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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party教案 新版人教新目标版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party教案 新版人教新目标版Unit 9 Can you come to my party?课题Unit 9 Can you come to my party?内容Section A 1a2d课 时1设计说明【学习目标】1) 能掌握以下单词:prepare, prepare for, exam, flu, available, another time, until, you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? Sure, Id love to. Can you go to th

2、e movies on Saturday? Im sorry, Im not available. I t leaving until next Wednesday.【重点难点】1) 运用所学提出邀请,接受邀请和拒绝邀请。2) 正确使用can, might, must 等情态动词。 【情感目标】1学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人的邀请的方式。理解“义务”涵义,学会承担自己应尽的义务,能够在班级以及社会生活中担当一定的责任。理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。【教学过程】【教学过程】. Lead-in 1. 在大屏幕上向学生展示一张邀请函。T: Hel

3、lo, everyone! Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend; she invited me to go to party. But I t know what to do. What should I say? Can you 1. 引导学生们看大屏幕上邀请及两个答语。 Look at the expressions on the screen: “Sure, Id love to.” “Im sorry, I you come to my party? Have the S1 give “yes an

4、swers” and S2 give “no answers” then plus a reason. Ask students to give their own reasons. If necessary, I can give a reason and you go shopping with me? S2: Sorry, I cant. I pairs and answer the questions. . Listening 1. T: Now listen to the recording and write the names next to the correct studen

5、ts in the picture. 2. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Write the name of each person next to . Check the answers with the Ss. . Group work 1. Help students form groups of four. Say, one of you is student A. Student A invites the other thr

6、ee students to your party. The other students say “yes” or “no”. Remember to give a reason. 2. Have the students work in groups.3. Let some groups ask and answer about their conversations. . Listening Work on 2a: 1. Read the sentences in 2a. Tell Ss they will listen to some sentences. They should li

7、sten and circle the words “can” or “cant” in the bracket. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the words. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the chart below. Tell Ss, this time they must write the reasons in the chart. Make sure they know wh

8、at to do. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to write the reasons in the chart. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. . Pair work 1. Tell Ss to look at the reasons in the chart in 2b. Then write some more. 2. Let Ss read conversations in 2c. 3. Ss practice the conversations using the reaso

9、ns in the chart on the right. 4. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. . Role-play 1. Read the conversations and answer the questions: 1) What did they do last fall? _2) What does Nick Saturday? _3) When will they some new words and main points in the conversation. until, notuntil, after th

10、e teacher. 4. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs act out the conversation. Homework: 1. Recite the conversation in 2d after school. 2. 假设你将于这个周末过生日,并开一个生日聚会,你约请朋友们参加你的聚会,但有几名同学因故不能来,请你将与他们的对话用英语编写出来。 【教学反思】课题Unit 9 Can you come to my party?内容Section A Grammar3c课 时2设计说明

11、【学习目标】1) 学习掌握下列词汇:invite, accept, refuse 2)进行一步复习巩固运用Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。3)进一步学习运用所学的知识来表达邀请;学会如何回答别人对自己的邀请,以及学会如何有礼貌地拒绝他人的邀请,并陈述理由。4) 掌握情态动词can, must, have to, might的用法。 【重点难点】1) 进一步学习运用所学的知识来表达邀请;学会有礼貌地答复他人对自己的邀请。2) 掌握情态动词can来表达邀请;运用情态动词have to, must, might等有礼貌地说明拒绝他人邀请的理由。【情感目标】学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌

12、地邀请别人以及回答别人的邀请的方式。理解“义务”涵义,学会承担自己应尽的义务,能够在班级以及社会生活中担当一定的责任。理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。 【教学过程】【教学过程】. Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Ask some Ss to invite some Ss to you come to my party? S2:Sure. Id love to. S3: Sorry, I cant. I in 2d. .

13、Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 2. 学生们根据记忆,看大屏幕来完成填空练习。 3. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。. Try to Find 如何表达邀请与答复别人的邀请: 1. can 用于表示 “_”,如: 汤姆会骑马。 _2. “Can you?”表达 “_”,答语:同意用_. 不同意用_. 如:恐怕不行,我要去探望我的姑姑。 _. Practice Work on 3a: 1. Tell Ss to read the conversation in 3a and try t

14、o complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. 2. 方法指导: 首先,应明确练习的要求。本题要求同学们用情态动词might来委婉地表达自己在将来的某个时间可以有做的事情。然后,读空格中所给的词组,明确它们的意思。读每个小对话,根据上文语境结合所给的词组,选择一个恰当的事情来回答。注意,一定要用上情态动词might。 结构:might + 动词词组 3. 最后,教师与同学们一起校对答案,并对学生们有疑问的地方进行解释。4. 学生们阅读这些对话,并与伙伴一起练习这组小对话。Work on 3b: 1. 告诉

15、学生们本题的要求:根据括号中所给的提示词来补全问句,并做出恰当地答复。2. 让学生们重点看答复提示中所要求是“接受”的还是“拒绝”的,并做答复。如果是拒绝,还应根据括号中的提示词给出一个恰当的理由。3. 让学生们互相检查自己所写的小对话,发现并改正错误。 4. 让部分学生与自己的伙伴说一说自己所写的小对话。大家一起改正句子中的错误。 . Group work 1. 小组中的同学们每个人都填写一张表格(见3c中表格)来明确自己近期要做的事情,选择一个恰当的时间来开一个聚会。2. 先由小组长根据自己的安排,邀请你小组里的成员去参加你的聚会,每个小组成员,根据自己表格上的安排来确定是否参加这个聚会。3. 然后,其他同学轮流根据自己的安排,邀请你的组里的成员去参加你的聚会,其他成员根据自己表格上的

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