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1、托福口语必备单词整理speakingpart121.studyNouns:Schoolwork家庭作业=assignment=homework,课业量大Heavy class load =workload学科Branch of learning=discipline=subject, optional class=selective class, 必修课compulsory class, specialized class ,required class课程curriculum,Theory理论,reputation名声, 填鸭式教学Force-feeding approach, test-b

2、ased education, a sense of success=fulfillment辅修minor,Major专业, public school公立学校,课外活动extracurricular activity private school私立学校,合唱团choirkwair,club社团,ability能力,住宿学校boarding school,宿舍dorm, 专业知识expertise eksp:rti:z pavilion亭子, faculty总结讲义Summary handouts, class note, field work, broad education, 常识gen

3、eral /casual knowledge, 注意力分散娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱distraction entrance test, Verbs:复习,纠正Revise, 理解comprehend,成功succeed in, become skilled /adept/an expert in在.很擅长,fulfill/,发挥潜力tap my potential 找到工作land a job,培养逻辑思维develop logical thinking,更有条理be more-organized,v.死记硬背a.填鸭式的cram 做某事很难Have a hard time doing,

4、交流观点exchange idea,balance study and life平衡学习和生活,be burdened with be loaded with, be beyond sb.=be over ones head, , keep an eye on=supervise,Adj:实践的Hands-on=practical, job-related和工作相关的, 理论的theoretical,高度重视的highly regarded reputable名声高的, Compulsory=required必要的, optional=selective=elective选择的Lenient宽

5、容的,strict=demanding严格的,负责任的=liable回报高的rewarding responsible,time-consuming费时间的,efficient高效率的,gross差的出奇的(形容食物)=atrocious,可口的,美味的(口)tasty=scrumptious=out of this world, challenging有挑战性的,tight,cozy=comfortable=comfy, parental guidance, comprehensible可理解的,qualified and experiencedIdioms(习语):以高分通过Pass wi

6、th flying colors 快速的完成Sail through 表现不好blow/Flunk/fail/perform badly 有问题就解决Cross that bridge when somebody Comes to it 话题:What are you studying?Where are you studying?Why did you choose this college/school?What is good about where you are studying?What would you like to do after your studies?Do you

7、prefer to study alone or in a group?What is your favorite subject?Do you think it is necessary to have a broad education or studying in a specific field?(generalist/specialist)2.worknouns:Job security, job satisfaction,part-time job, full-time job, Word 找不到您目录中的任何项。空缺opening=vacancy, temporary job,

8、office work,久坐的生活方式sedentary lifestyle, 工作狂workaholic, 挣钱养家的人breadwinner, 事业心a sense of purpose,轻松的工作a cushy/effortless job,scope 范围,眼界,见识for promotion晋升前景, 瓶颈bottleneck, stay-at-home mom=housewife家庭主妇,好的工作 a decent job, 优越的工作环境positive working environment, 带薪假期paid vacation, 工作前景career prospect, ca

9、reer path, 没有前景的工作dead-end job, 自由工作者freelancer, 动力incentives, 精英cream of the top,善于交际的人a good mixer, 履历track record =CV,resume,加薪pay rise, day-off, 刚毕业的学生fresh graduate, 竞争力大intense/stark competition, 福利待遇fringe benefit, interview,competitive edge竞争优势.verbs: Quit job=resign, Take a part-time job/ m

10、oonlight as+具体职位, work overtime, cope with/deal with, settle down定下来, 收入微薄 work for peanut/earn peanut,小康生活make a good living,有资格.,合格., be qualified for=be up to=be eligible for=be cut out for 精通know the ropes=know all the ins and outs, 达成目标achieve the goal, 晋升get promoted, 轮班工作work shifts, 招聘hire=r

11、ecruit, 顺利发展shape up, 被炒了give sb. a golden handshake =get fired=get sacked, 打卡punch in=clock in, 减员downsize, 时刻玩命的工作keep ones nose to the grindstone, 很欣然的接受工作jump at/dive into the offer,在.的入门阶段be on the threshold of=be on the initiation of., 养活feed/support,超过承担的能力bite off more than i can chew, 找到工作.

12、land a jobAdj/prep.: promising, well-paid, 即学即用plug-and-play, 事业心强的career minded,laid off下岗的, retired退休的,缺乏经验的inexperienced, 冷静的level-headed,不停忙碌on the go, efficient, rewarding .part1:what do you do?do you enjoy your workis there another type of work you would like to do?describe the company or orga

13、nization your work for?describe a typical day in your job?2:learning EnglishNouns:表达Expression,无规律性irregularity,句法syntax,策略strategy,英语国家English-speaking country,懂英语English literacy,语言障碍language barrier, 交流能力communicative ability, culture exchange文化交流,应试技巧test-taking techniques,中文配音的电影movie dubbed in

14、 Chinese,字幕subtitle,a competitive edge竞争优势,捷径shortcut, active learning,native tongue母语,方言dialect,口头交流verbal communication,Verbs:扩大词汇量Boost your vocabulary,费时费力take time and energy,学习语言Acquire a language,make progress进步, recall回忆,坚持stick to,培养耐力develop endurance,扩展交友圈extend your social circle,broaden

15、 your horizon拓宽眼界,enable you to get a better job,滞后,拖欠lag behind, Get up-to-minute news, get exposed to atmosphere,Have a good command of=master=acquire,be fluent in, converse交流沟通,chat聊天Adj:费力的,艰难的Arduous, 双语的bilingual,艰难的tough,effortless容易的,复杂的intricate, 文盲illiterate ,不理解的unintelligible Idioms:Lear

16、n. by heart记住.Swot up on.学习.Block out忽略Have a chinwag with和.聊天Be all Greek to.某人不懂.语言话题:How long have you been learning English?What do you find difficult about learning English?What advice would you give to someone starting to learn English?Would you like to learn another language in the future?How

17、 can learning English benefit you?When is the best age to learn English?3:readingNouns:杂志Magazine,励志书籍Motivational books,小说fiction books =novel, 一本小说a work of fiction,传记biography,悬疑小说suspense novel,literary classics文学经典,cookbooks菜谱,financial section金融栏目,international news国际新闻,national news/domestic

18、news,cultural ads文化栏目,audience=readership读者,circulation销量,the front page=the headline头条,layout排版,article文章,happening=occurrence=event发生的事情,subscription订阅,novelist小说家,script-writer, poetry诗歌,author作家,best-seller最畅销书籍,information highway信息高速公路,网络=internet,online reading网络阅读,current affair时事,plot=story

19、-line故事情节Verbs:Scan浏览=skim=browse=flick through=flip through,put a wealth of information at your fingertips获取大量信息,keep up with the world及时了解世界的消息, get us updated不断跟新知识, specialize in专门从事,communicate with great mind和伟大的思想交流,be geared towards=cater to=target某种媒体面向某群体, publish出版=come out, subscribe to订

20、阅,expand your thought开阔思路,focus on集中,unwind yourself放松自己,know yourself better更好的认识自己,get inspired from the books, find your own track找到自己的路。Adj:Fictional虚构的,gripping扣人心弦的,contemporary当代的,classical古典的,comprehensive综合的,广泛的,knowledgeable博学的,worldly精通世事的,.-savvy 精通.的,worthy reading值得读的,worn-out=beat-up破

21、旧的Idioms:Read up on=read about阅读.Have ones nose in a book读书Coffee-table book一本有图片的桌子上的书A book holds a house of gold书中自有黄金屋话题:Do you like reading?How often do you read?What do you like to read?Where do you usually read?Do you read for pleasure or to get information?What kinds of books did you like to

22、 read when you were young?Do you still keep these books?Have you ever given others books as gifts?Whats your favorite kind of books?Do you like to read online?4:writingNouns:Handwriting手写,calligraphy书法,correspondence通信,script脚本手稿,diary日记,journal期刊,information highway信息高速路,affection, time-efficiencyV

23、erbs:Put pen to paper写字,imitate=mimic模仿,convey our feelings more effectively更有效的表达情感,get addicted to online games对网络游戏上瘾,type打字,scrawl潦草地写,scribble down快速地写,keep a diary写日记,hand in=submit Adj:Hand-written书写的,illegible难辨认的,computer-savvy精通电脑的,messy混乱的,sloppy马虎的,personal有人情味的,rusty, electronically Idi

24、 writingJot down写下Rome wasnt built in a day题型:How often do you write something by hand?What types of things do you usually write by hand?Do you think it is important to have good handwriting?What are the advantages of writing something by hand?Do you think computer can replace handwriting

25、someday?How can children improve their handwriting?What impression does a persons handwriting have on other people?5:music/painting/drawingNouns:Harmony和声,melody旋律,曲子=music,lyric歌词,synthesizer电子合音器,concert音乐会,演出=gig,album专辑,tune曲调,portable轻便的,a hit record流行乐,R&B蓝调布鲁斯音乐,classical music古典音乐,folk music

26、民俗乐,pop流行乐,rap说唱乐,musical instrument乐器,strong beat节奏强, a mood enhancer调节情绪的好方法,appreciation欣赏,realism现实派,impressionism印象派,subject画的对象,genre音乐种类,flute长笛子,harp竖琴,saxophone萨克斯,keyboard电子琴。Drum鼓,musical gadget,electronic devices, lead singer主唱=lead vocalist,guitarist吉他手,bassist贝斯手,drummer鼓手,keyboard pla

27、yer键盘手,single单曲,an instant hit立刻热门歌曲,saliva song口水歌,solo performance独奏,thunderous applaud雷鸣般的掌声,prodigy神童,a music scene音乐界,legend传奇人物, mental and physical health,Verbs:Mold our temperament塑造性格,make us more imaginative更有想象力,make everything around us come to life让生活活跃起来,calm you down平静下来,calm the nerv

28、es and restore the soul放松精神,enhance your mood调节情绪,unwind oneself放松=put ones feet up=let down ones hair,release/alleviate stress放松压力,download下载,burn CD刻录CD,put on a piece of music放音乐,lift our spirit陶冶情操,infuse our life with joy生活充满乐趣,be moved by/be touched by被.所感动,stage a show表演=perform, plug-and-pla

29、y, get isolated from, have an adverse effect on, set aside=spare, tap potential,Adj:Funky乡土爵士乐风格的, unconventional非传统的,catchy易记得,soothing舒缓的,uplifting给力的,mood-enhancing调节情绪的,atmospheric有情调的,有感染力的,mushy肉麻的,touching感人的,corny老掉牙的,superficial肤浅的,ambient周围的,comforting舒适的,calming平静的,thought-provoking引人深思的=

30、enlightening,representational具体的,realistic真实的,abstract抽象的,adept=skillful熟练的,prolific多产的,practical=down-to-earth=pragmatic务实的,Idioms:Blow ones mind令人极度兴奋的,set sth. to music将配成曲子,chill out to放松题型:Do you like listening to music?What types of music do you like listening to?Where do you usually listen to

31、 music?Can you play any musical instruments?Do you think it is important for children to learn to play a muscial instrument?Do you prefer listening to live performances or recorded music?Have you ever been to a musical performance?Did you listen to music when you were a child?6:photographNouns:Light

32、ing光线,composition构图,subject拍摄内容,single-lens reflex camera单方相机,memory记忆,photo-album相册,portrait人像,landscape风景,still life静物, snapshot快照,digital photo电子相片,a trip down the memory lane回到了过去的旅行,selfie自拍, beauty-cam, enhance your appearanceAdj:Camera-shy不喜欢照相的,camera-friendly喜欢拍照的,memorable值得回忆的,photogenic上镜的,(some pictures are) flattering奉承的(比真

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