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1、采购意向书英文采购意向书英文【篇一: model loi 采购意向书英文模板】dated: _ to : dear sirs:herebydeclare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase the following commodity as specified below and certify that we have available full funding for the purchase: name of the product : specifications :- q

2、uantity: quantity per shipment per month: quantity the letter of credit will be issued for: port of delivery: contract duration: packing:discharge rate per day at port of delivery: price: terms of payment: please specify the type of lc/payment you wish to offer: dlc, rlc, ffdlc, ffrlc, or sblc full

3、name of the bank : full address of the bank:bank telephone no: bank fax no: bank account no : account name: bank swift/sort code no:buyers full name :_companyseal_company:_position:_signature:below is the loi format that we can accept. please follow the format to prepare loi for the product you want

4、 to purchase.should be on the buyer s letterheadonly buyers and/or their authorized power-of-attorneymandates are authorized to issue loi and sign all necessarydocuments including contract + opening of l/c in sellers favor.- this is to confirm that our mutual clients(buer s name/company) maintain a

5、banking account with us. at their instructions we, (full name of the bank) with full authority and mandate hereby confirm that the said clients are willing and financially able to initiate the process of purchasing of (product quantity) metric tons of (product name) during the next (number of years

6、and months). we understand the total value of imports under the (payment term) on (fob, cf or cif) basis is in the region of (total us dollars value of the order). we certify that our clients named above have sufficient funds and/or have credit line with our bank to complete the proposed transaction

7、 within the time period shown above.our clients hereby give authority to the sellers to procure usualbankers references. signed full name of thesignatory:title: .【篇二: model_loi_ 采购意向书英文模板】dated: _to :dear sirs:hereby declare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase th

8、e following commodity as specified below and certify that we have available full funding for the purchase:name of the product : specifications :quantity:quantity per shipment per month:quantity the letter of credit will be issued for: port of delivery:contract duration: packing:discharge rate per da

9、y at port of delivery: price:terms of payment:please specify the type of lc/payment you wish to offer: dlc, rlc, ffdlc, ffrlc, or sblcfull name of the bank :full address of the bank:bank telephone no:bank fax no:bank account no : account name:bank swift/sort code no:buyers full name :_companyseal_co

10、mpany:_position:_signature:information.only buyers and/or their authorized power-of-attorney mandates areauthorized to issue loi and sign all necessary documents including contract + opening of l/c in sellers favor.-this is to confirm that ou r mutual clients (buername/company) maintain a banking ac

11、count with us.sat their instructions we, (full name of the bank) with full authority andmandate hereby confirm that the said clients are willing and financially able to initiate the process of purchasing of (product quantity) metric tons of (product name) during the next (number of years and months)

12、. we understand the total value of imports under the (payment term) on (fob, cf or cif) basis is in the region of (total us dollars value of the order). we certify that our clients named above have sufficient funds and/or have credit line with our bank to complete the proposed transaction within the

13、 time period shown above.our clients hereby give authority to the sellers to procureusual bankers references.signedfull name of thesignatory:title: .【篇三:英文投资意向书】letter of investment intentparty b:party a:party c: shanghai jiading district foreign investmentpromotion bureauabide by the principle of e

14、qudlity and mutual benefit, under the introductionof party c, three parties have reached an agreement on investment as follows.i project of party b:ii register capital of party b: iii location of party b land fee:ivparty c supply policy inquiry service of project and related service for partya b for

15、 free.本意向书仅作为政府内部统计、考核之用,无商业上的法律意义。本意向书 一式三份,经三方代表签字后生效。 2005- 篇二:中英文合同意向书范本 中英文 :合同意向书范本business: _ date:_ 20_this is a non-binding letter of intentthat contains provisions that are beingdiscussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible sellernamed above to the possible bu

16、yer named above. this is not a contract. this is nota legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract termsfor discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possiblebuyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent isconfident

17、ial and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and theiremployees attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer.the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto but the terms andthe possible sale itself are not binding unless and until they

18、 are set forth in awritten contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer.the word shall is usedin the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding._ witnesses_ _ witnesses(合同意向书范本)潜在资产出让合同意向书潜在

19、卖方 _潜在买方_ _交易事项日期 _20_ 本意向书不具有约束力所包含之条款有待上述潜在卖方与买方就可能发生之交易本处应指“资产出让 ”进行磋商。本意向书不应被视为任何合同、或具有法律约束力的协议而应视作仅为磋商之目的而订立的有关本意向书项下可能达成之合同的条款概述。签署本意向书之目的是为了能够便于潜在买方就购买价格筹措资金。双方应对本意向书之内容保密且除了本意向书项下双方及其雇员、律师、会计师和潜在买方之潜在贷款方之外不得向任何其他第三方透露。本次磋商之交易条款随附其后但是除非且直到潜在的买卖双方签署书面协议这些条款及潜在卖方自身将不具有约束力。随附条款中 “应该 ”一词仅为合同阅读之惯例

20、并不意味随附之条款具有或将要具有法律约束力。 签字_ 签字_ 篇三:中英文投资合作意向书agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutually agreed upon.双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。 5.this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of whichshall be deemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于

21、原件。 party a:party b: 甲方:乙方: signed by: signed by:委托人签字: ?.委托人签字: ?.date: date :日期:日期:page 2 of 2篇四:采购意向书中英文对照date: april 22nd, 2013 to,tel:fax:address:日期 : 2013 年 4 月 22 日 致 :m/s.* 有限公司 致:先生 电话:传真: 地址:主题:采购意向书 dear mr. *, 我方公司有能力与意愿,准备依据下列规格和所示条款条件来采购如 port of delivery:dubai 交货港:迪拜 inconterms: cif 出

22、货条款: cifpacking:standard export packing 包装:标准出口包装 shipping: within15 days after receipt of 30% deposit. 船运:收到 30% 订金后15天内 .terms of payment: t/t 30% in advance and 70% balance whensee the b/l copy.付款方式:电汇预付30% ,收到提单后付清余下70%.this is for your information and action. best wishespage2of 2 篇五: termsheet

23、投资意向书 甲方 (你的公司) 和 乙方(vc ) investment termsheet (投资意向书) 20xx 年 01 月 01日被投公司简况xxxx公司 (以下简称 “甲方 ”或者 “公司 ”)是总部注册在开曼群岛的有限责任公司,该公司直接或者间接的通过其在中国各地的子公司和关联企业,经营在线教育开发、外包和其他相关业务。总公司、子公司和关联企业的控股关系详细说明见附录一。公司结构甲方除了拥有在附录一中所示的中国的公司股权外,没有拥有任何其他实体的股权或者债权凭证,也没有通过代理控制任何其他实体,也没有和其他实体有代持或其他法律形式的股权关系。 现有股东目前甲方的股东组成如下表所示

24、: 股东名单股权类型股份 股份比例 黄马克 /ceo 普通股 5,000,000 50% 刘比尔 /cto 普通股3,000,000 30% 周赖利 /coo-普通股合计:2,000,00010,000,00020%-100% 投资人 /投资金额某某 vc ( 乙方 )将作为本轮投资的领投方( lead investor) 将投资:美金150万跟随投资方经甲方和乙方同意,将投资:美金 100 万- 投资总额美金 250 万 上述提到的所有投资人以下将统称为投资人或者 a轮投资人。 投资总额 250 万美金( “投资总额 ”)将用来购买甲方发行的 a 轮优先股股权。 本投资意向书所描述的交易,在

25、下文中称为“投资 ”。 投资款用途研发、购买课件 80 万在线设备和平台 55 万全国考试网络 45 万运营资金 45 万其它 25 万总额 250 万详细投资款用途清单请见附录二。 投资估值方法公司投资前估值为美金 350 万元,在必要情况下,根据下文中的 “投资估值调整 ”条款进行相应调整。本次投资将购买公司股 a 轮优先股股份,每股估值0.297 美金,占公司融资后总股本的 41.67 。 公司员工持股计划和管理层股权激励方案 现在股东同意公司将发行最多 1,764,706 股期权(占完全稀释后公司总股本的 15)给管理团队。公司员工持股计划将在投资完成前实施。 所有授予管理团队的期权和

26、员工通过持股计划所获得的期权都必须在 3 年内每月按比例兑现,并按照获得期权时的公允市场价格执行。 a 轮投资后的股权结构a轮投资后公司(员工持股计划执行后)的股权结构如下表所示:股东名单 股权类型股份 股份比例黄马克 普通股 5,000,000 27.63%刘比尔 普通股 3,000,000 16.58% 周赖利 普通股 2,000,00011.05% 员工持股普通股 1,764,7068.75%a 轮投资人(领投方) 优先股 5,042,017 25.00% a 轮投资人(跟投方) 优先股 3,361,345 16.67% - 合计: 20,168,067 100% 投资估值调整公司的初始

27、估值( a 轮投资前)将根据公司业绩指标进行如下调整:a轮投资人和公司将共同指定一家国际性审计公司(简称审计公司)来对公司 2010 年的税后净利( npat )按照国际财务报告准则( ifrs )进行审计。经 ifrs 审计的经常性项目的税后净利(扣除非经常性项目和特殊项目)称为“2010年经审计税后净利 ”。 如果公司 “2010年经审计税后净利 ”低于美金 150 万( “2010年预测的税后净利 ”),公的税后净利。 a 轮投资人在公司的股份也将根据投资估值调整进行相应的调整。投资估值调整将在出具审计报告后 1 个月内执行并在公司按比例给 a 轮投资人发新的股权凭据以后立刻正式生效。公司估值依据公司的财务预测,详见附录三。反稀释条款a轮投资人有权按比例参与公司未来所有的股票发行(或者有权获得这些有价证券或者可转股权凭证或者可兑换股票)。在没有获得 a 轮投资人同意的情况下,公司新发行的股价不能低于 a 轮投资人购买时股价。在新发行股票或者权益性工具价格低于 a 轮投资人的购买价格时, a 轮优先股转换价格将根据棘轮条款( ratchet )进行调整。资本事件 (capital event) “资本事件 ”是指一次有效上市(请见下面条款的定义)或者公司的并购出售。有效上市所谓的 “有效上市 ”必须至少满足如下标准:1

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