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1、人教版六年级下英语unit34Unit 3 What did you do last weekend?本单元教学目标:1、能够用一般时描述自己在过去的时间里所做的事情,如:I visited my grandparents last weekend .2、能够用主要句型询问他人在过去的时间里所做的事情并作答,如:What did you do last weekend ?Did you read books?”3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲:At the zoo.4、能够听、说、读、写A 、B部分Lets learn 中的四会单词和Lets talk 部分的四会句型;能够听、说、认读A 、B部分Let

2、s talk 和Lets read中的三会单词和句型;能够了解Lets chant 部分的歌谣;了解Pronunciation 中音标的音和形;能够理解并根据指令操作Lets play ,Group work等部分的活动;了解Story time , Good to know 等部分的内容。本单元教学重、难点:重点:使学生学会表达在过去的时间里所做的事情,主要句型有:What did you do last weedend /yesterday ? I played football. Did you read books ? Yes, I did ./ No, I didnt.难点:动词过去

3、式的变化规则和读音规则。课时安排:6课时 第1课时 一、教学目标与要求1、能够听、说、读、写短语:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。2、能够听懂问句:What did you do last weekend? 并能够做出正确的回答。3、能够运用新学语言内容完成Lets find out 中的任务。二、教学重点 听、说、读、写短语“watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football an

4、d visited grandparents”,听懂、会说句子:What did you do last weekend? 并能够在实际情景中灵活运用。三、教学难点5个词组读音和书写,掌握动词过去式及其发音。四、课前准备教师准备录音机和录音带。五、教学过程1、 Warm-up(1)Daily oral practice.Good morning! Glad to meet you. How are you? Whats the weather like today? 对话练习,已学知识的巩固。(2)Hangman game. 玩游戏,猜单词。( watch, wash, clean, play

5、, visit)2、 Preview(1) Lets chant (第六册书本Page 7)a. 听一遍录音 b、师生一起说唱(2) Lets start: What do you usually do on the weekend? 说说自己的周末,复习动词短语。3、 Presentation(1)、教师出示一个日历给大家看,圈出今天的日子是Sunday(weekend),然后问学生:Whats the date today? What day is it today? 学生回答今天的日期, Today is April the 10th. Its Sunday.(2)、教师说:On Sun

6、day (weekend),I usually wash clothes, clean the room, play football, watch TV and visit grandparents.出示教师所说动作的卡片,学生跟读词组。跟着老师朗读几遍动词短语。(3)、教师问学生:What do you usually do on Sundays? 学生回答教师的问题。(4)、教师再次出示日历,圈出上个星期天的日子,然后问学生:What was that day? 引导学生回答:It was last Sunday? 板书并带读单词:last。教师:It was last Sunday.

7、It was the last weekend. 板书、解释并朗读词组:last weekend。学生跟读并掌握词组:last weekend。(5)、引出句型:What did you do last weekend?板书句型并朗读。(6)、呈现词组:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents.强调这些过去式的发音。/t/, /t/, /d/, /d/, /id/。(7)、Activity one: Bingo!(8)、师生问答。(语言内容,媒介)(9)、Acti

8、vity two: 摘苹果游戏(10). 教师领读 Lets learn部分。4、 Consolidation and extensionLets find out.(1)、提问:What did Zoom do last weekend? 板书并认读:do-did, water-watered.(2)、教师问几个学生:What did you do?(3)、Do a survey。学生之间相互了解,并做好记录。完成后上台进行解说。(4)、填入所缺的单词。(5)、完成活动手册的相应练习。(6)、回家朗读课本Lets learn部分,抄写词组。六、板书设计: Unit 3 What did yo

9、u do last weekend?last weekend watch-watched wash-washed clean-cleanedplay-played visit-visited do-did water-wateredWhat did you do last weekend?I watched TV.课后反思: 第2课时 一、教学目标与要求1、能够听说读写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 并能够在实际情景中运用。2、能够用过去式的一般疑问句形式进行简单的提问,如:Did you clean the room?

10、Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.3、能够听懂并完成Lets try部分的联系。4、能够运用新语言完成Lets find out 中的任务。5、了解Good to know当中的标志的意思。二、教学重点能够听说读写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 并能够在实际情景中运用。三、教学难点学生初步了解动词过去式的一般疑问句形式。识记help的意思。四、课前准备1、教师准备若干张图片。2、教师准备录音机与磁带。3、学生准备一张调查表。五、教学过程1、 Warm-up(1)、Enjoy the song: At th

11、e zoo(2)、Daily oral practiceGood morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? What day is today? Whats the weather like today? 2、Preview(1)、Activity 1(2)、Lets try. T: What did you do last weekend? S: T: What about Chen Jie?3、 Presentation and practiceLets talk设计主情景“我是小小侦探”(1)、“谁打扫了教室”教师说Look, our classro

12、om. Its very clean and tidy. But who cleaned it. I dont know. I want to thank him. Can you help me to find him?J: I can help you to find him.John跑了出去,碰到了Sarah,John就问Sarah. J: What did you do last weekend? Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV. John跑去问了Wu Yifan.J: What did you do last weekend?W:Hmm! I played foot

13、ball.板书句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 学生朗读。教师头带John的头饰T: Look, John come to our class. He wants to find who cleaned the classroom last weekend. T: What did you do last weekend?S1: I T: What did you do last weekend?S2: I T: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?引导学生回答。板书he

14、lp,并朗读。(2)、Activity 2(3)、Activity 3 Make the chant. (4)、“找到了” J: What did you do last weekend? Z: I played football at school. J: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom? Z: Yes, I did. J: Oh, Zoom. You are great!(5)、听录音,跟读书本对话。(6)、学生一起朗读对话。4、 Consolidation and extension(1)、对话操练:Lets find out.

15、p28(2)、完成配套练习相应练习(3)、Good to know六、板书设计: Unit3 What did you do last weekend?helpWhat did you do last weekend? I played football.课后反思: 第3课时 一、教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认读Lets read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。2、能够了解双元音音标/ /、/ /、/ /的音与形,能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。二、教学重点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was s birthday.三、教学难点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was s birthday.四、课前准备1、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。五、教学过程1、Warm-up(1)Lets sing: The days of the week.(2)Ask and

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