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新视野大学英语6 翻译.docx

1、新视野大学英语6 翻译Unit 1Translate the following sentences into English1可以说,生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活。(in the pursuit of)2很难想像没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过。(conceive of)3他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格,这种风格既具有现实意义,又能融入社会。(dedicateto)4他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。(addicted to)5但是,在经过这场种族暴乱之后,种族关系成为国家既要迎合又要管制的对象。(cater for)6. 看到窗内的情形,他不知所措,甚至

2、大为震惊。(perplex)7对于自己新近的提职,彼得沉思了一会儿。(contemplate)8与乡村相比,大城市的一个优势在于拥有众多的影院和其他娱乐活动。(diversion)9任凭想像力驰骋,我也无法预知原来有如此美好的生活等待着我。(foresee)10就学术成就而言,我从来没有失败过,将来一定会取得成功。(in terms of, make it)Translate the following short passage into English虽然对于战争的恐怖,他和他的同代人颇有同感,而且一度被称为绥靖主义的“精神之父”,然而事实上凯恩斯(Keynes)从来不抱绥靖希特勒的错觉。

3、他恨纳粹政权,1933年后从来没有访问过德国。相反,为了反对希特勒,作为英国与盟国的首席谈判代表,他积极寻求伦敦和华盛顿的共同利益。Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US Constitution, but no one seems quite sure which way happiness runs.2. Advertising is one of our major industries, and a

4、dvertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them- and to create them faster than anyones budget can satisfy them.3. This is the cream that restores skin, these are the tablets that melt away fat around the thighs, and these are the pills of perpetual youth.4. To think of happiness as achi

5、eving superiority over others, living in a mansion made of marble, having a wardrobe with hundreds of outfits, will do to set the greedy extreme.5. Although the holy mans concept of happiness may enjoy considerable prestige in the Orient, I doubt the existence of such motionless happiness.6. Thoreau

6、 certainly didnt intend to starve, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts.7. The Western weakness may be in the illusion that happiness can be bought. Perhaps the oriental weakness is in the idea that there is such a thing a

7、s perfect happiness.8. A nation is not measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to become.9. What the early patriots might have underlined is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the pursuit of what is engaging and life-changing, which is to sa

8、y, in the idea of becoming.10. Jonathan Swift conceived of happiness as the state of being well-deceived, or of being a fool among idiots, for Swift saw society as a land of false goals.Unit 2Translate the following sentences into English1读完这篇文章,老师又给我们布置了短文写作的任务。(assign)2下了一天的雨,几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午明亮起来。(gl


10、费。(tuition)Translate the following short passage into English 有些人错误地认为,美国是个充满机会的国度,而且人人都享有平等的机会。带着种种梦想,很多受过良好教育的专业人员络绎不绝地流入美国,去寻求美好的生活,有的甚至认为在那里过什么样的生活都可以。他们宁愿到美国去过穷日子,也不愿意在国内过相对富裕的生活。因此,在迈阿密,人们可以看到来自中美洲国家的律师和医生在给人洗汽车,或在餐馆端盘子。Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. I was soon under the spe

11、ll of this formidable and eloquent woman.2. I was fascinated by the way she could read a story or a piece of verse, then open it up like a fan, displaying its various facets, colors, and meanings.3. I had considered stories to be simple adventures, but she showed me they could express feelings as we

12、ll: pain, frustration, anger, and loss.4. To many people the coming of spring means the end of winter, the first birds, thoughts of love. Spring to me has a very different meaning because this was when I hugged my mother for the last time.5. The coming of spring always reminded me of the green and g

13、old day in 1948 when I last saw my mother.6. For the first time I began to understand the power of the written word. Meanwhile, I followed the literary path Miss Burd had set me on.7. When the local paper ran a picture of me clasping hands with the President, my father clipped it, had it sealed in p

14、lastic, and carried it in his breast pocket.8. Miss Burd taught for 41 years. Often her students were from troubled homes, yet she would alternately bully and charm each one until the spark of potential caught fire.9. Miss Burd was there, sipping wine and viewing the scene with quiet satisfaction. H

15、er presence was a comfort.10. She was my salvation, the one that sent me into writing and indirectly caused all the good things that came after.Unit 3Translate the following sentences into English1这一行动被描述为两国之间能源和工业合作的重大突破。(be characterized as)2自从那次丑闻之后,他的职业生涯开始急剧地走下坡路。(descent)3虽然律师极力为她辩护,但是证据表明她是有罪

16、的。(point to)4这座“皇城”在20世纪50年代初开始重造之前基本保持着原样。(intact)5这个声明和上星期发表的声明不一致。(at odds with)6两国之间的贸易协定明年到期。(expire)7根据考古学家的观点,该建筑始建于公元前250年。(date to)8最终两国开始就共同关心的有关问题认真进行谈判。(in earnest)9这位大使是位坦率直言的支持者,主张军事援助那些试图推翻现政府的团体。(overthrow)10那天夜晚他们乘车到达机场并开始放置炸弹,但由于飞机停放分散,放置炸弹用了他们不少时间。 (disperse)Translate the following short passage into En

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