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1、精选经典美文赏析精选经典美文赏析-WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改-下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来!精选经典美文:面具让我窒息I believe that everyone wants to love and be loved and that happiness stems from a facing and acceptance of self that allows you to give and receive love.我相信,爱与被爱是每个人的渴望。一个人是否幸福,关键在于他是否拥有爱并能够接受爱。Some think of

2、love as a passionate, hungry, dramatic feeling, all consuming in intensity and desire. As I see it, this is, rather, immature love: it is a demand on others, not a giving of oneself. Mature love, the love that brings happiness, flows out of an inner fullness, and accepts, understands and is tender t

3、oward the other person. It does not ask to be served but only where it may serve.在有些人看来,爱就是一种充满活力、渴望且极富戏剧性的情感,是zhan有一切的激情与yu望。而我认为,这种爱是极不成熟的爱:它是向他人的索求,而不是奉献。只有成熟的爱才能带来幸福,它是内心真挚情感的流露,能够接受并理解他人,给予对方温柔与体贴。它不索求服务,而是处处提供服务。Six years ago I could hardly breathe because of acute sinus. My stomach was always

4、 upset and full of queasiness and I had trouble sleeping, even though I felt exhausted all the time. In desperation, after doctors who treated the physical symptoms failed to ease the pain, I tried psychoanalysis. I was lucky to find a wise, compassionate man who showed me what it meant to be able t

5、o trust myself and others.6年前,由于身患急性鼻窦炎,我几乎难以呼吸。胃部也常感不适,易恶心呕吐。失眠问题也一直困扰着我,即使我感到疲惫不堪却依然辗转难眠。可是,医生对我的病症所做的治疗却毫不奏效,我的痛苦丝毫未减。绝望中,我尝试了心理疗法。很幸运的是,我找到了一位博学、热情的医生,他让我懂得了,能够相信自己与他人的意义所在。The physical ills are gone, but more than that, I have at long last started to acquire a philosophy of living. I had never

6、possessed one. I had lived on dogma and dicta which I had accepted unquestioningly through the years, even though I believed little of it, because I feared to question. But by being unable to live naturally and at peace with myself I was flying in the face of nature. She was punishing me with illnes

7、s and, at the same time, informing me all was not well just in case I wanted to do something about it.我身体的疾病得以治愈,而更多的是我最终开始学会一门生活的哲学。我一直是一个循规蹈矩的人,虽然我并不相信那些教条与格言,但多年来,由于不敢质疑,我一直不假思索地将其视为生活的准则。然而我却难以正常而平静地生活,总是坐立不安。最终,我受到了惩罚,病魔缠身,同时也得到了启示:必须对现状做出改变,否则将万事不顺。In order to change, I needed help in facing m

8、yself. For me it was not easy to “know thyself”. All my life I had accepted the lesser of the two evils and run away from self because truth was more dangerous. Once I thought that to survive I had to put on a mask and forget what lay underneath. But masks are false protections and the inner part of

9、 me refused to go unheard forever.为了改变现状,我需要帮助来面对自我。对我来说,“认识自己”并不是件简单的事。一生中,我选择了两个罪恶中较轻的一个:逃避自我,因为真相往往更为危险。曾经我以为,戴上面具,忘记面具下的一切,就能生存下去。It caught up eventually, and unless it was to master me I had to face such feelings as fear, anger, envy, hatred, jealousy and excessive need for attention. When I re

10、alized I could not have done anything else except what I did, I was able to like myself more and be able to like others not for what they could give me but for what I could give to them.然而,面具是虚假的掩护,我的内心决不肯永远缄默。最终这种情感占了上风,如果它不曾主宰我,我就依然得面对恐惧、愤怒、羡慕、仇恨、嫉妒和极其需要关注的情感。除了顺从自己的内心,我别无选择,当我意识到这一点时,我便更喜欢自己,也更爱他

11、人。这并不是为了他人能给予我什么,而是我能给予他们什么。The Bible shows the way to easy, happy living in many of its pages. It advises, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Those who expect the most are apt to receive the least. I had expected much and was filled with fury because nothing in the outside world relieved

12、 my emptiness and despair. Nothing did, either, until I could face the anger and fury, the emptiness and despair, and slowly start to know such new feelings as compassion, conviction, control, calm. I learned, too, of reason-that judicious combination of thought and feeling that enables me to take m

13、ore responsibility for myself and others, that allows me to slay the ghosts of the past.如何能简单幸福地生活,圣经中的众多例子都告诉了我们。它建议:“施比受更有福。”那些期望最多的人,往往收获最少。曾经,我期望颇多,内心却充满了愤怒与狂躁,因为外界任何事物都无法填补我内心的空虚与绝望。一切都于事无补,直到我能够面对愤怒、狂躁、空虚与绝望,并慢慢地开始懂得同情、信仰、自制与平静这些新的情感。我也明白了,理智正是思想与情感最明智的结合,它能够让我为自己与他人承担起更多的责任,驱除往昔纠缠我的幽灵。For me

14、there is much hard work ahead to achieve greater happiness. Yet, the very struggle I have put into achieving a measure of it makes happiness that much more dear.对我来说,要想更加幸福,还需付出更多艰辛的努力。但是,为获得一定程度的幸福而付出的艰辛努力,才使得幸福弥足珍贵。精选经典美文:你知道自己的特殊才能吗What I am about to say may appear to be plugging my own business,

15、 but its what I know best-and I believe it deeply and sincerely.也许我要说的这些话看起来像是为自己的生意做宣传,然而这却是我最了解的东西.我对它的信仰真诚而深切。I believe that every human being has a talent-something that he can do better than anyone else.我相信,每个人都是天才-相比别人而言,有些事他可能做得更好。And I believe that the distinction between so-called “creative

16、” talents and ordinary run-of-the-mill talents is an unnecessary and a man-made distinction.我相信,所谓“创造性”才能与普通才能间的差距不过是一种人为的不必要的区别。I have known exterminators and typists, waitresses and machinists whose creative joy and self-fulfillment in their work could not be surpassed by Shakespeares or Einsteins

17、.我认识的一些杀虫员、打字员、女侍者和机械工,他们在工作中所创造的快乐与实现的自我价值,也许是莎士比亚或爱因斯坦也无法超越的。When I was in my teens, I read a quotation from Thomas Carlyle: “Blessed is he who has found his work. Let him ask no other blessedness.”我在年少时曾读过托马斯.卡莱尔的一句话:“一个人若是找到适合自己的工作,他便是幸福的,请让他别再祈求其他的幸福了。”At the time I thought that was a pretty gr

18、im remark, but I know now that Mr. Carlyle was right.当时,我觉得这句话过于残酷沉闷,而如今才知道卡莱尔先生是正确的。When you find the thing that you can do better than anything else in the world, then all the wonderful byproducts fall in line: financial security, happy personal relationships, peace of mind.当你找到世上你能做得最好的事情时,稳定的收入、

19、快乐的人际关系以及平静的心情等所有奇妙的“副产品”都会接踵而来。I believe that until you find it, your search for the byproducts will be in vain.我相信,除非你找到它,否则你对一切“副产品”的追求也不过是徒劳而已。I also believe that in the process of searching, no experience is ever wasted, unless we allow ourselves to run out of hope.我也相信,除非我们允许自己放弃希望,否则任何经历都会在找寻

20、的过程中发挥作用。In my own case, I had 34 different jobs before I found the right one. Many of those jobs were heartbreakingly difficult.就我而言,在找到合适的工作前,我曾尝试过34种不同的工作。其中有很多工作的艰难程度简直令人难耐。A few of them involved working with unscrupulous and horribly unpleasant people.在有些工作中,还会与一些不道德且令人讨厌的人相处。Yet, in looking ba

21、ck, I can see that the most unpleasant of those jobs, in many cases, gave me the biggest dividends-the most valuable preparation for my proper life work.但是,回过头来才领悟到,在很多情况下,我从那些最令人头疼的工作中得到了最丰厚的报酬,它们成为我正确事业生涯的最有价值的准备。And I have seen this happen in the destinies of hundreds of people. Periods which the

22、y thought were hopeless, dark, and of no possible practical value have turned out to be the most priceless experience they ever had.在成百上千人的命运中,我也看到了这一点。他们拥有的最宝贵的经历,正是那些曾经被认为绝望、黑暗、不可能有实用价值的时期。I know a girl who is a famous package designer for American industry. She was just given a promotion for whic

23、h she competed with six well-qualified designers.我的一位朋友现在是美国著名工业包装设计师。最近,在与6位高水平设计师的竞争中,她脱颖而出,得到了提升。Her past, like all of ours, had its good times and its bad times. One of the worst of the bad times was a period when she lost her husband and was left with two small children to support.像我们所有人一样,她的过去

24、也有巅峰与低谷。她失去了丈夫,还得抚养两个孩子,那是她最艰难痛苦的时期。She took a clerking job in a grocery store because her apartment was on the floor above it and between customers she could run up and keep an eye on the babies.她在自家楼下找了一份杂货店营业员的工作,这样一来,在没有顾客时她就可以抽空跑上楼看看孩子。It was a two-year period of great despair, during which she

25、 was constantly on the verge of suicide. Yet the other day when she told me of her promotion to the top package design job, she exclaimed in astonishment, “And do you know that the single factor which swung it in my favor was that I alone had over-the-counter experience with the customers who buy ou

26、r packaged foods!”那是她最绝望的两年,期间她几度想要自杀。但是,在她告诉我她被提升为首席包装设计师的那天,她惊叹道:“你知道吗?只有我与购买我们包装食品的顾客有过直接的接触,而这正是我获得这份工作的唯一原因。”When people talk about the sweet uses of adversity, I think they unduly stress a grim and kind of hopeless resignation, a conviction that, like unpleasant medicine, its somehow “good for

27、 us.” But I think its much more than that.我认为,人们在谈论逆境的益处时,过度强调了一种冷酷与绝望的顺从,一种良药苦口般的信仰-逆境或多或少都有益于我们。然而,我觉得它的益处远不止此。I know that the unhappy periods of our lives offer us concrete and useful plus-values, chief among them a heightened understanding and compassion for others.我知道,生活中的不幸会带给我们具体而有用的附加值,其中最主要的就是对人们更深切的理解与同情。We may not see it at the time, we may consider the experience entirely wasted, but, as Emerson says, “The years teach much which the days never know.”也许,我们当时并未意识到这一点,也许会认为这些经历毫无价值,但是,正如爱默生所言:“年复一年所积累的学问,是每日每天所无法了解的。”精选经典美文赏析

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