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1、高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第二周星期一自然与环保类I2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第二周星期一自然与环保类(I)单词识记:energyislandprotectwasteatmosphere balance strait citizendesert ocean population rangepure rubbish valley wavephenomenon survival consequence decline短语扫描:protect sb./sth.from.保护某人/物不受waste sth.on sb./sth.把某物浪费在某人/物上off the coast

2、在沿岸的海面上under the protection of 在的保护下a wide range of各式各样的wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手告别as a consequence/in consequence of由于;因为的缘故e about (尤指未经计划地)发生;产生ageing population人口老龄化bring/get.under control 使受控制 跟踪训练.语境填词1.Had I kept a (balance) diet for the past few years,I would not have stomach trouble now.2.If

3、 cancers are spotted early theres a high chance of (survive).3.If Bob was attracted here by the prospects of therapy,John came down (pure) and simply to make money.4.They are British (市民) but live in India so that they can learn more about Indian culture.5.APEC conference was held in Beijing in a fr

4、iendly (气氛).单项填空6.This factory produced much dirty water,which resulted in a wide of environmental problems.A.branch B.range C.species D.wave7.How did the global financial crisis ?Im not quite sure.Anyhow,it is a very important problem facing us.Ae up Be aboutCe along De around8.The Internet users h

5、ave been warned to any messages that ask you to send cash or personal information,no matter how formal they are.A.abandon B.rejectC.decline D.withdraw9.Yesterdays fog was very heavy and all the flights were cancelled.A.constantly B.consequentlyC.continuously D.consistently10.The white building, thre

6、ats to pull it down,is now a private house in the possession of a retired professor.A.survived survive D.having survived.完形填空When I was about five years old,I used to watch a bird in the sky of southern Alberta from the Blackfoot Blood Reserve in northern Montana where I was born.I l

7、oved this bird;I would 1 him for hours.He would 2 effortlessly in that gigantic sky,or he would e down and light on the 3 and float there beautifully.Sometimes when I watched him,he would not make a sound and liked to move 4 into the grasses.We called him meksikatsi,which in the Blackfoot language 5

8、 “pinkcoloured feet”;meksikatsi and I became very good friends.The bird had a very particular significance to me 6 I desperately wanted to be able to fly too.I felt very much as if I was the kind of person who had been born into a world where 7 was impossible.And most of the things that I 8 about wo

9、uld not be possible for me but would be possible only for other people.When I was ten years old,something unexpected 9 my life suddenly.I found myself bee an 10 child in a family I was not born into;I found myself in a 11 position that many native Americans find themselves in,living in a city that t

10、hey do not understand at all,not in another culture but 12 two cultures.A teacher of the English language told me that meksikatsi was not called meksikatsi,even though that is what 13 people have called that bird for thousands of years.Meksikatsi,he said,was really “duck”.I was very 14 with English.

11、I could not understand it.First of all,the bird did not look like “duck”,and when it made a 15 ,it did not sound like “duck”,I was even more 16 when I found out that the meaning of the verb “to duck” came from the bird.As I 17 to understand English better,I understand that it made a great deal of 18

12、 ,but I never forgot that meksikatsi made a different kind of meaning.I 19 that languages are not just different words for the same things but totally different 20 ,totally different ways of experiencing and looking at the world.1.A.keep C.follow D.search2.A.jump B.dive D.wander3.A.

13、nest B.hill C.water D.road4.A.quickly B.naturallyC.freely D.quietly5.A.means B.reads C.shows D.states6.A.though B.becauseC.while D.until7.Amunication B.imaginationC.belief D.flight8.A.dreamed B.worriedC.knew D.argued9.A.improved B.enrichedC.changed D.ruined10.A.educated B.adoptedC.outgoing D.indepen

14、dent11.A.weak BfortableC.terrible D.central12.A.between B.againstC.without D.beyond13.A.most B.fewC.their D.my14.A.desperate B.boredC.unfortable D.disappointed15.A.noise B.callC.decision D.choice16.A.ashamed B.confusedC.embarrassed D.frightened17.A.tried B.cameC.determined D.expected18.A.evidence B.

15、distinctionC.profit D.sense19.A.identified B.confirmedC.realized D.predicted20.A.concepts B.regulationsC.messages D.evaluations.阅读理解An Australian pilot project taking carbon emissions and storing them in building materials aims to have a fullscale production plant by 2020.Mineral Carbonation Interna

16、tional(MCi),an Australian pany developing carbonusing technology will officially launch its technology and research program.The launch will include a presentation of the hourlong process bonding CO2stored in large containers at one end of the warehousewith crushed serpentinite(蛇纹岩) from the nearby i

17、slands,forever turning it into solid carbonates(碳酸盐).MCi said,“These carbonate byproducts have the potential to be used in building products such as concrete to create green construction materials.”By 2020 MCi hopes to be producing 20,000 to 50,000 tonnes of the bonded material for building panies,a

18、nd it also expects the process will be economically workable even without a high carbon price.“Theres a big demand among consumers for green building products.The interest around the carbon brick has been extraordinary,but were going beyond that,” said Marcus Dawe,chief executive of MCi.And in May t

19、he federal government said it would lift restrictions on the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to allow it to invest in carbon capture technology.Dawe said serpentinite was an easily available raw material to absorb CO2,found around the world.“Nowhere in the world had anyone scaled up enough to creat

20、e enough materials to give to manufacturers,to experiment and test them and find out what products they can make from them.This is all about getting them to a scale and getting them as economical as we can,” he said.He said a decade of research and development had worked towards reducing the cost of

21、 carbonation,but admitted there were environmental concerns with mining serpentinite.There were concerns about the environmental impact of any mining operation he said,but this process was “the only thing on a scale to deal with the CO2 problem we have”.He said the material could also be used to saf

22、ely store carbon and backfill mines.“As much as possible we want to make this an environmental solution,” he said.“It is really the end state for carbon.” Dawe said he saw the biggest potential for the process in the four billion tonnes of cement(水泥) made around the world each year.However environme

23、ntal scientist,Tim Flannery,said there were already acceptable substitutionsfly ash and bottom ash from coalfired power stationsto make cement.“I think its more likely well be mining those to make negative carbon concrete and cement,” he said.21.What can we know from Dawes words?A.MCi leads the way

24、in carbonusing technology.B.MCis bonded material may have a bright future.C.Serpentinite is the key to reducing carbon emissions.D.United efforts are needed to protect the environment.22.Which may worry Dawe when he conducted the project?A.The shortage of investment in the project.B.The difficulty o

25、f winning the governments support.C.The potential market for the carbonate byproducts.D.The possible environmental damage from the mining.23.What is Tim Flannerys attitude towards mining serpentinite?A.Objective. B.Supportive.C.Disapproving. D.Indifferent.24.What is the best title for the passage?A.

26、Australias Appeal for Solutions to the CO2 ProblemB.The Efficient Way of Turning CO2 into Building ProductsC.The Value of Mining Serpentinite to Make Building ProductsD.An Australian Firms Plan for Turning CO2 into “Green” Concrete答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.balanced2.survival3.purely4.citizens5.atmosph

27、ere.6.B句意为:这家工厂排出许多脏水,这导致了一系列的环境问题。branch部门,分支;range范围;species种类;wave波浪,潮流。a wide range of各种各样的,一系列的。故选B。7.B问句句意为:全球经济危机是怎么发生的?e about“发生”;e up“走上前,被提及”;e along“一起来,进展”;e around“苏醒”。8.B句意为:互联网用户已经被警告要拒绝任何索要现金或个人信息的消息,不管这些消息有多正式。abandon遗弃,丢弃;reject拒绝;decline谢绝,下降;withdraw退出,撤回。根据句意可知选B项。9.B考查副词辨析。句意为

28、:昨天的雾很大,因此所有的航班都取消了。constantly不断地,持续地;consequently因此,结果;continuously连续不断地;consistently一贯地,一致地。根据句意可知选B。10.D句意为:从拆除的威胁中幸存下来之后,这栋白色的房子现在由一位退休的教授所拥有。本句主语为the white building,与survive threats to.之间存在主动关系,排除A项;另外survive比is.先发生,应用现在分词的完成式,故选D项。知识运用与阅读能力专练.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过对名叫“meksikatsi”的鸟的讲述,认识到了语言不仅仅是用

29、不同的词语来描述同一个事物,还是用完全不同的观念和方法去感受和看待这个世界。1.B根据上文的“I used to watch a bird in the sky”可知,“我”会看(watch)上好几个小时。2.C根据常识可知,鸟儿在空中盘旋(circle)。3.C根据本空后的“and float there beautifully”可知,那只鸟有时会下来在水(water)上漂浮一会儿。4.D根据本空前的“he would not make a sound”可知,它喜欢安静地(quietly)落在草地上。5.A根据本空前的meksikatsi及本空后的pinkcoloured feet可知,此处

30、是解释meksikatsi的含义。mean意思是。6.B根据上下文可知,此处是解释这只鸟对“我”有特殊意义的原因:因为“我”也极度地想要飞翔。because表示原因。7.D上文说“我”也极度地想要飞翔,但是现实中飞行(flight)是不可能的。8.A“我”梦想(dream)的东西大多数对“我”来说都不可能实现。9.C“我”十岁的时候一些意想不到的事情突然改变(change)了“我”的生活。10.B根据本空后的“in a family I was not born into”可知,“我”发现自己是一个被收养的(adopted)孩子。11.C根据本空后的“living in a city that

31、 they do not understand at all”可知,生活在一个完全不了解的城市是糟糕的(terrible)。12.A根据本空后的two cultures可知,此处是说生活在两种文化之间。between表示在两者之间。13.D根据本空前的“meksikatsi was not called meksikatsi”可知,尽管“我”儿时所在地方的人们叫了几千年meksikatsi,但在英语中它叫“鸭子”。14.D根据本空后的“I could not understand it.”可知,因为“我”无法理解为什么要叫它“鸭子”,所以“我”对英语感到很失望(disappointed)。15.B根据本空后的sound like可知,它发出的叫声(call)也和鸭子不一样。16.B根据本空后的“when I found out that the meaning of the verb to duck came from the bird”可知,当“我”发现动词“to duck”的意思出自于那种鸟时,“我”更加困惑(confused)了。17.B根据本空后的“I unders

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