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1、浙江宁波高三高考重点试题英语word版浙江宁波2019高三4月高考重点试题-英语(word版)英 语 试 题I卷选择题部分:共80分第一部分:英语知识运用共两节,总分值30分第一节:单项填空共20小题:每题0、5分,总分值10分从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题纸将该选项标号涂黑。1、I dont think the experiment is _ failure, because it has provided us with _valuable experience for our future tests、 A、不填; 不填 B、不填; a C、a; a

2、 D、a; 不填2、I am going to travel to AmericA、Would you consider telling me about your experiences there?_、Lets discuss it over dinner、 A、Thats all right B、Go ahead C、By all means D、It just depends3、The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can _ all foo

3、ds are secure to us, but we are sure that the situation is turning for the better、 A、acknowledge B、guarantee C、identity D、clarify4、At the beginning of a speech, it is very important to grab the audiences attention and make them interested in _ you have to say、 A、what B、which C、that D、who5、Dont be di

4、scourageD、_things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your lifE、 A、Taking B、To take C、Take D、Taken6、You are saying that the plan will be carried out successfully, and it is _ I disagreE、 A、what B、that C、where D、how7、How do you think I should receive the reporter? _ you feel about him, try to

5、 be politE、 A、How B, What C、Whatever D、However8、In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to _ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills、 A、hang out B、work out C、turn up D、figure out9、The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and tries hard to develop an _

6、 about nature among his students、 A、curiosity B、habit C、ability D、independence10、With the rapid development of medical science, we _ more new drugs used in the treatment of cancer、 A、see B、had seen C、will be seeing D、would see11、Have you heard that he was admitted into Beijing University? Is that tr

7、ue? And Im glad that his efforts at last _、 A、took off B、paid off C、turned out D、paid for12、Thanks to our _ schedule, we got our task accomplished ahead of timE、 A、active B、flexible C、positive D、fixed13、Should I lock the lab before I go home? _ _、Ill check it myself later、 A、Go ahead B、No problem C、

8、No hurry D、Dont bother14、Im afraid Im not _ to help with the show, for I am fully occupied with my own project、 A、dependable B、convenient C、available D、accessible15、He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures、 A、interested B、interesting C、interest D、to int

9、erest16、According to the newly-made traffic regulation, whoever drives through red light be fined at least 200 dollars、 A、shall B、may C、would D、should17、If you just spend your time_ gains and losses, maybe youll get nothing in the enD、 A、checking B、weighing C、balancing D、examining18、Seeing that the

10、drowning child was struggling in the icy water, the soldier dived into the river without hesitation, _ his own safety、 A、regardless of B、in terms of C、in face of D、because of19、Since Tom _downloaded a virus into his computer, he can not open the file now、 A、readily B、horribly C、accidentally D、irregu

11、larly20、The hall_ for international conferences is of great importancE、 I see, and we are sure to complete it on timE、 A、built B、to be built C、having been built D、building第二节 完型填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。In 1982, Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone i

12、n his sailboat when it struck something and sank、He got into a life boat, but his supplies were 21 、His chances of surviving were small、 22 when three fishermen found him 76 days later, he was alive much 23 than he was when he started, but alivE、His 24 of how he survived is fascinating、His clevernes

13、s how he 25 to catch fish, how he evaporated蒸发 sea water to 26 fresh wateris very interesting、But the thing that 27 my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, and there seemed no 28 in continuing the strugglE、He was starved and 29 worn-out、Giving up would have seemed

14、the only possible choicE、When people 30 these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going、Many people in 31 desperate circumstances 32 in or go maD、Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the courage to carry on 33 diffi

15、culties、I tell myself I can 34 it, wrote Callahan in his book、-Compared to what others have been through, Im fortunatE、I tell myself these things over and over, 35 up couragE、I wrote that down after 1 read it、It 36 me as something important、And Ive told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed

16、 37 off or when my problems seemed too terriblE、And every time Ive said it, I have always come back to my 38 、The truth is, our circumstances are only bad 39 to something better、But others have been through the much worse, that is, in comparison with what others have been through, youre fortunatE、Te

17、ll this to yourself over and over again, and it will help you 40 through the rough situations with a little more couragE、21、A、full B、rich C、few D、enough22、A、And B、Yet C、Still D、Thus23、A、thinner B、stronger C、worse D、healthier24、A、attitude B、assumption C、instruction D、account25、A、assisted B、tended C、m

18、anaged D、intended26、A、make B、absorb C、select D、replace27、A、attacked B、caught C、froze D、cheated28、A、operation B、taste C、message D、point29、A、firmly B、completely C、hardly D、generally30、A、deal B、defend C、survive D、observe31、A、similarly B、differently C、gradually D、commonly32、A、pull B、take C、break D、give3

19、3、A、for the lack of B、in the face of C、in exchange for D、as a result of34、A、handle B、carry C、follow D、inspect35、A、rolling B、using C、building D、making36、A、defeated B、recommended C、introduced D、struck37、A、far B、long C、ever D、even38、A、feelings B、senses C、ideas D、influences39、A、related B、measured C、cont

20、ributed D、compared40、A、see B、cut C、get D、think第三部分:阅读理解第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每题2分,总分值50分第一节 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe bedroom door opened and a light went on, signaling an end to nap timE、The toddle初学走路的婴儿, sleepy-eyed, clambered to a swinging stand in his criB、He smiled, reached o

21、ut to his father, and uttered what is fast becoming the cry of his generation: iPhone! Just as adults have a hard time putting down their iPhones, so the device is now the Toy of Choice for many 1-, 2- and 3-year-olds、The phenomenon is attracting the attention and concern of some childhood developme

22、nt specialists、Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelsey, now 3 but then barely 2 years old, held her husbands iPhonE、She pressed the button and it lit up、I just remember her eyes、It was like Whoa! The parents were charmed by their daughters fascination

23、、But then, said Ms、Sykes herself a Black Berry user, She got serious about the phonE、 Kelsey would ask for it、Then shed cry for it、It was like shed always want the phone, Ms、Sykes saiD、Apple, the iPhones designer and manufacturer, has built its success on machines so user-friendly that even technolo

24、gically blinded adults can figure out how to work them, so it makes sense that sophisticated children would follow、Tap a picture on the screen and something happens、What could be more fun?The sleepy-eyed toddler who called for the iPhone is one of hundreds of iPhone-loving toddlers whose parents are

25、 often proud of their offsprings ability to slide fat fingers across the gadgets screen and pull up photographs of their choicE、Many iPhone apps on the market are aimed directly at preschoolers, many of them labeled educational, such as Toddler Teasers: Shapes, which asks the child to tap a circle o

26、r square or triangle; and Pocket Zoo, which streams live video of animals at zoos around the worlD、Along with fears about dropping and damage, however, many parents sharing iPhones with their young ones feel guilty、They wonder whether it is indeed an educational tool, or a passive amusement like tel

27、evision、The American Academy of Pediatrics is continually reassessing its guidelines to address new forms of screen timE、 Dr、Gwenn Schurgin OKeeffe, a member of the academys council, said, We always try to throw in the latest technology, but the cellphone industry is becoming so complex that we alwa

28、ys come back to the table and wonder- Should we have a specific guideline for them?Tovah P. Klein, the director of a research center for Toddler Development worries that fixation on the iPhone screen every time a child is out with parents will limit the childs ability to experience the wider world.A

29、s with TV in earlier generations, the world is increasingly divided into those parents who do foundthattheirchildwasmoreinterestedinplayingwiththeiriPhonethanwithrealtoys.TheDontmotherssaidontheWebsite:“WedontletourtoddlertouchouriPhones.ittakesawayfromcreativeplay.”“Please.justsayno.Itisnottoohardt


31、konarecentvisittoNewYorkCitybyhowmanyparentswerehandingovertheiriPhonestotheirlittlechildreninthasubway,saidsheunderstandstheimpulse(冲动).“Thisisamagicalphone,”shesaid.“ImustadmitImaddictedtothisphone.”41、Thefirstparagraphinthepassageintendsto_. A、getustoknowacutesleepy-eyedchildinafamily B、showushowharmfultheiPhoneis C、leadustothetopicofthetoddlersiPhone-addict D、explainhowiPhoneappealstotoddlers42、Accordingtotheauthor,iPhonesarepopularwithbothadultsandyoungkidsbecausetheyare_. A、easytouse B、beautifulinappear

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