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1、中英文对照国际酒店集团急救培训教材急救培训教材!(中英双语)EMPLOYEE ROLE - FIRST AID 员工任务-急救 It is essential that as many hotel employees as possible are adequately trained to competently administer life saving first aid in an accident or sudden illness situation. 有尽可能多的酒店员工充分地接受到了关于在一次事故中或突然的疾病中能完全执行生命急救的培训,这样对于酒店来说是必需的。 The p

2、rimary aim when giving this assistance is to sustain life, to prevent the casualties condition worsening and to promote recovery whilst awaiting professional medical assistance. 当给予救助时,最主要的目的就是维持生命,防止人员伤亡的情况恶化,在促进恢复的同时等待专业的医护救助。 Following an assessment of the situation and a diagnosis of the casualt

3、y, immediate and appropriate treatment should be given in a calm and professional manner. In all major accident and illness situations, or if in doubt as to the seriousness of the situation, arrangements should be made to call a doctor or an ambulance. 在评估了情况,诊断了人员伤亡之后,应该用一种冷静并且专业的方式提供迅速和恰当的救治。在所有的主

4、要事故或疾病发生时,应该采取叫医生或者救护车的安排。 The priority of all treatment is to sustain life, either through emergency resuscitation (Expired air Resuscitation or External Cardiac Massage), or by controlling bleeding and shock. 所有治疗都应以维持生命为优先,或者通过紧急的救助,或者通过控制流血和休克。 To prevent the condition worsening, wounds should b

5、e covered, injured areas immobilized and the casualty placed in a correct and comfortable position.为了防止情况的恶化,伤口应该包扎起来,受伤的地方应该固定起来,受伤的人应该放置在一个正确而舒适的地方. In order to promote recovery, reassurance should be given, other injuries attended to and pain relieved. The casualty should be handled gently and ca

6、refully, and protected from cold. 为了促进恢复,应该让伤者放心,其他的受伤部位要悉心照顾,伤痛的地方要得到处理,在移动伤者的时候应该轻轻地并且要十分小心,另外要防止受伤部位被冻到. Once medical assistance has arrived, they should be fully briefed on all relevantinformation following any needs to administer first aid treatment and it is important that employees involved c

7、arefully and fully document all details on the appropriate internal incident reports. 一旦医护救助来到,应该告诉他们所有的相关信息,接下来要为他们提供急救过程中所需要的帮助.所有参与到救助过程中的员工应该小心并完全地将所有的细节报告到企业内部的事件处理者那,这是十分重要的. In case of employee/guest accidents or sudden illness, it is crucial that all employees react calmly and efficiently. 万

8、一有员工或客人发生意外事件或突发疾病,所有员工作出冷静而有效的反应是至关重要的. In the management of a casualty, each employee should be able to assess the situation:在对伤亡的管理过程中,每一个员工都应该能够评估如下的情况: 1. Give the appropriate treatment awaiting the arrival of a certified first-aider / doctor. In order to quickly determine the condition of a ca

9、sualty, the following checks should be performed:在等待专业的医护人员到来的时候给予适当的处理.为了迅速地测定伤者的情况,应按照如下的步骤来执行: Obtain full story of how the incident occurred or how the illness began, directly from the casualty and a responsible bystander wherever possible. 直接从伤者口中或一个可以负起责任围观者那里获悉事件是怎么发生的或疾病是怎么开始的. If the casual

10、ty is conscious ask if there is any pain and, if so where. 如果伤者还清醒的话,询问伤者是否疼痛,哪儿疼痛. Look for signs of injury such as bleeding, swelling, deformity, or signs of illness such as a raised temperature and/or a rapid or an irregular pulse. 寻找受伤的迹象例如流血,肿胀,破损等,或者寻找生病的迹象如体温升高,脉搏加速或不正常等. Relate all of the ab

11、ove information to the doctor or qualified first aider. 向医生或有资格的急救员叙述上述信息. Do not leave the incident before this has been done. 在事情未处理完之前不要离开. 2. A general examination should be carried out quickly to discern any imminent threats to life, whether the casualty is conscious or unconscious. 不管伤者是否有知觉,都

12、应该进行一个全面的检查,在检查的过程中辨别是否有进一步的威胁会危及到生命. Check breathing, noting the rate, depth, and nature (whether easy or difficult, noisy or quite); note also any odor. 检查伤者的呼吸,记录其呼吸的频率,深度,是否正常;并记录是否有异味. Check the inside of the mouth quickly to ensure there is no 中foreign matter in it, such as vomit, blood, food,

13、 and loose teeth, which might cause choking.迅速检查伤者的口腔,保证没有外来的可能引窒息的物体在嘴里,如呕吐出的东西,血,食物,掉下的牙齿等. Examine the lips for any signs of burning or discoloration that might indicate corrosive poisoning. 检查伤者的嘴唇是否滚烫或没有颜色,这些迹象可以表明伤者是否中毒. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR RESUSCITATION. 人工呼吸或恢复 Look inside the lips for

14、 any trace of blueness which might indicate asphyxia. 检查嘴唇看是否是紫色的,这些迹象可以表明伤者是否窒息. Loosen clothing around the neck to facilitate breathing. 解开围在脖子上的衣服以促进呼吸. In all cases, do not attempt to remove the casualty without the assistance of a qualified first aider unless an imminent threat to life exists.

15、在没有急救员的帮助时,无论什么情况下都不可以试图去移动伤者,除非有一个即将来到的威胁危及到了患者的生命. If a person has ceased to breathe, immediately place him on his back, on a firm surface if possible, press the top of head backward to extend the head. 如果有一个人停止了呼吸,立刻将其平放,可能的话将其放在坚硬的表面上,按其头部并向后拉伸其头部. Pull the chin forwards to make a clear airway.

16、If patient is still not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately. 想前拉其下颚以保证呼吸顺畅.如果病人还是没有呼吸,立刻进行嘴对嘴的人工呼吸. To do this : 这样去做: open your mouth and take a deep breath. Pinch the patients nostrils with your fingers, and then seal his mouth with your lips (keeping the head held back all

17、 the time). 张开你的嘴并做一个深呼吸.用手指捏住病人的鼻孔,然后用你的嘴唇封住病人的嘴. Blow into the patients mouth until the chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch the chest deflate. Repeat this operation as long as is necessary at normal breath rate, but give the first four blows as rapidly as possible. 往病人的嘴里吹气,直到病人的胸腔有起伏,然后

18、移开你的嘴,并且观察胸腔的收缩.只要对病人恢复正常的呼吸有作用,就一直重复这个动作,但是要注意的是,一开始的四次吹气要尽可能的迅速. BLEEDING.流血 Direct pressure on an open, clean wound will usually control the bleeding. This can be done through pressure by the fingers or hand, but if readily available use a sterile dressing with an adequate pad, and bandage firmly

19、 in position. 对一个清洁的、张开的伤口直接施加压力通常都能控制流血。这通常可以通过手指或手来施加压力。但如果有现成的,可以用一个适当的消过毒的垫子,并且在恰当的位置牢固地绑上绷带。 A tourniquet should never be used. 决不要使用止血带。 BONE, BROKEN OR DISLOCATED骨折或脱臼 Send for a doctor at once and do not attempt to move the limb. 立即送去看医生,并且不要尝试着移动受伤的肢体。 BURNS烧伤 If a limb is affected, immerse

20、 the part immediately in cold water to relieve the pain. 如果有肢体被烧伤了,那么立即将烧伤的部位浸入冷水中以减轻疼痛。 Cover the part (including only burned clothing) with a dry sterile dressing or freshly laundered material such as a tea cloth. If burns are severe treat for shock and get medical aid as quickly as possible. 用干的、

21、消过毒的布或者是刚刚清洗过的步,比如擦拭茶具用的抹布,来覆盖烧伤的部位。如果烧伤很严重,则应尽可能快的采取药物治疗。 Do not use ointments or oil dressing. 不要使用药膏或油布。 CHOKING.窒息 This is usually caused by food, or some foreign object, getting into the windpipe and can often be cured by getting the patient to bend over and then thumping the flat of the hand b

22、etween the shoulder- blades. 窒息通常是由食物或者外来干涉的物体进入气管引起的,通常情况下,将病人身体弯曲,并且重打肩膀至肩胛骨的部位,这样一来就可以治愈窒息。 A small child can be held upside down and thumped. If this does not work, tickle the back of the throat with the finger-tips in an attempt to make the patient cough or vomit. If neither method succeeds get

23、 medical help at once. 一个小孩子窒息的话,可以将他反过来然后重拍几下,如果这样没有用,用手指尖搔喉咙,尝试着让小孩咳嗽或者呕吐。如果这两个基本点办法都不行的话,要立即采取药物的帮助。 Remove any debris or false teeth from the casualtys mouth and encourage him/her to cough. 拿掉病人口中的残留物或者假牙,让病人尽量咳嗽。 Ask colleagues to inform qualified first aider. 让同事通知有资格的急救者。 Help the casualty to

24、 bend over with the head lower than the lungs and slap him/her between the shoulder-blades with the heel of the hand up to four times, each slap should be hard enough to remove the obstruction by itself. 帮助病人弯曲身体,让头部低于肺,同时用手的根部拍打肩膀至肩胛骨的部位,一共拍四次,每一次拍打都应该足够的用力,这样就可以让堵塞物自己移动。 CLOTHING ON FIRE着火 If the

25、accident occurs indoors, prevent a conscious casualty from panicking and rushing outside. The movement and/or breeze outside will fan the flames. 如果室内发生火灾,要防止有意识的伤员惊慌和出逃。移动或者外面的风都会煽动火焰。 Lay the casualty down as soon as possible to prevent the flames sweeping upwards. Quickly put out the flames by do

26、using the casualty with water. 尽可能快的让伤员平躺下来,防止火焰往上窜。往伤员身上淋水,以尽快的熄灭火焰。 Alternatively, you can extinguish the flames by wrapping the casualty in a coat, curtain, or other heavy fabric then lay him/her flat on the ground. 或者,你也可以用一件外衣,窗帘或者后的纺织品包裹在伤员身上,然后将伤员平放在地上,以此来熄灭火焰。 This starves the flames of oxyg

27、en and puts them out. 这样会使火焰缺氧而熄灭。 Do not use nylon or other inflammable materials to smother the flames. 不要用尼龙或者其他易燃的布料来熄灭火焰。 Do not roll the casualty along the ground as this can cause burning of previously unharmed areas. 不要让伤员在地上翻转,这样可以让先前没有受伤的部位烧伤。 CONTROLLING BLOOD LOSS 控制失血 All casualties who

28、 suffer from severe bleeding which obviously cannot be stopped by a simple plaster must be immediately transferred to the hospital for treatment. 对于任何流血严重的伤员,如果失血明显的不能用简单的膏药止住,则应该马上转入医院治疗。 Call a qualified first aider in your department immediately. 立即呼叫部门里有资格的急救者。 Call Duty Manager to arrange for t

29、ransportation to nearest hospital. 通知值班经理,让他安排到最近医院的车辆。 If there are no severe lacerations, apply direct pressure on the wound with thumb and/or fingers to help slow the flow of blood so that clots can form. 如果没有严重的伤口,那么用拇指或者手指压在伤口处来减缓血流的速度,这样血就能凝固了。 Pressure has to be maintained for five to fifteen minutes. 要一直持续5分钟到15分钟的按压。 If there is a foreign object in the wound, pressure has to be applied alongside it. 如果在伤口处有一个外来的物体,那么就应该在物体旁边按压。 If the wound is large, squeeze the sides

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