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话题阅读 Topic 2 Family Friends and People Around 家庭朋友与周围的人.docx

1、话题阅读 Topic 2 Family Friends and People Around 家庭朋友与周围的人Topic 2 Family, Friends and People Around (家庭、朋友与周围的人) 【QQ话题微博】An artificial tooth almost killed a middle-aged woman while she was brushing her teeth on Tuesday morning. The woman was tortured by a wobbly artificial tooth for about fifteen minut

2、es before it uprooted and fell down her throat almost choking her to death. She tried to vomit the tooth out but she just ended up making her situation worse. Her husband soon intervened and took his wife to the hospital wheredoctors removed the offending molar with a pair of tweezers. The woman is

3、planning to sue her dentist. 基础篇 Passage 1题材:社区帮助 体裁:记叙文 关键词:club词数:291 建议时间:6分钟 正确率: /4Shanta, Hasmuna and their friend Ruxana have “saved” their neighbour Saleha from early marriage. The three friends met at the Adolescent Girls Club in Chandina, southern Bangladesh, and started visiting the house

4、s of neighbors who wanted their daughters to marry at the age of 14 or even before. Shanta and Hasmuna themselves are 16; Ruxana is 17. At the Girls Club Shanta and her friends learn about their rights, and through different projects and activities, develop skills to help them protect those rights.

5、Hasmuna takes classes in photography at the Club, and Shanta and Hasmuna have been trained as peer leaders and run sessions for other adolescents on child rights. The three girls are also taught how to go out into the community and speak about what is important to them. “We learned that we have to b

6、e patient but never give up,” Shanta says. “The first time we went to Salehas house, her father did not want to hear anything from us and did not even invite us to sit down. The second time, he was upset to even see us.” Then we went to see Salehas aunt, who has six children. She was friendly with m

7、e and ready to listen to what we had to say against Salehas marriage. We had also found out from the Girls Club that marriage is not legal for women before 18. We showed her the page in our book that explains the law. After a while, the aunt agreed to start talking to Salehas father about the advant

8、ages of putting off marriage. Projects such as the Girls Club are making dreams come true for thousands of adolescents, helping them gain the knowledge, self-confidence and negotiating(谈判) skills to behave as Shanta and her friends did. 1. At the Girls Club, girls can learn the following EXCEPT_. A.

9、 photographyB. skills to help them protect their rightsC. how to run sessions on marriageD. how to go out into the community2. What matters most for the girls to persuade Salehas father?A. confidence B. bravery C. patience D. knowledge3. Its learned from the text that _. A. some girls in Bangladesh

10、got married at a young ageB. Salehas aunt was upset to even see the three girlsC. Salehas aunt refused to cooperate with the girlsD. marriage is allowed for women before 18 in Bangladesh4. Which of the following words best describes the work of the Adolescent Girls Club?A. Difficult. B. Dangerous. C

11、. Experimental. D. Successful.【篇章导读】Shanta, Hasmuna and their friend Ruxana加入了the Adolescent Girls Club,他们学到了知识,了解了自己的权力,有了自信,并学会了说服家长让女孩放弃早婚的技巧。【答案解析】1. C。细节理解题。选项C与第二段中信息run sessions for other adolescents on child rights不相符,其它三项为正确选项。2. C。推理判断题。第三自然段谈到信息We learned that we have to be patient but ne

12、ver give up讲三位女孩儿学会了有耐心,后来在劝说Saleha的父亲的过程中,是因为有了这种耐心品质才说服了Saleha的父亲放弃要求女儿早婚的想法。3. A。推理判断题。从Saleha的父亲要求她早婚的观点折射出在Bangladesh有这种现象。4. D。 推理判断题。文章最后段信息Projects such as the Girls Club are making dreams come true for thousands of adolescents, helping them gain the knowledge, self-confidence and negotiatin

13、g skills讲到the Girls Club让很多青少年的梦想实现了,说明很成功。【难句分析】1. The three girls are also taught how to go out into the community and speak about what is important to them. 通过学习,三个女孩儿知道如何走到社区,怎样谈论对他们来讲是重要的东西。句中how to 为动词不定式结构,它起名词的作用,在句中做宾语。该结构中what引导宾语从句,做介词about的宾语。2. Projects such as the Girls Club are making

14、 dreams come true for thousands of adolescents, helping them gain the knowledge, self-confidence and negotiating skills to behave as Shanta and her friends did. 如女孩俱乐部这样的项目让数以千计的青少年梦想成真,帮助他们获取知识、自信和谈判能力,正如Shanta以及她的朋友那样。句中are making , helping, negotiating 为并列,句中as引导方式状语。Passage 2题材:网络留言 体裁:记叙文 关键词:n

15、urse词数:348 建议时间:6分钟 正确率: /4Many school nurses have touching, funny or unique stories to tell - little “gems”(宝石) about their students or their careers, some that make us laugh- others that touch our hearts. Please contribute your “gem” for others to enjoy. School Nurse Digest will feature some in th

16、e Digest. Thanks!Posted by the editor of After caring for a little girl with a nose bleed, I ask her if she would like some water to wash her mouth so that she wouldnt have a nasty taste. I ask if her mouth tasted like metal and she yes probably because my dads a mechanic(机械工). It was everything I c

17、ould do to keep a straight face. Comment by Carol Ward RN January 11, 2011Last week I had a first grade student sent to the clinic with sweaty, smelling feet. He had sores(褥疮) on his toes and no socks. I gently washed his feet and gave him a brand new pair of socks. When he stood up to leave my clin

18、ic he turned around, hugged my neck, smiled and said “These are the softest socks I ever had.” This just proved that the little things done for a child do matter. Comment by Judy DeWitt November 2, 2010 I had a lovely kindergarten boy come in to my office and said “Nurse Debbie, I have a frog in my

19、throat and I need you to get it out of there!” I told his mom about this, and she took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed(诊断) with strep. Comment by Debbie Eilers, RN, BSN October 26, 2010When I was starting as a school nurse in the German school in Narobi, a 4th grade came to me and asked if I

20、was also trained skydiving? I asked why should I have had such a training? His answer was great, he said: “You know, when you have an accident in the air and you have to get out of the airplane, you have to help the people who are falling out of the plane” Comment by Ron Kirsch September 28, 2010 1.

21、 What does the editor of the advise nurses to do? A. Learn medicine from the net. B. Create amusing stories.C. Share stories they meet. D. Make their patients cheer up.2. In Judy DeWitts opinion, she thinks _. A. children usually have sweaty smelling feetB. some boys are too poor to buy socksC. scho

22、ol children are sometimes boringD. little things done for children matter much3. What does the underlined phrase in the second paragraph mean?A. Lose face. B. Avoid meeting others.C. Try not to smile. D. Produce a big laugh.4. What can be inferred from the text? A. Debbie was not so qualified as a n

23、urse.B. Debbie found his visiting boy infected with strep.C. Ron Kirsch should be trained skydiving.D. Comment by Ron Kirsch was likely to make people laugh.【篇章导读】学校护士响应网站编辑的倡议在网络上分享他们在生活中遇到的有趣的或感人的故事。【答案解析】1. C。细节理解题。文章第一段是编辑的内容,该段中信息Please contribute your “gem” for others to enjoy.可知编辑建议护士分享有趣的或感人

24、的故事。2. D。细节理解题。文章第三段中信息This just proved that the little things done for a child do matter.可知D选项为正确答案。3. C。词义理解题。第二段中信息and she yes probably because my dads a mechanic. It was everything I could do to keep a straight face.讲学生的回答让护士好笑,护士尽力板着面孔,不露笑容。4. D。推理判断题。最后段中Ron Kirsch的故事让人好笑。【难句分析】1. Many school

25、nurses have touching, funny or unique stories to tell - little “gems” about their students or their careers, some that make us laugh- others that touch our hearts.许多护士有感人的、有趣或独特的故事,有的关于学生或他们的职业,有的能让我们捧腹大笑,有的触动心灵。句中that make us laugh/ that touch our hearts为定语从句。little “gems” about their students or t

26、heir careers, some that make us laugh- others that touch our hearts.解释说明stories的内容。2. After caring for a little girl with a nose bleed, I ask her if she would like some water to wash her mouth so that she wouldnt have a nasty taste. 检查了一个小女孩流血的鼻子后,我问她是否想要一些水洗嘴,这样她就不会有一种令人讨厌的味道。该句为主从复合句,句中if引导宾语从句,so

27、 that引导结果状语从句。Passage 3题材:人物介绍 体裁:记叙文 关键词:Brian词数:295 建议时间:6分钟 正确率: /5Sixteen-year-old Brian had been asked to participate in a program at church. Never much one for public speaking, he accepted the invitation apprehensively. His younger sister, Gretchen, knew of his anxiety, and tried to soothe him

28、 with some good-natured teasing. “Dont worry about it, Brian,” she reminded him more than once. “You cant really disappoint anyone because nobody is expecting much.” On the appointed day Brian was in his place wearing his best clothes, a fresh haircut and the most strained smile. Blame part of that

29、on pre-speech anxiety. Blame a little more on the car accident Brian was involved in on the way to church - not to mention the broken rib he sustained in the collision. “Look at it this way,” I whispered to him as the meeting got underway. “The worst thing that could possibly happen has already happ

30、ened. Its clear sailing from here on in.” Well, not quite.When Brian rose to speak, the pocket on his jacket somehow became tangled with the armrest of his chair. The unmistakable ripping sound elicited an audible gasp from the congregation, and brought a pained expression to Brians mothers face. As

31、 Brian turned to see what the ripping was, he lost control of the book he was holding, and it fell on the foot of the woman sitting next to him. The congregation was beginning to titter, and he hadnt said a word. I saw him glance at the door. Im sure he considered running, and I doubt any would have

32、 blamed him. But he bravely made his way to the podium and began to present his message. He was doing a pretty good job, all things considered, when I noticed something unusual - blood. Dripping from Brians nose. And not just a little. 1. Which of the following words best describes Brian when he accepted the invitation?A. Eager. B. Worried. C. Curious. D. Excited.2. From the t

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