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1、双十一英语新闻报道双十一英语新闻报道【篇一:英语新闻报道】 篇一:英语新闻报道的结构 英语新闻报道的结构 一.新闻标题headline 标题短而精,不好懂。但标题是理想的“向导”它是新闻内容的集中和概括,用简练的语言浓缩新闻中最主要或最值得关注的内容。使读者尽量“一见钟情”。 in short, it has 4 functions: 1. summarizing the story 2. arousing the readers interest 3. beautifying the newspaper page 4. indicating how much importance each

2、news item has (一)标题的类型(省略、时态、语态) ? 根据形式分类 1.左齐头式标题(flush left headline) 2.通栏式标题(banner headline)又叫做头号大标题 3阶梯式标题(drop form headline)形态美观,赏心悦目 4倒金字塔式标题(inverted pyramid headline) 5. 双标题复合式标题(double headline) 此类标题通常出现在对重大事件的报道中,其形式为两行标题,有主标题与副标题。 example 1:example 2: 6转页式标题(jump head headline) example:

3、 (original) (jump head) 根据意义分类 ? 直接类标题(straight headline)此类标题开门见山,直接告诉我们报道的主题,是最常见的标题形式,也非常易于理解。 example 1: example 2: example 3: ? 问题类标题(questioning headline)此类标题尾部通常带有问号,但大多并不表示发问。其含义通常是:暗示可能性。对新闻的真实性及准确性表示怀疑 example 1: example 2:example 3: example 4: ? 特写类标题(feature headline)此类标题通常用于重大新闻以外的特别的报道,

4、要么内容不同寻常,要么读者会对这方面内容颇感兴趣。这类标题不太容易读懂,有时得借助于对整篇文章的理解。 example 1: 其报道内容是讲述一种将问世的预防牙齿腐烂的疫苗。 example 2: reign的含义是rule,仅用于国王或女王,因此man与reign的搭配令人费解,从而达到了勾起读者阅读欲望的效果。看完全篇才明白,原来the man不过是一条名为queen mary的船长而已。 ? 引语式标题(oration headline) 1. 将人们说的常理性的话作标题。 2. 直接引用记者听到某人的原话作标题,或是记者采访的对象所言,或是发言人所说的话。 3. 利用文章中的一句话、半

5、句话、几个字或一个字作标题 批评英国在外交上脚踏两只船,一方面与美国保持“特殊关系”,紧跟美国,另一方面又声称要与西欧国家站在一起。 4. 标题中部分带引号的词,有时其词义往往不是其通常的意思。此标题可不是指古代北欧人对不列颠的入侵和征服,而是指大批挪威人到苏格兰去旅游购物。这个“invasion”因不是常义,故加引号,相当于汉语“所谓的入侵”的意思。 (二)标题的省略for example:brazil dances to dazzling triumph 改成brazil dances to dazzling triumph of the world cup (1)冠词省略 (2)联系动词

6、省略为了强调就会例外 (3)助动词常省略 表示一个时a不可省略例如 (4)标点的运用 用逗号代替and; 用冒号所讲的话或出处、联系动词be; 分号两层意思; 破折号强调; 美国海军陆战队员下落不明。 (三)标题的时态 一般不用过去时,当然更不用过去完成时,而用现在时造成新闻现在进行时。(journalistic present tense)一般采用:现在时、现在进行时和将来时 1.一般现在时通常用来表示过去发生的事 2.动词的将来时更多地直接采用动词不定式表达 3.现在分词直接表示正在进行的动作或事件 (四)标题的语态 被动语态结构be+过去分词,但be通常被省略,也经常不用“by”引出动作

7、的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题中可以直接表示被动意思,切忌误解为该动词的过去式。 例1:van goghs recovered after theft (van goghs are recovered after the theft) 例2:father jailed for murder of daughter (father is jailed for the murder of his daughter) 比较以下两例为什么 500 reported killed in korean building collapse篇二:英语新闻报道 protests spread over anti

8、-islam video violent protests spread across the arab world and other areas friday over a private video produced in the united states. crowds targeted american and western embassies as opposition to the film continued to grow. three days earlier, armed militants killed the american ambassador to liby

9、a and three other americans in an attack in benghazi, libya. the low budget film the innocence of muslims makes fun of islam. it shows the prophet mohammed as a womanizer and a terrorist. the video reportedly was made in california. it remains unclear who made the video. some news organizations have

10、 linked the film to a fifty-five year old egyptian coptic christian who lives in california. they say he recently served a prison sentence for illegal financial activities. the suspected director of the film spoke with radio sawa. he said any claim of government involvement in the making of the movi

11、e is funny, and that america has nothing to do with the film. he also criticized the protesters. he said arabs have to learn to demonstrate peacefully against the issues on which we disagree. he also said he was saddened by the deaths, but he did not regret making the film. the innocence of muslims

12、was publicized by american clergyman terry jones. in recentyears, his actions against the quran, islams holy book, incited violence in afghanistan. the protests against the film began tuesday on the eleventh anniversary of the two thousand one terror attacks on the united states. in cairo, the demon

13、strations began peacefully, until a few protesters broke through the american embassy walls and replaced the american flag with a muslim one. later tuesday, a crowd attacked the american consulate in benghazi, killing the four americans, including ambassador chris stevens. on wednesday, president ob

14、ama condemned the attacks on the american embassies. president obama: we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. but there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. none. the world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts. chris

15、stevens had served as americas ambassador to libya since may. he had served as americas representative to the country during the revolution against libyan leader muammar gaddafi. he recorded this message earlier this year. chris stevens: a salaam alaikum, my name is chris stevens, and im the new us

16、ambassador to libya. i had the honor to serve as the us envoy to the libyan opposition during the revolution. and i was thrilled to watch the libyan people stand up and demand their rights. now, im excited to return to libya to continue the great work weve started. building a solid partnership betwe

17、en the united states and libya, to help you, the libyan people, achieve their goals. ambassador stevens was said to be popular in libya. in the nineteen eighties, he taught english in morocco as a peace corps volunteer. hundreds of racing pigeons vanish in bermuda triangle of birds pigeon racers are

18、 mystified after hundreds birds disappeared in an area they have now dubbed the bermuda triangle.pigeon racers are mystified after hundreds birds disappeared photo: andrew crowley only 13 out of 232 birds released in thirsk , north yorkshire, on saturday by a scottish pigeon racing club made it back

19、 to galashiels, selkirkshire. it follows a summer on which hundred more have vanished in the same area。 keith simpson, of the east cleveland federation, said pigeon racers across the region had all suffered massive losses since the season started in april - with many losing more than half of their b

20、irds。 some fanciers are considering stopping flying the birds until they establish why so many failed to return。 scottish pigeon racer austin lindores said: when they fly down to the thirsk, wetherby and consett area we call it the bermuda triangle because something always seems to happen。 this is n

21、ot the first time it has happened in that area. i wont be racing there again. experts recent bad weather may have pushedthebirds off course say the loss of homing pigeons, which can be worth up to ?200,000, has baffled experts, but the most popular theory is the abnormal number of summer showers, se

22、nding birds off course as they attempt to fly around the downpours。 unusually high levels of solar activity distorting magnetic fields and even signalsfrom menwith hill spy base, near harrogate , an electronic monitoring station, have also been blamed。 wendy jeffries, president of the thirsk social

23、flying club, said: the weather wasnt too bad around here on saturday. it has been an atrocious year. i am down to ten young birds out of 29 and the people i have talked to are the same. the high numbers of birds going missing in the region have also been linked to the high numbers of pigeons being r

24、eleased within minutes of each other at weekends, meaning different groups of pigeons send each other off course。 darlington pigeon racer stuart fawcett, who has been racing pigeons for more than 30 years, said: it is the worst year in the memory of people who have been racing for 60 years。 the area

25、 being talked about is very heavily congested with pigeons because the raptor problem became so great elsewhere that races have moved to east england. bob carr: australia can help diffuse south china sea tensions epa australian minister for foreign affairs bob carr in a speech on relations with chin

26、a, australias foreign minister is channeling hey kissinger. that might seem an unusual tack to take with beijing which doesnt like being lectured by anyone, least of all foreign politicians. but bob carr, australias foreign minister, is drawing on mr. kissingers role in helping open relations betwee

27、n the u.s. and modern china in the 1970s. mr. carr says australia can play a role in helping to ease tensions in the south china sea a hot spot in global diplomatic circles but especially between the u.s. and china. thats where canberra can step in. if australia does manage to get elected to the uni

28、ted nations security council later this year, it may find itself in the front seat of that dispute. but mr. carr made clear the rise of china wont threaten australias special relationship with the us, which he says is a very long term fundamental fact of life.篇三:新闻报道常用英语词汇 英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journa

29、list n. 特派记者 advertisement n广告 advance n预发消息;预写消息 affair n桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n趣闻轶事 assignment n采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息 backgrounding n新闻背景 bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。 banner n通栏标题 beat n采写范围 blank vt. 开天窗 body n. 新闻正文 boil vt压缩(篇幅)box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n新闻

30、简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n图片说明 caricature n漫画 carry vt刊登 cartoon n漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n剪报 column n专栏;栏目 columnist n专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿 contributor n投稿人 copy desk n新闻编辑部 copy editor n文字编辑 correction n更正(启

31、事) correspondence column读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者vt采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt剪辑(图片) crusade n宣传攻势 cut n插图 vt删减(字数) cut line n插图说明 daily n日报 dateline n新闻电头 deadline n截稿时间 dig vt深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n文摘 editorial n社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily日报 morning

32、 edition晨报 evening edition晚报 quality paper高级报纸 popular paper大众报纸 evening paper晚报 government organ官报 party organ党报trade paper商界报纸 chinese paper中文报纸 english newspaper英文报纸 vernacular paper本国文报纸 japanese paper日文报纸 political news政治报纸cover【篇二:有关于一些新闻的英语报道】 organic food: no better for you, or the planet for organic farmers, bad news comes in twos this

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