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1、摩登家庭 第2季第8集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. 下午好 感谢各位大驾光临Its so nice to spend my birthday 能在大家的笑容映衬下度过生日surrounded by so many smiling faces. 我实在倍感荣幸I was almost too depressed to come today. 其实今天我本来郁闷得不想来了I realized I let my childhood slip away. 因为我刚意识到我虚度了我的童年I realized I let

2、my childhood slip away. 30分钟前Come on, everybody! 各位快行动起来Were gonna be late for Mannys birthday! 曼尼的生日会要迟到了Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! 快走 快走 快走 快走 快走Im ready, mom. 我这就能走 妈- You sure, honey? - Yep. -宝贝 你确定吗 -没错Then take a quick peek at your feet. 那你看下自己的脚Oh! Come on, Luke! 卢克 你不给力啊Are

3、 you gonna walk faster, 您老是要亲自走快点儿呢or should I get Lilys stroller out of the car and push you? 还是让我去车里拿莉莉的婴儿车推您走Would you relax? 你急什么啊The restaurants like five minutes away from here 那餐馆离这儿也就5分钟Ohh, free lotion. 免费润肤露耶Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Mannys present. 别走走停停的了 咱还没给曼尼买礼物呢Ohh, you are s

4、uch a Pritchett. 你可真是典型的普里契特家的人Whats that supposed to mean? 你这是啥意思Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go! 快走 快走 快走 快走 快走Im looking for the keys! 我在找钥匙Of course you are. 你总是有理I like being on time. 我这人一向准时Its easy cause Im organized. 这不难做到 因为我有条不紊Not my wife. 我老婆则不然Youd think growing up in a plac

5、e 按理说在满是行刑队Youd think growing up in a place 行刑队 拉丁美洲国家内右派组织,专事谋杀左派分子或是自由派分子full of death squads and drunken uncles, 和老酒鬼的国度中长大shed have learned to move a little bit faster. 她做事本该利索点才对Sorry, sorry. 对不起 对不起I couldnt find my earring. 我刚刚找耳环去了So, what were we talking about, huh? 我们说到哪儿啦更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YY

6、eT 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeT Honey, come on. Were gonna be late. Lets go. 亲爱的 快点儿 我们要迟到了 走吧Yeah, yeah, just filling out the application to family camp. 好好好 等我填完家庭夏令营申请表就走You dont win the dirty dancing competition 你总不能上次赢了热舞比赛and not go back to defend your crown. 而这次却不去捍卫你的冠军宝座吧Thats r

7、ight. Come on, honey. 你说得对 快走吧 亲爱的But shoot for the king. 不过想要争冠军you better kill him. 除非把冠军干掉Every summer, we spend a week at family camp. 每年夏天 我们都去参加一周家庭夏令营Its just like regular camp, but with the family! 和普通夏令营没差别 不过要全家出动I dont think that needed any clarification, Phil. 这还用解释吗 菲尔Somebodys still a

8、little touchy 某人去年输了彩弹大战- about losing last years color war. - Not. -到现在还耿耿于怀呢 -才没有She was on team blue. 她是蓝队.or as I like to refer to them as team blue-zer. .我管他们叫傻队谐音loser输家- And I was on white. - Thats good. -我是白队 -别说了- And if you aint white. - No. -不是白队. -不要说了.you aint right! .只能败北Phil! Have you

9、 learned nothing? 菲尔 你怎么还不长记性呢Phil! Have you learned nothing? 去年夏天My good man. 谢啦 伙计My good man. 不是白队 只能败北你不是白人 就什么也不是Okay, come on, everybody. Front door! Now! 好了 同志们快点 给我在前门集合Claire, relax. It takes 15 minutes to get there. 克莱尔 别着急 也就十五分钟路程It takes 20 minutes. 要二十分钟If we take your route. 那是你的路线Wel

10、l, my way is the most direct. 我的路线最直接了Directly into traffic. 我看是直接堵车了Uh, your way is directly into.the suckiest way. 你的路线直接就是 最烂的那条Want to make this interesting? 想来点有趣的吗Yeah, I dont think thats possible. 我不认为这件事能有趣We take two cars and see who gets there first. 咱们一人一辆车 比谁先开到Fine. Fine. Lets do that.

11、Its on. 好啊 比就比 现在就比Yeah! It is on! 太好了 比赛开始Ill take the girls. 姑娘们跟我走Luke, your dad and I are splitting up. 卢克 你爸和我要分开- Why? - Another one of their stupid arguments. -为啥啊 -又因为傻事吵架了呗Okay. Ill go with dad. 那好 我要跟老爸No, no. Buddy. Come with me. 不不 伙计 跟我走Prepare to be - my shoes. 咱们这就 没穿鞋Come on, Phil! 菲

12、尔 你不给力啊How do I look? 我看起来咋样Like Al Capone. 像艾尔卡彭美国史上著名黑帮老大Thanks! 谢啦Happy birthday, kid. 生日快乐 孩子A BB gun?! 气枪吗Enjoy. Thats the best gift my dad ever gave me. 好好玩吧 这是当年我爸给我最好的礼物My keys are nowhere! 我死活找不到钥匙Were gonna have to go in your car. 我们只能开你的车了Its in the shop. 我的车还在店里Where was the last place y

13、ou put your keys? 你还记得最后一次把钥匙放哪了吗Oh, so now its my fault? 这又成我的错啦Where was the last place you put my keys? 应该是你最后一次把钥匙放哪儿了In your hand when I bought you the car. 买车的时候放你手里了Hey, Jay, on the box, 杰 包装盒上写着it says Ages 16 and up. 适合十六岁及以上儿童Is this an appropriate gift for me? 这礼物适合我吗Are you kidding me? Y

14、ou were born 16. 你开啥玩笑 你生来就十六岁了You know, we wouldnt be having this problem 你知道吗 要是你没弄丢备用钥匙if you hadnt lost the spare set. 咱们现在也不至于这样I didnt lose them. 我才没弄丢呢Somebody came in here and stole them! 是有人进来偷走的And left the car. 光偷钥匙不偷车吗What do you mean, I was born 16? 什么叫我生来就十六岁Im just saying, you were ne

15、ver much of a kid. 我只是说 你一直不像个小孩儿And thats a good thing, cause I never liked kids. 这是好事呀 因为我从来不喜欢小孩儿You know, you ought to try the fridge. 你不如去冰箱那儿找找Cause thats where we found your cellphone. 上次你就把手机丢那儿了It was only one time, Jay. 就那么一次 杰And you know I always eat after I talk to my mother. 你知道我一跟我妈打完电话 就想吃东西Happy birthday, old man. 生日快乐 老伙计Well, Ive forgotten a lot of things in my life. 我的人生已经错过了太多精彩But what Jay said hit me hard. 杰的一番话简直是醍醐灌顶Id forgotten to have a childhood.

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