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1、上海杰依出口业务模拟实习报告实 习 报 告实习名称: 上海杰依出口业务模拟 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 11-2 学 院:经 济 管 理 学 院 姓 名:学 号: 指导教师: 2013年1月 04日一、专业实习简介4包括实习时间、实习地点、实习方式、实习目的等。二、实习过程 4建立业务关系报价核算发盘还价核算还盘成交核算合同签订信用证理解信用证分析审核信用证修改履约安排托运报检投保原产地认证报关装运通知单据审核单据缮制交单结汇业务善后三、实习心得 12 四、实习总结14五、实习建议14一、专业实习简介(一)实习时间本次实习时间从2013年12月23日至2014年1月6日。(二)实习地点

2、本次实习的地点采用集中的方式,安排至学院机房1号机房和3号机房。(三)实习方式 在机房演习出口货物报关单的进出口业务流程。(四)实习目的根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我国的实际情况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基本过程为主线,以模拟设定的具体出口商品交易作背景,针对出口贸易中业务函电的草拟、商品价格的核算、交易条件的磋商、买卖合同的签订、出口货物的托运订舱、报验通关、信用证的审核与修改以及贸易文件制作和审核等主要业务操作技能。二、实习过程(一)建立业务关系Hassan Al Kamar For General TradingDar Al-Jeama Al-Kabeer, P.O Box 81

3、9,Sanaa, Yemen September12,2010Dear Mr. Nasser,We have your name and address from our old friend Mr. George El Asmar of Abdullah Iezadi General Trading. We wish to inform you that we specialize in baby blanket, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you.We are a leading company with

4、 many year experience in spinning and weaving export business. We have our principle as ”Clients” needs come first. A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Located in SHANGHAI, we take the advantage to set up our solidif

5、ied production basis in coastal and inland areas. We strict with our products quality, and any one of our product will have 3 times check up at least. We have collect many information about the blanket. Baby blanket is very useful. You can put it on your bed, sofa, room ground, table and so on. Its

6、very soft and warm. When you touch it ,you wont fell coarse. The new technology send the blanket very firm! We have many different colures and style to choose. Babies will very glad to have a blanket like this! To give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your refer

7、ence.Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated. We will wait for your write in reply.Yours sincerely ,Shanghai Jieyi Trading Company Limited Manager of Export Department(二)报价核算计算报价相关的成本,销售利润,出口退税额,公司定额费,海洋运费,包干费及相关的FOB CIF CFR报价(三)发盘Hassan Al K

8、amar For General TradingDar Al-Jeama Al-Kabeer, P.O Box 819,Sanaa, Yemen September12,2010Dear Mr. Nasser,Thank you for your letter of 14th,September. We are glad to receive your enquiry for our blanket. Our blanket range is particularly suitable for many kinds of climates, and during the past severa

9、l months we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries. This range is popular not only because it is light in weight, but also because the material used was very soft and warm. When you touch it ,you wont fell coarse. The new technology send the blanket very firm! We have many

10、 different colures and style to choose. Babies will very glad to have a blanket like this! As your request ,we have sent you the samples of these four items by DHL(NO. 609050824) .We hope you will be satisfied with them when you receive. For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as foll

11、ows: Cotton Printed Baby Blanket Art.NO. Packing Qty.per20 FCL CIF HodeidahBBJY210 1pc/gift box. 24boxes/carton 6432pcs US$ 19.70/PCBBJY220 1pc/gift box. 24boxes/carton 6432pcs US$ 19.70/PCBBJY530 1pc/gift box. 30boxes/carton 5040pcs US$ 15.60/PCBBJY640 1pc/gift box. 30boxes/carton 5040pcs US$ 15.60

12、/PCPayment: irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.Shipment: During November 2010.Insurance: For 110% of total invoice value against All Risks and War Risks.We feel you may be interested in our products. We look forward to receiving your order.

13、 Yours sincerely ,Shanghai Jieyi Trading Company Limited Manager of Export Department(四)还价核算计算还价相关费用(五)还盘Hassan Al Kamar For General TradingDar Al-Jeama Al- Kabeer P.O. Box 819Sanaa, Yemen September 16, 2010Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of September 18 with thanks, but we are disappointed t

14、o hear that our prices are too higher for you to work on.We felt no surprise that you can find lower quotation. But we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products, which you will certain when you get our samples.We regret that we cannot accept y

15、our count offer. The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotations as follows: CIF HodeidahBBJY210 US Dollar 18.70/pcBBJY220 US Dollar 18.70/pcBBJY530 US Dollar 14.80/pcBBJY640 US Dollar 14.80/pcWe trust that this will meet with your approval.As for the terms of payment, it is difficult for us

16、 to accept your D/P proposal concerning our policy to work with a new customer on sight L/C. After the relationship grows stable, we can try to use D/P term.Please take it into consideration and your early reply would be much appreciated.Yours sincerely,Shanghai JieYi Trading Company LimitedExport M

17、anager(六)成交核算计算成交相关销售收入,支出,及销售利润及利润率(七)合同签订Hassan Al Kamar For General TradingDar Al-Jeama Al- Kabeer P.O. Box 819Sanaa, Yemen September30, 2010Dear Sirs,Your order of September 28 has been well received.We have pleasure in sending you our sales confirmation No:JY-HAK-SC0930 IN duplicate.Please coun

18、tersign them and return one copy to us for our files.To ensure the prompt delivery , we trust you would open the relevant letter of credit as soon as possible.We will keep you informed about the execution of order.Yours sincerely,Shanghai JieYi Trading Company LimitedExport Manager(八)信用证理解信用证电文页次 *2

19、7 :1/1跟单信用证形式 *40A:不可撤消 适用的规则 40E :国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例600号跟单信用证号码YM213HSM7028发布日期31C : 10 10 10到期日和地点:*31D :日期 10 12 15 也门 信用证开证申请人:Hassan Al Kamar For General Trading信用证受益人名称地址: Shanghai Jieyi Trading Company Limited地址:中国上海市东大名路815号高阳商务中心6楼 邮编:200082结算货币与金额:货币美元金额84292.00金额最高限额:不超过银行及信用证兑付方式:任何银行汇票付款期限:签

20、约发票价值后的30天内。汇票付款人: CREDIT AGRICOLE INDOSUEZ BANK分装条款:不允许 转运条款:不允许 装运港:中国上海 卸货港:也门HODEIDAH 装船最迟日期:101130货物描述:CIFHODEIDAH 12480棉制宝宝毯2010年9月15日合同JY-HAK-SC0930航运标志:HASSAN/ JY-HAK-SC0930/ HODEIDAH/NO.1-UP单据要求:1签署的商业发票一式三份,注明航运标志并且分别陈述船上交货价,运费和保险费。2装运清单一式三份,注明航运标志、总重、净重、尺寸和每个包装数量。3全套的正本一式三份,分别注明是已装船清洁提单,空

21、白背书,标记运费倒付和通知申请人姓名,地址和电话号码。4普惠制原产地证明书,三分复印件显示一分之一标明运输标志和总件数。5保险单或保险凭证一式二份,空白背书,按发票金额的110%投保平安险和战争险以及淋湿险。6装运通知必须在装运之后48小时通知申请人,通知船舶名称、装运日期、货物描述、数量和价值、提单号和ETA。一个副本必须包含这些文件。7品质检验证书颁发中国主管机关定之。8受益人确表装船72小时内签署的全套装运单据已经传给申请人。附加条款:1 货物包装必须适应海洋运输。包装单要与其一致。2信用证号码、开证行名称必须出现在所有单据上3运输单据要标明名称、地址、电话、运单编号、目的港收货人4 运

22、输单据开立日期早于信用证日期是不被接受的费用。收益人承担的费用:也门之外的所有费用均由受益人承担交单期限:汇票和所提出单据在装船后5天内,但在本信用证有效期之内 保兑指示:无(九)信用证分析审核审核信用证的依据是UCP6000,审核单据的依据是信用证。根据单单一致,单证一致,单同一致原则分析审核信用证1、信用证金额与合同金额不符,信用证金额应追加500美元2、信用证到期日地点与合同不符,应把也门改为中国3、申请人名称有误,把Hassan al maanr for general trading改为Hassan Al Kamer For General Trading4、42C处的30 days

23、 sight有误,改为30 days at sight5、43T处的不允许转船与合同不符,修改为允许6、销售确认书日期有误,修改为30-09-20107、交单期限讲5天改为15天8.46A处的BILL OF LADING OF APPLICANT有误,将APPLICANT改为SHIPPER AND BLANK ENDORSED(十)信用证修改Hassan Al Kamar For General TradingDar Al-Jeama Al-Kabeer 819,Sanaa, Yemen October 12, 2010Dear Sirs,Thank you for your

24、L/C No.YM213HSM7028 issued by Credit Agricole Indosuez Bank.On going through the L/C, we have found some discrepancies, which we hope to be amended as follows:+ The expiry place should read as “CHINA”. (31D)+ The applicants name should be “Hassan Al Kamar For General Trading”. (50)+ The amount shoul

25、d be “USD84792.00”. (32B)+ Draft should be payable “AT SIGHT” instead of “AT 30DAYS SIGHT”. (42C)+ Transshipment should be “ALLOWED” instead of “NOT ALLOWED”. (43T)+ Under the description of goods, please change the date of S/C No.JY-HAK-SC0930 from “2010-9-15”to “2010-9-30”. (45A)+ Under documents

26、required, please change “ BILLS OF LADING CONSIGNED TO THE ORDER OF APPLICANT ”to “BILLS OF LADING CONSIGNED TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND BLANK ENDORSED”.(46A)+ As for Period for Presentation, documents should be presented not later than “15DAYS”from shipmentinstead of “5DAYS”.(48)Please let us have your

27、 amendment within next week, so that we can effect shipment without delay.Yours sincerely,Shanghai JieYi Trading Company LimitedExport Manager(十一)履约安排收到信用证修改书,经审核无误。货物备妥,公司付清货款,收到增值税发票,填写履约明细(十二)托运制作订舱委托书等单证,办理订舱事宜。(十三)报检鉴于信用证要求提交中国权威机构出具的品质检验证书,向上海出入境检验检疫局办理货物报检手续,并填制报检单(十四)投保收到货运代理返还的配舱还单,货运单,场站收据

28、副本,大副提单,收到上海出入境检验检疫局签发的检验单,向中国平安财产保险有限公司上海分公司办理货运投保(十五)包产地认证向中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会申请签发一般原产地证明。(十六)报关货物运输至港区,向上海外高桥海关申报货物出口。集装箱的自重为2300千克,集装箱号、封志号分别为CBHU26985341、1547458(十七)装运From: shanghai Tieyi Trading Company Limited Fax No.:86-21-65953325 To: Hassan AI Kamar For General Trading Fax No.:967-1-281445 At

29、tn.: Mr. Mohammed Gamal Nasser Page: 1/1 Date: Nov.29, 2010 Subject:Shipping AdviceDear Mr. Nasser,We are glad to inform you that the goods under S/C No. JY-HAK-SC0930 have shipped. The details of shipment are as follows:Credit Number: YM213HSM7028Description of Goods: Cotton Printed Baby BlanketQua

30、ntity: 5160 pcsNumber of Packages: 190 cartonsValue of the Goods: US84792.00G.W.: 1230kgsN.W.: 945kgsDate of shipment: Nov. 28, 2010Vessels Name / voyage: MVLETONG / 084B/L No.: COSU51489508ETA: Dec. 24,2010Best wishes,Shanghai Jieyi Trading Company LimitedExport Manager(十八)单据审核按照审核单据的要求,对各种单据进行审核;提交单据进行议付。打开邮箱,收取附件中的全套单据,根据“单证一致、单单一致”的原则,认真、仔细的审核,写出审核意见(十九)单据缮制BENEFICIARYS CERTIFICATE To whom it may concernRe: S/C No.JY-HAK-SC0930 Credit Number: YM213HSM7028We hereby certify that one set of non-negotiable shipping document have been sent directly to applicant within

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