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1、21世纪英语报第五六期九年级报纸阅读命题21世纪英语报第五、六期-九年级报纸阅读命题(A)Fifth graders in Zhejiang province will have TCM courses (中医药课程)beginning this semester.Xu Yueru, 14Learning traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a good way for students to have a better understanding of themselves. They can change their bad habits and p

2、ick up (养成) healthy ones. Also, children in Grade 5 are curious about everything. It is a good time to develop an interest in TCM, which is part of traditional Chinese culture. There is nothing wrong with learning more about our own culture.Shan Xi, 14TCM has existed for thousands of years. It shows

3、 the wisdom of our ancestors (祖先) and covers a lot of Chinese culture. It can teach students some basic knowledge about healthcare and broaden their horizons. Maybe some students want to be doctors. This class can help them learn a lot about medicine.Gao Yongtian, 14TCM is too complicated (复杂的) to u

4、nderstand. If they want to know more about healthcare, they can learn about first-aid (急救). Its more useful. Plus, primary school students nowadays have heavy pressure in their studies. Learning TCM at school may take up too much of their time and bring them more pressure.Ge Huaiqi, 12Some knowledge

5、 about TCM doesnt have enough scientific proof (依据). Some of its ideas still need to be proved in the future. It is not proper (合适的) to make students learn about it from a young age. Moreover, there are many complicated concepts (概念) in TCM. Its even hard for adults to understand, let alone children

6、. Gradually, they may lose interest in study.1. What does the underlined wordones refer to? (指代关系) A.students. B.habits C. bodies D.children (B) We all know that dogs eat poop (粪便). Although it appears strange to humans, scientists say it is a common practice for a lot of other animals: rabbits, rat

7、s,dogs, baby elephants and gorillas (猩猩). The list is long. These animals eat droppings to get nutrients (营养) they couldnt digest (消化) the first time around, reported Live Science website. For example, rabbits eat a certain kind of droppings called cecotropes (盲肠便), which are products of the cecum (

8、盲肠). Cecotropes are dark and soft, while actual feces are usually brown and hard. Scientists say cecotropes are very rich in nutrients and is essential (重要的) to rabbits good health. Many baby animals including elephants and hippo calves (河马幼崽) eat feces from their mothers or other members of the her

9、d. It usually happens when they are growing from drinking their mothers milk to eating solid food, scientists say. Eating feces helps these animal babies build healthy bacterial (细菌的) communities in their guts (肠道). It in turn helps digestion.1. What does which refer to in Paragraph 3? (指代关系) A. dro

10、ppings B. rabbits C. cecotropes D. cecum2.The reason for baby animals eating poop are the followings EXCEPT _ (细节判断) A. Cecotropes are rich in nutrients they couldnt digest.B. Eating feces helps them build healthy bacterial communities in their guts.C. Eating feces improves digestion.D. Poop is easy

11、 to digest. 3. If the writer continues to write this passage, what will he write about? (逻辑推理) A.When the animal babies stop eating feces. B. Why the animal babies eat feces. C. How the bacterial communities helps digestion. D. What kind of nutrients the animals can get from the feces.4. According t

12、o the passage, we can know_. (文章主旨和拟标题) A. how the animals eat feces B. how often the animals eat feces C. why the animals eat feces D. when the animals eat feces(C) What do you use to unlock your cellphone? A password? A fingerprint? Or simply a glance (一瞥)? On Sept 12, Apple introduced its iPhone

13、X, which has an eye-catching feature (特色) Face ID. With Face ID, Apple says, you can unlock your new iPhone by just looking at it. It is powered by a so-called TrueDepth camera system built into the front of the iPhone X. When the camera system sees a persons face, it uses 30,000 unseen dots (点) to

14、“map” (勾画) the shape and outline of the face. A mathematical model of the face will then be created and stored (储存) in the phone. The next time the person looks at the iPhone X, the same dots are mapped onto his or her face and compared to the stored model. If the two match, then the phone unlocks.

15、This happens in less than a second. Apple says the system is smart. If you change your hairstyle, put on sunglasses or makeup, or use the phone in the dark, Face ID still works. Although the technology sounds fancy, there are still concerns (担心). For example, will Face ID work for twins? According t

16、o Apple, the chance of others to unlock your iPhone X using Face ID is one in a million. Face ID can tell the difference between twins, but the error rating (出错率) rises. So one would need to set a password then. Apple also emphasizes (强调) that Face ID only unlocks when you stare at it. It is what Ap

17、ple calls “attention aware (察觉)”. So the phone wont unlock if you are just glancing at the phone for the time. It wont work either if someone puts the phone at your sleeping face or your photo.1. What does which refer to in Paragraph 2? (指代关系) A.a cellphone B. Apple C. iPhone X D. Face ID2.If Michae

18、l wants to unlock his new iPhone X with Face ID, what shouldnt he do? (细节判断) A. Wear sunglasses B. Have his hair cut.C. Unlock it at nights D. Glance at it for a short time.3. We can infer from the passage that if you want to unlock an iPhone X of your twin sister or brother, you can _.(逻辑推理) A. sta

19、re at it with sunglasses B. glance at it with a makeup C. use a password D. use your twin sisters or brothers face when sleeping4. What is the best title for the passage? (文章主旨和拟标题) A. The introduction of the iPhone X B. The features of the iPhone XC. Unlock the iPhone X by a glance D. Unlock the iP

20、hone X by attention aware (D) Old soap is changing peoples lives in Cambodia. A nonprofit (非盈利的) group named Eco-Soap Bank collects (收集) used soap from hotels and turns them into new bars to give out to people. Samir Lakhani, from the US, started this project three years ago. He visited Cambodia in

21、Southeast Asia for the first time in 2014. In a village, he watched a mother bathe (洗澡) her baby using detergent (洗衣粉). He learned that many people in Cambodia are very poor. They dont have clean running water to wash with. Many dont even have soap at all. He realized that was a problem he could hel

22、p solve. Lakhanis idea was to recycle old soap. Each year, millions of tourists visit Cambodia. The countrys many hotels use large amounts of soap. A hotel can produce 150 pounds (about 68 kg) of soap waste every month. So Lakhani went from hotel to hotel, asking if they could donate (捐赠) used soap.

23、 His project grew. It later became the Eco-Soap Bank. The group takes used soap to recycling places. There, the soap is cleaned, then cut up, mixed together and put through a press (压模机). Soap waste becomes brand-new bars or liquid (液体) soap. Eco-Soap Bank gives soap to Cambodians. Some bars are als

24、o given to local women to sell. They make money for their families. The project has helped half a million Cambodians get cleaner. But Lakhani has a bigger plan. He wants to start Eco-Soap Bank in every tourist area around the world. All in all, he wants to help people take their health into their ow

25、n hands one bar of soap at a time.1. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean? (推测词意) A.To sell something that has benn used B.To treat something used and use it agian. C.To use something old to do other things. D.To buy something that has benn used2.Samir Lakhani made a decision to recycle

26、 old soap _. (细节判断) A. when he saw a father bathe her baby using detergent.B. because he wanted to helped Cambodians get richer.C. by going from hotel to hotel to ask for donations of used soap.D. so that he could start Eco-Soap.3. Whats Lakhanis purpose to set up Eco-Soap Bank? (逻辑推理) A. He wants t

27、o be known to all over the world. B. He wants to save money for the poor by recycling the used soap. C. He wants to help poor Cambodians to become healthy. D. He wants to help poor Cambodians to become rich.4. What is the passage about? (文章主旨和拟标题) A. It is about Samir Lakhani collecting soap. B. It

28、is about the recycle of old soap. C. It is about how Eco-Soap Bank develops. D. It is about why Eco-Soap Bank started.(E) Social media have made animals become famous easier than ever before. Many people post their pets photos online and quickly get hundreds of thousands of followers. The pet doesnt

29、 have to be a dog or cat. There are successful examples of foxes, pigs and birds. If your pet can perform on video, thats even better. But it takes more than just a cute pet and an iPhone to create a popular pet account(账号). If you want to try for yourself, here are some tips for you.Know your brand

30、 (品牌) When you start your account on social media, choose a few words and phrases for your pets “brand”. Is your pet a troublemaker? Silly and a natural performer (表演者)? Make sure all your photos have a similar theme (主题). That way your followers know what to expect of your account. For example, if

31、your pets brand is “free-spirited (自由自在的) and loves nature”, dont post photos of it sitting in a first-class seat with an expensive pet dish.Post photos regularly (定期地) and use hasgtags (话题标签) Plan to post, if not every day, then at least five days a week. When you post, add a few hashtags so people

32、 can find your account easily using the “Discover” feature on social media. You may look at accounts similar to yours and see which hashtags theyre using.Have fun or dont do it You have to love taking photos of your pet. Or at least you like doing it enough that you can get it done even when you dont feel like it. But if you arent having a good time, its not worth it. 1. What does the underlined wordtroublemak

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