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2、行低碳生活是至关重要的,刻不容缓的。当然中国也不例外。中国是一个具有高度责任感的发展中国家。哥本哈根会议以后,中国制定的目标是到2020年中国大气中的碳浓度比2005年降低45%。节能减排,已成为中国政府和人民面临的一个巨大挑战。作为滨海新区高中生,我们应该帅选垂范。在生活中培养低碳意识,这不仅是当前社会的潮流,更是个人社会责任感的体现,要做好这些,不是喊喊口号就可以的,更要身体力行。With the development of science and technology,people have been living a more and more comfortable life. B

3、ut it has also brought some negative effects. The world climate is facing increasingly serious problems due to the emissions of greenhouse gas. There is more and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,and the ozone layer of the earth is suffering from a hitherto unknown crisis, leading to the world t

4、emperatures rising at a rapid rate,which brings erious consequences: increase in pests and diseases on earth ; sea level rising;climate anomalies, ocean storms increasing; drought and increasing desertification. The scientists predict: if the surface temperature of the earth increases according to t

5、he current rate , to 2050 global temperatures will rise 2 to 4degrees Celsius, polar iceberg will substantially melts, causing the sea level to rise significantly, some island countries and coastal city will be submerged in water, it includes several famous international big Cities: New York, Shangh

6、ai, Tokyo and Sydney. Therefore , it is of vital importance for the whole world to advocate and pursue the low-carbon lifestyle. China is no exception. China is a responsible developing country. Following the Copenhagen Conference, China set a target of cutting the nations carbon intensity by 45 per

7、cent by 2020 compared with the level of 2005. Energy conservation and carbon reduction has become a challenge for the government and people of China. Chinese people are ready to deal with the challenge. As high middle school students in Binhai New Area we should take the lead. 一方面,我们应该成为低碳生活倡导者,增强人们

8、过低碳生活的意识。作为中学生我们应该向我们的邻居,家人,亲戚和朋友传播低碳生活的知识。只有全社会都参与我们才能实现我们的目标。如果我们每个人都能从点滴做起,我们为节能减排所作出的贡献将是无与伦比的。On one hand,we should act as advocates who promote ordinary peoples awareness of living a low-carbon life. It is of great importance for us students to spread the knowledge of low-carbon lifestyle to o

9、ur neighbours, to our families , relatives and friends. Only with the whole society participating in it can we achieve our goal of enjoying a green enviornment. If everyone pitches in just a little bit ,the earth saving results would be amazing我们可以在校园里组织一些宣传活动,让学校的每个同学都参与进来。例如,我们可以举行主题班会讨论如何追求低碳生活,我

10、们还可以充分利用黑板报,墙报和海报宣播低碳生活的知识。只有同学们了解了低碳生活的重要意义,我们才会自觉自愿地去宣传和践行低碳生活。We can organise some activities in our school to make everyone in the campus to taking part. For example ,class meetings can be held to discuss how to pursuit a low-carbon life. We can make full use of our blackboard newspapers, wall n

11、ewspapers and posters to spread the knowledge of low-carbon lifestyle . If all of us students know the significance of it, we can be willingly to do it better.另一方面,提倡低碳生活不仅仅是口头的,我们还应该把它付诸实践。让我们从我做起,从现在做起。牢记传播和践行低碳生活是我们新时代中学生的历史使命。我们的一小步将是社会变革的一大步。我们应该努力倡导和践行低碳生活,让它成为社会各个群体的生活主流。作为高中生,我们可以从很多方面践行低碳生活

12、。On the other hand, intead of just advocating it orally ,we should put it into practice. Starting from me, lets do it now.we should remember that promoting a low-carbon lifestyle is a personal mission that will never end. We profile the small activities that could create big change in society.We sho

13、uld try our best to live a low-carbon lifestyle and make it become a trend among all groups of people. As senior high students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon life.首先,我们应该节约用水。没有水,人类无法生存。水资源的缺乏也会影响生物的多样性,致使一些物种消失。此外,水是不可再生的资源。我们应该始终牢记广告中的话:“如果我们不保护水资源,我们看到的最后一滴水将是我们自己的眼泪”。保

14、护水资源迫在眉睫,政府和公民必须开始行动起来。Firstly, We should conserve water . For water is indispensible for our human beings, we can not survive without water. Loss of water also leads to the disappearance of biological diversity. Besides ,Water is non-renewable resources. We should always learn the advertisement slo

15、gan by heart “if we do not preserve water , the last drop of water we can see is our own tears.” So it is time for both government and citizens to save water and protect water resources.只要我们用心,我们可以发现许多好的方法来保护水资源。我们可以缩短淋浴时间。十分钟的淋浴用掉四十加仑的水。把时间缩短到五分钟 就可以节约二十加仑的水.我们应该对水进行再利用。用淘米水浇花,用洗衣、洗蔬菜的水冲刷厕所。刷牙、洗脸时,

16、不要让水一直流着。永远不要忘记洗漱完之后关上水龙头。避免水管滴漏。小件的东西用手洗。把衣服攒够了再用洗衣机,这样可以节水节电。We can figure out many ways to conserve it. We can cut down on the length of the showers we take. A 10-minute shower uses almost 40 gallons of water. Cut that shower down to 5 minutes and weve saved 20 gallons of water. We should reuse water. After washing dishes , vegetables or clothes, we can use the water to clean the toilet or water the flowers. We should not brush our teeth or wash our fac

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