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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第28篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.今天,大多数学生都知道我们的星球面临环境挑战。年轻人懂得削减能源消耗以及减少浪费是遏制气候变化、防止能源短缺的必要措施。Most students today are aware of the environmental challenges facing our planet. Young people understand thatcutting down on energy use(1.削减能源消耗)and decreasing waste are necessary steps towardscurbing c

2、limate change(2.遏制气候变化)andpreventing energy shortages(防止能源短缺).1- cut down on energy usecut down on意为减少使用,后面还可以跟intake、smoking、waste等。词典释义:cut down1.PHRASAL VERB短语动词削减;减少使用If youcut down onsomething orcut downsomething, you use or do less of it.【语法信息】:V P on n【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)【语法信息】:V P【语法信息】:A

3、lso V n PHecut downon coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。Car owners were asked tocut down travel.要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。If you spend more than your income, can you try to cut down?如果你入不敷出,可以试着减少开支吗?外刊例句:Ehsan Toreini, a security expert at the University of Newcastle, and his

4、 colleagues, describe a way to turn that randomness into a “fingerprint” that is unique to any given sheet of paper. (In security jargon a fingerprint is any unique, identifying pattern, not just one from a finger). That could, they hope, help tocut down onfraud.()艾萨托雷尼是纽卡斯尔大学的安全学专家,他与同事描述了一种使每张纸具有的

5、独特“指纹”具有随机性的方法(这里的“指纹”在安全学内是指独特的认真模式,而非手指纹)。他们希望这样能减少诈骗发生。替换表达:reduce / decrease2- curb climate change词典释义:curbUKk:bUSk:bverbtransitiveADVANCEDto control or limit something that is not wanted控制;限制,约束;抑制The Government should act tocurbtax evasion.政府应该采取行动抑制逃税。curb1.VERB动词控制;抑制;限定;约束If youcurbsomethin

6、g, you control it and keep it within limits.【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:be V-ed【搭配模式】:oft N on n.advertisements aimed atcurbing the spread of Aids.旨在控制艾滋病传播的广告Inflation needs to becurbed in Russia.俄罗斯需要抑制通货膨胀。Curbis also a noun.He called for much stricter curbs on immigration.他呼吁对移民采取更严格的限制措施。外刊例句:Tillerson ha

7、s claimed to support a revenue-neutral carbon tax a bipartisan solution that in addition to helpingcurb climate changeand its damages, would have a modestly beneficial direct impact on the economy.()蒂勒森宣布支持该局部炭排放税这项两党达成共识的解决方案,不仅能有助于抑制气候变化及其破坏,还能给经济带来一定好处。替换表达:prevent / reduce climate change学生错误表达:(

8、1) Suppress climate change点评:suppress可以表示“抑制(生长、发展、起作用等)”,例如:The virus suppresses the bodys immune system.这种病毒抑制身体的免疫系统。但不可以用suppress来修饰climate change,这里可以改为常见说法curb climate change(2) Restrain climate change点评:restrain一般指“抑制,控制(增长太多的东西)”,例如restrain spending/inflation/corruption,不能用restrain修饰climate

9、change3- prevent energy shortages词典释义:preventprventverbtransitiveESSENTIALto stop something from happening or someone from doing something阻止,妨碍;预防Label your suitcases topreventconfusion.在你的手提箱上贴上标签以防搞混。+-ingverb His disabilitypreventshim(from) driving.他有残疾,不能开车。shortageUK:.tdUS:r.tdnouncountableIMPR

10、OVERwhen there is not enough of something缺乏,缺少Theres ashortageoffood and shelter in the refugee camps.难民营里缺少足够的食物和住处。The long hot summer has led to serious watershortages.这个夏天漫长而炎热,导致严重缺水。例句:The new body would oversee large energy consumers limiting their consumption and would order power stations t

11、o increase their output to try toprevent energy shortages.()该新组织将监控大型能源消耗者的能源消耗限制,命令发电站加大产出,以避免能源短缺。替换表达:alleviate/ease/tackle energy shortagesQ:Most students today are aware of the environmental challenges facing our planet.如果过直译就是:环境问题面对我们的星球,但是实际上词典里面face后面都是接问题:the problems faced by one-parent f

12、amilies 单亲家庭面对的问题 The company is facing a financial crisis. 公司正面临财政危机。 Shes faced with a difficult decision. 她眼前有一项难作的决定。 Its not always easy to face the truth. 承认事实并不总是一件容易的。 sth face someone 和 someone face sth 都是正确的?这两种用法是不是没有区别?A:something faces someone / someone faces something 这两种用法都正确,而且没有区别。在

13、麦克米伦词典中我们可以找到这样的例句:(1) How to combine a career and children is a dilemmafacingmany women.(2) Many of the shipyard workersfacelosing their jobs.Q:请教老师:“Young people knowing to cut energy consumption and to reduce waste is necessary to curb climate change and prevent energy shortages.”这句话是否存在语法错误?是否表达

14、了原文的意思。A:这句话有问题,因为句子主干变成了:Young people is necessary to curb climate change可以改为:Young people know that cutting energy consumption and reducing waste are necessary to curb climate change and prevent energy shortages.建议重新复习下语法书中关于句法的知识,避免写句子的时候出现句法错误。2.高浪费会导致能源损耗以及环境恶化。我们要尽我们的职责来应对地球面临的环境挑战。High waste

15、levels(1.高浪费) contribute toenergy depletion(2.能源损耗)andenvironmental degradation(3.环境恶化). We shoulddo our part(4.尽我们的职责)to respond to the environmental challenges facing our planet.1- high waste levels词典释义:level/lvl;levl /noun C 1.AMOUNT数量, the amount or degree of something, compared to another amoun

16、t or degree数量; 水平,水准,程度: +ofIncreased supplies are needed to meet the level of demand.要增加供应以满足需求量。high / low levelDolphins show a high level of intelligence. 海豚显示出很高的智力水平。Inflation dropped to its lowest level in 30 years.通货膨胀降到了 30 年来的最低值。At the moment, public interest is at a high level .目前,民众的关心程度

17、处在一个很高的水平。wastewestnounBAD USE使用不当IMPROVERS or Uan unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc浪费;滥用That meeting achieved absolutely nothing - it wasa completewasteof time.那次会议根本没有取得甚么成果纯粹是浪费时间。Shes been unemployed for two years and its suchawasteofher talents.她已经失业两年了

18、,这纯粹是浪费她的才华。My mother couldnt bearwaste- she always made us eat everything on our plates.我母亲不能容忍浪费她总是让我们吃光自己碟子里的所有东西。外刊例句:In wealthy countries, there are low levels of unintentional losses buthigh levels of “food waste”,which involves food being thrown away by consumers because they have purchased t

19、oo much, or by retailers who reject food because of exacting aesthetic standards.()在发达国家,意外浪费甚少,而食物浪费却十分严重,原因在于:顾客买太多了就会扔掉一些食物,而商家也会因为食物不符合其严格美观要求而扔掉一些。替换表达:too much waste学生错误表达:(1) high waste点评:一般没有high waste的说法,可以改为high waste levels2- energy depletion词典释义:depletiondpli:.nnounS or U(a) reduction减少;

20、减小;缩小thedepletionofthe ozone layer臭氧层变薄Increased expenditure has caused adepletionin our capital/funds.开支增加使我们的资本资金减少了。外刊例句:The alliance said the study found that the Bateson reports interpretation of deer physiology was factually unsound and had led to erroneous conclusions about muscle damage,ener

21、gy depletionand the overall stress of a hunted deer.()该团体称,研究发现:巴蒂森分析鹿的生理研究报告与事实不符,带来了一堆错误结论,这些结论关于肌肉损伤、能量消耗,以及遭捕杀的鹿所感受的压力。替换表达:overuse of energy3- environmental degradation词典释义:environmental1.ADJ形容词 自然环境保护的;生态环境保护的;环保的Environmentalmeans concerned with the protection of the natural world of land, se

22、a, air, plants, and animals.【搭配模式】:ADJ n.economic andenvironmentallegislation.经济和生态环境保护法规.theenvironmentalclaims being made for some products.要求一些产品注重保护生态环境的主张Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.环境保护组织计划在会议期间组织公众抗议活动。degradation deg.rde.nnoununcountablewhen the b

23、eauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoilt玷污;损害,危害environmentaldegradation环境恶化例句:Irans critical water crisis is another mark ofenvironmental degradation. Lake and rivers are drying out. Lake Urmia, once the largest salt lake in the Middle East, is nearly gone.()伊朗的严重水危机又一次印证着环境恶化。江河湖泊都在干涸。

24、乌尔米湖曾经是中东地区最大的咸水湖,现在也快要干涸了。替换表达:environmental deterioration4- do our part词典释义:partOnes responsibility, duty, or obligation; share: 职责,义务:某人的责任、职责或义务;份额:We each do our part to keep the house clean.我们各尽其职以保持房屋的清洁ones share or allotted task (as in an action):duty外刊例句:The presidency is a relay race, req

25、uiring each of us todo our partto bring the country closer to its highest aspirations.()总统一职和接力比赛无异,需要我们每位尽己所能让全体国民回到意气风发之时。替换表达:do our duty/bit, take on our responsibilityQ: 高浪费英语顺序High waste levels,水平一定排在最后吗?high waste levels可不可以直接用High waste表示高浪费,level在这里是要补充汉语中隐含的高浪费程度的含义吗?A:这是level的一种常见用法,noun

26、+ levels 表示某事物的数量、程度等很高,例如:noise/pollution/price/wage/income levels;不可以直接用high waste来表示高浪费。3.政府应对能源短缺最基本的方法就是更好地教育公众,特别是年轻一代,关于节能的重要性。这样可以确保现在的孩子知道形势的严峻性,长大后成为具有环保意识的成年人。The most basic way in which a government can address the energy shortage is to better educate the public, particularly the younger

27、 generation, about the importance ofconserving energy(1.节能). This will ensure that the children of today are aware of thegravity(2.严峻性)of the situation and grow up to beenvironmentally-conscious(3.具有环保意识的)adults.1- conserve energy词典释义:conserveverbtransitiveUKknsvUS-sv/to keep and protect something f

28、rom damage, change or waste保护;保藏;保存;保留;节约Toconserveelectricity, we are cutting down on our central heating.为了省电,我们在减少中央供热。The nationalists are very keen toconservetheir customs and language.民族主义者非常热衷于保留他们的习俗和语言。Im not being lazy - Im justconservingmyenergy/strength for later.我不是在偷懒我只是在为以后保存精力体力。外刊例句

29、:Putting the impact of saving energy in human terms, for example, can help to encourage other staff toconserve energy.()比如,以人类角度来谈节约能源的影响,有助于鼓励其他员工节约能源。替换表达:energy conservation学生错误表达:(1) cutting energy点评:没有cutting energy的说法,只有cutting energy use,这里建议改为energy conservation2- gravity词典释义:gravityUKgrv.ti

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