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初三复习 冠词an a或the的使用.docx

1、初三复习 冠词an a或the的使用初三复习一.冠词an, a或the的使用An 放于元音开头名词前,表示一个A放于辅音开头名词前,表示一个The的运用1.用来指独一无二的物体1. 用于再次提及的名词前2. 3. 用来指说话人双方心目中都知道的特定的人或事物4. 5. 用于单数名词前,泛指一类6. 7. 用于序数词,表示方位的名词和形容词最高级的前面8. 9. 在复数姓氏前加the,表示*一家人,常看成复数10. 11. 常用的固定搭配play+th+乐器名称12. 13. 一些形容词前加the,表示某一类人。2.不用冠词的情况1.专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词之前一般不用冠词2在球类运动,棋类

2、,一日三餐,学科和语言的名词前一般不用冠词3.在季节,月份,星期,节日的名词前不用冠词4.当分词前有指示代词,物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,不用冠词5.复数形式泛指一类时,不用冠词6与by连用的交通工具名称前,表示乘坐某种交通工具时,不加冠词7.一些固定的词组不用冠词在晚上 课后 事实上练习单项选择题1.There is _ pencil on the B.a C.the D.2.My aunt likes playing _ violin at_ night.A., B .the, C. ,the D. the, the3. Lily is coming by _ plan

3、e tomorrow. Lets go to_ airport to meet her.A. a, a B. , a C, the , the D. ,the4.My little sister wrote _ “u” and _ “m” on the paper.A. a, an B. an, a C an, an D .a, a5. There are sixty minutes in _ hour.A. an B. the C. a D.6. Have you found _ address that you wanted ? -Yes , I have.A. a B. an C. D.

4、 the7. Mary is fond of watching _ TV while Henry is interested in listening to _radio.A. the, B. ,the C. the, the D. a, a8. I usually go out for _ walk after _ supper .A. a, B. , the C, a, a D. the, the9. Its _ long time since we met last time.A. an B. C. a D.the10. She listened to _ English song la

5、st Sunday. But she can not remember the name of _song. A. an,a B. an,the C. , the D. .,a11. There is _ old man standing on _ road.A. an, the B. the , a B. a, the D. a,a12. Whats _ date today? -February 15th.A. B. the C. a D. an13. _ girl in green is _ tallest in our class.A. The, the B. An,the C. A,

6、 the D.a,a14. I live on _ eighth floor.A. the B. C. a D. an 15. Beijing is _ capital of China and it is _ city with many places of interest.A. a, a B. a, the C. the , a D. the , the用适当的冠词填空(不填处用“”表示)1.I usually go to school by _ bike.2. _ earth goes round _ sun .3. There is _ old man in the village

7、. _ old Mary is seventy.4. _ harder you study, _ better you get the marks.5. _ man with _ book in his hand is our new class teacher.6. _ sun rises in _ east.7. What _ exciting news !8. There is _ house at _ foot of the hill.9. I will finish it in half _ hour.10. There is _ picture of _ elephant on _

8、 wall.二、名词和名词的运用(1).可数名词的单复数形式变化。规则变化形式1.不规则变化形式1.2.相同的: 3.表示各国人:中日不变:英法变:其他后面加S:4.只有复数形式的名词: 5.表示性别职业的名词都用复数形式:(2)名词的复数形式动词名词.1. 动词+er :2. 动词+or:3. 动词+tion:4. 动词+ment: 形容词名词:不可数名词分类1. 液体类:2. 肉类:3. 粉米类:4. 抽象名词:新闻_钱_建议_友谊_工作_家庭作业_家务活_帮助_乐趣_健康_价格_空间_噪音_音乐_运气_5. 食物类(food)大米_粥_巧克力_花椰菜_垃圾食品_6. 气体

9、类:空气_汽油_7. 毛发类:8. 颗粒类:沙_ 不可数名词的表达。1. 不可数名词使用:2. 不可数名词的表达:两杯水: 两块面包: 三条新闻: 五张纸: 六瓶果汁: 一杯牛奶: 不定代词和名词搭配使用上的区别与运用 1.many few a few a number of 2.much little a little a great of3.some any a lot of / lots ofsome:any:4.名词修饰名词1.第一个名词不用复数2.表示职业用复数练习:单项选择,选择正确答案填空 ( )1.Theres _milk at home now. Can you get me

10、 _? A.a few ,few B.a little, any C.little ,some D.few, any( )2.Several years ago,_people koew Chen Chusheng.But now he is famous. A.a few B.any C.many D.some( )3._people from Guang Xi work very hard .We all like them. A.A little B.Few C.A great deal of D.A number of( )4._peole like the person who is

11、 impolite in public. A.Many B.Few C.Little D.Much( )5.Would you like _juice ? A.some B.any C.many D.a few( )6.Hes a _words man. A.little B.few C.a few D.much( )7.There are _sheep on that hill every day .They;er Jims. A.a B.few C.a lot D.lots of( )8.Dont worry.Theres_time left. A.little B.few C.a lit

12、tle D.a lot( )9.There are about 50_in our school . A.women doctors B.women teachers C.women teachers D.women workers( )10.GuiLin is so popular ,there are so many _here. A.visitors B.visitor C.waiter D.people( )11.-_is the meat, please? -Ten yuan a kilo . A.How much B.How many C.How old D.How long( )

13、12.-Would you like some drink, KangKang? -Yes,_,please. A.two boxes of chocolate B.some oranges C.two bottles of cola D.two coffee( )13.I saw many _in the yard. B.rabbit C.sheep D.goat( )14.LiMing likes _a lot ,and his mother usually cooks it in different ways. A.tomatoes B.fist C.noodles D.

14、tomatos( )15.My teacher gave me _on how to learn English well. advice B.some advice C.some advices D.advices( )16.Weer_and theyer _. A.China,America B.Chinese ,Americans C.Chineses ,Americans D.Chinese ,Americans( )17.You need more _to keep fit. A.practice B.eter cises C.practices D.etercise( )

15、18.How many _would you like? A.paper B.bread C.milk D.pieces of bread( )19.-Would you like some_? -No,thank you. Im not hungry at all. A.tea B.water C.bread D.oranges( )20.We could hear the _of the running water. A.sound B.noise C.voice D.sonuds( )21.There are three_and tow _in the group. A.Japaneae

16、,Germen B.Japaneses, Germen C.Japaneses ,German D.Japanese ,Germans( )22.Some tree _turn red in autumn. A.leafs B.leaves C.leaf D.leafes 选择方框中的词填空,每词只用一次。Photo friend leaf kilo healthy playnorth interest different sunny 1. We have twelve _in a team.2. GuiLin lies in the _part of Guangxi .3. We must

17、look after ourselves and keep _.4. There are some _of my family on the wall.5. My mother bought two_ of tomatoes yesterday.6. The trees are thick with _.7. I am_English8. Please find out the_ between the two pictures. 9. The weather report says it will be _ tomorrow. 10. Lily is one of my _.foot bab

18、y invent bus card tooth 1. The machine was his own _.2. The street near my house is always crowded with cars and_.3. I received some Christmas _from my friend. 4. His _ are badly hurt .5. My brother looks after two _.6. Linda has three _.名词所有格1. 表示有生命体的东西的名称,所有格在该名词后加s(单数形式)2. 有生命体的复数名词的所有格形式1规则的2.不

19、规则的3. 表示时间、国家、距离、城镇、团体、结构等无生命的东西的名称的所有格,在词尾加“s” 今天的报纸 步行十分钟的路程 中国的首都 4. 表示两者或两者以上共同拥有的人或物时,只需在并列名词的后一个名词词尾加s若表示两者各自拥有时,则每个名词均加s.5. 表示某人家,店铺等生活,工作处所得所有格后的名词常省略。在王先生家的 在理发店 在门诊6. 物主如为无生命的名词,通常用“of”结构表示。市中心 学校的名称7. 如果在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词时,常用“of+所有格”的形式。我哥哥的一位朋友 我们老师的一本书8. 还有一些表示“的”词,如:to,for,from

20、问题的答案 门的钥匙 音乐会的票一个来自柳州的学生9.“数词量词形容词”的结构,常表示“的”不管数量多少,量词都不能使用复数形式100米的 12岁大的 10分钟的路程练习:单项选择( )1.-How far is your cousins home from here? -Its about two _drive. A.hours B.hours C.hours D.hour( )2.Marys skirt is the same as her _ A.sisters C.brothers D.sisters( )3._mothers cant come to the me

21、eting because they have no time. A.Marias and Jane B.Maria and Janes C.Maria and Jane D.Marias and Janes( )4.Its only _walk ,so you can walk here. A.half an hour B.half an hours C.half an hours D.half hour ( )5.He won the _race in the school sports meeting.A.100-metre B.100-metres C.100-metres D.100

22、 metre ( )6.We all know March 8 is _. A.Womens Day B.Womans Day C.the Womens Day D.Women Day( )7.After running 2 hours, we had _rest. A.few minutes B.a few minutes C.a few minute D.a few minutes( )8.There are _in todays newspaper. A.three pieces of news C.three piece of news D.three news( )9.

23、This is _office. A.the teachers B.teachers C.the teachers D.the teacher( )10._are going to come to my home tonight. A.Three friends of my fathers B.My father of three friends C.Three my fathers friend D.Three friends of my father三、代词及运用区别主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 反身代词 物主代词 物主代词 练习:单词选择,选择正确答案填空。( )1.-Is this y

24、our sons baseball? -No._is in the bag. A.His B.Her C.Yours D.He( )2.-Can I put _car here? -Of course. A.I B.mine ( )3.Kelly often helps _with my math. B.I D.mine( )4.He began to teach _English last year. A.he B.his C.hinself D.hes( )5.His name is Michset, but we usually call _Mik

25、e. A.him B.himself C,her D.his( )6.-Sallys skirt is red . What about _? -Mine is white. B.your C.yours D.yours( )7.-Do you know the people at the meeting ? -I know some of _. A.they B.their C.them D.theirs( )8.-Is this your ruler, Michael? -No. Its not _ruler.Thats ,my ,mine C.mine

26、 , mine D.mine ,my( )9.-Excuse me ,is this _bike? -Yes,its_ A.your , my B.your ,mine C.yours ,my D.yours,mine( )10.How is your brother ?Please say hello to _for me.A,she B.him C.her D.he( )11.-Is Miss Chen your teacher ? -Yes ,she teaches_English. C.our D.we( )12.Some parents teach _child

27、ren at home by _in America. A.they ,themself B.their , themselves C.they ,themselves d.theirs,themselves ( )13.-How was your visit to HongKong. -Wonderful !We enjoyed _. A.ourselves B.myself C.yourselves D.herself( )14.-Excuse me ,is this Kellys book ? -No,this is _._is over there. A.mine ,Hers , Her C.mine ,Her ,Hers( )15.-Lucy,Im going on busineis .Please look after _well. -Dont worry,Mum. I will. A.herself B.myself C.yourself D.yours( )16.My parents ask my friends to help _to some fish . A.ourselves B.myself C.themselves D.himself( )17.Jim is a friend of _. B.mine C.her

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