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国际商务概论Unit 1 Spread sheet.docx

1、国际商务概论Unit 1 Spread sheetUnit 1The Economy and YouPreviewDecision Making Do you use a decision-making process every time you buy something?Trends in the World of Business After completing the unit, you will research trends in the world of business to find out how they can affect business and workers

2、.Project Checklist As you read the chapters in this unit, use this checklist to prepare for the unit project. Think about how economic events affect workers you know. Consider how technology has evolved during your lifetime. Look for cultural diversity in your community. Notice how globalization aff

3、ects business.Chapter 1Basic Economic ConceptsChapter Objectives: After completing this chapter, you will be able to:Section 1.1 A Look at Wants and Needs State the differences between wants and needs. Describe how resources limit the number of wants people and businesses can satisfy. Explain how to

4、 use the decision-making process to make the most of your resources.Section 1.2 Business Activities Explain how profit and competition motivate businesses. List the activities businesses undertake when developing products and services. Explain how business impacts you and how you impact business.Cho

5、osing What Is Most Important We cannot have everything we want and need. We must choose what we want or need the most. This man has chosen to spend time with his son. Do you consider spending time with family a want or a need?Section 1.1A Look at Wants and NeedsBefore you readThink about the differe

6、nce between the things you want and the things you need.Read to Learn State the differences between wants and needs. Describe how resources limit the number of wants people and businesses can satisfy. Explain how to use the decision-making process to make the most of your resources.The Main IdeaBusi

7、nesses make money by offering goods and services to satisfy the wants and needs of consumers and other businesses. In this way, wants and needs drive the economy.Key Concepts Wants and Needs Drive the Economy How Resources Limit the Ability to Satisfy Wants and Needs Making the Most of Your Resource

8、sVocabularyKey Termswants servicesneeds resourcesgoodsAcademic VocabularyYou will find these words in your reading and on your tests. Make sure you know their meanings.determineconsideridentifyevaluateWants and Needs Drive the EconomyEvery day you make decisions about how to spend your money. Suppos

9、e you have $10. You could use it to buy lunch or to go to a movie. Which of these things do you want, and which do you need? What is the difference between what you want and what you need?An Abundance of Wants and NeedsWants and needs determine what products and services businesses provide. Wants ar

10、e things that you do not have to have to survive, but would like to have. You might want a mountain bike, while your best friend may want a new computer. Needs are things that you must have in order to survive. The basic needs of people include food, water, shelter, and clothing. A group of people m

11、ay share the same wants. A family may want a new kitchen table. A business may want an advanced computer system. Although these wants are shared, they are considered private wants. Individual people also have private wants.Public wants are wants that are widely shared by many people. Examples includ

12、e highways, public libraries, and parks. Local, state, and federal governments satisfy public wants.Satisfying Wants and NeedsBusinesses provide goods and services to satisfy wants and needs. Goods are physical products. Skates, groceries, and telephones are examples of goods.Services are tasks that

13、 businesses perform for consumers. These include tasks that people or machines do. Like goods, services are provided for a fee. For example, when you pay H & R Block to prepare your taxes, you are buying a service. Insurance, sports and entertainment, tourism, banking, and education involve offering

14、 services. Most companies that sell goods also provide services to their customers.How Resources Limit the Ability to Satisfy Wants and NeedsMost people have unlimited wants for goods and services. In the United States, most consumers are able to satisfy their basic needs. Marketers promote goods an

15、d services that will appeal to peoples wants.The more money you make, the more goods or services you can buy. However, few people have enough resources to satisfy all of their wants. Resources are items that people can use to make or obtain what they need or want. Examples of resources include money

16、, fuel, and labor.Resources limit the number of needs and wants people can satisfy. For example, you may want a new pair of jeans and a new camera. You may have only enough money to buy one of these things. Businesses and governments are influenced by the same problem. They lack the resources to do

17、all the things that they want to do. To make the best use of limited resources, determine what your needs are and satisfy them first.Making the Most of Your ResourcesEvery day you make choices about how you will spend your resources to satisfy your needs and wants. You should make these important de

18、cisions carefully. You can make the most of your resources by making the best choices about what to buy.Explain How can you make the most of your resources?The Decision-Making ProcessThe decision-making process can help you make good choices. It helps you to identify and consider your various altern

19、atives and their consequences before you make a final decision. The essential steps of the process are outlined in Figure 1.1Making Better Choices The decision-making process can be used to make all kinds of decisions. What major decisions have you made recently?Personal Decision Making You may not

20、use all of the steps of the decision-making process every time you buy something. When you decide to buy orange juice, you may always buy the same brand, such as Tropicana. However, many decisions need more careful thought. A bike can be an important purchase because you are likely to keep it for so

21、me time. When you consider what kind of bike to buy at what price, you will probably use all five steps of the decision-making process. The longer a decision will affect your life, the more you need to evaluate your options and consider the possible consequences.Business Decision Making Competition

22、among businesses is intense. For this reason, businesses must decide how to best use and conserve their resources. Businesses must make thoughtful decisions that are consistent with their goals. Business managers constantly make decisions. Most companies allow managers to make routine decisions inde

23、pendently. Higher-level business managers usually make more important decisions that affect the future of their companies.Review Key Concepts1. Describe the difference between public wants and private wants.2. Define resources.3. List the steps in the decision-making process.Academic Skills4. Mathem

24、atics In making a household budget, you determine that your basic needs require 75 percent of your monthly income. The items you listed as “wants” cost another 15 percent. If your monthly income is $2,500, how much are you spending on wants? How much do you have left to save?Section 1.2Business Acti

25、vitiesBefore you readThink about all the things a business must do in order to sell products and services.Read to Learn Explain how profit and competition motivate businesses. List the activities businesses undertake when developing products and services. Explain how business impacts you and how you

26、 impact business.The Main IdeaBusinesses seek profit by providing goods and services in exchange for money. Companies thrive on competition, the contest between businesses to win customers. Competition and profit motivate businesses to continually strive to find new ways to satisfy customers.Key Con

27、cepts How to Define Business Business Activities Business and YouVocabularyKey Termsbusinessprofitcompetitionmarket researchconsumerAcademic VocabularyYou will find these words in your reading and on your tests. Make sure you know their meanings.analyzerespondaffectmodifyHow to Define BusinessWhethe

28、r you need to buy food for dinner or want a new bike, your wants and needs are usually satisfied by business. Business is any commercial activity that seeks profit by providing goods and services to others in exchange for money. Profit is the money left over after a business has paid the cost of pro

29、viding its goods and services.Businesses provide consumers and other businesses with necessities, such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and transportation. Businesses also provide goods and services that make life easier and better. For entrepreneurs, owning a business also offers an opport

30、unity to earn a good living.Apply Think of your favorite retail store. What companies are its competition?The Motive of Business: To Make a ProfitBusinesses supply goods and services with the motivation of making profits. Without profit, a company cannot survive. Profit is the reward for satisfying

31、the needs and wants of consumers and businesses. The wealth created by businesses benefits the entire community because businesses pay taxes and provide jobs.The Significance of CompetitionCompanies thrive on competition, the contest between businesses to win customers. For example, Skechers compete

32、s with other shoe retailers, such as Foot Locker, for business. Competition is a direct response to wants and needs. Competition is possible because companies have the freedom to produce the products they think will be the most profitable. Because the American economy is based on freedom and voluntary exchange, buyers can compete to find the best products at the lowest prices. The result is that goods and services are produced and sold at th

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