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1、一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语整合 各位领导:现将英语整合研究小组进行的内容整合试用教师指南发给各校,请尽快将此材料发给每位一年级英语老师,以便能马上用于英语课堂教学,同时希望英语老师在日常使用中不断提出宝贵意见,以便研究小组改进和完善。(也可到孙宝玲博客上找)一年级(上)攀登英语与新标准英语整合内容奎文教研室2009年9月一年级(上)攀登英语与新标准英语学习内容单词新标准英语:名词:bird 鸟panda 熊猫cat 猫dog 狗fox 狐狸 bear 熊boy 男孩girl 女孩teacher 教师Ms 女士classroom 教室desk 课桌seat 座位school bag 书包 pe

2、n 钢笔 ruler 格尺 book 书pencil 铅笔pencil-box 文具盒box 盒子eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔house 房子window 窗户door 门bed 床ball 球balloon 气球hat 帽子 doll 布娃娃kite 风筝name 名字birthday 生日morning 早晨,上午afternoon 下午colour 颜色数词one 1 two 2 three3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10形容词:green 绿色 black 黑色blue 蓝色white 白色red 红色yel

3、low 黄色happy高兴的good 好的 my 我的 our 我们的动词stand 站立sit 坐open 打开 welcome 欢迎point 指, 指向look 看 thank 谢谢方位词:in 在 里 on 在 上 under 在 下代词:this 这个that 那个其他:hi 嗨 hello 你好 goodbye 再见bye (口语)再见a 一(个,件how old 几岁up 向上down 向下to 去,到,向yes 是 no 不,不是and 和for 为缩写形式:wheres = where is在哪里 whats =what is 是什么youre = you are 你是 Im

4、 =I am 我是its = it is 它是攀登英语:bird, elephant, rabbit, flower, butterfly, boy, girl, cat, dog, dad, mom, brother, sister, bee, bird, friend, fox, singing, dancing, running, swimming, black, white, house, door, window, wall, bed, roof, pig, wolf, friend,cat, dog, wolf, fish, hat, hoes , hungry, thirsty,

5、 drink, eat, bread, corn, cake, milk, birthday, present, dress, Breakfast time, Lunch time, playtime, bedtime, School time, sun, moon, stars, water, day, night, sing, dance, wash, sleep,walk, run, jump, play, laugh, tortoise, ants, cards, king, lions, monkeys, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, te

6、n, basket, dishes, table, chair, book, tree, 句型新标准英语-Hello. -Hi. -Goodbye. -Bye. -Im Amy. -How are you? -Im fine. -Good morning. -Good afternoon. -Whats your name? -Im Baobao. -My names Yangyang. -Im a boy. -Im a girl. -Im a panda/dog. -How many? -How many girls? -How many green balls? -What colour?

7、 -Its red (yellow, blue, black,green) -Sit down! -Stand up! -Point to the window/door. -Open the window/door. -Come to the front! -Go back to your seat! -This is our classroom. -This is my teacher. -That is a dog. -Whats this? -Whats that? -Its my ruler. -Is it a dog? -Yes, it is. -No, it isnt. -Its

8、 a black cat. -How old are you? Im -Happy birthday! -Thank you. -Youre welcome! -A pen for you! -Wheres my pen? -Its in my hat. -Its on my hat. -Its under my hat. -A doll is under the bed.攀登英语-How are you? -Fine, thank you. -See you. -I want to go to the washroom. -OK. -May I come in? -Come in, plea

9、se. -Thank you. -What colour is it? -Its black. -No, its white. -Who is he? -Hes Andy. -Who is she? -Shes Lily. Shes my friend. -Whats this? -Its a rabbit. -Whats that? -Its a butterfly. -Whats wrong? -Im tired. -Have a rest,please. -Im hungry. -Do you like some bread? -Umm.Yummy -What colour is it?

10、 -Its black. -No, its white. -What do you like? -I like apples. And you? -I like bananas. -What are you doing? -We are playing a game. -May I join you? -Come on. -Hurry up! We are late. -What time is it? -Its eight oclock. -Whats this in English? -Clock. -Whats that in English? -Sorry. I dont know.一

11、年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:王素杰单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第一单元I Can Show活动1. 单词检查2. 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3. 小组展示日常英语4. 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U1:bird elephant rabbit flower butterfly boy girl新标准英语:M1:hello hi goodbye bye攀登英语:U1:-How are you?-Fine, thank you.-See you.-See you.新标准英语:M1:-Hello. Im Daming.-Hi. Im

12、Amy.-Goodbye.-Bye.-How are you?-Im fine. How are you?-Im fine.-Im a boy.-Im a girl.攀登英语:U1:Boy and girl新标准英语:M1:Hello HelloU1:迪士尼英语第一课 Hello(问好)1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第二单元1.Songs and chants边听边伴随童谣“Good morning”拍手。 2.齐唱歌曲“Boy and girl”3.复习单词。4. English story等温馨提示:此部分

13、可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U2:cat,dogdadmombrothersisterbeebird,新标准英语:M2: bird panda goodmorning,afternoonM6: cat dog攀登英语:U3:-I want to go to the washroom.-OK.U2:-May I come in?-Come in, please.-Thank you.新标准英语:M2: -Good, morning.-Good afternoon.-Im a panda/dog.攀登英语:U2:Good, morning新标准英语:M9: ChantBob Bob Bob is a

14、n orange dog.迪士尼英语第二课 Family1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:韩爱玲一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:韩爱玲单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第三单元1 齐唱歌曲“Boy and girl”2 各组比赛,说唱童谣 “Good morning” 3. 复习单词。4. English story等温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:M3:friend, fox, singing, dancing, running, swimming新标准英语:M2: my, n

15、ameM8: fox攀登英语:M3: 复习-I want to go to the washroom.-OK.新标准英语:M2: -Whats your name? -Im Baobao.-My names Yangyang.攀登英语:M3:Follow me新标准英语:M3: 1 ,2 ,5,Whats your name?迪士尼英语第三课 Friends1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:韩爱玲单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第四单元1. Songs and chants:“Boy and girl

16、”“Good morning” “Follow me ”2. 复习单词、句型。3. English story等温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:复习1到3单元的单词卡片:新标准英语:M5: stand upopenwindowdoorsitdownpointto Ms攀登英语:复习1到3单元的日常英语: 新标准英语:M5: Sit down! Stand up! Open the window/door. Point to the window/door. Come to the front!Go back to yur seat!攀登英语:1.学习童谣I love noodles2

17、.复习轻松快乐的演唱所学童谣:“Boy and girl”“Good morning” “Follow me “新标准英语:M5: 1,2,3,4,5Stand up迪士尼英语第四课 Happy House1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:蔡燕单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第五单元1. Songs and chants.2. 齐唱或小组检查3. New words4. Story温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U5:black.white.新标准英语:M4: green black blu

18、e yellowwhitecolourredballpink purple orange (选学)攀登英语:U5:-What colour is it?-Its black.-No, its white.新标准英语:M4: -What colour?-Its green.攀登英语:U5:ain,rain go awayU14:Colour Song新标准英语:M4:I can sing a rainbow.迪士尼英语第一至四课 任选一课1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:蔡燕单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评

19、价5第六单元1. Songs and chants.2. 齐唱或小组检查3. New words4. Story温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U6:friendcatdogwolffishhatshoes新标准英语:M6: this that our classroom desk seat andteacher cat dog攀登英语:U6: -Who is he? -Hes Andy. -Who is she? -Shes Lily.Shes my friend.新标准英语:M6: -This is my teacher.-This is our classroom.-That

20、is a dog.攀登英语:U6: Apple Tree新标准英语:M6: P25 chantIm a cat,cat,cat in a cap, cap, cap.Im a cat, cat, cat in a hat, hat, hat.迪士尼英语第五课 Animal Friends1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:杨晓萍单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第七单元I Can Show活动1、单词检查2、 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3、 小组展示日常英语4、 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选

21、用。攀登英语:M7: (复习单词)rabbit elephantcat dog新标准英语:M7:school bagpen rulerbook pencilpencil-boxeraser crayonM8: fox攀登英语:U7:-Whats this?-Its a rabbit.-Whats that?-Its a butterfly.新标准英语:M7:-Whats this?-Its a pen.-Whats that?-Its my ruler.攀登英语:U7:Two Little Dickybirds新标准英语:M8:ChantPen and pencil. Pencil and p

22、en.Pen and pencil.Say it again.迪士尼英语第六课 Its Delicious.1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:杨晓萍单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第八单元I Can Show活动1、 单词检查2、 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3、 小组展示日常英语4、 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U8:birthdaypresentdress新标准英语:M3:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten攀登

23、英语:U8: -Whats wrong?-Im tired.-Have a rest,please.迪士尼英语:-Happy birthday!-How old are you?-Im six.新标准英语:M9: How old are you?Im six/seven.Happy birthday!A pen for you.Thank you.Youre welcome.攀登英语:U8:Table Number新标准英语:M9: Happy birthday!迪士尼神奇语第七课 Happy birthday!1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与

24、新标准英语内容整合 整合人:张琳单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第九单元I Can Show活动1、 单词检查2、 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3、 小组展示日常英语4、 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U9: butterfly cakemilk bread butterfly(了解)新标准英语:U8: lookfoxkite攀登英语:U9:-Im hungry.-Do you like some bread?-Umm.Yummy!新标准英语:U8: -Is it a dog?-Yes, it is.-No, it isnt.攀登英语:U9:Fly,

25、fly, the butterfly新标准英语:U8:ChantA fox and a frog 迪士尼神奇语第六课 Its Delicious. 1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:张琳单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第十单元I Can Show活动1、 单词检查2、 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3、 小组展示日常英语4、 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用。攀登英语:U10:sunmoon stars sing dancewaterdaynight新标准英语:M8: housebox攀登英语

26、:U10: -What do you like?-I like apples. And you?-I like bananas.新标准英语:M8: Its a black cat 攀登英语:U10: Running (选学)新标准英语:M4: I can sing a rainbow.(复习唱)迪士尼神奇语第九课 Night and day1、黑板评价;2、墙壁评价;3、填写家校评价联系手册;4、总结。一年级上攀登英语与新标准英语内容整合 整合人:王艳珍单元预热5单词5句型15歌曲童谣5动画英语5评价5第十一单元I Can Show活动1、 单词检查2、 歌曲童谣齐唱或小组展示3、 小组展示日

27、常英语4、 课外学到的英语展示温馨提示:此部分可根据情况选用.攀登英语:U11:table chair bedroom(了解)新标准英语:U6:desk, seatclassroom(可根据情况做替换练习) U10:inonunderha攀登英语:复习U8U10句型 新标准英语:U10:Wheres my / the pen?Its in / on / under my hat.攀登英语:Table and chair新标准英语:U10:The hat,hat,hat is in my hand, hand,hand .The hat ,hat,hat is on my head, head, head.温馨提示:可以根据情况选学)复习迪士尼神奇英语第7-9课对学生前面的表现进行阶段性总结评价

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