New words: New phrases: Useful expressions: 3课文探究1.阅读P45 1a(A)从文中找出新单词并划线,然后写下意思并试着朗读该句,记得多问哦。(B)从文中找出表达交通规则的句子并划线,试着翻译。(C)和你的同伴一起参考语法书,

12、讨论1a中情态动词的用法: (D)翻译1b下的四个问题并判断正误。2. 阅读P45 2试着说说介词for的用法: 3. 阅读P46 3请尝试分析祈使句的结构: 并说说祈使句这个表达方式使用的场合: 四写出预习所得和疑难点五随堂练习(一)汉译英A.词组:1看两边_ 2受伤_ 3丧失某人的生命_4保证安全_5遵守交通规则_ 6穿过马路_7滑滑板_8在街上玩耍_9当心_ 10超速罚单_ 11醉驾罚单_12依次等候_ 13交通事故_14课堂上保持安静_15别上学迟到_B.句子:1帮助小孩和老人过马路的良好行为。_2你只有在看到绿色行走标志时方可过马路。_(二)单项选择( )1.You can only

13、 turn left when you see the sign _.A. B. C. D. ( )2.Everyone _ the traffic _.A.should listen; rules B.will do; rulesC.must obey; rules D.must obeys; rule( )3.Its good _ old people to cross the B.helps help D.helping( )4.You cant turn left when you see the sign _.A. B. C. D.( )5._ la

14、te for class next time.Im sorry.A.Be not B.Not be C.Dont D.Dont be(三)完形填空Its Sunday. There are 26 people on the bus. And 27 is looking here and there. He wants to find a 28 . Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small 29 is on the seat. And a young man is 30 it.“Excuse me, 31 I have this seat?” asks

15、the old man. “Sorry, its for 32 . She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man.“Well, ” says the old man. “Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave(离开) here.”The bus starts.“She doesnt come, 33 her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” The old man wants to throw the bag 34 of

16、 the window.“Dont throw! Its 35 bag.” The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).( )26.A.few B.little C.a little D.many( )27.A.a young woman B.a young man old woman old man( ) B.chair C.bag ) C.bag D.girl( )30.A.or to D.for( )31.A.will B.may C.must

17、 )32.A.a boy B.a man C.a woman D.another man( )33.A.and B.then D.but( )34.A.from B.out D.away( ) B.her C.his D.yourTopic 3 Which is the way to the post office? Section D第六课时1预习目标1.学习字母组合oo和ou的读音2.复习there be 句型3.讨论我们的生存环境及面临的问题二重点词句New words: New phrases: Useful expressions: 3课文探究1.试

18、着拼读P47 1 中的单词和音标,注意红色部分(A)根据P47 1 写出下列字母组合的读音 ow _; _ oy,oi_; ur_2. 阅读P47 2(A)从文中找出不懂的单词并画线,把中文意思写在单词的上面。(B)观察2中的两幅地图,特别注意不同之处,试着自己用英语描述一下这两幅地图。3. 翻译P48 4a和4b(做在书上)。(A)用一个例子说说4a中的介词的用法 意思 例子along _ _across _ _on the corner of _ _across from _ _between.and. _ _(B)说说4a第二个表格中的句子是什么句型,以及这种句型的用法和机构,并用几个例子说明。句型:_用法:_结构:_例子:_ _(C)根据4b的表格请你总结一下问路和指路的常用句型问路:_指路:_

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