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1、个人手工制作中学生VOA英语阅读之世界人权日中学生VOA英语阅读之2015世界人权日Human Rights Day 2015Next an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.接下来的一篇社论反映了美国政府的观点。On December 10th, 1948, still stunned by the horrendous crimes committed against civilian populations during the Second World War,the United Nation

2、s General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.1948年12月10日,第二次世界大战期间对平民犯下的的罪行仍然骇人听闻,联合国大会通过世界人权宣言。At the time, one of the Declarations chief architects, former First Lady and member of the United States delegation to the United Nations, Eleanor Roosevelt,wrote “We have found th

3、at the conditions of our contemporary world require the enumeration of certain protectionswhich the individual must have if he is to acquire a sense of security and dignity in his own person.”当时,联合国美国代表团成员,首席架构师之一,前第一夫人埃莉诺罗斯福,写道:“我们认为我们当代世界的条件要求列举出某些保护,其中,个人必须获得在其看来的安全和尊严感。”Since 1950, the United Na

4、tions has celebrated December 10 as Human Rights Day.This day is best known for the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in Oslo, Norway;however, cultural events and exhibitions focused on various human rights themes take place around the world.自1950年以来,联合国庆祝12月10日为世界人权日。这一天最出名的是在挪威奥斯陆的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖仪式;然而,文化活

5、动和侧重于各种人权主题的展览在世界各地举行。This years Human Rights Day marks the launch of a year-long campaignto highlight and preview the 50th anniversary of two important human rights documents:the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

6、今年的人权日标志着长达一年的活动来纪念两个重要人权文书50周年:公民权利和政治权利国际公约和经济,社会及文化权利国际公约。Both documents were adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 16th, 1966.Despite the tireless efforts and notable successes of numerous national and international agencies,nongovernmental organizations, and activists all over the worl

7、d, there is still much to be done.这两份文件均在1966年12月16日的联合国大会通过。尽管不懈努力和许多国家和国际机构的显著成绩,非政府组织和世界各地的活动家,还有许多工作要做。On this Human Rights Day, let us resolve to work together as a community of like-minded nationsto put an end to these abuses and to hold those responsible for inflicting them to account.在此人权日,让

8、我们下定决心与志同道合的国家携手合作制止这种违法行为并追究责任人的责任。单词及例句详解1horrendous英 hrends 美 h:rends adj.可怕的,令人吃惊的例句1.The violence used was horrendous.所使用的暴力骇人听闻。2.Nor do their debts looks so horrendous when related to the value of their fixed assets.如果和他们的固定资产值相比,他们的债务看起来也并不算惊人。3.Holidays can be horrendous. All right, Ill rep

9、hrase that. The first few days are invariably hell.假期可能会糟糕透顶。好吧,让我换一种说法。最初的几天总是如同炼狱。2crime英 kram 美 kram n.罪行,犯罪; 罪恶v.指控犯罪; 判定犯罪; 处罚军事犯变形复数:crimes过去式:crimed过去分词:crimed现在分词:criming第三人称单数:crimes例句1.It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.这是间谍罪,应判死刑。2.The President could continue to ba

10、sh Democrats as being soft on crime.总统可能会继续抨击民主党人对待犯罪活动心慈手软。3.The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them.所有证据都表明该犯罪乃他们所为.3 committed kmtd忠诚的,坚定的;所犯的例句1.Jason committed to Avery, Avery committed to Jason and it was a great match.特里支持约翰逊的工作,约翰逊也支持特里,二人相得益彰。2.The girl wascommittedto the ca

11、re of an aunt.这女孩被交给姨母照顾。3.He tried to grasp at the money, so hecommittedcrime.他企图攫取钱,因此犯罪了。4 civilian siviljn平民, 百姓;市民;文官;民法学者;例句1.2.Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with thecivilianpopulation.军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。3.People are indignant by their shooting of innocentcivilians.对于他们枪杀无辜平民

12、,人们感到义愤填膺。5stun英 stn 美 stn vt.击晕,使昏厥; 使震聋; 使目瞪口呆; 使大吃一惊n.打击,刺激变形过去式:stunned过去分词:stunned现在分词:stunning第三人称单数:stuns例句1.Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges.电鳐能放出强大的电流把猎物击晕。2.A guard zapped him with the stun gun.一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。3.The snake uses its venom to stun or paralyze its vic

13、tims.蛇用其毒液使受害者失去知觉或瘫痪.6 assembly sembli装配;集会;军集合号,集合鼓,集合;机装配,装配车间,供装配的零件;例句1.All parties won representation in the nationalassembly.所有政党在国民大会中都赢得了代表资格。2.Its an unlawfulassembly.那是非法集会。3.People have the rights ofassemblyand expression.人们有集会和发表言论的权利。7 general denrl大致的;综合的;总的,全体的;普遍的;例句1.Ageneralcomes

14、before a colonel.将官比校官高。2.Napoleon was a greatgeneral.拿破仑是一位伟大的将领。3.Please give me ageneralidea of the work.请告诉我这项工作的梗概。8adopt英 dpt 美 d:pt vt.采用,采取,采纳; 收养; 正式接受,接受; 批准变形过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted现在分词:adopting第三人称单数:adopts例句1.Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。2.Bri

15、tain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales.英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。3.This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。9 universal ju:nv:sl普遍的,一般的;通用的,万能的;全世界的;宇宙的;例句1.The design plan and the principles and constructions of universal transformer and universal heater are des

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