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1、安徽亳州82828上海交通大学数学系安徽亳州(2014.8.25-2014.8.28)2014年全国奇异摄动理论和应用学术研讨会会议手册主办单位:中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会 上海交通大学数学系 亳州师范高等专科学校承办单位:亳州师范高等专科学校 主办时间:2014年8月2528日学术委员会(以姓名拼音为序): 主席: 莫嘉琪 安徽师范大学 张伟江 上海交通大学委员: 陈松林 安徽工业大学 陈贤峰 上海交通大学 陈 秀 合肥学院 杜增吉 江苏师范大学 葛渭高 北京理工大学韩祥临 湖州师范大学 侯 磊 上海大学 倪明康 华东师范大学汪志鸣 华东师范大学吴雄华 同济大学肖爱国 湘潭大学 张 祥 上

2、海交通大学 周明儒 江苏师范大学 周哲彦 福建师范大学 朱怀平 加拿大约克大学 组织委员会:组长: 周 明 亳州师范高等专科学校成员: 李金泽 张 良 徐建中 孟 莉 朱锦龙 冯依虎 宋志辉 成 欣 会议日程安排8月25日会议报到8:00-20:30会议报到地点:新贵都宾馆(亳州市市政府东门向北80米)12:00 自助餐(新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)18:00 自助餐(新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)8月26日7:00早餐(新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)2014年8月26日开幕式上午 (地点:新贵都宾馆二楼多功能厅)时间主持人开幕式8:30-9:00 张立驰 亳州师专1.主持人介绍来宾2.亳州师专校领导致欢迎词3.亳

3、州市领导致欢迎词4.上海交大领导讲话5.学会领导讲话9:00-9:20 全体会议代表合影(地点:宾馆门前) 时 间主持人报告人题 目9:20-10:00张 祥上海交大朱怀平York UniversitySingular Perturbation an overview from applications in mathematical biology to Hilberts 16th problem10:00-110:20茶 歇10:20-111:00倪明康华东师大侯 磊 上海大学 接触表面问题边界层计算与分析11:00-111:40谢 峰东华大学界面边值问题的奇异摄动 12:00午餐(地点:

4、新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)下午时间主持人报告人题 目14:00-114:40汪志鸣华东师大倪明康华东师大一类脉冲微分方程组的多尺度流转换14:40-15:00 姚云飞阜阳师范学院关于赋范线性空间中的几类泛函方程15:00-15:20陈 秀合肥学院 包立平杭州电子科大时滞欧式期权定价模型的奇摄动解15:20-15:40 许金刚杭州电子科大竞争性广告利润模型的随机渐近分析15:40-16:00孙 盼上海大学High Performance FEM on Complex Contact Interface16:00-16:20茶 歇16:20-16:40侯 磊上海大学 李惠芳杭州电子科大电力亚式期权定价

5、模型的奇摄动解16:40-17:00陆海波上海应用技术学院跨临界型转点中的分支现象17:00-117:20武利猛河北科技师范学院Contrast structure for a class of linear singularly perturbed optimal control problem17:20-17:40陈松林安徽工大江 山扬州大学An adapted Petrov-Galerkin multiscale finite element method for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems17:40118:00卢西庄

6、亳州师范高等专科学校二阶非线性奇摄动Robin问题角层解的渐近分析18:30-20:00晚宴(新贵都宾馆一楼华贵阁)晚上20:30-21:30自由安排2014年8月27日(地点:新贵都宾馆二楼多功能厅)上午时间主持人报告人题 目8:30-9:10朱怀平加拿大约克大学张 祥上海交大Inverse Jacobian multipliers and Hopf bifurcation on center manifolds9:10-9:50沈建和福建师范大学Canard limit cycles and global dynamics in a singularly perturbed predato

7、r-prey system with non-monotonic functional response 9:50-10:10茶 歇10:10-10:50刘树德安徽师大汪志鸣华东师大奇摄动方程组线性化原理的推广10:50-11:10周少玲上海大学DecoupledalgorithmforsolvingafiniteelementproblemofPhan-Thien-Tannerviscoelasticfluid11:10-11:30周哲彦福建师大孙先艳上海大学非牛顿流体的半有限元法11:30-11:50刘 伟华东师大Robust Stability of Discrete-time Sing

8、ularly Perturbed Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation12:00午餐(新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)下午报告地点:亳州师专二楼第一会议室 下午乘车到亳州师专 上车地点:宾馆门前. 时间:14:00下午14:30-15:10肖爱国湘潭大学刘树德安徽师范大学具有非单调过渡层性质的奇摄动半线性边值问题15:10-15:30孙 龙安徽工业大学两类带有慢变参数的生物数学模型解的渐近分析15:30-15:50张立驰亳州师专闭幕式 亳州师专校内考察16:00-18:00 考察亳州师专亳文化研究中心、实验楼啤酒、白酒实训室、图书馆。 18:30晚餐(地点:新贵都宾馆二

9、楼西餐厅) 晚 上 中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会理事会会议 地点:新贵都宾馆二楼会见厅 8月28日 早 餐7:008:00(地点:新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)文化考察:上午:乘车时间:8:00乘车地点:宾馆门前8:20-9:30康美中药城9:40康美中药城门前上车10:00-10:40亳州博物馆10:40亳州博物馆门前集中上车11:00-12:00花戏楼12:00花戏楼下车的地点集中乘车返回宾馆 12:30午餐(地点:新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅)文化考察:下午:乘车时间:14:30乘车地点:宾馆门前 考察亳州古井集团酒文化博物馆17:30集中乘车返回宾馆 18:00晚餐(地点:新贵都宾馆二楼西餐厅) 晚

10、上 自由安排 8月29日 离 会 部分报告摘要(按姓名拼音顺序)时滞欧式期权定价模型的奇摄动解包立平杭州电子科技大学在本文中,给出了时滞欧式期权定价的时滞Black-scholes模型。对于时滞为小参数的问题和时滞为常值的问题分别进行讨论,得到了其奇摄动解.接触表面问题边界层计算与分析侯 磊上海大学 The boundary layer analysis and FEA approach in the Coupled nonlinear rheological Equations are used to study the deformable materials in various con

11、tact/impact PBCs. (1) The back-ground of computer simulation and multi-scale results on the Stochastic Boundary-Layer in the periodic boxed condition in linear space, i.e. finite element space. (2) The asymptotic estimates of the BL solution behavior and the posteriori error estimates for the point

12、force uncertainty in PBC. (3) The von-Mises sharp-stress effects in contact interface has been analyzed in comparison with the stochastic BL computing. (4) Some smooth-temperature effects may be coupling into CE; But there are stochastic stress effects in CE.An adapted Petrov-Galerkin multiscale fin

13、ite element method for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems江 山扬州大学 In this paper we propose the use of an adapted Petrov-Galerkin multiscale finite element method for solving the singularly perturbed problem. The multiscale basis functions that form the function space are constructed fro

14、m both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous localized problems. These Petrov-Galerkin multiscale basis functions are shown to capture the originally perturbed information for the reaction-diffusion model, and reduce the boundary layer errors on graded (non-uniform) coarse meshes. We present the numerical

15、experiment in order to demonstrate that our method acquires stable and convergent results in the $Linfty$, $L2$ and energy norms. Due to the independent construction of the multiscale bases, and the demonstrated accuracy by removing the resonance effect, the adapted Petrov-Galerkin multiscale method

16、 is shown to be a suitable method for solving the singular perturbation problem.电力亚式期权定价模型的奇摄动解李惠芳杭州电子科技大学在本文中,讨论了一类亚式期权定价模型的随机波动率模型,其中随机波动率采用了快速均值回归的随机波动率模型。通过Feynman-Kac公式,得出了风险资产电力亚式期权价格所应满足的Black-Scholes方程,应用奇摄动方法,得到了Black-Scholes方程的渐近解.具有非单调过渡层性质的奇摄动半线性边值问题刘树德安徽师范大学研究了一类具有非单调过渡层性质的奇摄动半线性边值问题. 先

17、用合成展开法构造出问题的形式近似,然后利用衔接法将左、右两边分别具有尖层性质和边界层性质的近似式光滑地衔接起来,从而形成具有非单调过渡层性质的解,并应用微分不等式理论证明了解的存在性及其渐近性质.Robust Stability of Discrete-time Singularly Perturbed Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation刘 伟华东师范大学 This paper is concerned with the robust stability and stabilization problems of discrete-time singular

18、ly perturbed systems subject to nonlinear perturbations. Using the fixed-point principle, we first find a proper sufficient condition via linear matrix inequality (LMI) to guarantee that the given system is in a standard form. Then, based on the two-time-scale decomposition technique, an LMI based s

19、ufficient condition is presented such that the original system is standard and input-to-state stable (ISS) simultaneously. Thus, it can be easily verified for it only depends on the solution of an LMI. After that, for the case where the nominal system is unstable, the problem of designing a control

20、law to make the resulting closed-loop system ISS is addressed. To achieve this, a sufficient condition is proposed via LMI techniques for the purpose of implementation. The criteria presented in this paper are independent of the small parameter and the stability bound can be derived effectively by s

21、olving an optimal problem. Finally, two numerical examples show the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results.跨临界型转点中的分支现象陆海波上海应用技术学院鸭现象的一个重要特征是由 Hopf 分支出的小极限环在控制参数的指数小变化范围内其振幅发生巨大改变进而变成松弛振荡环. 本文研究了平面跨临界转点处鸭解的存在性、松弛振荡环的消失以及从Hopf分支到鸭爆炸之间小极限环的结构问题.二阶非线性奇摄动Robin问题角层解的渐近分析卢西庄亳州师范高等专科学校利用边界层函数法,构

22、造了二阶非线性奇摄动Robin问题产生角层现象的渐近解.在适当的假设条件下,利用微分不等式方法证明了解的存在性,并得到了关于的任意阶一致有效的渐近估计.一类脉冲微分方程组的多尺度流转换倪明康华东师范大学 本文将讨论一类具有固定时间的平面脉冲微分方程组解的动力学性质。首先利用 Tikhonov 正则化原理, 引进一类具有无穷大初值的奇摄动方程组,利用 Vasileva 边界层函数法构造一致有效渐近解,通过分析渐近解的动力学性态了解原脉冲微分方程组解的动力学性质,由极限定理可知当小参数趋向于零时,所构造的渐近解趋向于脉冲解.Canard limit cycles and global dynami

23、cs in a singularly perturbed predator-prey system with non-monotonic functional response 沈建和福建师范大学 By defining singular saddles, singular nodes and singular homoclinic cycles and considering their singular perturbations, nonexistence and existence canard limit cycles as well as global dynamics in a

24、singularly perturbed predator-prey system with non-monotonic functional response are studied. It is shown that, depending on the relative positions of the positive equilibria, when the intrinsic growth rate of the prey is sufficiently large, the system can have one or two stable nodes, or limit cycl

25、es of canard type generated through the homoclinic mechanism or the Hopf breaking mechanism as the attractors. Under different parameter conditions and/or initial conditions, the flows of the system exhibit different limiting behaviors and different slow-fast processes, in which, the separatrices on

26、 the parameter plane and the phase planes are determined. Numerical simulations are also carried out to verified the theoretical results.两类带有慢变参数的生物数学模型解的渐近分析孙 龙安徽工业大学High Performance FEM on Complex Contact Interface孙 盼上海大学We use the semi-discrete FEM method to solve the non-linear coupled PDEs: Cau

27、chy equation and P-T/T equation. The space domain is discretized by finite element method:9-points biquadratic Language shape function and 4-points bicubic Hermite shape function, while the time domain is discretized by finite difference scheme: Euler scheme, semi-implicit Crank-Nicolson scheme and

28、explicit two steps Adams scheme. Using Matlab, the numerical results of 6 fully discrete schemes are calculated.Thesemi-discretefiniteelementmethodforNon-Newtonianfluid孙先艳上海大学We employ semi-discrete finite element method to study the Cauchy equation in Non-Newtonian fluid. Namely, the space domain i

29、s discrete by the finite element method and the time domain is discrete by finite difference schemes of Euler and Crank-Nicolson respectively. Their convergent orders can reach and separately. In numerical experiments, the results show that the convergence of Crank-Nicolson is better than Euler, whi

30、ch coexists with theoretical analysis.奇摄动方程组线性化原理的推广汪志鸣华东师范大学 本文研究具有线性有界非线性扰动的奇摄动方程组的稳定性问题,其中非线性扰动不必很小。对于给定的非线性扰动增益,不必很小,只要满足与该增益相关的某线性矩阵不等式可解性条件.如果奇摄动方程组的线性部分渐近稳定,则整个奇摄动方程组可证明渐近稳定。倘若非线性扰动的增益充分小,则相关的线性矩阵不等式总是可解。如果线性部分不稳定,则可考虑相应反馈问题,使得闭环的线性部分是渐近稳定的.进一步值得研究的问题是增益的界及其优化问题。 Contrast structure for a class of linear singularly perturbed optimal control problem武利猛 张娟 吕金凤河北科技师范学院 The step-like contrast structure for a class of linear singularly perturbed optimal control problem is considered. By means of the properties of exponen

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