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本文(五年级下册英语同步拓展Module2 Unit 2 Films 情态动词shall用法 牛津上海版一起.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

五年级下册英语同步拓展Module2 Unit 2 Films 情态动词shall用法 牛津上海版一起.docx

1、五年级下册英语同步拓展Module2 Unit 2 Films 情态动词shall用法 牛津上海版一起授课日期时 间主 题重点词汇&情态动词Shall学习目标1. 综合学习及提高训练;2. 了解并掌握 a lot of 与some的用法3. 了解并掌握情态动词shall与句型Shall we?的运用教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索(TR可根据本次课的需要,选择不同的互动探究方法,如:预习、复习上节课内容、或通过案例分析、趣味故事进行新课导入)【教学建议】此环节设计时间在15分钟。1.让学生拿出回家画的电影院简图,学生之间互相投票决定谁画的最好给奖励,并说出理由(英文),如学

2、生评选不出则由老师自己选出并讲明选择的理由。2.选出后拿着图问学生对应电影院位置的英文名称,答得最好的也能获得奖励。大家拿出上次回家画的电影院简图,一起评选出画的最好的同学,给TA颁发奖品吧!参考词汇:Words(词汇)entrance入口处 exit出口 film电影 see a film看电影 seat座位funny有趣的 princess公主 ticket票 ticket office售票处重点词汇&一般过去时特殊疑问句教学建议:此环节教案预期时间60分钟。1. 分为三个部分,词汇梳理、重点语法、音标学习;建议老师能在本次课中让学生默写出本单元的生词,并在春季班的课堂中进行反复巩固;重点

3、语法讲解透测,多通过互动方式进行操练,以理解为主;在音标的学习中,建议老师先帮学生梳理20个元音,再根据每一单元具体讲解;2. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句,建议老师造出一些符合逻辑且与学生生活较为贴近的句子让学生翻译为英文,技能调动学生主动学习的热情又能让学生印象更深刻。【知识梳理1】重点词汇Words(词汇)entrance入口处 exit出口 film电影 see a film看电影 seat座位funny有趣的 princess公主 ticket票 ticket office售票处【例题精讲1】例.根据以下图片说出对应单词Keys:entrance, princess, seat, film

4、, ticket office, exit【巩固练习1】1.翻译句子请找个座位坐下 .2.Lets go (see) a film.3.The (prince) was born and she was so beautiful.4.When I finished watching the film, I couldnt find the e .Keys:1.Please take a seat. 2. to see 3.princess 4.exit【知识梳理2】重点语法1. a lot of = lots of, 意为“许多,大量的”,修饰可数或不可数名词,通常用于肯定句中。如: A lo

5、t of money, a lot of people, a lot of potatoes a lot of beefThere are a lot of mushrooms in his plate.He eats a lot of food. 2. some表示“一些”,修饰可数或不可数名词,用于肯定句或委婉的请求。否定句和一般疑问句用any。I have some book. Would you like some tea?I dont have any book. Is there any coffee in your cup?There is some bread in the b

6、asket.Is there any water in the bottle?3. shall 是情态动词,过去式should。用于第一人称,表示将来,意思是“将、会”。I shall be 13 next year.在问句中表示征求对方的意见,用于第一、二人称。 Shall we go to see a film this afternoon?Shall I wait outside? shall we = lets Shall we have a drink? = Lets have a drink.用于陈述句的第二、三人称,表示说话人的允许、警告、命令等,意思是“应该、必须”。 You

7、shall return it on time. 你应该按时归还。He shall stay in bed. 他必须待在床上。音标Phonetics - 辅音/m/ milk mouse room cream /n/ night find win in/ / sing ink bank English【例题精讲】例1.用some 和any 填空。1. There is _ milk in the fridge. 2. I can see _ cars, but I cant see _ buses. 3. He has _ friends in Canada. 4. Were there _

8、trees on the farm? 5. -Would you like _ tea? 6. -No, Id not like _ tea, but Id like _ cake. Keys: some some, any some any some any, some例2. Fill in the blanks.1. _ we _ (see) Toy Story next time, Ben? 2. The film _ (start) in five minutes. Please _ (be) quick. 3. _ we _ (go) shopping together this c

9、oming Sunday? 4. There_(be) three films on at City Cinema this evening. Which one _ you_(want) to see? 5. The film _(begin) at two oclock. Lets _(leave) home at one thirty. 6. _ you _ (go) to see a film with your parents yesterday evening? Keys: Shall, see will start, be Shall, go will be, do, want

10、will begin, leave Did, go【巩固练习】一、用some和any填空.1.Ihave_goodfriendsinmyclass.2.Isthere_waterinthebottle?3.Doyouhave_money?4.Theydonthave_timetogothere.5.Thereare_cakesonthetable.6.Idonthave_milkforbreakfast.7.Doeshehave_brothersorsisters?8.Therearent_picturesonthewall.9.CanIask_questions?10.Arethere_fl

11、owersinyouclassroom?No,therearent_.11.Wehave_apples,butwedonthave_pears.12.Isthere_orangejuiceinthefridge?Yes,thereis_.13.Icanspeak_English,butIcantspeak_Russian.14.Dotheyhave_colorpencils?No,theydonthave_.15.Thereisnt_meatathome.Imustgoandbuy_.Keys: 1. some 2. any 3. any 4. any 5. some 6. any 7. an

12、y 8. any 9. some 10. any, any 11. some, any 12. any, some 13. some, any 14. any, any 15. any, some 二、选择填空。1.Nostudent_gooutofschoolafter11oclockatnightwithoutpermission.A.shallB.mustC.mayD.shall2.Nobody_throwawayrubbisheverywhere!A.canB.needC.shallD.will3.You_usemybikeonconditionthatyougiveitbacktom

13、ebeforeIleavehere.A.shouldB.mustC.oughtD.shall4.-Weneedapersonbadlytobeinchargeofthisprogram.-_thenewcomerhaveatry?A.willB.mustC.mayD.shall5.Allthevisitorsarewaitingoutside,DrWhite._theycomeintogetherorseparately?A.willB.canC.shallD.wouldKeys: DCDDC教学建议:此部分必须由班级学员合作完成。建议步骤为:1) 在10分钟内学员独立完成测试;2) 老师给出

14、答案,学员相互批改;3) 在5分钟内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;4) 老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)基础题I. 辨别划线部分的发音是否相同,相同用“T”表示,不同用“F ”表示。( ) 1. bread health ( ) 2. down now ( ) 3. save man ( ) 4. about enough ( ) 5. June puzzle ( ) 6. grass standKeys: TTF FFFII. 用所给的介词填空。at in on to of in to like from with1.

15、 There is a magic mirror _ the wall.2. Some rabbits want to run away _ a farm.3. The queen looks _ an old woman.4. There are three films on _ City Cinema this afternoon.5. The thin mouse quickly ran _ the hole in the wall.6. What happened _ the fat mouse? Can you guess? Yes, the cat ate it.7. Snow W

16、hite meets seven dwarfs _ the forest and she stays _ them.Keys: on, in, like, at, to, to, in, withIII. 选择填空。( ) 1. There is _ meat in the fridge.A. lot of B. much C. many( ) 2. Our English teacher_an English story to us in class yesterday.A. told B. spoke C. doesnt tell( ) 3. There are two cats unde

17、r the tree. _of them are fat.A. All B. Both C. One( ) 4. Ben doesnt like to eat vegetables. Peter doesnt, _.A. either B. also C. too( ) 5. _nice school garden it is!A. What a B. How C. What( ) 6. We have different _fast food on weekdays.A. kinds for B. kind of C. kinds of( ) 7. Would you like to hav

18、e _?A. something sweet B. sweet something C. sweet anything( ) 8. Its going to _tomorrow?A. rainy B. be rain C. be rainy( ) 9. Have you got _ bread and water? -Yes, Ive got _A. someany B. anyany C. anysome( ) 10. She enjoyed_ a lot of sports before.A. to play B. playing C. playKeys: BABAA CABCB提升题1、

19、填词1. Must I stand up? No, you _.2. _ I speak something? Yes, you _.3. _ I leave the park now? No, you _ stay here.4.My grandmother is ill. I _ stay at home and look after her.5._ you like some juice? 6. They _ take more exercise.7. _ you tell me the way to the museum?8. The watch _ tell us the right

20、 time.9. _ you like to go boating with us?10. _ we play chess next weekend?Keys: 1. neednt 2. May can 3. Can must 4. must 5. Would 6. cant 7. Can 8. can 9. Would 10. Shall二、连词成句。1. books, they, some, are, reading (.)_2. usually, we, have, 12:30, at, lunch (.)_3. tall, is, man, the, young, English, o

21、ur, teacher (.)_4. go, school, I, my, car, often, to, fathers, in (.)_5. they, room, what, in, doing, are, the (?)_Keys: 1. They are reading some books.2. We usually have lunch at 12:30.3. The tall young man is our English teacher.4. I often go to school in my fathers car.5. What are they doing in t

22、he room?三、阅读理解。A. Choose the best answer. The children often play a game like this. Two students stand in the front of the classroom and draw their dolls on the blackboard. They mustnt look and they must keep their eyes closed. Then the teacher says, Draw the dolls face. They draw round faces on the

23、 blackboard. A nose, the left eye, the right eye, the mouth, the ears, the body Who draws better? Maybe your dolls left eye is out of the face. Your friend keeps his dolls foot with its arm What an interesting game! Do you want to play? Please ask some of your classmates and play the game after clas

24、s.( ) 1. Children like to play_.A. a game B. a doll C. a picture D. a child( ) 2. Two students stand in the front of the classroom and _A. sing a song B. dance C. close their eyes D. draw their dolls on the blackboard.( ) 3. They draw _ on the blackboard first.A. noses B. left eye C. round faces D.

25、ears( ) 4. The game is very _.A. good B. well C. interesting D. nice这个工作可让学生分组负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,每周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其目的在于扩大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考书吗?( ) 5. You can ask some of your classmates and play

26、 the game_.A. in class B. after class C. in the books D. in front of the classroomKeys: ADCCBB. True or false. Do you know there are two kinds of football game? One is American football, the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But we Chinese dont call it soccer. We call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round. Only the goal-keeper plays the ball with hands. The other players cant play the ball with hands. In USA soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football more than playing soccer.

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