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六年级下册英语优秀学案Unit 4 Feeling Excited 广东开心英语粤人版.docx

1、六年级下册英语优秀学案Unit 4 Feeling Excited 广东开心英语粤人版Unit 4 Feeling Excited【学习目标】1学会听、说、读下列词汇:tired, scared, excited, sad, stayed, noise, kitten.2学会使用:问句Why are you?与答句Because来进行交际。【学习重难点】重点:1单词的认读。2功能句的理解。3对课文的理解。难点:1运用“询问缘由”的功能句型进行表述。2句型:(1)Im(2)Why are you?(3)Why did you?(4)Because【学习过程】一、新知学习。1课文预习。阅读课文,将

2、自己不认识的单词写下来。_2学习单词和句型。(1)朗读词汇:tired, scared, excited, sad, stayed, noise, kitten.(2)朗读句型:(1)Why are you?(2)Why did you?(3)小组活动,练习上述句型。S1: Why did Peter do on the farm?S2: Because二、达标检测。1汉译英。受伤_大笑_大叫_带走_兴奋_吵闹的_2翻译单词。tired_scared_excited_sad_stayed_noise_Recycle Mikes happy daysContent A farewell part

3、y & Story time Period Lesson 4Teaching Plan RemarksTeaching aims1. To grasp the phrases. go away, news, America, have a job, middle school.2. To master the sentences. Im sorry to hear that. /Will you promise to write to me? /Take care. /Of course.3. To group the words according to the pronuncia-tion

4、. 4. To raise Ss interest in learning English by developing Ss reading and writing ability.Important pointsTo master the words and sentences of Story time.DifficultpointsTo group the words according to the pronunciation.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up & Revision1. Greet the class.2. Read the text

5、on page48 together.3. Lets chant on page50 together.Step 2 Presentation & Practice1. Show PPT and say: Mike is going to celebrate the farewell party. Lets have a look.2. Look at the picture and ask: What can you see in the picture? Have the students look and match. Then check together.3. Group the w

6、ords according to the pronunciation on page49. Then write more words for each group.4. Find words with the following patterns. a-e, i-e, ar, or, ee, ea, ai, ow, oo Have the students to find out the words and underline on the book.5. Watch the flash of the story and judge. Then check the answers toge

7、ther.6. Read the story carefully and circle the key sentences. Discuss in pairs, and then the teacher explains for them.A. Im going away for a long time.B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Will you promise to write to me? D. Of course. E. Take care.7. Find different ways to say goodbye to your friends. Wri

8、te soon. / Good luck. / Have a good trip. / Keep in touch. / Take care.8. Listen and chant together.Step 3 Consolidation & Extension1. Read again and retell the story with the tips to consolidate the contents.2. Read the different ways to say goodbye. Write soon. /Good luck. /Have a good trip. /Keep

9、 in touch. / Take care3. Present the key words and sentences of this lesson, then repeat and explain them again.Step 4 Summary & Homework1. Talk about Zoom and Zips story to your parents.2. Do homework Copy the different ways to say goodbye for four times.Reflection 小学六年级下册英语导学案 课题Recycle 1 Lets Tak

10、e A Trip 总课时5课 时第一课时 年级六年级 主备人授课人 课型新授课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备教师准备中国地图和各地风景图片、一个旅行包、音乐、课文磁带和单词卡片。学生准备 完成复习和预习任务学习内容Read and say 学习目标知识目标:1能够读懂Read and say的小短文,并能完成相应的练习。 2运用be going to句型复习旅行用语。能力目标:能用be going to句型谈论将要或者打算去做的事情。情感目标:培养学生尊重少数民族文化、热爱祖国山河的高尚情操。 重 点 难 点让学生将第四单元的中心语言与be going to句型融为一体,在

11、具体情景中能自然运用。导学过程导学过程新|课 |标|第 |一| 网二次备课自主学习1、预习Read and say 部分,用笔勾出不懂的内容,并和同学交流。2、用所学的句型“What are you going to do ? /Where are going ? /When are you going ? /How do you go there ?联系并自编出对话,准备在课前交流展示。 交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:The longest journey begins with the first step。(千里之行,始于足下)二、热身、复习:(1)播放Unit 4“A Trip

12、to China”歌曲,学生跟唱。(2)学生根据实际经历自由问答:Where did you go/visit on your holiday? I went / visited to on my holiday.三、小班内查练自主学习的内容,准备并交流展示自编对话。四、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。五、导入并指导学习新的内容: 1、教师交给同学一种物品(如:book)并提问:What are you going to do? 学生可回答:Im going to read books. Im going to do my homework. Im going to

13、 study English. 鼓励学生发挥创造力,回答越丰富越好。 (1)教师呈现一个旅行包,提问:What am I going to do?引导学生回答:Youre going to take a trip.教师继续提问:Where am I going to visit?播放音乐“月光下的凤凰竹”,并配合介绍:Its usually warm and sunny. Its known as Spring city.引导学生猜出:Youre going to visit Kunming. (2)出示图片:Stone Forest和folk dance帮助学生更好地理解昆明的民族风情,同时

14、教学Stone Forest和folk dance。可结合图片、音乐、录像等学习:folk music/clothes/dance (3)简单介绍课文背景后,出示where , what, when, how四个疑问词并播放课文录音,让学生边听边记录主要信息。 (4)限时阅读:给学生一定的时间限制,让他们通读课文,完成Fill in Mikes trip schedule。X k B 1 . c o m学生仿照“Fill in Mikes trip schedule”表格进行问答练习。练 习拓展练习拓展教师借助图片等提供情景:Its the good season for trip. Wher

15、e are you going ? What are you going to do? 请学生以Group work的形式和“家庭成员”讨论,拟定家庭旅行计划。Homework:1、完成英语练习册中对应的练习。3、预习Read and answer 总结板书设计Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip Where are you going on your holiday ?Im going to visit Kunming .What are you going to do there ?Im going to see fork dances .Where are you goi

16、ng ?We are going this weekend . 课后反思小学六年级下册英语导学案空表 课题Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip 总课时5 课 时第二课时 年级六年级 主备人授课人 课型新授课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备教师准备机票图片、候机大厅图片、中国地图、机场录象和本课时的单词图片或卡片。学生准备 完成复习和预习任务w W w . X k b 1. c O m学习内容 Read and answer ,Good to know .学习目标知识目标:复习一般将来时态的Be going to 句型的问答。2.了解机场的设施及登机基本顺序。3

17、、了解公民乘飞机前,为了安全,机场工作人员要依法检查公民身份证和所带包裹。能力目标:通过活动read and answer 综合运用旅行词汇和句子。情感目标:培养学生良好的听力习惯和安全意识。 重 点 难 点本课重点:综合运用有关旅行的句子教学难点:让学生学会捕捉听力材料里的关键信息。导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习1、继续复习一般将来时态常用句型的问答。2、预习Read and answer ,Good to know .部分,用笔勾出不懂的内容,并和同学交流。交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:IF you dont ever take chances, you wont reach th

18、e rainbows.(不抓住机会怎能见彩虹)二、热身、复习: 1、(1)教师提供城市的相关信息,学生抢答城市名称。 如:Great Wall -Beijing Ocean Park- Hong Kong Spring city- Kunming East phearl- Shanghai 根据学生的回答,教师将各城市名称贴到教室的四周。 (2)小组竞赛。每组请一位同学代表,教师说一个城市名称,学生就跑向该城市,并说:Im going to visit .比一比谁的反应快。 2、日常口语练习,内容可参考前一页的表格(设计旅行计划)。如:Where are you going on your h

19、oliday? What are you going to do there? Who are you going with? When are you going ? How are you going to get there?三、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。五、导入并指导学习新的内容: (1) 从上一环节学生的回答中(Im going to by plane.),教师自然引出:Why are you going to by plane?引导学生回答is far from here. 然后教师继续引导How far is from? 2 hours? 3 h

20、ours? 最后引出句型Its hours by plane. 教师板书该句带读。 (2) 出示中国地图,用其他城市替换操练:How far is from ? Its hours by plane.接着用其他交通工具替换操练How far is from? Its hours by train / bus / van / bike。 (3) 教师出示机票,介绍:Mike is going to visit Kunming with his family by plane. Look !Theyre the tickets of the plane. What are they going t

21、o do first?呈现候机大厅的图片(包括Good to know部分的设施和标志),师生一起介绍认读Airport的标志及乘机的基本手续和顺序。告诉学生,对于乘坐飞机的乘客,不得携带易燃易爆物品和管制刀具等登机,在乘飞机前,为了安全,机场工作人员要依法检查公民身份证和所带包裹。 (4) 教师出示打乱顺序的乘机手续词卡:board, security, check in (have boarding pass),请学生排一排顺序,演一演。在学生表演的同时,播放Listen and write的机场广播,让学生找到正确的登机口。其余学生完成听音填空练习。w W w . X k b 1. c

22、O m (5)教师介绍课文情景:Now Mike and Kathy is at the gate 24. What are they talking about? 提供部分单词:far,three hours, weather, spring city, sunny, different places, buy folk clothes, suitcase请学生小组合作,编出一段对话。 (6)播放课文录音,学生跟读。 练 习拓展练习拓展 以分组竞赛的形式完成Answer the question的抢答,教师可补充相关问题。 如:Why is it usually sunny and warm

23、 in Kunming? What are they going to do in Kunming? Homework:1、完成英语练习册中对应的练习。3、预习 54页Read and answer总结板书设计Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip Read and answer How far is Kunming from Beijing ? What is the weather like in Kunming ? What is Kathy going to buy in Kunming ? Whose backpack is bigger and heavier ? 课

24、后反思 小学六年级下册英语导学案 课题Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip 总课时5 课 时第三课时 年级六年级 主备人授课人课型新授课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备教师准备本课时所用的磁带、VCD、小玩具一个。学生准备 完成复习和预习任务,制作棋子一副。学习内容54页Read and answer 。 学习目标知识目标:1.理解Read and answer内容,并能完成相关练习。2学唱歌曲“I went on a holiday”。能力目标: 用一般过去式连贯表达一段发生过的事。 情感目标: 帮助学生养成谨慎严谨和乐于助人的好习惯,对学生进行适时的辨证主

25、义教育。 重 点 难 点用一般过去式连贯叙述一段事,要求老师在正确示范的基础上带领学生进一步熟悉掌握。导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习1、预习54页Read and answer 部分,用笔勾出不懂的内容,并和同学交流。2、复习有关问路指路或者询问地点的日常交际用语。交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:IF you dont ever take chances, you wont reach the rainbows.(不抓住机会怎能见彩虹)二、热身、复习: (1) 播放歌曲I went on a holiday,学生跟唱。 (2) Throwing game:同学间互相抛接一个小玩具,得玩具

26、者必须说出一个和trip相关的单词或短语,前后不能重复。三、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。四、导入并指导学习新的内容: (1) 教师:I have 2 pieces of news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Which one do you want to listen first? 在黑板的两侧分别板书:Bad news 和Good news。接着介绍:The bad news is I was false in the examination last year. The good one is I

27、 worked hard than before then I passed the examination this year. X K b1 . C om (2) 请学生讲几条bad news,鼓励全班大胆设想,把bad news变成good news。如:S1: Its rainy today, but I have no umbrella.S2: I have a umbrella, I can go home with you.S3: Your dad will give you a lift.S4: You can enjoy the beautiful city in the r

28、ain. 教师鼓励学生创造性地表达,并对学生进行适时的辨证主义教育。 (3) 从学生讲述bad news引入Mike lost the suitcase这则故事。播放课文录音,学生静听两遍后,合上书本,完成Read and tick or cross练习。 (4) 学生阅读课文,教师指导。 (5)、请学生根据各自阅读情况,从课文中摘抄一些单词,每次请一位同学板书,其余学生根据这些单词抢答说一些简单的语句(可以是原文,也可以是学生自己的话)。可以通过小组竞赛的方式进行。 (6)、Group work:小组讨论完成书本的Good news and bad news game.练 习拓展练习拓展做“

29、 兔子耳朵”游戏。教师匀速朗读一段课文,其中会有词漏读或加词,让学生找出错处并记录,比一比谁的耳朵最尖。如果学生的听力不错,教师可适当加快语速。完成英语练习册中对应的练习。Homework:1、完成英语练习册中剩下的对应的练习。3、复习掌握一般过去式的常用句型问答。 总结板书设计Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip Read and answer Good news : I have a new bike Bad news: I failed my English test . 课后反思 小学六年级下册英语导学案 课题Recycle 1 Lets Take A Trip 总课时5 课 时第四课时 年级六年级 主备人授课人 课型新授课 班级

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