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1、高一英语下学期第16周教学设计Book4module1Book 4 module 1课题Book 4 module 1课时1授课班级考点、知识点1.要求学生了解“未来的生活”的内容并掌握相关词汇。2.培养学生相关的语言技能。学习目标1.识别本模块的生词、词语并推断出其意义;能读懂课文,获取主要信息并能摘录要点。2.归纳和整理已经学过的和新学习的与生活和环境有关的词汇、短语,类比记忆。3.了解世界发展的趋势,了解可持续发展的必要性,培养乐观的生活态度。重、难点比较状语从句中功能相同的连词如as,when,while。学习内容学生活动一、知识清单 1. _ (n.)罪、罪行 criminal (a

2、dj.)犯罪的、刑事的 (n.) 2. prediction (n.)_ _ (vt.)预言、预料 3. charge(n.)_ charge (v.)要(人)支付(多少钱)、控告、充电 in charge of 负责、主管(表主动) in the charge of 由.管理(表被动) free of charge = for free 4. _ (vt.) 供给动力 power (n.) 能力、力量、动力、权力 5. _(vt.)系、贴、连接 attach sth. to sth. 将某物系/附在另一物上 attach to sth./sb.与某事有关联 attach oneself to

3、 sb./sth. 依附某人/参加某事 6. urban (adj.) rural (adj.)乡村的 7. optimistic (adj.) _ pessimistic (adj.)悲观的 8. _ (n.) 范围(常作复数) limit (vt.)限定、限制 be limited to.局限于. limit sb. to (doing) sth.限制某人(做). 9. switch (n.) switch (vi.)转换、交换 switch on = turn on switch off = turn off 10. for sure run out (vi.) 主语为物 run out

4、 of (vt.) 用完 (主语为人) look out on the way out rely on get rid of use up for a start 11. (adv.)无疑地、确定地 (adv.)最后、终于 12. fire (vt.) load (vt.) shape (vt.) 二. 课前预习 Task 1.详见课本P1 第二题 Task 2.详见课本 P3 第一题 课中探究案(合作、交流、展示、点评)Task 1. Fast-reading (1).True or false .Police will arrest criminals by guns.( ) .Smoki

5、ng will be allowed in the city. ( ) .People have to pay for recreation. ( ) .People will keep their telephone number for life. ( )Task 2. Careful-reading (1).Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text. Why is making predictions about the future city a risky business?ACare fo

6、r the environment is more important.BAlternative energy is hard to find.CThe city of the future will get bigger.DWhat the city of the future looks like is not certain. When will a man get his telephone number in the future?AWhen he is 18 years old. BWhen he is 14 years old.CWhen he gets married. DWh

7、en he was born. Which is NOT true in the year 2025 according to the text?ANo smoking. BBatman nets. CGarbage ships. DCars powered by wind. Why do people care more about the environment in the future?ABecause they can use recycled materials.BBecause they have improved the sense of environment.CBecaus

8、e the earths natural resources run out.DBecause there are more people in the world. What can you do in the year 2025?AYou can go shopping in the malls.BYou can entertain freely.CYou have to go to hospital to get operated.DYou can smoke in your own room. (2).Answer the questions. .What have students

9、in a Texas university done? (No more than 10 words) _.Where will garbage ships go? (No more than 3 words) _.Who will batman nets catch? (No more than 1 word) _.Where wont people be allowed to smoke? (No more than 4 words) _ _Task 3. Post-readingWhat will the city of the future be like? One _ is cert

10、ain about the future citythey are going to get bigger before they get smaller. Here are _ of the ideas for running a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025. To get rid of garbage problems, _ city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, _ landfill / and environme

11、ntal problems. Nets Police will arrest criminals by firing nets _ of guns. No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. In the future all _will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. Everyone _ be given a telephone number at birth that will never change

12、no matter where they live. Nets Police will arrest criminals by firing nets _ of guns. No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. In the future all _will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. Everyone _ be given a telephone number at birth that will n

13、ever change no matter where they live. 学生听教师讲授英语句子成分学生练习句子成分的分析学生听教师讲授英语五种基本句型学生尝试自主分析五种基本句型教学反思课题Book 4 module 1课时2授课班级考点、知识点1.要求学生了解“未来的生活”的内容并掌握相关词汇。2.培养学生相关的语言技能。学习目标1.识别本模块的生词、词语并推断出其意义;能读懂课文,获取主要信息并能摘录要点。2.归纳和整理已经学过的和新学习的与生活和环境有关的词汇、短语,类比记忆。3.了解世界发展的趋势,了解可持续发展的必要性,培养乐观的生活态度。重、难点比较状语从句中功能相同的连词如

14、as,when,while。学习内容学生活动一、知识清单 Underline the words and phrases in the text and remember them.Words: 1. concrete adj._n._ 2. alternative adj._n._3. crime n._ criminal n._4. prediction n._ v._5. risk n._vt._risky adj._ 6.resource n._ source n._7. load n._vt._ 8. limit n._vt._9. online adv._ adj._ 10. po

15、wer n. _ vt._Phrases:1做预测 _ 2无论冒什么险 _ 3.某人耗尽某物 4.某物被耗尽_ 5.免费地 6.摆脱 _ _ 7.阻止某人做某事 8.在出生时 9.把A系在B上 10. 排序 11.因为什么逮捕某人 12.对的限制_二、课前探究According to the following reference, understand the uses of the words , phrases and sentences.1. Mud is wet earth.泥是湿的土。【分析】mud 泥 earth 土【单词解析】earth较具体,常用以指花园里或种花用的泥土mud

16、 湿土,多指雨后稀泥巴,dirt 地表的干松泥土,散土。soil地表供各种植物生长的土壤land 含义笼统,指与河流,海洋相对的陆地,也可指可耕种的土地。dust灰尘【填空】(1).Plant the seedlings in damp (2). The car wheels got stuck in the (3). Yibin is an area of rich, fertile (4). She put some into the pot.(5). Pack the firmly around the plants.(6). The are flying in the air. 2.

17、Discuss what materials your school is made of /from.讨论你的学校是用什么材料做成。【分析】 be made of 由组成(看得到原材料)be made from(看不到原材料)【短语解析】be made up of 由构成(部分构成整体)= consist of make up sth.组成,补足;编造make up for sth. 弥补【例句】(1).The skirt is made of silk.这条裙子是丝制的。(2).This paper is made from plant. 这种纸是由植物制造而来。(3).The girl

18、is doing housework, making up for her mistake.这个女孩正在做家务,弥补她的过错。(5).You havent finished your work. When will you make it up?你作业没完成。你什么时候把它补齐?【选择】The country _50 sates.A.made up B. is made up of C. consist of D. is made of 3.What will the city of the future look like?未来的城市看起来将像什么样子?【分析】 look like 看起来像

19、(强调外观)【辨析】 be like (性格,性格和外观)【例句】(1)-Whats your sister like? -She is kind./ She is a beautiful kind girl with long hair and two big eyes. (2)-What does your sister look like? -She is tall with long black hair and is very beautiful. /-She looks like her mother.(外貌) She is like her mother.(性格)【注意】在做句型

20、转换的时候 What do/does sb. look like?的同义句可以做成What be sb. like?课中探究案(合作、交流、展示、点评)【问题探究】探究点一:句子分析1. To find out what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in Texas in the United States asked his students to think how they would run a city of 50,000 people in the year

21、 2050.为了获知年轻人对未来城市生活的想法,美国德克萨斯州的一位老师让他的学生思考如何关了一个在2050年有50000人口的城市。【分析】(1).这个句子是一个_句(简单、复杂),句子的主语是_谓语动词是_,其中,what引导的是一个_从句,做不定式to find out 的_语,该不定式作整句话的_状语。how 引导的是一个_从句,作_的宾语。(2).run v. 跑步,经营,使运行【翻译】Illrunahead and warn them. _Is this the way toruna country?._2. To get rid of garbage problems, the

22、city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems.为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,城市将会给巨型太空船装上废弃材料朝太阳发射,防止垃圾掩埋和环境问题。【分析】该句话的主语是_,谓语动词是 _和_,句首的不定式做句子的_状语,句末的现在分词作句子的_状语。(1).get rid of 摆脱eg. How togetridofthese things is a big problem. 如何清除这些

23、东西是个大问题。(2).load n.负荷;负担;装载;工作量vt.使担负;装填;把装入或装上;装满,堆积vi.加载;装载;装货eg. He was carrying a very heavyload. 他的负担很重。The three men seemed to have finishedloading the truck. 这三个人看起来已经完成了卡车装货的工作。The computer is loading. 电脑正在加载。(3). waste vt. 浪费,错过 n .U/C浪费,废物 【翻译】I resolved not towastemoney on a hotel._The pa

24、ckets are measured to reducewaste._Do you know the process of eliminating bodywaste._Its a waste of time arguing with him. _3. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.随着每个城市拥有自己的远程手术

25、门诊部,医生将能在数千里以外实施手术,远程手术将会变得十分普遍。【分析】as 引导的是一个_从句,其中,with的复合结构_做该从句的状语,全句的主干是_.【词组解释】(1).远程手术distance surgery(2).实施手术carry out operations (3).远程手术门诊部 telesurgery outpatient clinic探究点二:语言点应用1. risk n.危险,冒险c;保险额;被保险人或物vt.冒的危险;使冒风险(或面临危险)【辨析】at risk 冒险地 at no risk 没有风险 at any risk 无论如何 at the risk of st

26、h./doing sth.冒着的风险【例句】(1).Youre taking a bigriskshowing this to Tom你把这个给汤姆看会有很大的风险(2).You will get nothing if you risk nothing. 如果你不冒险,你就不会有收获。(3).I dont want to risk going out in such bad weather.在这样的坏天气里,我不想冒险出门。【翻译】他冒着生命危险救下了那个女孩。_2. alternative adj. 可供选择的,两者择一的n. 可供选择的事物c 【例句】(1).Is there a cred

27、iblealternativeto the nuclear weapon? 是否有可能的东西替代核武器呢?(2).The onlyalternativeto being taken prisoner was to die fighting. 除了当俘虏之外,惟一的选择就是奋战至死了【翻译】(1).Wereturnedbythealternativeroad._(2).He doesnt really have analternativesuggestion._mand n./v.命令;指令 【例句】 (1) he commanded that everyone should be here before midnight.他命令所有人都要在午夜之前到这。 (2). He has a hundred men under his command.他指挥着一百个人。 (3). What right do you have to command me?你有什么资格对我发号施令? (4). The general commanded his men to attack the city.将军下令部下攻城总结短语:

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