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1、中古英语时期解读1st the Medieval Period中古英语时期1The Middle Ages中世纪 European history: the 5th century AD - the end of the 15th century The Anglo-Saxon period: 446AD - 1066 + 400 years欧洲的历史:公元5世纪-15世纪的结束盎格鲁 - 撒克逊时期:446AD-1066+400年一The major literary forms一,主要文学形式1. Epic - Beowulf贝奥武甫 Epic, a poem that celebrate

2、s in the form of a continuous narrative the achievements of one or more heroic personages of history or tradition史诗,一首诗,庆祝连续叙述形式的历史和传统中的一个或多个英雄人物的成就 Basic information基本信息1) the national epic of the Anglo-Saxon and English people 盎格鲁 - 撒克逊和英国的民族史诗2) a long poem of about 3,000 lines(2)一首长诗约3000线3)a fo

3、lk legend brought to England by the Anglo-Saxons from their continental home. (3)一个民间传说带到英格兰的盎格鲁 - 撒克逊人从他们的大陆的家。Features特点(1)The use of alliteration (certain accented words in a line beginning with the same consonant sound, generally 4 accents in a line, three of them showing alliteration. 1)在一条线上,使

4、用头韵(某些重音单词开头的辅音相同的声音,一般4口音在一条线上,他们三个显示头韵。(2) The use of metaphor2)使用隐喻(3) The use of understatements3)使用低调陈述三 Major writer: Geoffrey Chaucerthe founder of English poetry杰弗雷.乔叟1. Chaucers literary career。乔叟的文学生涯 Three periods 三个时期(1)法国-来自法国的翻译作品,“玫瑰的传奇故事”(电表,语言和主题) (1)France - works translated from t

5、he French, “The Romaunt of the Rose” (meter, language and subject)(2)意大利-改编自意大利,“特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达”的作品(显示出了他的创造性,通过借来的主题) (2)Italy - works adapted from the Italian, “Troilus and Criseyde” (showing his creativeness through borrowed themes)(3)英国-纯英文,“坎特伯雷故事集”(他自己的选择题目,自己掌握的性格和他自己的用词和情节)(3) England - purely E

6、nglish, “The Canterbury Tales” (his own choice of subject, his own grasp of character and his own diction and plot)2. “The Canterbury Tales” (1307 -1400)坎特伯雷故事集 - Chaucers masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature. -乔叟的杰作和英国文学的不朽作品之一。 1“heroic couplet”, the rhymed couplet of

7、iambic pentametre (五音步抑扬格) (his chief contribution to English poetry - introducing from France the rhymed stanzas of various types) 1“英雄双面体”,抑扬pentametre(五音步抑扬格)的押韵的对联(他的主要为英语诗歌的贡献-从法国引进各种类型的押韵的诗节) 2 Doing much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English speech2做多在使伦敦方言为现代英语演讲的

8、基础2nd the Elizabethan Age伊丽莎白时期一Renaissance, humanism一,文艺复兴时期,人文主义1 Renaissance1文艺复兴 When: the 14th century - the 17th century; 时间:14世纪-17世纪; Where: Italy, all over Europe; 地点:意大利,整个欧洲; What features: a thirsting curiosity for classical literature; the keen interest in life and human activities;What

9、 effects: leading to the flowering of painting, sculpture, architecture and so on; 哪些功能:一个渴慕的好奇心古典文学,在生活和人类活动的浓厚兴趣;什么样的影响:导致绘画,雕塑,建筑等的开花; Key-note: humanism; Humanism means a shift from the divine element to human element. 关键提示:以人为本,以人为本是指从神圣的元素转移到人的因素 Mark: a period of transition from the medieval

10、to the modern world. 标记:一个过渡时期,从中世纪到现代世界2 Historical and cultural background of the English Renaissance历史和文化的英国文艺复兴的背景(1)Renaissance in the mainland Europe; (1)在文艺复兴时期的欧洲大陆;(2) the religious revolution: Henry Edward Mary Elizabeth(2)宗教革命:亨利爱德华玛丽伊丽莎白(3) the continuing development of trade, the growth

11、 of the middle class, the education for lay people, the centralization o f power, the widening horizons of exploration, printing introduced into England(3)贸易的不断发展,中产阶层的成长,教育的平信徒,中央集权,探索拓宽视野,印刷引入英国二 Major achievement in English literature二,主要成就在英国文学1. Renaissance poetry 1。文艺复兴时期的诗歌 The greatest innov

12、ators:,Edmund Spenser - displaying the ornate, somewhat florid, highly figured style; 这两个最伟大的创新:埃德蒙斯宾塞-显示华丽,有点红润,高度想通风格; Metaphysical poet - John Donne; 形而上学诗人-约翰多恩 John Milton - revealing poetic power and grace under the control of a profound mind; 约翰弥尔顿-揭示了深刻的心灵的控制下诗意的力量和恩典2. Renaissance drama2。文艺

13、复兴时期的话剧 Most of the plays were in an elaborate verse style and under the influence of classical examples. 大多数戏剧都是在一个精心制作的诗歌风格和经典范例的影响下。 Christopher Marlowe, beginning the tradition of the chronicle plays, and establishing blank verse in plays; 克里斯托弗马洛,拉开了历史剧的传统,在戏剧建立空白的诗句; William Shakespeare, depic

14、tions of world-shattering characters that strive to go beyond the normal human limitations. 威廉莎士比亚,即努力超越正常人类的局限世界惊天动地的人物描写。3. Late Renaissance and the 17th century3。文艺复兴晚期和17世纪 Ben Johnson, carefully plotted comedies written in a more sober and careful style (the character of the later Restoration c

15、omedy); 本约翰逊,精心策划编写一个更清醒和谨慎的风格(后来的恢复喜剧的人物)的喜剧; The King James Bible, vocabulary, imagery and rhythms国王詹姆斯圣经,词汇,意象和节奏四Major writers: Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, John Donne主要作家:弗朗西斯培根,莎士比亚,约翰多恩1 Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)弗朗西斯.培根 (1)Points of view His belief: people are the servants and interp

16、reters of nature; truth is not derived from authority; knowledge is the fruit of experience; His contribution: to logic the method implicative inference(1)点的看法他相信:人是大自然的仆人和口译,真理不是来自权威,知识是经验的果实;他的贡献:以逻辑的方法推理含蓄(2)Major works 1The Advancement of Learning (1605)学问的演进 2 Novum Organum (1620)新工具3Essays (15

17、97 - 1625)4The New Atlantis(1627)新大西岛(3)Selected readings “Of Studies” one of the shortest yet the most popular of Bacons 58 essays; Analyzing the use and the abuse of studies, and how studies exert influence over human character; Revealing typically the prose style of Bacon; “论读书”一个最短但最流行的培根的散文58;分

18、析了使用和研究的滥用,以及研究如何发挥影响力,人的性格;揭示通常培根的散文风格; 2. William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)威廉.莎士比亚 (1) Points of view 一 Humanistic ideas: 人本理念: 1. Affirming the importance of the feudal system in order to uphold the nations unity and social order; 1。申明,以维护国家的统一和社会秩序的封建体系的重要性; 2. Being against religious persecutio

19、n and racial discrimination, against social inequality and the corrupting influence of gold and money 2。作为反对宗教迫害和种族歧视,反对社会不平等和黄金和金钱腐败影响; 3. Fearing anarchy, hating rebellion and despising democracy; 3。由于担心无政府状态,恨叛乱和蔑视民主;二 Literary ideas: 文艺思想: Literature - a combination of beauty, kindness and truth

20、; -文学之美,善良和真理的组合;Literature - reflecting nature and reality; 文学-反映自然和现实;Literature - reaching immortality by reflecting nature and reality; 文学-通过反射自然和现实达到不朽;(2)Major works (3 plays + 2 long poems + 154 sonnets)1. The First Period (1590-1600) 1590: Henry , Part Henry , Part . 1591: Henry , Part . 159

21、2: Richard .The Comedy of Errors. 1593: Titus Andronicus. The Taming of the Shrew. 1594: The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Loves Labours Lost.爱的徒劳 Romeo and Juliet.罗密欧与朱丽叶 1595: Richard .A Mid-Summer Nights Dream.仲夏夜之梦喜 1596: King John.The Merchant of Venice.威尼斯的商人喜 1597: Henry , Part .Henry , Part . 159

22、8: Much Ado About Nothing. Henry .The Merry Wives of Windsor.温莎的风流娘们儿 1599: Julius Caesar.As You Like It.皆大欢喜喜 1600: Twelfth Night. 第十二夜喜2The Second Period (1601- 08) 1601: Hamlet.哈姆雷特悲 1602: Troilus and Cressida. All Well That Ends Well.终成眷属 1604: Measure for Measure. Othello.奥赛罗悲 1605: King Lear.李

23、尔王悲 Macbeth.麦克白悲 1606: Antony and Cleopatra.安东尼与克里奥佩特拉 1607: Coriolanus.Timon of Athens.雅典的泰门 1608: Pericles.3 The Third Period (1609 - 12) 1609: Cymbeline.辛白林 1610: The Winters Tale.冬天的故事 1611: The Tempest.暴风雨Henry .四大悲剧:Hamlet.哈姆雷特King Lear.李尔王 Macbeth.麦克白Othello.奥赛罗四大喜剧: A Mid-Summer Nights Dream

24、.仲夏夜之梦Twelfth Night. 第十二夜The Merchant of Venice.威尼斯的商人As You Like It.皆大欢喜(3)Selected readings 1“The Merchant of Venice” (1596) 一 Themes 1 Justice vs. Mercy All men should be merciful. Human mercy should follow the example of Divine mercy. Injustice is revealed in the Christians treatment of the Jews

25、.2Appearance vs. Reality Variations on this theme: superficial or external beauty vs. moral or spiritual beauty or truth; the letters of law vs. the spirit of the law 3 Commercial or Material Values vs. Love True love is much more worthwhile than money and material values. 一主题1正义与慈悲所有的人应该是仁慈的。人类的怜悯应

26、该遵循的神圣慈悲的例子。不公正显露在基督徒的治疗犹太人。2Appearance与现实;法律与法律的精神字母肤浅或外在美与道德或精神之美和真理:在这个主题变奏曲3商业或物质价值与爱情真正的爱情是比金钱和物质价值更有价值。二 Character analysis二性格分析夏洛克 - 在剧中最具争议性的人物波西亚 - 女主角,见着她的美貌,活泼智慧,机智和高尚的道德严肃性2“18首十四行诗” Shylock the most controversial character in the play Portia the heroine, renowned for her beauty, lively

27、intelligence, quick wit and high moral seriousness2“Sonnet 18” Theme: In immortal poetry you become even with time主题:在不朽的诗你变得更加随时间大 3rd the Restoration复辟时期 17世纪背景复杂,社会动荡混乱一Major writer: John Milton, John Bunyan 1John Milton (1608 - 1674)约翰.弥尔顿 (1) Points of view A humanist: his passionate belief in

28、free belief, his zeal for knowledge, his respect for truth; 人文主义:他在自由的信仰热情的信念,他的热情,对知识,他尊重真理; God - representing power and love, the rule of reason in the universe and in the soul of man;his wishes - “contribute to the progress of real and substantial liberty, which is to be sought for not from without, but from within他的愿望-“贡献的真正实质和自由,这是要寻求不从没有进展,但是从内(2)Major works 1. Lycidas (1637) 2. Paradise Lost (1667) 失乐园 A twelve-book epic in blank verse;

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