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1、四年英语解放学校徐敏四年英语:解放学校 徐敏 Module 2 Unit 3 FriendsSubject name: Unit 3 Friends Read and say&Look and sayTeaching aims: .Knowledge aims: 1.Students can listen, read and understand these new words: friend, long/short hair, bell. 2.Students can master the new sentences: My friend is., He/She is., He/She ha

2、s. .Ability aims: Students can use these new words and sentences to describe their friends correctly. .Affection aims: Students can care more about their friends and cherish their friendship.Teaching key point: The mastery of new words and sentences.Teaching difficulties: .The pronunciation of new w

3、ords, especially bell,friends. .To help students understand and use what we learned correctly with the help of some pictures, body language and games.Teaching aids: PPT、pictures、tape、 recorder 、wordscards and so on .Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming up:1.Greetings .S: Good morning Miss Xu.T:Good m

4、orning boys and girls. Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.T:Today I am very happy ,are you happy?S:YES,T:Do you want to have a chant?S:Yes.T:OK,Lets chant.S:Chant and act. Tall, tall, tall. Make yourself tall.Short, short, short. Make yourself short.Big, big, big. Make your eyes big. Small, sma

5、ll, small. Make your eyes small. Long, long, long. Make your arms long. Short, short, short. Make your arms short.(设计思路:在律动、歌曲轻松愉快的氛围中,让学生能全身心地享受学习的过程。另外通过这一系列活动复习已经学习过的几个形容词big , small , short , long)T:ok,very good ,Sit down, please.2.GreetingToday,I have two friends,and they will come to our class

6、.Do you want to know them?(Yes.)OK!Let me introduce my friends to you.First,look!What is it?It has two long ears and short tail.It has big red eyes.It likes eating grass.And it can jump,jump,jump. (rabbit)Its a big animal.It has a long nose and a short tail.It has small eyes and big ears.(elephant)B

7、ut they have many another friendship,do you want to see?S:Yes.T:Ok,Show a picture about friends on the screen.T: Lets look at the screen. Do you know them?S: rabbit,Zoom,pig,tiger,hippo.T: Yes, you are so clever. Do you love them?S: Yes!T: I love them very much. You know they are friends.Step 3: Pre

8、sentation1、教学friend、friendsT: OK, this lesson well learn unit 3 My Friends.(板书:Unit 3 My Friends)T: Read after to me friend-friends.(PPT:friend and read after to me, pay much attention to the pronunciation.)S: friend.T: Through the 2 pictures, can you guess the meaning about friend.S: 朋友.2.教学long ha

9、ir short hair big eyes small eyesT: Great! Do you know who is my friend?T: Ill tell you. My friend is Lily.(板书:My friend is.) .(show a photo of Lily)T: Look,I have long hair.She has long hair.(Teach long hair)提醒学生一般情况下hair不可以加S,相同方法教short hair big eyes small eyes2.T: She has long hair.(板书:She has lo

10、ng hair read new word after to me. Point some girls who have long hair to help understand.Look, Alice has long hair. Iris has long hair, too.)Chant:long hair,long hair,she has long hair.long hair,long hair,he has long hair.教学short hair3.Look she is my friend,too.Who can talk about her?She has short

11、hair.(板书:She has short hair. and read new word after to me.Point some girls who have long hair to help understand.Look, Alice has long hair. Tom has short hair.)Chant:short hair,short hair,he has short hair.short hair,short hair,she has short hair.相同方法练习其他短语3、教学bellLook at the picture, Whats this? I

12、ts a bell. Chant:bell,bell,bell,he has a bell.4、教学nice指着一个漂亮的学生问)Look,she is nice.(Teach nice.)look she is nice too.Chant:nice,nice,nice,she is nice.Practice: Who is your friend? My friend is.(choose one group ask and answer one by one.)4、操练游戏a、I say,you doLong hair,long hair,long hair stand up.They

13、 have long hair.Short hair,short hair,short hair stand up.They have short hair.b、I point,you say. 教师边走边说:long hair,short hair,走到某个学生旁停下来,学生根据实际情况说句子,He/She has.3 、Look and sayT:Look at the picture. Wow! Who is he?Ss:He is Yao MingT:Who can describe him?S1:He has short hair, big eyes and small ears.

14、He has a small nose and a big mouth. He is strong.He is tall.T:You did well! Lets move to the second one. Who is she?S2:She is Li Yuchun.T:Who can describe her?S3:She is thin. She has short hair, big eyes and ears. She has a small nose and a big mouth.T:Very good! Great! The next one, Please. Who is

15、 she?Ss:She is Miss Wang.T:Who can describe Miss Wang?S5:She is thin and cute. She has long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She has a small nose and a small mouth.T:Thank you. Clever child.(设计思路:根据教学内容出示课件,课件中的人物都是熟悉的人物,如YaoMing LiYuchun and me等),选择学生熟悉的对象,可以让学生感到亲切,愿意开口说英语,也有话说。哪怕在说的过程中会遇到一点困难。他们

16、都乐意尝试,这样就达到了英语教学的最终目标。而且课堂中的课件图片资料,色泽艳丽,外貌特征明显,学生可以直观面对图片和人物直接操练新的单词和句型了。这样的效果比机械操练要好得多。)T:Now, Lets play a guessing game. Ill describe a classmate in our class. Please guess who he is or who she is. OK?Ss:OK!T:My friend is thin. She has long hair, big eyes, and ears. She has a small nose and a smal

17、l mouth. She is quiet. Who is my friend?S1:She is S2:She is T:Yes. You are clever. Who wants to have a try? Lets guess who your friend is.S1:Let me try! My friend is strong. He has short hair, big eyes and small ears. He has a small nose and a small mouth. Please guess who my friend is.S2:He is S3:H

18、e is S1:Yes, You are right.(设计思路:游戏的选择要遵循目标性原则,也就是要紧扣教学内容,服务于教学内容,围绕教学目标。猜谜是学生很喜欢的一种游戏,紧密联系了教学内容,让学生进行了充分的语言实际操练,同时也锻炼学生听的能力。在游戏过程要注意两点:(1)把游戏要求表述很清楚,先做示范;(2)注意培养学生组织性和纪律性。(3)紧紧围绕教学目标展开游戏,切忌为了游戏而游戏。) 4、Friends showT: OK, friends. Do you have a friend? OK, please come and tell us your friend. Work in

19、 groups.S1: I have a friend. Her name is Kira. She has long hair. She is very thin.S2: I have a friend. His name is John. He is strong. He has short hair.This is my friend. HeShe is a girlboy.He She has_ hair.He She has two _ eyes.He She has a _ nose.He She has a _I like _s Step 5:Listen to the tape

20、Ss: Listen and repeatStep 6:Read the test and act Read the text freely then act.Step 7、Lets find outListen to the tape , find out the friends.Step 8 .Play a guessing gameWho is he/she?Invent some students come front and describe their friends.the others guess who he/she is?Step 9.Exercise一、根据句子及汉语意思

21、写出单词。1. Alice has _ (长头发).2. Ben is _(高的) .3.Lingling is a _(瘦)and _(漂亮的)girl.4. I have some _(朋友)in the school.5. He has _ (短发)and _小眼睛.二、用 has、have 填空,使句子完整正确。 1)I _a good friend. 2)He _ short black hair and big nose. 3) We _ two friends.They _ a cat. 4) Eric _ a bicycle. 5) My sister _long hair .

22、SummaryKey words: friends bell have has long hair short hair thin big eyes small eyesKey sentences: I have a friend. He/She has I like _sHomework1、熟读课文。2、用英语介绍自己的朋友,写成一个小短文,不少于五句话。(设计思路:通过对知识的小结可以帮助学生将本课内容加以整理、储存。用英语介绍自己的朋友,可发展培养小组团队精神,激励学生大胆开口,积极参与。)Board writting: Unit 3 My FriendsI have a friend.

23、His/Her name is_.He/She is He/She has a -.I like_s bell. 教学反思在本节课的教学中,我遵循了任务型教学的设计理念,把培养学生语言运用能力的目标落实到实际教学中,取得了较好的教学效果。1、充分尊重学生的认知水平,准确把握教学目标我注重依旧带新,找准新旧知识的结合点,并把对新旧知识的整合作为本课的落脚点,实现了培养学生语言运用能力的总目标。2、实践“活动教学模式”,鼓励学生参与体验“猜一猜”的游戏,充分调动了学生的学习热情。热身活动中的“韵律诗”活跃了课堂气氛,加入了动作调动了学生的积极性;新知识呈现环节的“听句子猜一猜我的朋友是谁”锻炼了学


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